Daddy Daughter Trip (2022) Poster

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Movie For The Fans
stevendbeard27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Daddy Daughter Trip, starring Rob Schneider-The Ridiculous 6, the Deuce Bigalow movies; Jackie Sandler-Kevin Can Wait_tv, The Ridiculous 6; Miranda Scarlett Schneider-Real Rob_tv, this is her first movie and John Cleese-Clifford the Big Red Dog, the Monty Python movies and tv.

This is a movie for fans of Rob and Adam Sandler and their type of humor-although Adam isn't in it, his wife Jackie is. Rob plays a bumbling father that has several jobs while trying to make it as an inventor. He delivers food-think Grubhub-and Ubers people around when he is not inventing things like a Hula Poop, a hula hoop with a shower curtain on it for privacy when you are camping. Jackie plays Rob's supportive wife and Miranda-Rob's real life daughter-plays his daughter, that hates math but loves to draw and wants to become an artist when she grows up. Jackie wants Rob to take Miranda on a Spring break to bond with her-Rob has disappointed Miranda a lot-and by accident, they meet a family that are travel bloggers that invite Rob and Miranda to come on vacation with them. John-wearing a bad wig-plays a man that may be interested in one of Rob's inventions. The humor is mostly dumb-Rob's car running out of gas is a running gag-and Rob keeps getting physically hurt a lot; he gets hit in the head, run over by a car, his thumb gets cut off, etc. It seemed like a 10 year old wrote the script. There are a few songs by Michael Buble-he must have owed Rob a favor or something.

It is rated NR and has a running time of 1 hour & 40 minutes.

It's not one that I would buy on DVD. I wouldn't rent it either. If you are a fan of this type of humor, you may like it more than I did, otherwise I would wait until it comes to tv.
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If a family movie
texafpodcast12 June 2024
If you like cute slapstick comedy that's 100%family friendly, this is good watch. It's not the most amazing comedy but it's good for the Nickelodeon/Disney families. If your looking for obscene Crude comedy this isn't it. It's available on Tubi so it's free to view so no harm watching. If you a pothead stoner that wants campy this works. But it more so for families to enjoy together. If Sandler has the Sandlerverse we can call this the Schneiderverse features his real life daughters, his wife, as well as his best friend Adam Sandler's wife. So get ready for a rompass ride of absurdum and give it watch definitely better then Paul blart..
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Holy Moly
rotini-525867 January 2024
Wow is all I have to say I don't even think I broke a smile once during this entire film holy smokes this film was bad. Just plain nonsense and the wife is the weirdest looking woman I've ever seen in my life what's up with their eyes anyways it's just a horrible display and torture trying to finish this movie wow is all I can say wow wow wow just horrible how did it get good reviews were they watching the same film I was anyways just a horrible display and I could never get the two hours back Rob my goodness it was just bad bad is bad gets avoid at all costs please my goodness talk about goofball what a goofball is.
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What's goin on
ashleymills-3743227 December 2023
Watching this was like watching a unicorn throw up over a baby seal ..this is something the Teletubbies or Barney would come up with. Very slow and makes America look a wacky place not even the Teletubbies could even stomach............................... saying that I have to keep writing as i have to wright 290 reqired characters or they wont let me post this i didt know if this was meant to be a serious film or a wacky imaginary film i was expecting at the end of the film for Rob Schneider to wake up in a hospital bed and that he had dreamed it all up...... I have seen dogs pooing keeping me entertained than this road reck.
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How did this get made?
bangthedrum-3614528 February 2023
I'm still positive Rob Schneider sold his soul to the devil. He has never said or done a funny thing in any movie or TV show. Yet he still periodically gets stuff. How?

This is just awful. It was written by Schneider, directed by him, "starring" him and his daughter (and his wife also co wrote - unclear on why she gets writing credits other than she's Schneider's wife and he has the devil on his side). I just don't get how this stuff gets funded.

This is a "comedy" yet nary a funny thing ever happens unless you count whatever that is on Schneider's head.

Can we please finally tell Schneider to stop now?
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A very slow beginning at the middle get a lot better
backusjim-4180811 June 2024
Good family movie. Good values. Healthy humor and jokes.

