Sex Pot (Video 2009) Poster

(2009 Video)

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Pretty bad actually...
chebaux20 February 2010
Really... I understand that stoner movies need to be filled with an easy to catch storyline, tons of short non-complicated jokes and a good vibe/drug surrounded scenario but this movie in particular failed to do so in every aspect. I have to say I was not under the influence at the time, but I'm pretty sure that back in my stoner days this flick would've been just a waste of weed.

When a movie's focus is based in a certain action a ton of creativity is needed to make the ride amusing, Sex Pot lacks almost everything that is key to a good stoner movie... I'm trying to be brief so I will not get into those.

My point here is that a dull comedy is fun when the jokes are good, but watching two virgins getting stoned and trying to score with a bad story and some really bad comic lines is not for me, if that rocks your boat... go for it, just be warned!
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Depends on what you expect...
Heislegend5 September 2009
I suppose if you go into this film with the mindset that it was done by The Asylum then you might not be terribly disappointed. I make a point of watching many of The Asylum's films just to see how bold they are with ripping off whatever it is they're ripping off this time. If you don't know The Asylum, they're bread and butter is taking popular blockbusters and making blatant knock-offs that usually beat the actual movies to market simply for the fact that they're so cheap. For instance, when The Day The Earth Stood Still came out, Asylum's response was The Day The Earth Stopped (starring C. Thomas Howell, no less). Or when Terminator: Salvation came out The Asylum was right there with The Terminators. If that gives you any idea of the level of "film making" going on over there, then you know what you're in for.

Anyway, onto the movie. A bit of departure for The Asylum, I couldn't figure out what movie they were ripping off. Maybe because there's so many boring weed comedies out there, but I assume they're trying to capitalize on some of the newer Seth Rogan features. You've basically got two moron stoners who get ahold of some super special pot that makes girls horny and their constant quest to get laid and navigate wacky hi jinx. I know by now you're thinking this couldn't possibly get more juvenile, but you'd be wrong. There's a ton (almost constant, actually) of sex jokes that, while mildly amusing, aren't in any way doing anything for the movie. And I'll be the first to admit I'm a fan of gratuitous nudity, but even I found myself wondering if about 50% of the stuff was really necessary. I suppose I can't, in all fairness, expect any movie that centers around weed to have some intelligence or meaning, but this is clearly pandering to the lowest common denominator. That, or 15 year olds who still think this is the funniest thing ever.

All told I guess if you have an idea of what you're in for it's not awful and, in the grand scheme of other Asylum productions, not nearly as derivative. Then again it's certainly not good. If you're reading this and happen to be 15, go out and rent it (but get mommy and daddy's permission first). If you're any older you should know better unless you are stoned as well in which case your opinion matters little more than a 15 year old's anyway.
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The title says it all
KineticSeoul15 October 2009
I will start off by saying maybe some people will like this film if they watch it with the main interest in mind, which is sex and pot. And will push sex and drugs so that some youths will think this is all what life is about. I don't know if I am shallow but I found every girl in this movie to be ugly more ugly than some porn stars they were all just repulsive too and speaking of porn stars the quality of this movie is like watching porn except it revolves around 2 annoying and unfunny characters and they just act like a couple of basers and there acting is horrible. Not to mention the story either cause it's just some random crap thrown into lengthen the run time of the movie which would have been fine if it was funny, but they just throw crude humor and sometimes crude humor is okay but it's not funny and just expect the audience to laugh by the shock value, and the shock isn't even that original. At one point they both were screwing pieces of fruits and bagel... Why the hell would I want to see that? They try to make the movie into some crude humor with sex and drugs, but the movie was just crude. I can see some people liking this film, but there IQ will drop drastically while watching this. It was not a good road trip type of movie, but it wasn't unbearable to the point I didn't finish the film and dislike it to the point of giving it a 1 but maybe that is cause I saw it with some friends while having a conversation.

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Above and beyond anything The Asylum has ever done
g_moore198713 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As an avid collector of the Asylum's works, I was quite excited to come across their vision of a comedy, since usually the films they rip off are more sci-fi or action. Sex Pot is apparently designed to cash in on the recent stoner films that revolve around Seth Rogen's characters IE Pineapple Express and Knocked Up, but inevitably have nothing in common with such relative comedic masterpieces.

