Stuck (TV Series 2022) Poster

(III) (2022)

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Sadly it just isn't funny, or moving, or anything really.
Sleepin_Dragon20 March 2023
Dan and Carla have seemingly reached the end of their relationship, she's working hard, he's content to sit about eating biscuits all day long, could the return of her ex, Maya be the straw that breaks the camel's back?

You'd think with the degree of pedigree, Morgana Robinson and Dylan Moran, that this would be something worth watching, let's be honest, it isn't.

I don't know what it is, it's described as a sitcom, only it isn't funny, there are no subtle laughs, no dark humour, and the only slapstick scene is excruciating, and like something from the 1950's. Neither is it moving, you don't get to know the characters, so you couldn't care less if they split or not.

It just doesn't work, maybe the 15 minute running time is the main detractor, it just doesn't allow for anything to develop or grow, I just couldn't get into it.

Positives......Neil Maskell stands head and shoulders above everyone as Pete, he is at least interesting, and that story goes somewhere, and there's always Clemens Schick, his scenes are enjoyable in a whacky kind of way.


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ygwerin11 November 2022
I wound up watching this show by accident, and as it was the first ever episode I had ever seen I decided, to watch another episode straight after so I might have, a slightly better idea if its worth bothering with.

Initially I was surprised that the episodes are only barely fifteen minutes long, so l wound up watching more of them nearly all of Series one, but in retrospect it's a good job that they are.

I haven't seen that much of Dylan Moran hitherto and I had thought that he was not that bad, but in all honesty the more I see of him the less I think that is actually the case.

In this show he looks and sounds exactly the same as everything I have ever seen him in, its no better that he has actually written this stuff, because he can't blame anything on anyone else.

He must bare all of the blame for this dross, if this is actually the best that he can come up with, he may as well jack this comedy lark in once and for all.
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The writers couldn't be bothered
MJP883 October 2022
I really wanted this to be good as I love the main actors but it's just lazy. I think you can tell by the length of the episodes, and the series - each episode is 13 minutes long and they couldn't even be bothered to write 6 episodes so you get 5. Total guess, but I reckon this was commissioned as a normal 6 episode series of 22 to 30 minutes each but then a deadline loomed and they had to just push whatever they had out. It feels unfinished.

It's not funny. It's pretty boring and I doubt I'll finish the series - I'm on episode 3, not a laugh in site. Actually kind of hard work watching the rest of this episode...
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Another boring mess
sami10830 September 2022
Another show that follows the new trend to write boring bland programs. I am fully convinced that I could tape an evening at a random 50year old neighbors flat and it would be as entertaining, funny, dramatic etc as this. It would be much cheaper as well.

Just to be clear, there is nothing here to watch, characters are boring, there are no jokes, no drama, no nothing. I watched two episodes just in case the pilot episode was crap as is the case in even great shows these days. I will never understand why they keep releasing crap pilot episodes, that can deter viewers from even good shows. Five more words... to sum it up: BORING.
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Oddly insubstantial
charlesjf-4360815 November 2022
The new sitcom from "Black Books" co-creator Dylan Moran gives an air of sophistication, but ultimately has very little to say. This seems to be a result of the episode length - at 13 minutes each, the credits roll as soon as the story seems to pick up the pace. It's almost as though full half-hour episodes were written, but sliced in half with unsatisfactory conclusions as a result. An even greater disappointment is the lack of funny moments peppered in throughout the admittedly well-written dialogue. Even strong performances from Moran and Morgana Robinson are unable to save "Stuck" from falling into inevitable obscurity. Sadly, it just isn't good enough.
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Open your mind a bit
barbaricviking6 July 2023
This is Dylan Moran! It isn't Black Books; it isn't How Do You Want Me?, nor is it any of his specials or movies... But you'll see all of that in here - you'll see Dylan in it - his essence and his genius!

It's also not the "prescribed" 20-30 minutes of airtime, but aren't we most firmly lodged in an era of reinventing TV? Who decided 20-30 minutes was the golden ticket? Network executives with time slots to fill, I think. I'm thrilled that creators/writers increasingly get to determine what works for their scripts and ideas, and to me the length of the shows seems to work perfectly.

The coupling is unique; I really enjoyed the dynamic with Morgana! The midlife/unemployment aspect was also very engaging, with many places to go. Left me wanting more, for sure! Very much hoping for a second season!
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Dull & duller
leejoseth5 November 2022
It's a middle class couple living in messy shabby chic home working in advertising and doing meditating...not much else to say about it.

Dylan Moran is his usual dry almost depressive self.

He plays the same weary character he's so good at, making sarcastic comments about happy hip waiters etc

Morgana Robinson tries, she makes you almost smile she's got the effected voice and boho London look off to a tee.

The other characters aren't Worth mentioning because I can't actually remember them.

It's got that motherland feel to it, same dreary London streets. & pretentious cafes but unlike motherland it's just not funny, there's no laugh out loud moments not even a chuckle it all feels a bit dull.
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milathomas-4175028 September 2022
Loved it, it's funny, the characters are interesting but not so outrageous that they aren't relatable. Plus, it contains a good amount of Dylan Moran's usual dry wit that I don't think I've seen on TV since he did Black Books all those years ago.

The only reason I give it a nine and not a ten is the length. The episodes are quite short and there isn't very many of them (only five). I got through it in an hour, another show like Black Books I'd have only gotten though 2 episodes in an hour, so not even half the series. Hopefully we'll get another series to rectify that?

The length is really my only problem, though. Everything else about it is superb, I definitely recommend!
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(Too) short and sweet
gald-795786 October 2022
Well written dialogue and impressively well-rounded characters considering the small amount a screen time they all have.

The cast is fantastic and they manage not to outshine each other. They all bring different comedic styles to the show but it completely works; the different styles compliment each other and make the characters more life-like and relatable.

The only downside, as others have stated, is the short running time. I think it doesn't give the story space to really get going. Instead of a solid story your left with short threads that have a lot of potential but don't really go anywhere.... Perhaps the form reflects the title in that regard.

It's a good little show and I definitely laughed out loud at certain points. If you've got an hour free then it's worth a watch. Plus, the set design is gorgeous.
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