It starts very slow as the girl can't act very well. Please wait until the couple on the Hotel and then the movie gets much better.

You won't find curses, political jokes or agendas.

Many things to improve in the future movies or Rob are finding better actors, we know Adam Sandler wife but really she isn't a good actress.

The fart scene is the worst by far.

I don't know why many people hate the movie with low ratings, I thing the critic these days only wants agenda and avoid any family movie with good values. A loving family and a Dad that never surrender.
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Terrible movie
firestar-965609 June 2024
Plot? Nonexistent. Acting? For the most part, horrible. Don't even get me started on the music, it was randomly added at the dumbest moments. Rob Schneider, it's time to retire buddy boy. This movie was a huge waste of time... his daughter cannot act for the life of her... Rob isn't much better. The random Spanish couple also made no sense towards the plot... really nothing made sense. Spare yourself and your time and DO NOT watch this poorly made movie. I did not let out even a single chuckle during the entire film. "Comedy," yeah sure. It's comedic that this film ever left the drawing board. If I could give 0/10 stars I would.
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vwattnem22 May 2024
One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Two hours of my life that I won't get back. Did not laugh once. It was insulting of how bad it was. I watched the whole movie expecting that at some point it would get better. Unfortunately it did not. Expected a goofy, relaxing, not too much to think about movie, I understand that these type of movies are not profound but this was insane. I don't understand how somebody could have given it a good review. The only positive thing I could say is that Miranda Schneider did a great job. She is actually a good actress. It's unfortunate the script was so mediocre.
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Fun Family Film!
tonymyles3 September 2022
This is honestly a good old fashioned entertaining movie. It isn't stuck like many family films these days by unnecessarily trying to be politically or culturally clever, but simply helps everyone have a good time. Even a few of the cringe moments make sense to the plot. The father and daughter clearly love each other, and while the dad has his shortcomings his dedication and commitment to her are outstanding!

There are absolutely some good takeaways if you want them, and the film earns them along the way. You can also feel the genuine care that went into making this film, too. While Disney will always have a bigger budget, films like this will always have an underdog spirit. It's a fun romp that plays out in three parts. Enjoy!
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Time to hang it up, Rob
TheDome8128 January 2024
Just face it pal, you can't act. Period. I think this film set a new level for trash. I usually give a movie a half hour before I quit. But after just seven minutes and some change, I had to scream "UNCLE!" That was mainly due to the terrible acting. Mainly for Mr. Schneider's awful performance And the kid and mom aren't much better. What makes him think he's funny? I didn't manage to even crack a smile.

And I could see exactly where this horrible film was going. A fun family flick? Are you kidding me. I think a five-year old would be insulted by the poor writing in this film.

So f you want to be tortured, give this lousy film a watch. Otherwise, read a book. Go out for walk. Listen to some good music.

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Worst. Movie. Ever.
jonesgoood30 May 2024
I got a migraine from this. It took me 4 days to get through the whole film. The jokes run on for too long, and get repeated 6-8 times, and it isn't funny in the first place. The story and writing has no structure, no consistency, no real dialogue. When the film reached the 20 minute mark, I thought the film would be just about done, but no. 2 hours of nothingness. Rob directed, wrote, and acted in this, which makes me feel sad for him, as his barely existent career is now tarnished forever, as well as all the other actors/actresses in this movie. Even Sandler movies have more structufe and a buildup than this. 2/10, and that's being generous.
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Good clean fun!
buddyjones-3878918 October 2022
I walked out of a couple other movies because of the violence and Gore and was happily surprised by this movie it was fun cute and made me laugh out loud something about Rob Schneider is just funny! And the other actors did a very good job also playing their parts. Also not a bunch of PC stuff in here that I'm so sick of seeing in Hollywood which is why I skip most of the movies now.

I guess I need more characters to make this a full review I will have to look up who made this movie and will look forward to any of their offerings in the future.

I'm against excess violence in the movies and not sure why people get so shocked at all the real violence when it's all over our entertainment these days.
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Enjoyable entertainment
Kullander120 October 2022
If you are looking for a movie that unlocks the secrets of the universe and keeps you mentally stimulated for the next year...