The Asylum probably watched a few of the American Pie straight-to-DVD movies for inspiration and assumed all teen comedies are jam-packed with sex, drugs and jokes, and to their credit, Sex Pot is 100% full of sex, that's...really about it. They probably thought that it'll be fine if they leave the comedy out as long as they compensate by sticking the most amount of gratuitous and unnecessary boobs into every moment possible. Literally within a few seconds of pressing 'play' I was looking at a pair of breasts, it was a very odd sensation as evidently I didn't realise Sex Pot was porn.

To be honest, this might just be the perfect film for young men aching to see a bevy of naked women writhing around for their pleasure without having to go through the ordeal of buying ACTUAL pornographic material.

Seriously, this film is so obsessed with boobs and sex that it's insulting to watch. I don't remember being like that when I was a teenager, let alone any of my friends, even the ones who were the most obsessed with sex. In fact even the most obnoxious people I know aren't as bad as the two protagonists in Sex Pot.

First, we have the oddly named 'Spanky' (real name Josh or something normal like that) who never actually reveals why he chose his idiotic nickname and will happily tongue the air while in the car with his family while he fantasises about some cheap hussy who is quite clearly a porn actress who's down on her luck. He's a complete no-hoper and utterly impossible to relate to. The main character is meant to be resilient, spunky and likable. Not in Sex Pot! Secondly we have...confident Fat Character whose name temporarily escapes me despite the fact I'm currently on IMDb and could very easily check with little effort. This film just isn't worth it. Fat Character is evidently the 'funny' one and the more sexually experienced of the duo. He knows what women want and where to find pot, which is pretty much all the life skills he needs to live the dream in whatever alternate universe Sex Pot is set in. Frankly I admire him, he knows that women just want to get drunk, stoned and f***ed, and in this film they do!

Sex Pot is incredibly chauvinistic, sexist and an insult to any woman who comes into contact with it, and most men! In Sex Pot, all the female characters are literally waiting for any opportunity to whip their clothes off and submit themselves to their male masters. In fact in one memorable scene when our heroes take their gorilla excrement-covered car(!) to get washed by some lovely ladies, said busty beauties actually rub their bikini-clad bosoms against the filthy car. Against gorilla s***. Their BREASTS. Is that funny? Is that what the kids want to see nowadays? Good lord.

Another classic scene goes like this: After Spanky and Fat Character sneak out onto the window ledge of their sexy neighbours (who spend their days bending over in just the right position so as to be seen by anyone who might look through the keyhole *SPOILER ALERT!*) they're caught red-handed and INVITED IN (Albeit after a quick poop-joke done before and better by about 100 teen comedies). Invited in, by the hot women they were peeping at. Who proceed to bust out some rampant, spontaneous and predictable lesbianism so as to entertain their male guests. Just like real women!

There is a plot in there somewhere, although it doesn't matter. Here goes...Spanky and Fat Character find some cannabis that makes them extremely horny. So horny that Spanky even makes sweet awkward love to a bagel in his sexual rage ("I'm f***ing a bagel!"), and Fat Character rubs his face vigorously into a piece of watermelon. Just like real (horny) men! I mean, sex IS rubbing your face in watermelon isn't it?

They...try and get girls to smoke it with them, or something, and end up bumping into blah blah blah whatever. Some things happen, these two idiots are inexplicably rewarded for their exploits and get the happy ending that nobody in the film deserves.

In conclusion, Sex Pot is an absolute masterpiece and deserves to be remembered, because it has performed a service to me personally. Firstly it has given me the perfect drinking game, IE do a shot every time you see a pair of breasts. You'll have passed out within 15 minutes. OR, if you can really handle your drink, do a shot for EVERY BOOB YOU SEE. If you survive the night then I salute you!

Secondly, it's made every terrible film I've ever seen become slightly better in my mind. Sex Pot is such a catastrophic failure in every way it's even painful to watch by people who pride themselves on their enjoyment of bad films, people such as myself.

I frickin' LOVED Sex Pot though. It's everything I wanted and more. My flatmate and I watched it and I was in hysterics for weeks after, but not for the right reasons, whereas he now sees a therapist for his pain. HIGHLIGHT: Spanky and Fat Character want to get seriously messed up, so look in the fridge to find...a measly 2 beers. But they react like they've been raised to think a beer is something you're allowed to sip every month, whereas this is a whole beer each, EACH! JACKPOT!

Just like real teenagers!
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Painful in every aspect.
paul_haakonsen14 January 2011
Alright, looking at the movie cover, you already have the assumption that this will be a teen comedy in the likes of "American Pie" or something similar. I thought as much, and wow was I in for a surprise. This movie is about two virgin boys getting wasted on pot and trying to score with the women.

