Clown (2014) Poster


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Remarkable cheesy fun!
Patient4441 March 2015
I love Clown! A complete surprise for me, came out of nowhere, when I was the poster I was expecting nothing but a class C kind of horror, but boy was I wrong!

What makes it so much fun? The transformation itself is simple and brilliant! They take their time but they make sure to always keep you interested, waiting to see what happens next, how things will evolve and so on. Clown is a natural movie, they didn't bother into too much gore, nor nudity, but instead they actually focused on the story. And I have to say, it was a good one, effective and sometimes haunting!

It is a sure thing that most horror fans out there will dig this on for sure. Without saying too much about it, if you liked movies like Rare exports or Sint, this one you'll enjoy even more because in my opinion, it is better! Clown, simple and effective!

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Much Better Than Expected
gregsrants9 March 2015
This hurts to say – Eli Roth is no longer a 'go-to' name for me in horror. Ouch. Go back a decade ago and I didn't think that possible. I was present when he brought Cabin Fever (2002) to Toronto and again in 2005 when he introduced his Canadian audience to Hostel. I met Eli a few times since and I think his knowledge and enthusiasm for horror is outstanding.

But since 2007, Eli has focused himself more on acting (Inglorious Basterds) and producing (The Last Exorcism). Since then, the quality of the projects that bear his name on the film's one sheet has been sub-par. The Man With the Iron Fists (2012), The Last Exorcism II (2013) and The Sacrament (2013) were all throwaway entries on an ever expanding filmography. And don't even get us started on Netflix's timewaster series Hemlock Grove.

So when I saw the DVD cover for Clown with Eli Roth's name above the title, it was hardly the seven letters in the actor/producer's name that had me walking out of the market with the disc under my forearm.

Clown has an intriguing premise. A demon possesses a clown suit and morphs anyone who dons the outfit into killer that preys particularly, yet not exclusively, on children. Andy Powers plays Kent, the unlucky son-of-a-bitch that adorns the found garment to appease his son Jack who is awaiting a cancelled clown at his backyard birthday party. But after applying the suit and make-up, Kent finds the outfit impossible to remove. He also finds an increasing appetite that is appeased when a child is devoured while straying from his campgrounds.

Kent attempts to remove himself from his family life and seclude himself to where he may be a lesser threat to those around him. But as the demon begins to take hold, Kent's cravings for violence extended outside his given will and even the help of someone who has history with the suit, Karlsson played by the always reliable Peter Stormare, might not be enough to help stop the demon's rampage on the youth of his stalked community.

I was intrigued by the idea behind Christopher D. Ford and Jon Watts' screenplay and the idea did feel fresh and at times inspired. Jon Watts does double duty behind the camera and executes the fine line of dealing with a serial killer of children with diplomacy. But it's the diplomacy that grounds the film from really taking flight. Unfortunately, the kills are largely off-screen with only the bloody after affects represented after the deed is completed. I am sure this was done to keep censors edit happy but if the gore was to match say, Eli Roth's Hostel II, in this format, we might be talking about Clown being the horror movie to see if 2015. A particular chapter where our morphing demon ends up at a ChuckeCheese was a particular waste of a fantastic opportunity to showcase unmuted violence in an extraordinary setting.

Still, Clown was an above average horror film for its ilk. It follows some of the horror film handbook 'To Do's' that are as aggravating as they are accepted, but there is enough freshness and commitment to the overall goal to keep Clown's head above the recommendation waters.

And now back to Mr. Roth. Although Clown is hardly Silence of the Lambs it does provide a definite upswing on the Roth career chart that was beginning to resemble my investments circa 2009. Let's hope the momentum continues and I can update the first sentence of this review in short time.
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Well I enjoyed this messed up movie
MattBrady09919 March 2015
Never again would I look at Clowns in the same way after seeing this movie but that get's me thinking, when did I like them in the first place.

The story to Clown is about a father discovers the clown suit and decides to wear it for his son's birthday party. However, he soon discovers that the suit turns the wearer into a killing machine.

