Mothman (TV Movie 2010) Poster

(2010 TV Movie)

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This mothman should stick to eating old clothes
MartianOctocretr525 April 2010
The film has a brief moment of promise, introducing a fair premise. Some teens accidentally cause a child's death, and conspire to cover up their dark secret. These guys live in Point Pleasant, WV, home of you-know-who. So the monster will dole out punishment?

The wheels come off quickly. Fast forward several years. A big city reporter, one of the teens visits town, and she is immediately invited to toast the kid she once helped kill (a reunion of all the killers). What? Toast somebody you killed? No comment is possible for such a ludicrous plot device. So let's just pretend the movie didn't do this, and move on.

Enter the stock village idiot. This was the best character, and decently acted (cliches and all). It was cool to listen to his insane ramblings explaining the creature's motives, its weird red eyes, its obsession with mirrors, and his own back story. Best of all was his habit of often firing a shot gun, especially since this guy was blind.

Pop quiz: when learning your presence in a town is causing the deaths, does she: A) Leave town, or B) Stay and fight? Take a wild guess. Using guns. Always works against legendary monsters, right?

But the last 20 minutes are beyond moronic. It's as if the original running time was too short, so a lame "twist" was hastily inserted to explain the profoundly stupid new ending they tacked on. A new director was found at the local pre-school playground, to shot the extra footage. "We thought you were dead!" "Yeah, so did I." Who wrote this, and have they been committed yet?

The Mothman already has more than a few skeptics on whether it exists or not. This movie won't help his status much.
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Yikes! SyFy Strikes Again!
Gypsybelle25 April 2010
'Mothman' was yet another miserable 'original' film that SyFy decided to torture viewers with. Who at the SyFy Network is drinking the wrong Kool-Aid? They need to hire knowledgeable and intelligent decision makers when it comes to their line-up and production processes. The only thing redeemable about 'Mothman' is that the acting is above average for SyFy original features. The cast did a pretty good job with such a crazy, undeveloped storyline and script. The special effects were really pitiful - worse than the old dinosaur flicks from the 50's and 60's. With today's technology, someone with creativity and skill could have created much better effects with home computer equipment. I believe that any movie worth making is worth making right - as right as possible anyway. This starts with the writers of course. A solid plot, storyline and dialog really are the most important - special effects can enhance or destroy a film as well. Continuity is a major element in both, in order to eliminate possible holes and aid in believability. I guess the production company didn't have anyone who could provide continuity for the script or work-flow during filming and editing. Oh well. And why the heck did 'SciFi' change their name to 'SyFy'? Ridiculous!
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I guess the poor CGI chased the horror out of the movie...
paul_haakonsen13 April 2019
Right, well "Mothman" was definitely a TV movie in the sense of those words. Sure, it was a slight horror movie, but still it was not something that was overly impressive.

The storyline in "Mothman" was actually adequate, taking into consideration what they had to work with. But the end result of the movie was shoddy and questionable, especially given the poor CGI and the fact that it seemed like not even the actors and actresses themselves were convinced about the outcome of the movie.

The acting in the movie was for the most parts adequate, even with taking into consideration that it felt like most performers were only half-hearted there.

As for the horror aspect in the movie. Well, sure it was generic and straight forward, and not something that haven't already been dabbled with before in other movies. But still, it was sufficiently entertaining enough to keep me watching the movie to the very end. Was I overly entertained, hardly. But I still wanted to see how the movie ended.

Now, the movie suffered terribly from having laughable CGI effects. For a movie from 2010, then the movie was plagued by having special effects reminiscent of a PC game back from the mid-1990s. It was that questionable and laughable to look at, believe you me.

One thing in the movie that had me laughing was the fact that they never reloaded the shotgun and it had a lot, and I mean that literally, a lot of shots stored inside it apparently. That was just such an idiotic mistake to make in a movie.

