Chambers Gate (2014) Poster


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Chambers Gate----Interesting Title
osan979 January 2016
Chambers Gate, the name inspired me to watch the film. I'm not a big fan of this kind of premise but this has good writing so it's different with writing, directing, acting, camera work and not the usual number and quality of suspension of disbelief moments that have me bitching at the screen. The beginning drew me in and since the story kept me guessing while I tried to figure out the characters.The movie has great special effects and great directing. Its full of twists and turns.All actors were very good in their part. Mukesh Asopa performs well in the role, and the support from Voytek Skrzeta, Christine Saade, Glenda MacInnis, Lee Anne Ford and more is strong and definitely adds plenty of body to the film.
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Overall a highly entertaining movie
chinchan129 January 2016
Despite its somewhat bleak tone, the film still manages to have its fair share of funny and heartwarming moments, which are seamlessly intertwined into the film's more dramatic scenes. Mukesh Asopa as Julian is perfectly cast as the wisecracking, yet intelligent politician.He and his positive attitude toward his survival is what keeps us invested in the story. The rest of the cast are great too, which includes Christine Saade, Lee Anne Ford, Voytek Skrzeta, Glenda MacInnis, and even Khalid Klein who played gangster. I was also particularly pleased with the film's pacing, there was never a moment that felt rushed or slow and boring. This is a welcome introduction to for the director Charles Ross.

Overall a highly entertaining movie, packed with good acting,editing and a storyline that is well thought-out and manages to keep the audience hooked until the end. A solid addition to the franchise.
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Award Of Excellence- Mumbai-Cine film festival.
sangoyghosh13 January 2016
The movie leaves you with a weird sense of responsibility, something we all know but don't want to accept Or have forgotten down the road. The movie will come across as a slow paced in some scenes but that is not really the case, it is just the building up of emotional connect that the scene needs with the audience.The film could have easily made use of quite a few cinematography tricks to please you on the road trip, but why would it ever need to con the audience when it has such amazing character waiting.There are surely quite a few stereotypes that the film breaks and at the same time there are few it doesn't because some stereotypes just don't go.The film never gets distracted from its central subject which is crime.Not sure what other audience have to say, i liked the courage the subject and courage of film maker to produce and act.Hats off to Mukesh Asopa. Would like to work in future with this talented artist for one of my film which i have in radar for 2017.
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Creative Attempt...Well made
jaymennon12 January 2016
This film is all about self-confidence, trust in one's ability and about sticking to your decision come what may. I have gone through something somewhat similar to this in my life a few years ago, although I wasn't the one accused and neither was I on the wrong side - even more similarly to this film, perhaps no one was entirely on the wrong side - and add one more similarity, the only person on the wrong side had not intended for things to escalate to this much as that person was on the play trying to achieve some other goal. It's amazingly mind- blowing seeing the similarities! A bit sad that I can't elaborate much on the story to explain how similar things were, from character to character! Not to imply that I am as smart as the hero was, but I have one stunningly striking similarity from my very life with this film, and something that my friends often find hard to believe. To come to the point, all my English is based on what I had started from news channel and the commentary of cricket matches, then to the Internet and hence the articles etc. read online
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Visually and emotionally satisfying
kenniadel12 January 2016
I liked how there were only two or three issues within this film.The visual effects were amazing. It actually had me wanting to watch it again.I was in washington with one of my short film in the film festival where i got a chance to meet Mukesh Asopa.Add to this great cast excellent editing and post production work, and an intricate soundscape.Music video at the end was very well done with some cool FX.The special effects make the movie great, but it's the acting and storyline that make it spectacular. I think this movie was really great because the story line was really emotional and believable. The locations for the filming were impeccable. The acting and actors were astounding. This movie had it all drama, action, romance, comedy.This is the kind of movie that anyone (except young children) could enjoy.I will have this as one of my collection of DVD's.
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Nice Message and Great Title.
sumeetk3412 January 2016
What are the necessary requirements for making a good movie? I guess strong acting, realistic judgments made by characters, complementary music and tight pacing are essential elements in achieving this.Looks like Chambers Gate is very well made by film professionals.All the actions that the characters made were justifiable and any other person in that situation would have done the same. I have not revealed much about the movie in this review because you have to see it to understand the power of this movie.Music video at the end is a very powerful message to the world.The movie has multiple twists arousing the curiosity of the audience culminating into a superb climax.
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Watched it at Film Festival in Mumbai-India.
dil_i10 January 2016
I saw this film at a film festival in Mumbai and was very much inspired.My short film was in the same festival "Indian Cine Film Festival".