"Sex Pot" is filled with really, really bad dialogue. At most times it is just incoherent lines that are being tossed there, making you think if they had any clue to what had been done or said earlier in the movie. The dialogue was forced, halting and painstaking to listen to. And it wasn't helped one bit by any good acting. The performances put on here in this movie was, well to put it bluntly, uninspiring and dull. There wasn't any energy in the movie at all. And I think, as an aspiring stoner movie, this movie fails to get anyone's buzz on.

It seemed like all that the movie was about was getting as much nudity into the frame whenever possible, and I for one, found it tacky and tasteless. I am not a prude, nor am I offended by nudity, but it just didn't work in this movie, not by a long shot.

I had hoped to get to sit through an adequate comedy and have some good laughs, but truth be told, then I gave up about one-quarter through the movie. I hadn't laughed a single time, and at the pace the movie was progressing and with what happened in the story, there would be nothing in the vicinity of being funny. I gave up on this movie, it just wasn't anything that I had expected and it most definitely didn't suit my liking.

Hats off to those actually sitting through "Sex Pot", then again, we all have different likes and dislikes. Some maybe like this movie, some may not. I was one of the latter.
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Worst movie ever made!!!!
comcore6927 January 2010
I don't know what is wrong with people who didn't give this a "one star" and tried to be nice. I for one was enraged that such a terrible movie could be made when so many others never get out of the script phase. This movie was a F minus rip off of the Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle movie. But in this version not one OF 50 OR 60 jokes in this movie was funny. The no name actors(a term obviously taken loosely during casting) where painfully bad and the whole movie was shot out of one camera. I really felt like the people at the movie store ripped me off by even making this a possibility. Twelve year old boys will like this film because of the boobs but even they will be fast forwarding to get to them. Teens will not like this movie, Adults will not like this movie, girls will not like this movie, children 10 and under will not like this movie and 11 and 12 year old boys will only like it if they somehow manage to rent it on there own and have a DVD/TV in there room with a fast forward button. Worst movie I have ever seen!
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Low production value
ex-sanguis20 October 2010
I normally like a lot of the Asylum stuff, but this one was kind of a miss. It looked kind of cheap, and wasn't as funny as a lot of other stoner type comedies.

The T&A in the movie wasn't great either except for like one or two. The Asian lesbian chick was cute, but most of the other girls that got naked didn't have very impressive bodies.

A few of the scenes were funny, but it seemed to drag on forever in parts. There was one scene in the basement during the party that just seemed to last FOREVER, way too long, it felt like they were just padding out the length of the movie.

The car wash scene was ridiculous because you could tell that it was just the same girls from a few different angles trying to pretend to be a bunch more.

Overall it was okay but kind of a disappointment, it felt like a funny idea but it didn't live up to what it could have been.
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nogodnomasters1 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I guess if you can't get enough of unfunny idiotic teen sex comedies, this is your film. Virgin Spanky (Rollin Perry) visits suspect virgin college buddy Mert (Seth Cassell). They drink, get stoned, peek at girls, look at porn and try to get laid. About an hour into the film the "sex pot" aspect comes in as we endure massive amounts of unfunny lines, juvenile humor, foul mouthed kids, an incest scene, and mountains of flesh...okay the last part wasn't too bad. Unfortunately the rest of the feature was a bust too.

I would assume fans of the film don't need a review to watch it.

F-bomb, sex, massive amounts of nudity (Rana Davis, Lindsey Ahern, Rebecca Blue, Michelle Penick, Maura Murphy Orit, Christine Nguyen, Teryl Brouillette, Giusy Castiglione, , Sarah Bennett, Jasna Novosel, Sarah Agor)
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Not worth to watch..
Moviesandmore267 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Before I wanted to watch this movie, I saw the low score on IMDb.

I always say: well, I have to see the movie myself, in order to know whether it's good or not.

I can tell you: this time, I just could have trusted the low score..

Damn, this movie is really boring and terrible.

The jokes were lame, the actors were bad and the storyline was very weak.

90 minutes you're wandering yourself: what is the point of this movie?

When the end credits are appearing on the screen, you're glad that the movie is finally over.

Yeah, you can certainly skip this one..
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Really bad, like plan 9 bad
makbeth-130 August 2011
If you made this movie with your mates using your iPhone, you would not show it to anyone for fear of the humiliation.