With "Mothman" watched, I can honestly say that this movie came and went without leaving a dent in anything, only to slowly fade into oblivion. There is no chance of me ever returning to watch "Mothman" because there was just not enough contents in the movie to sustain more than a single viewing - and even that single viewing it at a stretch.
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The Evil (and the Clichés) Live in Point Pleasant
claudio_carvalho19 November 2011
In Point Pleasant, land of the legend The Mothman, a group of seven teenage friends accidentally kills the boy Jamie (Alex Hardee) in a prank by the river and they decide to cover up the incident simulating an accident.

Ten years later, the journalist of the Washington Weekly Katharine Grant (Jewel Staite), who was one of the seven teenagers that murdered Jamie, is assigned by her editor to return to her hometown to prepare a matter about the 10th Mothman Festival. She reunites with the other six friends that have stayed in the town and sooner they are murdered one by one by The Mothman. Katherine and her former boyfriend Derek (Connor Fox) seek help with an old blind man Frank Waverly (Jerry Leggio) that has been luring The Mothman for many years trying to save their lives from the punishment of the entity.

"Mothman" is a lame collection of clichés about a vigilante entity that punishes the sinners. The predictable plot is a mess, the CGI is very poor and the acting is reasonable but the cast has a very poor material to work. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Castigo Mortal" ("Mortal Punishment")
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A movie that hates its own genre
abashima24 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It would be customary to say "where do I begin" and that would normally be hyperbolic. In this case, I'm not sure it is. Rather than try I'll just point the following out: Even creature feature movies make sense within themselves. In _Mega Piranha_, for example, the fish had to grow big and numerous for their to be enough monsters and the movie explained how that happened. Of course it was ridiculous, that's part of the point of the genre, but once it laid down the framework expectations were set and met.

_Mothman_ will have nothing to do with that and is so internally inconsistent that I would not be surprised if four wholly distinct production studios worked on the film without any communication among them at all.

The easiest and briefest example I have is this: Our heroes are battling Mothman in an abandoned factory when one of them is carried off by the monster. The other two heroes, with heavy heart and regret, flee for their lives.

Later, the character who'd been carried off jumps out from behind a tree (not kidding) none the worse for wear. The explanation for this astounding turn of events is contained in this exchange of dialog which I quote verbatim:

"Casey! We thought you were dead!" "Yeah, so did I. I was hoping you guys would be here." "If we knew you were alive we'd never would have left you." "Oh, no worries, man. I thought I was a goner too."

That's it. The movie is *full* of things like that. Rambling explanations that make no sense, go nowhere, and are wrong even within the movie itself. A wise old man tells them how to destroy the monster via a ritual that uses unique components that he had, in an earlier and unrelated scene, gone into detail explaining how such a thing couldn't exist—and the ritual fails even after being performed and having magical effect. So, *something* happened but there's no explanation of what or why or how it failed or what happened. When our heroes confront him about the ritual's failure, his reaction is to literally shrug.

I was warned. The first 10 or 15 minutes of the film has a premise that is utterly ludicrous from any theoretical angle.

Let me emphasize that point. In a creature feature film, a genre that has piranha grow big enough to *eat submarines* and giant sharks jump out of the water to *eat jumbo jets and bridges* and still manages to be entertaining in its own way, in that genre this film becomes unbelievable in the FIRST 10 MINUTES.

Worst film in the genre? Absolutely yes. A terrible failure.
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Generic ghost story meets obvious script issues
BakuryuuTyranno3 April 2011
Mothman starts out... essentially it's like another one of those ridiculously common ghost movies. Characters become targeted, some die mysteriously and survivors must discover how to survive.

The monster itself tends to emerge from whatever reflective surfaces are available to murder victims.

The protagonist is visiting and reporting on the town. Killing her first wouldn't raise any suspicions so naturally the monster goes around killing the permanent citizens first.

But things reach their lowest when the monster starts rampaging, ignoring the previously-established rules completely. This scene doesn't make sense in the context of the previous events and is likely caused by a rewrite. Another problem is the main cast; many were murdered without making any impression.
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It's soooo bad.
DustinRahksi4 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I even begin, I should have wrote down all of my complaints, now I have to remember all of them. Netflix is the king of crappy horror films, you can watch them all and not have to pay for their suck-age. This film is awful, it's TV movie bad, oh wait.