Clowns never scared me because I always know it's somebody else in cheap looking make-up trying to make you laugh but really they creeping us out. I have seen many movies and TV shows with scary looking clowns in it and yes I can see why people are scared of them but they never took a big effect on me, until I sawed this and for now on I will stay far way from clowns if possible.

You can hate or like the film Clown if your a horror fan or not, for me I like my horror movies best served cold and freaky, and Clown to me isn't a bad flick. I can see a lot of effort went into the make- up and the design of the monster clown.

To those who have seen the movie did you think for a second that Eli Roth directed this movie, yes I know he stars in the movie but the movie has that style look to it that Eli Roth himself would use and I'm saying that has a positive.

The acting in the movie was surprisingly pretty good from Andy Powers and Laura Allen. The directing as well was pretty good from other horror movies today.

Normally I don't like over the top gore in movies as I think it's a cheap way to get 18 rating or if your American Rated R, and to be honest I didn't get that in this movie for most of the time you don't really see much of guts flying everywhere but most of the after math of what happened.

For problems with the movie I have some like: The characters in the movie are mostly forgettable and I'm not talking about Laura Allen or Andy Powers characters, I mean the other supporting or the background characters that always seem to get screen time which they shouldn't because they stupid and dull to watch.

The movie dose have some clichés that really stick out and I thought we are already pass some of the clichés when it comes to horror movies today, but luckily after a while the movie forgotten the clichés as it went on. Oh remember when I said some of the acting was good well the kid actor was a bit noticeable that he's trying to be scared but I didn't buy it not for one bit.

Besides that Clown overall isn't a bad flick, now some people may not agree with me and that's fine you got a opinion and that's awesome I'm not going to be like those dick heads that start yelling at you for nothing. Well I enjoyed this messed up movie.
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Gory grim clown horror
amesmonde4 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The perfect dad dons on a clown costume which he discovers only to find that he is unable to take if off with terrible consequences.

Relative unknown TV actor Andy Powers is excellent as the lovable dad who becomes a killer clown. With lots of welcomed grim exposition, it has horrifying background to the clown legend and costume. It's explained convincingly by Karlsson played by Peter Stormare, the brother of the deceased previous owner of the costume. Eerie from the outset Jon Watts and Christopher D. Fordit's screenplay is played as a straight bloody horror thriller with touch of dark humour. Never before has a children's ball pool or the tunnels of a play area been so scary.

What sounds like a B film with its outrageous crazy concept actually works in this modest budget production that has Eli Roth on board as producer. It goes from one gloomy odd set up to the next giving it a dream like surreal quality and it gets graphic as Kent tries to remove his costume, goes on a killing spree and begins to regurgitate body parts.

Despite Roth's involvement it's very much director Jon Watts film who offers creepy, slicing, gore, demons and clown creatures with some interesting shots, even a bird's eye view car crash feels different from the standard affair put on screen. All the cast are effective right down to the child actors and Laura Allen is great as Meg, the protective mother fighting for survival.

Taking a leaf from IT's tale and channelling Pennywise clown it's also has the psychological element of Magic and is reminiscent of in places of recent Stitches and American Horror Story Freak Show to name a few. That said, it stands on its own two feet with plenty of original ideas. To Watt's and team credit the effects are outstanding, including and not limited to dismemberment, amputation and Kent becoming a child eating clown.

Clown is a fast paced solid grim possession horror with a splatter/slasher element that never takes it eye off the story. It's probably the definitive clown horror and naturally those suffering from coulrophobia should avoid at all costs.
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Good Ride and Twist to the Clown Genre...
KimchiGUN2 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie last night. I'm a sucker for a good clown movie, I'm always searching for something that tops Penny Wise, which scared the crap out of me back in 1990.