There are no real jokes, and events rarely make any logical sense. Its very unlikely that anything was cut out either, and a lot of scenes give the impression that they were done in a single take without any formal script. Just to give an idea of the low production quality, there are lines where you can clearly see the actors forgetting what they are supposed to say, pausing, and then sort of improvising it. They borrow their jokes, some even from youtube videos but tend to leave half of it out, so you just get a punchline you cant understand(unless you remember the original joke).

The movie logic is contrived also(I cant even call it a plot). There is a sense that the characters are sometimes saying "I should hate you right now, but the next scene requires us to be friends so we are now friends, for no reason". Its like they were so eager to get specific references or gags in that they did not put enough effort into transitioning them. Expect every scene to follow the pattern(no spoilers): Guy 1: Hey, lets go to xxxxx Guy 2: OK Scene:Gag then some standing around Guy 1: Hey, lets go to xxxxx Guy 2: OK Scene: Gag etc

The writing is very questionable, I would question if any of it were ever on paper or just a general idea and word of mouth. Word for word, maybe 20% of the entire script is one of: dude, man, generic f-bomb. It really feels like it was written and shot at the same time, shot for shot, line for line. It will not be clear what is happening at points, a result of trying too hard put zany gags in awkward places and set up scenes lazily. Scenes are too long. Its as though they didn't know how to progress the story at times so nothing happens, for a while, and then there is a random subject change.

Weed is treated like a 13yr old whose older brothers friends gave him some weed once would act around it. Like if you saw a stranger wearing a bob Marley tee shirt you would try to "high 5" them and make "thumbs up" and smoking gestures while pulling a de niro face. Not hilarious, just sad. The gratuitous shots are more pervey than most and the sex is very pubescent-fantasy-esque. Most of the sex is also self administered, so be forewarned.

Its actually worth watching(a few clips will do) just to see how bad it actually is, but do not dare to give it money or you will hate yourself.
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Crap pot
TheLittleSongbird12 September 2012
I watched Sex Pot with low expectations, kind of knowing what to expect. Just for the record, as much as I hate The Asylum's movies there is something compulsively watchable about their awfulness. That doesn't though stop Sex Pot from being one of their worst. It looks cheap with choppy editing and very over-saturated colours. The soundtrack is also very generic and forgettable, the story so predictable you know exactly how it is going to go within ten minutes and the characters clichéd and annoying, no likable or identifiable characters here. The acting feels very stiff and forced, there are some good-looking people but there is not enough talent or anybody who leaps out at you as potentially promising. The script is the worst part, nothing felt natural about the delivery but the dialogue and jokes are cringe-inducingly awful coming across as unfunny, contrived and also sexist, relying too much on boobs and sex and not enough comic timing. All in all, a really awful movie even from The Asylum. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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the greatest movie i've ever seen
pikathunder19 April 2011
This movie was so amazing. The close up shots of them smoking and licking their lips, more than five masturbation and food porn scenes, and nudity everywhere that was completely unnecessary. The script looked like it was being read for the first time, or read poorly off of a cue card or something. Every single girl in the movie was sooooooooo ugly too. I have no idea why there was so much nudity when the girls were clearly C- strippers. Every single scene that is outdoors is shot in an empty parking lot. The main character is also wearing by far the greatest shirt i've ever seen throughout the movie ("I <3 2 BEAT MY MEAT"). The people who made this movie are geniuses.

I really don't know what their target demographic was. This movie could not cater to females in any way, nor potheads. These two people would be the worst people in the world to smoke with. It's definitely not something you can tolerate sober, and it's really hard to do it high. But if you do manage to watch the whole thing and pretend that the director decided on all this terrible acting and plot and dialogue and ugly strippers on purpose to be ironic, it's solid gold. And that's what I think the movie was. This thing is comparable to other greats like The Rug Cop and The Room. A++++
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Sex,Drugs and Alternative Rock 'N Roll !
guestar571 September 2009
Starring: Michelle Penick ,Victoria De Mare,Elina Madison& Christine Nguyen Written & Directed by : Eric Forsberg This film is a Mockbuster/or at least a riff on all those National Lampoon movies and generic teen comedies with Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill. The dope,drugs and marijuana stuff is a amusing,If only as a DIY weekend project for misbegotten teens. Some of the situations aren't that funny,Bro/Sis mistake and Strawberry's extra quality. Michelle was awesome female lead and has quite a future( Se interview elsewhere). The others mentioned above stole their moments with great ease,Christine is a SOV legend and very funny and Victoria has a huge list of credits in all genres,Elina redefines MILF ! Some things on road seem out of Scooby Doo mysteries in a SUV and lets ask now....WHERE is the 3-D we were hyped ???
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Just watch Superbad
The-Sarkologist25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the second 'comedy' film on Tubi I am even more convinced that the films that nobody else wants end up here. This is one of them, though I can imagine that a lot of the kids that I used to know would have probably liked it. Well, actually I'm not sure because there are much, much better films that follow the same idea - such as Superbad. Hell, I'm not even going to call this a poor man's Superbad because, well, Supergrass is the absolute gold standard, and anything else is just a poor copy.