So it starts off with some dumb-ass kids doing what they do best. The guys are douche-bags and the women are.... just there. So then the "dudes" start bullying some guys brother and eventually kill him. This is where the similarities with other horror films come into play. The "dude" leader makes a plan to get their worthless redneck lives out of hot water. Lets make it an accident, so lets all cave the dead brothers head in, yeah that will look like an accident. And the funny part is, the dead guys older brother just goes along with it, wow I wish he was my brother, get piccolo. The girl with the weird eyes from firefly is now our main character.

What follows is an atrocious waste of an hour and 20 minutes. The plot is inconsistent, the characters can't act. The cgi moth-man looks like crap. It lacks any suspense or mystery, or even scares. I could easily remake this into a much better film, because I or any true horror fan knows what to do and how to do it. There are plenty of stupid things that don't make sense. Like how did that guy with the shotgun survive when we can clearly hear him being ripped apart. Or how the hell did Katherine and that guy get out of the cage, they could just lift it up, so stupid. And why did the moth-man attack some random lady on the Farris wheel, I thought he only killed murderers. Technically the moth-man is the hero, he delivers justice when no one else cared to.

Anyway, this film sucked. Even if you like bad movies, I don't recommend it.
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Actors Need to Pay Rent Too...
crafty-agsine22 October 2011
Some movies, even made-for-TV movies, are better than you'd expect. This is not one of them.

The plot could work, if the writing was even decent. The actors really did seem to be doing the best job they could, given a horrible script. The setting and costumes were fine and believable (there are mountains and no-name hotels in West Virginia, and normal young adults will wear jeans and tank tops around town).

This is one of those movies that is the acting equivalent of flipping burgers or cleaning hotel rooms. It's honest work, and the actors did the best they could in the context, but it's a job you hope will be pushed off a resume by better work. Even the TV-movie-only actors deserve better resume content than this mess. Fortunately, some of the cast (such as Firefly's Jewel Staite) have had enough quality work for this thing to only be a place-holder in the long run...One of those jobs you pick up to pay the rent when work is slow, or for some extra cash. Otherwise, this is a horribly mediocre movie and is best for background noise during a weekend afternoon nap.
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I Barely got through it
mike4812825 August 2019
Just what is The Mothman supposed to be? A harbinger from Hell? A monster from the ID? An extra-terrestrial? Bad acting and stupid plot. There is not enough shock and disbelief from the people responsible for the boy's accidental death. They act like they just dented a fender! The victim He doesn't even look very dead! the Mothman is a tall stuntman in a feathered costume with red glowing eyes! Ask for your 90 minutes back, and go watch "The Mothman Prophecies" (2002) with Richard Gere. It's far better than this mess!
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jmat4017 May 2020
How do acting and writing careers survive such a terrible movie? Jewel Staite must cringe when this movie is talked about.
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Not the worst that SyFy has to offer but still rather weak
TheLittleSongbird9 July 2011
I admit that I do dislike most of the movies airing on the SyFy channel, but I watch them out of curiosity to get novelty value or to see if either of them are actually surprisingly watchable when there is nothing or little else on. Mothman as I've said is not SyFy's worst by a long shot, but it is not very good, as a matter of fact it is rather weak.

The acting is better than anticipated though none are particularly great, but they are undermined by stock and stereotypical characters, a very rushed and underdeveloped story, a laughable script and when they seemingly realised that they only had twenty minutes left and had not finished telling the story the writers decided to include a twist. Unfortunately this twist is utterly moronic leading to one of the weakest endings I've seen in a while.

In conclusion, not the worst but weak. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Pretty good movie. Mothman maybe out your window right now!
fire-5824 December 2011
I first saw the mothman prophecies i thought that it was good.

Many people that review this title did not think much of the movie and gave it low ratings.

I have seen much much worse movies than this one and thought that over all it was good. It kept my interest through out the whole movie and i found the acting to be OK.

