"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Ghosts of Mortis (TV Episode 2011) Poster

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Ghost of Future Darkness
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic3 September 2020
Following on from the previous superb Mortis episodes and continuing an amazing run of terrific episodes including those featuring Assajj Ventress revenge mission against Dooku, this is maybe the best of the lot. Anakin is influenced by The Son and faces his dark future. The exhilerating and dark story is perfect. We get Qui-Gon's ghost, premonitions of Darth Vader and a powerful battle for Anakin's soul.

Anakin is the centre of this epic story but Ahsoka and Obi Wan are equally given amazing roles whilst the ghost of Qui-Gon is magical and the premonitions are electrifying to see.

The Son is a fantastic villain and The Father is also a deep and interesting character.

This episode is just wonderful.

My rating: 10/10.
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Katka-Boskova9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That moment when Anakin is on his knees and Darth Vader mask appears behind him - as it is shown on the promo pic for this episode...damn, that was intense.
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Ghosts of Mortis
lassegalsgaard28 February 2021
What this trilogy was about was give a deeper meaning to Anakin's turn in "Revenge of the Sith," and I think they nailed it. Anakin's character is so complex in this entire show, but these three episodes gave a new depth to him. The character of the Son is a brilliant contrast to everyone around Anakin, and while he is the antagonist here, he is also the only one who knew Anakin and the dangers he possesses. This episode felt like a great development for the character and the prequels, while also being such a great arc to follow along with. The writing is so strong and the attention to detail is immaculate. It makes it all the more fun to follow along, and I'm sure that there will be something more about Mortis down the line. In what form, I don't know.
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hcoldwell13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The ones and very interesting and for such power they are integrated very well into the clone wars. What impressed me the most was Anakin vision and the Vader revelation only for that Memory to be vanquished by the father.

Yet again a masterpiece of an episode and a conclusion to a very well done story arc.
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Yes i think this sis worth 10/10 (very minor spoiler)
warlordartos27 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Although a slight take off of the LOTR for a second or two with the tower and an explosion i can still rate it a 9.9/10
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A total 3 episode review
warlordartos27 May 2020
No spoilers here, simply just to say that overall i give the 3 part episode series a 9.6/10.

a 0.1 lost in this episode for a movie steal (only a few seconds but still, that's why it's only .1 not a full 1). Another .3 taken off for the second episode. I would take a full 1 off but the first episode in particular and the entire 3 episode series made up for it and more..
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Conceptually vague and weak
thegreendrinker21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was on board with the Mortis arc because I thought it would lead to really powerful development for Anakin. In the last two episodes, it did make him a more vivid character by displaying his incredible loyalty and his stubborn willfulness (which is a distinct trait from the whiny impetuousness he has in the prequels- in Clone Wars, this distinction makes Anakin a more nuanced character who could more believably become the cold, steely Darth Vader later). This episode, however, dropped the ball.

Anakin is given a vision of the future and is horrified by his actions. To rectify that, he decides immediately to join the Son to take over the galaxy in order to ensure there is peace. This is a silly plot point because it makes the same mistake that Episode 3- Revenge of the Sith makes. It fast tracks Anakin's descent in to darkness instead of building up to it more organically.

This show has, so far, done a better job of suggesting how Anakin could become the way he eventually does. It hasn't, however, really built up to his inevitable betrayal yet. The Mortis arc is the attempt to do this but it really doesn't serve as a solid building block. Instead, it lazily foreshadows what will eventually happen. (It does suggest that Anakin's descent to the Dark Side is partially motivated by a genuine desire for peace, but we already know that from Revenge of the Sith).

The other problem with the episode is the muddy storyline regarding the Son and the Father. The Son is never fully fleshed out as a character because he is supposed to be symbolic of the Dark Side. But then the Father later is disappointed that he embraced the Dark Side too much and the Father mentions that the Son still has good in him. Why does the Son NEED to have good in him if he is representative of one of two sides of the balance? What is the Son supposed to be instead? That is never made clear and so my criticism of the last episode, that the Dark/Light side dichotomy is not given enough depth, is the same for this one. The Father is supposedly the representation of the middle balance between his son and daughter, but he behaves just like every bland, stoic Jedi character in Clone Wars that is supposed to be good.

I suppose the takeaway from the Mortis arc is the solid confirmation that Anakin IS the Chosen One and that Anakin now has more definitive proof of that. I am optimistic that that will come to define his actions going forward. Perhaps the arrogance of that knowledge will be part of the reason he is seduced in to darkness. As it is, the Mortis trilogy expands the lore in a way that makes the Force feel less mysterious (and goofier) and hints at development for Anakin that it doesn't quite follow through on.
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most inconsequential, spoiler filled and inconsistent episodes ever.
karthik42933 September 2021
These were the 3 most inconsequential, spoiler filled and inconsistent episodes ever.
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