Well, then this is not the movie for you.

But if you are looking for something entertaining for all ages- children to senior citizen, that is just meant to be entertaining and get you to laugh for a couple of hours, with no virtue signaling, political agenda, or swearing, then this is a good pick.

This movie reminds me of what Disney movies were 30-40 years ago. Adults and children were entertained and laughing at the showing I went to.

It was 100% Rob Schneider style humor, very much like his other films, so you know what you are going in for when you buy the ticket. I enjoyed it.
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Hilarious! Kids cracked up and immediately asked to watch it again!
christianinvesting19 October 2022
There were several moments in this movie when I got tickled and could not stop laughing. My kids, 6 and 7, cracked up laughing throughout, and then immediately asked to watch it again.

Rob, Jackie Sandler, and Miranda made a great on screen family. We really loved the actors who played the second family in the movie as well. The husband and wife duo played by Monica Huarte and Miguel Angel Munoz were an unexpected treat! John Cleese was funny as always too.

Clean movie. No cuss words. Lighthearted, but great story of family closeness and overcoming challenges together. An all-around winner. I would love to see everyone in this film come back for a sequel.
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Such a funny movie. Underrated!
slappydabass30 January 2024
Wow this was such a funny movie. And it's safe for the whole family. I didn't catch any foul language, no vulgarity, no scantly clad women, it contains good family values.

My kids loved this movie with all the physical humor & of course fart jokes. It's written like a classic Adam Sandler movie. Not like the ones he's putting out for Netflix now but like his old classic movies.

Sneider is a great dad in this movie written in such a way that you can tell he cares deeply about his daughter & wants the best for her but just can't seem to catch a break.. until he does. Something you don't see in movies anymore is a wife that supports her husband no matter what he is doing.
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Where can I watch this again? How come I can't buy it or stream it online?
stevenrobertssr-8787312 April 2023
This movie is insanely good and funny and has a ton of one liners along with a great story and the fact that he now lives in Arizona and that I have now met him 4 times makes me want to own every movie of his I can. Also the places he's visited minus Sedona I have visited myself and I really hope to somehow get a copy or something of this soon to be classic... keep going Rob you can do it and US REAL Fans believe in you! Thank you for the many laughs! Fun fact but I know exactly which Bashas he filmed @. It was in Scottsdale off of Indian School Rd. I used to live down the street from that location and recognized the area...
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Not quite a ten
wotevfir12 April 2024
Rarely do I laugh these days, this film had me chuckling.

Yes it took a few minutes, into the movie, to realise I was watching an un-serious one. No subliminal messages, no politics or social engineering, no nonsense fun comedy, which gets better and better, throughout. Bonus John Cleese and Jamie Lissow appearances, some Sandler style daftness, some slapstick, some sentimental, some tension. All the family can watch: your children and pets. Normal looking people, none of the over beautiful Hollywood crowd and regular style acting.

Cheers Rob for bringing comedy back where it belongs: FUNNY!
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Breath Of Fresh Air
BriMonson27 January 2024
We watched this movie for family movie night. For the past few years we've avoided watching anything new for concern about the bait and switch of agendas in family movies. We could honestly laugh and enjoy a family movie night without editing the movie beforehand.

I've enjoyed Rob Schneider from SNL to now. I'm glad to be able to see his cleaner comedy. There is a healthy market for family friendly comedy. That market tends to be frugal, but when utilized well, makes a long term customer base that is more likely to support up and coming work.

I look forward to seeing more movies similar to this one.
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Fun family movie
alatlantic14 September 2024
This is a fun family movie. But note it's a family movie, the humor is directed at kids. Mine loved it. I found it silly but ultimately watchable and fun. It's squeaky clean too, rare for some family movies. Tons of slapstick and funny faces, Schneider's usual schtick.

I honestly can't understand the 1 star reviews. Schneider is a polarizing character, and I get the feeling at least some leaving said reviews are doing so on that rather than the quality of the movie.

No, this won't win any academy awards and such, but it's a good effort for the demographic he was going for.

Highly recommend it for any family with kids or preteens, they will absolutely love it.
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