I am a fan of the story and im not here to debate if moth man is real but it is a original story and have enjoyed all of them.

Is this movie the best? no its not but i think it is worth watching for sure so you should check it out.

Just do try to hide a secret from mothman because well.....
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Better than The Mothman Prophecies, in my opinion
shebathedinblood24 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off, there's not really any spoilers here. I'm not going to describe any scenes or tell you the ending or any such thing like that.

To me, The Mothman Prophecies was extremely drawn out and rather boring. I will admit to watching the crap movies shown on SyFy and occasionally enjoying them, so maybe that just shows I have bad taste. Whatever your opinion on other SyFy channel 'originals' may be, don't use that to judge this one.

I liked the different take on the Mothman theory. If I remember correctly, there was no Indian legend or anything like that mentioned in The Mothman Prophecies. I liked that you actually saw more than just a whole bunch of drawings of the creature. I liked that it was more of a horror movie than a mystery sort of thing, because I for one love horror movies, no matter how horrible they are. It had a reasonable amount of gore, but not to the point where it was sickening.

I liked that the Mothman had a motive for killing them off and it wasn't just some kind of monster going on a rampage. They all had taken part in the murder of that boy at the beginning of the movie so there was a justified reason there, in my opinion, even if it was a bit of an accident. I thought that the movie wasn't exactly predictable like most horror movies these days, but I know there were a lot of things I didn't see coming.

The acting wasn't as bad as the usual SyFy movie actors, and I thought the script wasn't too horribly cheesy or anything either. The characters were okay. They were the only drawback I saw in this movie. If you can ignore the fact that you know next to nothing about any of them, then you can enjoy the movie.

Agree with me or not, I thought Mothman was a good movie and definitely worth the watch.
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Seeing Red
wes-connors20 December 2014
Swimming in a West Virginia river, six mature-looking teenagers tease (Jared's) younger brother Alex Hardee (as Jamie). They tell him the scary story of the legendary "Mothman" monster. During a strange water game, the cast pulls each other's legs down in the water. Somebody suffers a mishap and the swimmers, led by Jewel Staite (as Katharine Grant), decide to make the death seem like an accident. It already was an accident, and their repeated head-bashing only makes it look worse. However, nobody seems to notice. The kid's not dead, either; you can see him breathing. Maybe that's why the resuscitation attempt was so half-hearted...

Ten years later, Ms. Staite returns to town. A Washington DC reporter, she has been assigned to write a story on the legendary "Mothman" monster of Point Pleasant...

Staite meets the old gang after almost killing one of them in another accident. Quickly, supernatural stuff begins to happen. Probably, the monster is out to punish the cast for making an accidental drowning look like an accident. There is also a parallel incident involving blind resident Jerry Leggio (as Frank Waverly). The leading man is Connor Fox (as Derek Carpenter). The cast is attractive and the special effects are serviceable. Director Sheldon Wilson uses the red eye symbolism well and keeps the cameras steady. Unfortunately, as we get more of the Mothman and the murders, it looks sillier. The story never really makes any sense.

*** Mothman (4/24/10) ~ Sheldon Wilson ~ Jewel Staite, Connor Fox, Matty Ferraro, Jerry Leggio
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There was nothing else on T.V....
squirrelmistress1 July 2014
I love B-movies. This does not qualify as watchable in my book, even with liquid mind enhancing substances. Remember that mildly amusing movie, Mothman Prophecy? Or perhaps you read the book? Other than the location and the monster this has nothing to do with either.

I'll be honest, the only reason I finished this one was:

A: it was too hot to go outside B: the only episodes of Law and Order that were on were dull C: I'd been reading for hours and I felt like taking a break D: I'm a glutton for pain and kept hoping this movie would give me that B- movie laugh I was looking for. Spoiler alert- it's not there.
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Zoooma14 June 2014
Basically this is really bad. No one needs to see this. Unless you are in love with Jewel Staite. Who? My thoughts exactly. But she's pretty and a pleasure to look at... and there are girls in bikinis in the first 10 minutes. There is one very brief scary part (about two seconds worth) and one almost scary part (about half a second) and that's about it... truly next to zero creepy factor, lame CGI and mediocre acting. Bottomline: this movie sucks. I know I should stay away from Made-for-Syfy Channel TV movies but they call to me every now and then so I can see what a truly crappy movie is.