I will start out with I LOVED THIS movie. It doesn't top penny wise but it puts a good twist to the clown genre. It comes in at close 2nd place! The movie starts out fast, you get to grab all the details up front within the 1st 10 minutes. It actually gets pretty funny after right wards then it gets real from there on out. It does have 2 slow spots, it rolls pretty fast. The clown looks awesome! you get to see it develop throughout the movie, which is a nice slow burn. Its just not like BAM here it is... its a slow progression. It doesn't look like Bozo the Clown with blood, it looks like a real monster, which was awesome! I've read a lot of reviews on how parts of the movie are not realistic. I could see 2 parts, but you know, its a fictional movie.

This does have a feel of a fast paced Sci-Fi channel movie in the beginning, but then it starts to rev up into a real movie.

The ending is really predictable, but its a good ending, its not confusing, it ends on a good note. After you watch that movie, your clown phobia will def take new heights.

If you want a good scare, with a few laughs, this is it for you. I watched it on a big screen, Oppo blue ray, with a nice surround sound. Oh man! it was great!!
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thornhill34 March 2015
No Spoiler alerts here! This movie was a good horror movie and playing on a character that a lot of people have phobias about makes it that much better. At the start, I was honestly feeling a cheesy, B movie type with a possible special appearance by the Dwight Johnson or Dolph Lundren :) The gore in the movie was top shelf and watching it with my wife and daughter (who are both scared of clowns) made it that much better and they absolutely loved it! And my daughter still slept in her own bed. I honestly don't know if there has been a horror movie with the main character of a clown that has been this good in the last 5-10 years, if I'm wrong please let me know of such movie. It was awesome how the story jumped feet first into the plot. Would love to see a prequel if it's done right .....Loved the gore!
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Clown has a unique premise, but its execution leaves a lot to be desired.
lnvicta10 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Even if you aren't bothered by clowns, you have to admit that a killer clown is a pretty creepy idea. I mean clowns are always around children, they have a pale face, goofy hair and bright welcoming colors, masking the homicidal tendencies underneath. I always thought it would make a good movie idea, and Clown is about the closest we get to that. It's less of a killer clown story as much as it is a possession movie. This particular clown suit does not come off. If someone puts it on, it fuses with their skin while the demon slowly possesses them. The demon is a cannibal and only eats children. 5 children to be exact: one for every month of winter, or so the lore goes. It's an interesting take on the killer clown notion and I usually like Eli Roth so I was excited to see this movie. Unfortunately, Clown misses the mark in almost every way.

It's an Eli Roth movie so of course there's lots of blood and gore, which is fine. Eating kids is also inherently disturbing, even though the killing is not shown on screen you do see a lot of children's guts, blood and body parts. The thing is, it doesn't really add anything to the movie. That's mainly because the movie doesn't build up much tension in the first place. It's slow to start - the dad is the one who puts on the costume to surprise his kid at his birthday party, but he falls asleep in it and when he wakes up, he finds that the wig infused with his hair and the costume is indestructible. The psychological aspect of this is interesting for a while, but it never goes the extra mile. Everything we see here has been done to death already. Just because the premise is cool doesn't mean cheesy dialogue and inappropriate jump scares get a free pass. They're still annoying as hell, and sadly they are littered throughout the entire movie.

This movie has every horror cliché in the book. The jump scares in particular really detract from the movie's atmosphere. It sets a dark tone at the beginning, and even more so when the psychological elements start dripping in and the dad questions his sanity as he discovers more about the suit, but every once in a while someone will pop up behind someone else and the music will be LOUD for a second as if it's supposed to scare us. No, it doesn't work like that. All the good build up in the first two acts are dampened by these cheap scares - they give no time for tension to build before throwing another one at you, and it's just annoying after the first couple of times. The dialogue doesn't help either. Neither does the acting. Peter Stormare is great as usual but he doesn't get that much screen time. It's mainly the female lead and her reactions to her husband turning into this monster, and let me tell you, she is a terrible actress. There are also a lot of kids in this movie and kid actors are almost always terrible. You just don't care about any people on screen, except for the guy being possessed but even he is only in the first half of the movie. We're just stuck following a bland wife and her bland kid trying to stop the evil clown from killing other bland kids.