Yeah, this is Superbad, except with nudity, really, really bad editing, and a ridiculous story line. Like, the main characters are caught peeping on the girls next door. They drag them in, beat them up, but later decide that they were just too cruel so they decide to invite them to a party in Malibu. So, the entire film is them attempting to get to Malibu. Oh, and they have this weed that is an aphrodisiac.

The thing that I hated about this film was Mervin. Like, Spanky calls him his best friend, but there was absolutely nothing that he did that would be considered the actions of a friend. Like, he wears an annoying T-Shirt, he regularly takes money off of him and proceeds to lose it, and he is always attempting to drag Spanky along on his ridiculous plans. Fortunately, at the end of the film Spanky finally draws the line in the sand and tells him to bugger off.

I would say that if you want Superbad with nudity then this film is for you, but honestly, it isn't. It is really badly edited (you can actually see where the cuts are), the characters are annoying, the jokes are mostly not funny, and it just draws the whole concept of the coming of age film, and the quest to get to the party, through the mud.
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1970's farce made in 2009
Hans-5623 July 2011
This movie simply is a bloody shame. It is about teenagers experimenting with pot. And to make this dull theme even duller some efforts to have sex are thrown in. Of course they never do have sex, for this is a comedy. So every effort ends in some disaster. These are intended to be funny, but they are straight out of the terrible sex comedies from the 1970's, such as Porky.

The DVD version I saw was in HD and that shows even more clearly what an awful movie this is. The script is awful, the actors are terrible, the direction is ridiculous, all jokes are badly timed, the camera is too static: in one word this is a complete disaster.

Every dime you spend on this movie is lost. You better put them in a slot machine. Who knows it returns something. This movie certainly doesn't.
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It is as expected
Floated24 December 2020
Low budget, cheap looking, bad editing, bad acting, awful unfunny dialogue filled with over the top and constant sexual talk, and filled with much nudity. Don't expect high art, this is an Asylum film and they know their audience. This film takes pieces from How High + American Pie + Dude where's my car.

The plot is just too obvious and predictable and the lead characters are irritating (mainly the sidekick friend). Although there is some type of somewhat unexpected type subplot along the way (if one calls it that).

The film tries for over the top and shock value type crude humor but nothing is funny, and we see the actors trying. The dialogue and writing is the main cause of this. The film does get slightly better, entertaining in the last 30 minutes or so, where everything just loosens up.
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American Pie on no budget!!
rivblue-322484 January 2021
Thomas far as I'm concerned, This is American pie on no budget. Unlike American pie though, sex pot was far from a good movie. It had just enough to keep me entertained though. Had a lot of pointless nudity which helped carry the movie and some of the jokes really were funny. I've seen quite a few movies with extremely low production value and for what it is, the acting was done quite well. People saying this is the worst movie ever made, hasn't seen Presidents' Day or a truly terrible movie like Jurassic shark. and believe me there are plenty more. I will admit though, without the nudity it might not have made as good an impression. Still kinda funny with far from terrible acting.
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every movie should be like this - Almost Perfect
StLouisAssassin24 June 2011
Nothing better than boobies and weed at the same time and this movie gives your a bunch of both.

Imagine a world where all the girls want to sleep with you and you also get to smoke all the weed you want .....PARADISE THIS is not just a's an inspirational even. a documentary about the way things ought to be

Gimmie this as an excellent all inspiring life changing movie.

best if you smoke a J-bird first and then spend the rest of the movie masturbating at all of the naked hotties that are going to make you hard as a rock.