3.2 / 10 stars

--Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener
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CGI Jeepers Creepers
trashgang10 June 2012
I really had my doubts to pick this one up and I did it a few times, now that I watched it I had hoped that I left it on the shelves. The story you have seen a thousand times before. Legends coming alive.

It starts rather okay by the way that a prank goes wrong. All friends promise that they will never tell the truth about what happened. Naturally they forgot that a urban legend can come alive and is seeking revenge. Sadly, it only appears in reflections and it did in full stupid looking CGI.

The mothman goes after all the friends and once he can fly it all looked like Jeepers Creepers (2001). But it all looked really ridiculous. Nevertheless, the director Sheldon Wilson did knew his stuff by directing already a few horrors like Kaw (2007) and Screamers (2009). But this flick failed completely. I can only speak for myself but Jewel Staite couldn't convince me. But she can act as seen in Serenity (2005).

It never becomes creepy or scary or bloody at all. The poking of the eyes didn't work and scene's with the knife also looked cheaply done. The end was predictable. Ideal for teenagers but not for the horror buffs among us.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Complete waste of time and money.
shadowbender62626 January 2020
The first 10 minutes were kind of good but then all of a sudden the entire movie went to hell. The plot, acting, visuals, dialogs... complete failure.
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More Skiffy Goodness.
JoeB1318 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the usual elements- an actress from a popular SciFi show teams up with a poorly rendered CGI monster, hilarity ensues.

So ten years ago, some kids accidentally drown someone's little brother, and then bash in his head with a rock so it looks like an accident. (Hint- No one is going to think it was an "accident" if you bash his head in 7 times!) So ten years after getting out of the little hick town of Point Pleasant (which is known for nothing other than the "real life" Mothman sightings in the 1960's) Firefly's Jewel Staite returns to write a story about her home town. This allows the monster to come out of hibernation, even though it could have picked off the other six conspirators at any time.

So what you have are a bunch of E-listers getting picked off while Jewell tries to figure out the problem. Most of it is just filler and you have those sudden breaks for commercials.

I give this a little better than I give most of these because I like Jewell Staite so much. Too bad they couldn't give her something interesting to do.
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(F)lame can't kill this one...
hindsiteman23 May 2010
Have you ever seen a moth? Did it look frightening to you? If yes then this movie will scare you pretty well, but if'll feel like watching an apple rot. Acting is mostly decent, but I must say the script is below average, and somewhat too predictable. I wished Mothman to eat all the people responsible for their bad actions, because this thing has a justice written all over its crappy wings. Didn't get to see that I'm afraid, but I got to see people trying to kill it with guns, West Virginia hill-billy TM, without success of course. Mothman quickly kills off characters who happen to have 10 lines of text to say. Mothman looks like he's the cousin of the Scream Mask, but with glowing red eyes from the pot he and his designer/inventor smoked. Girl protagonist is annoyingly talking with her natural high pitched voice that would scare the real thing. Seriously, few actors are good at giving their best, but the main character hasn't got anything else to show for. Not even cleavage.

Mothman didn't feel scary, but his death did...great way of copying "Blade", "Buffy the Vampire"...etc.
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Low budget Sy-Fy Channel supernatural horror.
poolandrews2 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Mothman starts in the small Virginian town of Point Pleasant where a group of teenage friends are enjoying a night out in the local woods, unfortunately Jared's (Michael Aills) annoying little brother Jamie (Alex Hardee) has gatecrashed the party much to everyone else's irritation. Jared & his friends decide to teach Jamie a lesson & tell him the story about the local legend of the fearsome Mothman, then they all go swimming in the river & try to scare Jamie by pulling him under the water but the prank backfires & Jamie drown's. Jared & his friends decide to lie & say that Jamie banged his head & drowned not wanting to jeopardise their futures to which his friends agree. Ten years later & Washington journalist Katharine Grant (Jewel Staite) is told to return to her hometown of Point Pleasant to cover the annual Mothman festival, at first Katharine is reluctant but agrees. Once there Katherne meets up with Jared & the other's who lied about Jamie's death which brings back painful memories, then the friends start to get killed by the legendary Mothman as some form of supernatural justice...