Storyline was interesting, Locations were every good and I discovered the film was shot on Red so picture and cinematography was appealing.Actors were good but I was very impressed with the editing and the music video.I liked three films in the festival and Chambers Gate was one of them.I tried to reach out the producers to pitch my script to Asopa.

Coming back to the film, there is lots better that could have been done but that is with every film.Hats off to the producers, director and editor of the film.
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It worked for me.I loved it.
hollywood-kate16 March 2016
I watched this film at its premiere at Beverly Hills at the film festival,this film was awarded as the best feature film at the closing ceremony night. I'm not one for movies about money and mafias and cons and all that, but aside from that, it's just as much a tale about relationships and what people are really like. This film really benefited from the actors improvising, as it lead to some very funny moments.My only criticism is that it felt it lacked a little something with story. The actors improvise on their greyish characters and provide more entertainment than the script possibly could. That certainly isn't the film-maker's achievement but he did choose the right cast that could pull that con off on the audience. I can say that I was not disappointed and absolutely loved the film. People take different experiences and sensibilities with them when they see movies, and mine led me to be engaged and empathetic towards the characters. Their story interested me and I came out of the cinema thoroughly enjoying myself.
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psolala20 September 2018
This movie is terrible. Even for a zero budget independent movie the acting and writing stand out as terrible. Not sure what these other reviewers watched but it could not have been this video, or maybe they are the people who made it.....
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The story is unique, creative and quite compelling
mshania17114 January 2016
Seen at the Washington Festival where it won the Triangle Award.I think this movie was fantastic. You should know what you are watching and who is the target audience and have the right mindset.The script, actors and directors captured the feeling of endless possibilities perfectly.

It is well acted and the characters are quite likable and believable. Mukesh Asopa is interesting, entertaining and has a sense of humor. Christine is also an interesting character.

The film is also quite funny at times. During this film, I think I may have laughed more than I usually do at the movies, which is saying something.Specially two comedian characters Aaron and Moor.I loved the music video with end credit.

This film deserved so much more than what it got, both critically and commercially.Good luck to the film makers.
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A film worth watching.
jeene236 February 2016
This is a very maturely written, photographed and acted movie.There'll be more questions than answers as the movie progresses where the end will allow the viewer to fill in the blanks with an implied causality from connecting the dots looking back which is the best way to write a movie and view it. Don't explain everything. The audience has a better imagination and intellect.Not to spoil the movie but the plot twist towards the end is probably in my opinion the high point of the film in which the viewers' jaws drop.

Over all an excellent movie, with great character development, great acting, clever cinematography,truly a film worth watching alone or with a friend.

I rate it 8.5
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Fantastic film about determination.
zdelna14 January 2016
Fantastic film about determination, perseverance, optimism, faith, leadership, collaboration and initiative. Mukesh Asopa as Jules Akola is at his best: about 40% of the movie he is acting alone.Personally I like movies that try to teach us life lessons, often despite struggles and hardship. Chambers Gate got most of those elements.Music video at the very end also explained a lot.I liked the vision and style of Directors/Producers of the film to present it to the audience.Regarding emotional and the human element in the film, I think it was very well acted and various strong emotions were all through the film constantly demonstrate.You just begin. You do the math. You solve one problem and you solve the next one, and then the next. And If you solve enough problems, you get to come home. Editing looks good in the whole film specially the Music Video.
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Technically the film is very well done
rmukhop16 March 2016
A recognizable message can be seen in the movie.The cast is generally appealing. I thought the performances of everyone were magnificent: I cared about the characters and their lives on and beyond the work. Taking the time to introduce everyone and weave their stories together was masterful, even beyond the main characters.Visually pleasing in every way, dramatic, musically astounding, great acting and above all a fantastic story make this an award winner at the festivals.It is a film that will have you hooked and on the edge of your seats if you understands what you watch. The acting in this film is absolutely superb and could not have been any better. The casting was selected so perfectly and carefully that it could not have gone wrong. And of course the director, Charles Ross is without a doubt was successful in conveying a message. He manages to make you cry, but at the same time is able to keep your heart racing. Not many directors can pull this of.Very Well done.
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At Indian Cine Awards.
sivasakti7416 March 2016
I got a chance to see this film at Indian Cine Film Festival here in Mumbai.