The clown itself does not disappoint. It does look genuinely creepy, and the costume and make-up are very well done, but sadly that doesn't make up for a bad script and poor direction. It just has no style. It's really by-the-numbers horror with an Eli Roth tinge. The worst part is, it isn't even scary. If you're a fan of Eli Roth then you might get some enjoyment from this, but if you aren't a horror fanatic then don't bother.
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An uplifting film about a strong, independent clown suit that won't let anything get in its way!
MBlenks9122 February 2021
An interesting film about a man slowly turning into John C. Reilly.

Why when the man was in A&E for his clown nose did he not think to ask the doctor to try and remove his outfit? He would've become a medical marvel.

There was an awful lot of children approaching adults. Like the small boy rapping at the door with a bag of lucky charms.

I enjoyed it.
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The Better Clown Movie Out There
SashaPolozova3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is easy enough to understand and it pretty much jumps right into the story without any slow development. There is a clown suit that gets attached to the main character Kent when he puts it on for his son's birthday party.

It's a fairly simple movie; Kent tries to find a way to get it off, starts acting out of ordinary and possessed. At least acting isn't horrible and the budget was decent so the cinematography is passable.

The story behind the costume is that it's a demon and he attaches himself to the host and slowly breaks their bodies down while taking over. He also eats kids and must have a certain number before he is satisfied.

There is a moment when Meg who is Kent's wife tries to help him and the demon tells her that if she brings him a child to kill and eat, she can have Kent back. Meg LITERALLY contemplates it and a child that knows her asks for a lift home thinking it's safe but it seems Meg has other intentions on her mind. How insane can you be to think that it's okay to give some demon someone else's child to get your husband back? Is that a fair trade of? Can you even call yourself a mother after something like that?

Quite frankly I was bored. This movie went on for far too long even though it started off really quickly. Kent is predictably killed by Meg since there was no way you could've saved him. I wouldn't bother watching this again.
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Good splatter body horror
massimofolci17 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I rated this movie only six out of ten due to the too linear and predictable plot, but it would deserve more than that. Everything starts when the main character finds a clown costume and wears it for his son's birthday party. The troubles begin when he tries to take it off. The wig has become his own hair and the cloth seems glued onto his skin. After a while he discovers that that's not a costume but the hair and the skin of an ancient child-eater demon which has already started to permeate his body and his soul. *SPOILER* He obviously starts killing and eating several kids before he gets stopped by his own wife while she tries to save their child who was about to be eaten by his father-demon-clown. *END SPOILER* The good thing about this movie is that it manages to create an anxious atmosphere and it makes you feel afraid to get your body hurt. You'll start thinking about being in something that gets stuck on you, changes and disfigures your body and your mind. There's also a lot of good old splatter scenes where you'll see half-eaten kids and regurgitated human bones. A particular note goes to the kids' playground scene, where the director manages to convert a funny and colorful place in a horrid and spectral hunting field.
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Easily could've been a little gem - sadly it's not
inkompatibel30 September 2017
The story of this move has been described many times before, so I'll just skip that part.

The good: The premise, the main actor, effects, visuals, audio - nothing to get excited about but it gets the job done.

The bad: Almost everything else. What could've been a little twisted turn on body horror movies lacks so many key components. The writing is, at best, mediocre, full of stereotypical sentences one might be sick of be now. The pacing is out of place, what starts slowly and builds up some tension, as the transformation goes on and on, flushes everything down the toilet after the first half and goes frenzy in the last 25 or so minutes.

A pretty predictable plot and almost every cliché is also on board, myself got pretty annoyed by all the irrational choices the cast does. And no, they weren't done in state of emergency nor panic. Speaking of annoying - the cast. Especially the mother and her son.. a prime example of dull, lifeless and shallow acting. You also get your fair share of "I know that would happen now"- jump scares, which adds nothing to the movie.