Directed by Sheldon Wilson & debuting on the Sy-Fy Channel during early 2010 this may sound like yet another terrible 'Craeture Feature' with some genetically enhanced/created or lost species of killer half Moth half man creature as the title would seem to suggest but it's more of a supernatural horror thriller with an incredibly silly central bogeyman type character who seems to be part man, part Moth & part ghost with bright red glowing eyes & Bat like wings. Mothman starts out like a blatant clone of I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) in which someone is killed in a reckless accident & those responsible cover it up for selfish reasons rather than risk going to jail, however instead of the expected teen slasher routine the local town legend of the Mothman dishes out some revenge against the perpetrator's during the annual Mothman festival. You see the Mothman is a local celebrity & has done this sort of thing before. The script is rather bland with forgettable character's, dull off screen kills & a striking inconsistency. I mean it's stated that the Mothman can only enter our world through reflective surfaces & that rule is adhered to until the last thirty minutes when the thing can just appear from anywhere (the incinerator at the old mine for instance). Then there's the rule that daylight repels it but again this rule is ditched as the Mothman is seen attacking a bridge in full daylight towards the end. Also I have to question some of the writing here, why would the one character who likes the Mothman & wants it to carry on it's revenge mission give potential victims the only thing that can kill it? It just seems counter productive if you know what I mean. What about Casey who is caught by the Mothman & flown away only to reappear a few minutes later alive & unharmed despite the Mothman killing everyone else straight away without mercy? No explanation is given as to how Casey survived, at all. I suppose Mothman is watchable in a silly horror thriller sort of way & at least it's not about a half Moth half man monster like the title suggests, at just over 80 minutes it's not too long & it moves along at a decent pace even if it's very lazily written with little explanation & apparent disregard for it's own rules, mythology & parameters.

The film looks reasonable enough, it's got that made for television look I suppose but looks alright. The CGI computer effects work is predictably terrible, the Mothman creature looks stupid, it's like a beefy man with Bat wings & glowing red eyes with a black overall appearance. There's not much blood or gore, there are a few dead bodies & a bit of blood splatter at various death scenes but nothing that will shock anyone. There's not many scares as there's very little build-up to the attacks, the Mothman just appears & attacks & within a few seconds of bad CGI computer effects work it's over. Apparently Point Pleasant is a real town that really does have a Mothman legend, really does hold a Mothman festival & it even has a Mothman museum.

The IMDb says Mothman had a budget of about $2,000,000 which I don't believe, there's no way this cost that much. The acting isn't great, the cast are the usual good looking type that sleepwalk through the roles. No-one of any note is featured.