God Bless Hollywood
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10/10 for sure
mike_easleyy5 March 2018
An absolutely incredible and hilarious film with remarkably boundary pushing scenes. Theres an element of surrealism to the intensely misogynistic world Spanky and Mert exist in. And the film in which the female characters shine the most, are almost sarcastic in their roles. With lines like "Every guy has sex with their sister at least once" you see that nothing in this movie is meant to be taken seriously. It is hilariously unfiltered and I think honestly contains some surprisingly iconic moments you may not expect from a purposely low budget film (i.e. When the neighbor lesbian couple catch Mert and Spanky peeping in the window). All in all this movie is just a fun time if you are not easily offended, and contains some great characters. Strawberry, the transexual prostitute, is one of my favorites. And of course I would definitely not recommend watching this movie sober, no that would be a bad idea.
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Sex pot - SO FUNNY- You'll blow the weed out of the bowl while inhaling!
mdave1113 January 2010
A WHALLUP of a comedy! These two teens sure don't know what their getting into when they discover the magical properties of this strain of marijuana! The under 18 crowd will definitely find the magic in this feature when they see the wide array of supple perky breasts that could only not turn the eyes of a gay man, but inspire millions.

I would recommend finding a pair of 3-D glasses from your nearest Cap'n crunch box. Or see if they are supplied at your local blockbuster or 99 cents store. Park it on your couch with your buds and best buds and see the magic for your own eyes! (Don't forget your lighter of course) Like the two teens from the movie I rate this movie an A-, almost perfect for their near Oscar winning performance filled with fun and laughs. Truly much fun will be had by all!
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A sublime critique on contemporary lowbrow humor
Yorb-Davidson4210 December 2013
This movie was a fantastic analysis of the developing male 'id'. The tumultuous plot is a beautiful reflection on the chaotic destruction and recreation of the self-perceived identity of an adolescent mind.

With stunning visuals and brilliant cinematography, this movie simultaneously pays homage to, and critiques classics such as 'American Pie', 'American Pie 2' and 'American Wedding'. It highlights the purity of mirth found in simple humour whilst deriding a director's desperate desire to cling to a plot.

Whilst this movie may not be for everyone, such as the pessimistic and pretentious like Harry Sorensen; those who seek pleasure in entertainment and life in general are sure to enjoy this art film.
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It's a teen sex comedy, what were you expecting!
tugmyrugplz19 July 2023
If you're looking for spectacular graphics and beautiful scenery then go watch Avatar: The way of water. This movie is like a teenage boys fever dream. It's weird, it makes no sense and it has boobs in it. I laughed within the first 30 seconds of the film and it wasn't a snort of derision, it was a real laugh. It's obvious to me, but apparently lost on the other reviewers (paul_haakonsen lighten up) this film, that the whole thing was made for fun and stupidity.

It probably cost next to nothing to make and it looks like the actors are having a laugh. So don't be an idiot, don't judge this as if it was high art because it so obviously isn't. For the love of all it's a frigging teen sex comedy. Lighten up!
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reminds me of my youth
Forzforz2-125 February 2010
got a kick out of this flick on a lot of levels --- fun characters - crazy story - unabashed lack of restraint. It follows the story of two high school seniors looking to get high and get laid. In the grand tradition of Harold and Kumar it is an episodic adventure - and everything is off the wall because the characters are so stoned. The two leads - Mort and Spanky were fun to watch - especially when they had sex with a pile of food. I also loved the character of the crazy skinny insane girlfriend with all the piercings - Pinky. She rocked. And the transvestite was especially funny. Lots of good pot jokes and boobs - enough to keep the thing going strong. the 3 D doesn't add much - I saw it both ways and I liked the regular 2D better. This is one of the best films from the Asylum in my opinion.
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Sex Pot, the sexiest movie of all time?
chicodustyblog23 January 2013
What happens when two porn-addicted teenage potheads discover a kind of weed that makes people horny? I watched Sex Pot to find out what happens and try to determine whether or not it is the sexiest movie of all time… Let me start by saying that Sex Pot is barely a movie. The opening credits sequence is a mix of Los Angeles stock-footage, Montreal stock-footage, and footage of traffic clearly shot by someone either in the cast or crew riding shotgun on their way to another location. There's nothing wrong with using stock-footage but mixing the skylines of L.A. and Montreal reveal the movie's low budget and disregard for details. The in-car footage isn't so bad but it reminded me of Birdemic's opening credits, which is another movie that's barely a movie.

Less than a minute in, you already know that this thing is going to be a complete train wreck… (For the rest of the review check the Sex-dot-com Blog)
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so bad its good.
caveredecorator20 December 2019
If you dont take things to seriously you will get your moneys worth watching this for free on pluto t.v.
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