I give it a 5/10 (a 4 would also be totally legit). It's not a total disaster but overall just another at best average movie in a sea full of average horror flicks.
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Better than expected
Ovidium804 April 2015
I was expecting a boring, typical horror movie, instead I was really surprised, in a good way, by this film. The script is not that bad,pretty original, and it keeps you wanting to see more, to see how it will end. The acting is good, great performance from the main actors. Better than the score, I saw a lot of worst horror movie this last year. It was fun and worth watching. Not a masterpiece but highly enjoyable. I was thinking oh, no, another clown horror movie, but actually is one of the best horror movies I've seen in a while. Highly underrated on IMDb, I recommend you to watch it, you will not be disappointed.
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What begins as wardrobe malfunction escalates into the stuff of childhood terror. Clown is no laughing matter.
quincytheodore8 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie might just ruin someone's childhood. It transforms what could have been trivial concept into a particularly eerie showcasing of an individual's deterioration. The character development hides a few fascinating twists, they adapt to the malady with surprisingly convincing reactions. It appeals to the curiosity of audiences as they are more invested in increasingly insidious transformation of once an ordinary man.

Kent (Andy Powers) is a real estate agent who finds strange clown suit on one of the houses he sells. Serendipitously or not, he needs a clown to entertain his son's birthday and takes it upon himself to don the costume. Later on he discovers that the suit is something much more sinister than he previously thought. This concept of a man becoming more disfigured physically and mentally has been done in The Fly, Clown uses the same allure quite effectively.

The cinematography doesn't uses overwhelmingly terrorizing atmosphere, instead the first act is shot in simple manner. As it escalates, both visual and practical effects are becoming significantly darker. Much of the visual rests on the make-up and believable costume, the presentation of titular character is commendably persuasive. The clown could've been silly, but it retains and even enhances its creepy visage throughout the nasty phases of transformation.

The actors perform proficiently as well. Andy Powers looks normal which makes his personality change more drastic. Laura Allen as Meg, his wife, is not the usual damsel-in-distress. While she finds his husband's ordeal to be perplexing, she must decide on difficult choices, Laura Allen displays the torn motherly role with powerful conviction.

Clown delivers a compelling horror tale by turning an elementary subject into the stuff of children's nightmare.
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Better than I expected, despite how silly it is...
gorepump8 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was a bit more entertained by this one than I expected. I guess it's due, mainly, to the fact that it takes the concept of demon clown transformations completely serious. Does that mean it's GOOD? Nah, not really. But a killer clown flick not being totally played for laughs isn't too common. Plus, you thrown in a handful of splattery kid murders and, hell, I'll accept whatever ridiculous clown lore bullsh*t you can toss my way.

A guy fills in as a last minute clown for his kids birthday party, wearing an old clown suit he found at a dead dude's house. The next day, panic begins setting in when he finds it virtually impossible to remove the articles of his clown ensemble (rainbow wig, red nose, makeup, suit...) as they have adhered, seemingly permanently, to his body. He seeks the help of the former owner of the costume who explains that the only way to intercept the demonic metamorphosis that is taking place is to either decapitate him or feed him the proper number of children...

"Clown" offers up a fairly unique (though seemingly unintentionally goofy...) 'body horror' premise that contains a nice amount of practical effects - many of which are pretty decent - and the crème de la crème: a bloodbath at Chuck E. Cheese! I must say, the kid killing in this one is on par with another psycho clown film, "Sloppy the Psychotic".

So, while I can't say "Clown" is anything all that groundbreaking, but I'll give it props for keeping with a more serious 'tone' in the midst of horror-comedies being the familiar go-to these days - even through all of the silliness and retarded 'clown mythos' - and for having the balls to slaughter little kids. I'm being generous, here, but I'm giving it a moderate rec. Also check out "Stitches" if you dig f*cked up clowns.

More of my reviews @
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OK horror movie, Not scary but creepy and pretty messed up altogether.
subxerogravity19 June 2016
The world's greatest dad does not want to disappoint his kid on his birthday, so when the b-day clown cancels, he goes through the closets of a home whose owner just past and finds a clown costume to wear. Only now he can't take it off.