Mothman has an OK revenge thriller plot that mixes a silly supernatural ghost story into it, not the worst film ever to grace the Sy-Fy Channel but far from the best. A passable time waster at best & an absolute mess at worst.
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awful - skip it
gs2025 April 2010
do yourself a favor .........whenever you see a movie directed by sheldon Wilson ........just skip it and keep those minutes you would have wasted watching a movie like this and save them for something worthwhile .....this guy is responsible for a half dozen stinkers already, look it up on this site if you don't believe it ....SyFy even made the ironic mistake of listing this as "the mothman prophecies" 2002 with Richard Gere and Laura Linney. ........ha, there is no comparison to the story told faithfully with great actors and great direction and top flight production values, etc,etc. with this tripe by Wilson............i'm sure it would not even have been made if they hadn't bamboozled jewel "firefly" staite into the lead .........boy, what some people will do for money. ............i have to say though, it was kind of the director(or more likely, the editor) to keep staite out of frame and shoot the bikini scenes in the beginning from her left POV (we are now puffing up our cheeks, as it were) no wide shots of her in a bikini, especially from behind, if you know what i mean.............anyway, that's Hollywood, sometimes.
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Stunning Horror Film With Depth
dianerpessler-461641 September 2015
Jewel Staite gives one of her finest performances in this exciting horror film from visionary director Sheldon Wilson. With an intelligent and insightful script by gifted screenwriters Sonny Lee and Patrick Walsh, Mothman brings a fresh and creative energy to the notorious legend. Amazing special effects highlight the film and Wilson uses the skillful depiction of the red-eyed creature spectacularly. The dialog is smart and clever and the characterizations have depth and humanity. It is refreshing in a horror film to see people behaving like human beings rather than cardboard cutouts simply running for their lives and screaming. Overall, this is an extraordinary motion picture of unusual power that succeeds beautifully as a horror film and brilliantly as a study of individual courage in crisis.
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best SyFy film yet
Michael_Takes27 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching SyFy's Mothman and got to say I wasn't expecting much. In all honesty I was only really interested because it had Jewel Straite in it! I was pleasantly surprised.

There are numerous reasons when watching this to shake your head or role your eyes. The attempt at CPR in the first 10 minutes is an absolute joke, the first act is a knock off of 'I know what you did last summer'. And please tell me, if they were going to hide the way Jamie died and say he died diving into shallow water, why did they take turns hitting the body in the head with a rock?!!! Did he do it 6 times? But things really improve as the movie progresses. The mirror breaking when Katherine (Jewels character) looks into it and says 'You look as bad as I feel' shows real skill for the director in timing, I wasn't expecting it and it drew me into the movie. The characters are believable and likable (except for Jared who I thought was retarded) and the actors did a decent job, especially Jewel.

There continues to be stupid elements and scenes such as naming the native American who became the Mothman Chief Cornstalk, and the shotgun that Jewel uses near the end when she shots the Mothman about 10 times without reloading, but they were forgivable. The CGI was very poor and is probably the biggest let down. If the production had put more money into the CGI, cleaned up the script the movie would have been good enough for theatrical release (I mean if Killers can get a theatrical release...

Overall I give it a 7.
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As a massive fan of cryptozoology/mothman, I couldn't resist checking this out, and while it might be cheesy, it's sure is fun.
tresm8721 March 2020
As I said I'm familiarized with the Mothman lore, as well as the insanely underrated Mothman Prophecies film from 2002. Going into this I was extremely weary because of the low amount of ratings/reviews and the fact it was a SyFy channel movie. I still couldn't resist delving into something to do with Mothman even with a 3.4/10 rating. The film is absolutely ridiculous in so many different ways, but it's nowhere near a 3/10 rating.

While it completely goes in a different ludicrous direction than the greatly eerie 2002 film and many of the eyewitness accounts over the years, they give it enough of a backstory to keep you somewhat intrigued. A main problem I did have with it is that the Prophetic part of the Mothman is completely non existent and they replace it with a revenge slasher type cliche. Maybe that was to get a cheap appeal factor for their target audience but it came off extremely illogical. There are times it feels like a full blown slasher/horror and the eeriness/atmosphere isn't around.

What I did enjoy though were a couple of the main characters especially the main protagonist played by the incredibly gorgeous Jewel Staite, and the old blind man that had a history with this version of Mothman. They were able to give some interesting moments to their cliche written characters. Otherwise the acting was truly dreadful.

I'll also mention what is probably the most divisive thing about this film, which was the SyFy caliber CGI for the Mothman...The amount of absolutely hilariously bad/yet sometimes ambitious concepts they attempted to give a visual to the infamous creature was almost perplexing. Some ideas were actually relatively cool but some looked just plain laughable. I do admire they tried to give viewers something we could see, but the cgi was so inferior most couldn't take it seriously I'd imagine.

Overall this is basically a slasher revenge take on the Mothman with some very low quality moments. The entertainment factor is still remaining and that somehow salvaged it for me from being a complete loss. It can be enjoyable but at the same time incredibly bad.
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