Indian cine film festival dot com

What I liked about the film is style,uniqueness and a new approach. I liked the character of Jules Akola,comemdy played by two gangster,female police and they all very well written and performed. Music video in Punjabi at the end of the film was very interesting editing wise.Story, Direction,Editing,Music and Cinematography were very well done.Director was very much successful in conveying message to the audience.Enjoyed watching this wonderful film.
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The story is unique, creative and quite compelling.
zahanar16 March 2016
The script, actors and directors captured the feeling of endless possibilities perfectly. The FX were fantastic, there were no lulls in the plot, Mukesh Asopa did his thing perfectly, the other actors were incredible, and there were just enough twists and turns to maintain the pace.

I will try to be simple:

The good: Direction, original story, performance (especially the two young actresses), FX. A real jewel, and not only without a glitch, but with funny moments and action at every minute, or even, some of them, very touching.
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Nice Surprise....Well Done at film festival.Hollywood
cay_t14 January 2016
Finally a good, accurate, gangster drug-trafficking film that makes you think.Technically, it's got it all going on. Script,Camera, lighting,and not only par excellence from Jules and Christine but the entire acting cast. The film uses fabulous close-ups and unbelievably good action shots. I would far prefer to see a movie that has a dozen or so magnificently staged violent shots that dare to go deeper and translate both internal as well as external motivations as to depict real life. The film is not only entertaining; its portrayal is authentic to the real life grizzly and sometimes grayed world of crime/justice/Politics as well as didactic and amazingly...uplifting. What a nice surprise here at film festival in Beverley Hills at the Hollywood Weekly Magazine film festival where this film got awarded as Best Feature Film Award.Good work gets recognized.Will watch more films to come from Mukesh Asopa.
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I was here at the India Cine Film festival Mumbai
rahulj185713 January 2016
The best part about this movie is that it was presented and portrayed with utmost perfection in a manner in which the makers wanted it to be shown. The buildup was slow but every aspect was properly covered with enough evidence to win the audience.This is the bitter reality of life:- We become culprit for no fault of ours and evil intentions of few spoilt Drug addicts.This is not like a boring, baseless, crap, without story movie. This movie is a complete package of drama, thrill and entertainment. The story is awesome. I usually get this level of excitement in Hollywood movies but this movie exceeds all expectations with Hollywood touch in it.