The movie kind of reminds me of Kevin Smith's Tusk (not as good, however). It's the same odd disturb feeling. This guy has to live his life in a clown costume. It's seems funny at first with his fellow co workers laughing at him and his father-in-law now having the best visual reason as to why he's not good enough for his little girl, but then you don't know how to feel as he attempts to take it off and the only thing that's happening is that he's hurting himself.

Than it takes a turn for the more disturbing with this whole back story how evil real clowns are and what it will take to get out of the costume, and how far this clown's wife will go to get him out. It does mess with your head.

Eli Roth produced or executive produced the move and it does have his style all over it. Clown, tends to poke fun at the cheesy horror clichés, almost banging us over the head with the Stereotypes and Archetypes of the horror genre, but I have to admit those moments do make the movie more fun during slow paces when you realized that some one made a feature length movie about a guy stuck in a clown suit.

It's not scary, but a little distributing, and it works just enough to leave a bad taste in your mouth that makes you feel that you did not waste your time watching it
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Inventive and original horror
alex_van_beek22 October 2015
There aren't too many clown films but this ranks as one of the finest in that subgenre. It has a really original and interesting take on terror origin of the clown and makes it something entertainingly creepy to watch. The storyline is well executed and follows the other trends that make Eli Roth films great fun to watch as a horror fan. There's plenty of gore and twisted violence, but it's always managed to be incorporated into a context that adds rather than just distracts from the plot in some way. There's enough films out there that offer nothing but violence in place of a storyline, and this one manages to harness violence in a very creepy and effective way towards the tone of the film.

As horror films go, this is one of the most memorable that I've seen in a long, long time and as I write this I am unable to think of any other recent horror titles that were as memorable as this, in terms of the overall scare factor and anyone that manages to somehow find an original take on anything in the horror genre deserves points.

I saw this film about a month or so ago and as I've only just signed up to IMDb felt that this should be one of my first recommendations as it really has stayed with me and I've recommended it already to plenty of people via word of mouth.

If you hate clowns, this film will do bad things to you But if you love horror then get all over this! It's amazing and since seeing it I've been checking out other works from the director and am loving them.
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When the musical score played...
beckisuejohnson-7056914 January 2021
Every time music and dialogue was done together, you could NOT understand what anyone was saying. I've never been so lost and frustrated. I gave it 2.0 for the creep factor only.
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This is a bad idea
nogodnomasters17 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Kent (Andy Powers) is a real estate agent running late for his kid's birthday party, one where the clown canceled out. At a client's home he discovers a clown suit in a chest. He puts the suit on and sure enough he selected "the cursed" clown suit, one that requires the sacrifice of little children. I hate it when that happens.

The film had a few good horror scenes, but was mostly drama filler, poor Kent lamenting in his suit.The film had good scene changes, i.e/ Eli Roth did a professional job with the mechanics of shooting, scene lead ins, etc. but needed to up the horror aspects.

Great final kill scene.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Sad and Scary with underdeveloped concepts
bbbbenburrow24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like the idea. It's interesting to have a demon possess a normal man, but I wish they did more with it. The transformation scene, for instance, could've been a lot more. Kills weren't too great, I hated everything to do with the bully character. I like the dads struggles, makes you feel for him. The Chuck E. Cheese stuff was kinda weird too.

Decent, I'll give it a 4.
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Buffyfan71723 March 2015
There are few movies that terrify me. I've seen almost any horror movie I can get my hands on. With that being said, Clown left me disturbed.

Beyond disturbed.

I'm not scared of clowns. At all. But this clown took me to a new level of terror. It was psychotically scary. Watching the changes and the feeling of seeing someone trying not to change. And whoever does not think so, does not understand the fear aspect of horror movies.