The festival awarded this film as it well deserved.Locations and camera works really good.When it comes to acting Mukesh was too good along with all other actors in the film.I loved the punjabi music video in the film.It is a good film making and congrats to the film makers.
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It was brilliant
zainazohn13 January 2016
I am a film student and director of several short films.I watched this film at Columbia George festival in Washington, USA.Some of the FX and CGI in the wide shots were well done, but there were still quite a few scenes and wide shots throughout the film, especially in blast and fx used for music video.Acting wise, the film was pretty good.I went into the Chambers Gate screening expecting something fairly decent. Something that would at the very least, satisfy. I was more wrong than I thought. It was better than satisfactory. It was brilliant. many viewers from IMDb yet to watch this movie, so no spoiler from my side ! enjoy the survival of the fittest and the people who have hope to survive any situation !!
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Watched it at Film Festival in Hollywood Weekly Magazine.
hcrazygirl1913 January 2016
The movie is worth watching because it's so well filmed. The actors are well cast and their faces fit well into the story. Mukesh as Jules Akola looks very much like Brad or Leonardo with his Indian/Spanish accent appealing and confident.The movie is directed very well, its acted very well, and the fx with music video is actually not that bad and actually makes the movie better. The only flaw I would find is that the first 20-25 min of the film are slow, but it stills moves the plot along.Being a producer and director, I would see possibilities of working with Mukesh in future.His achievements here on IMDb looks interesting to me.Keep up good work and you will succeed.
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This movie can't be any better
e-ham7722 March 2016
The plot may not work but it moves along with pace that almost (almost) covers it's lack of substance. So we get the same old cockney gangsterisms, dark humour.The cinematography was great. I had never seen something like that before and the editing was just as great too. There were lots of great characters and the script was excellent. It was funny and clever and it will you make you laugh every single second! This movie is like Pulp Fiction. You can almost quote every line! The acting was totally awesome! Voytek, Christine and the rest were great, but Mukesh Asopa totally stole the show!I was thinking to myself "This movie can't be any better!", but then it got better!
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Every Character Connects.....Great Work
urah-658-50138922 March 2016
The incredible part of the movie is how every scene ties in with the rest somehow, every character connects with the rest at least once.The cinematography and performances are fantastic as well. Even the soundtrack is perfect. Actors in the film are Mukesh,Christine,Lee,Voytek,GlendaThe performances by all of the above actors, and several more that I didn't even mention are all really good, particularly Mukesh Asopa's. Every single actor in 'Chambers Gate' looks like they are having one hell of a good time working in the film. This story, while complex and with many ramifications from the core plot is absolutely brilliant and a lot of fun.Editing is very well done and credit goes to Charles for brilliant work.
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Crime Flick Lovers Film...
rea15-658-60487422 March 2016
The drama is less than expected but the movie is very well paced and it never gets boring even if it lasts long.Though since there are so many other drug/crime cop films out there it seems a little been there done that. But don't let that sway you if you enjoy good movies and or crime films. Like with most gangster films, you are always put off by either the acting or the story. But here this is not the case, Jules Akola and his profile is very much highlighted in a stylish way.It does not glamorise his life in any way, it's a film that says criminals never get away with what they've done. I'd recommend this film to fans of crime flicks and those who just want a riveting film to watch.
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Authentic to the real life
erac6122 March 2016
Technically, it's got it all going on. Script,Camera, lighting,and not only par excellence from Mukesh and Voytek but the entire acting cast. The film uses fabulous close-ups and unbelievably good action shots. I disagree with any reviews that claim the movie is not packed with enough action or violence.I would far prefer to see a movie that has a dozen or so magnificently staged violent shots that dare to go deeper and translate both internal as well as external motivations as to depict real life. The film is not only entertaining; its portrayal is authentic to the real life grizzly and sometimes grayed world of crime/justice as well as didactic and amazingly...uplifting. What a nice surprise.
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Satisfying and Enjoyable film.
i-nad7822 March 2016
I do like my crime dramas and it seemed obvious to me that I would enjoy Chambers Gate given the calibre of trailer clip, I must say that I did find it a satisfying and enjoyable film. The pace is comparatively slow but yet the story comes over as packed – not busy to the point of being hustle and bustle but more just constantly engaging and interesting.The film seems in no particular rush and I did respect this in the delivery as it allowed me room to be involved in the telling rather than it trying to constantly hold my attention with action or loud noises. Of course some viewers will feel the absence of these stimuli more than I did but for me it worked.The tracks are all great but they are not so much "used" as they are "played".
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Entertaining and Intriguing
z-pretty22 March 2016
American Gangster is a fantastic movie with a really well developed storyline and a very talented cast.Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe both matched their characters perfectly,The story is intriguing and doesn't drag in any places plus the acting was brilliant. Some people seemed to be disappointed by finding less action than they were hoping for but I didn't mind.The film didn't drag on and the story was interesting so who cares if there aren't explosions in every scene?

Altogether its a good gangster that, though not entirely original as far as story and theme go, still manages to be entertaining and intriguing.
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