It wasn't the scariest movie I've ever seen, but it left me uneasy and wanting more. Good job to Eli Roth and crew. I'll definitely be seeing more horror movies from this company in the near future.
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A metaphor so obvious, even I get it
Well. I've seen much worse horror movies but I don't think I've seen a more obviously metaphorical one for an affliction that starts with p and ends with a. Not a great horror movie by any means, but part of me wants to applaud the filmmakers for kinda addressing such a taboo subject even in such a really stupid, roundabout way while part of me wants to aggressively stop watching. Eli Roth has never been party in any way to an above-average movie imo and that opinion has not been changed after viewing this unfortunately. Still, I can't say it's unrecommendable as long as you're aware of the half ass shock risk.
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Disturbing on many different levels
johnbkaramazov21 March 2015
I was really looking forward to Clown after seeing the trailer, the concept seemed pretty original and interesting and I liked what I saw. If you felt the same way, I would highly recommend that you give this film a watch. In the end it surpassed my expectations and left me feeling pretty disturbed.

The acting from the leads is solid, Andy Powers especially is fantastic as Kent and carries the earlier parts of the film with a really good performance. Laura Allen is also very good as Kent's wife Meg whose journey through the film is in some ways as interesting to witness as his own. Some of the supporting cast are admittedly not fantastic, but that doesn't detract from the movie as a whole.

The film is generally well-paced but suffers a little during the middle where it seems to stall, don't worry if you feel this way because it soon gets going again and when it does, it really does. Some of the scenes towards the end will stay with me for a long time.

Clown is dark, disturbing, original and striking. One of the best horror films of recent years.
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Surprisingly Effective Gem
fatfil-414-45179726 March 2015
Don't be put off by the seemingly ludicrous storyline, what starts off as looking like a comedy/horror cornball piece, actually develops in to a rather good horror movie. I was apprehensive when first watching this, it could have gone either way, and 15 or so minutes in I was thinking, "This is gonna be dumb!" But surprise surprise, it takes some very dark turns and becomes a very enjoyable out and out horror story

I don't think I'm giving too much away by saying (This all happens in the first 10 or so minutes) Son loves clowns, Father running late for birthday party. Clown booked for party cancels at last minute. Wife calls the Father. Father working in old house and finds trunk with old clown costume and decides to step in.

One of the things that makes this film, apart from the on the nose acting, is the clown costume itself. It's not bright and garish, a la Stephen Kings Pennywise, but understated. There is some humour, used to good effect towards the start of the film, but not too much and it never falls into the trap of relying on the humour, which would have been so easy with a clown based horror film.

Despite initial apprehensions, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, it's one of those goodies that catches you by surprise every so often.
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A Unique Killer Clown
NotAnotherMovieCritic7 August 2015
When I first saw the trailer it interested me, but didn't clue me in on what a great story this film actually has. As far as I know, this is a film with an original story. I won't ruin anything of course, it's better to find out for yourself.

One of the best parts about this film is that there is no slow beginning, or slow anything to be honest, it starts pretty much as soon as you begin watching it. As the film progresses the story line begins to unfold, presenting a new tale unlike anything I have ever seen. I was fascinated by it and was enjoying a lot of what I was seeing.

It had it's cliché moments, which everyone expects in a horror film so it's not a bad thing, however it doesn't offer anything new except a great story line. Sometimes it felt a little cheesy, but only close to the beginning. There were several scenes that made me uncomfortable, but I was never disturbed or scared unfortunately.

It is a one-of-a-kind film and I highly recommend it to anyone. It is mediocre, only in the way that it doesn't offer anything new in the horror field. Typical gore, violence and mild humor. I would have given it a six if it wasn't for that reason. All in all it's a pretty good film.
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Decent film
dreamingskychild12 September 2019
This movie was better than I expected it to be, I'm pleased. I was interested the whole way through, I thought the acting was good. The clown makeup and costume was very well done. If you like this genre of film and are looking for a movie to sit back and unwind to for the day, give this film a go. Although if you're afraid of clowns, it will instead leave you on the edge of your seat!
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