Finding Bigfoot (TV Series 2011– ) Poster

(2011– )

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So bad, it's mesmerizing.
intrepidami29 June 2011
They go into an area. They interview witnesses. In many cases they have a little town meeting. Now they triangulate their favorite interviews and try to pick a spot in the middle. So far they have heard tree knocks, howls, walking, whistling and talking. The last two things were very recently mentioned, and instead of being evidence of people in the woods, were presented as evidence of Bigfoots too! There is no anti evidence! Everything is proof! There's a dissenter, they give her 15 seconds to say she doesn't agree, and then show at length the other three dismissing her viewpoint. You just know if the show continues another season, they'll insert Matt saying "Not her again, look.." right after she questions something.

They have personal cameras on their faces. They have hand held heat signature cameras. They have at least two camera people filming them. This stuff is par for the course in TV ghost hunting. But there's a big difference between hunting animals and ghosts. In ghosts, there's a specific area usually no bigger than a warehouse where there's lots of activity. In looking for animals, the animal might wander miles, upon miles and try to avoid humans. This is why most shows pick an area and lay Camera traps. But this show isn't really about finding anything. It's about making four people the Beatles of Bigfoot hunting.

They sort of act like forests everywhere are teeming with Bigfoots. Unlike shows like Ghost hunters where they occasionally tell people they didn't find anything, you get the feeling these guys could go into Central Park NYC and come away convinced they found some.

Also, that town meeting they have would alert fakers from miles around it's time to start some faking! They're not exactly stealthily blowing into town, are they?

Another comparison to Ghost Hunters is you'll have the two lead investigators almost always temper any beliefs with "it's believed that", or "it's theorized" On this show it's "We know" or It's been proved" and very often even "I discovered" or "I was the first...".

What they have proved is that Ego maniacs do indeed wander the forests of North America!

It is great TV! A modern day Ahab shows up with his crew and looks for the great White Bigfoot. Yelling and screaming, and declaring himself master of all.
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Terrible yet Hysterical
alex-skene11 January 2013
This is hands down one of the worst shows I've seen on animal planet (and that's saying a lot). However this proves to be so entertaining that the "quality" of the show has no real importance.

The 4 squatch hunters seem to be borderline retarded and are willing to accept their hilariously lackluster findings (broken branches, vague knocking sounds etc) as "proof" of the existence of "Bigfoot's". Yet despite this infuriating lack of scientific method, they happen to provide some of the most entertaining T.V around. There are few things more fun than laughing at there ineptitude, especially if some kind of drinking game is involved.

Overall it is both an abomination of a T.V show and one of the greatest comedies of the 21st century.
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Not sure about this...
bfaulk213 January 2013
I watch this show all the time, although I know the outcome is going to be like the dozens of Loch Ness Monster specials that have been done: Nothing will be found. At this point I watch not expecting them to find anything, but rather to see and hear the asinine things that will be said and done.

I find it comical that certain cast members are certain that they "know" many things about sasquatches, although they have never observed or verified any of them. Arrogant, self-assured Matt "knows" what sasquatches eat, how they track and kill game, that they're nocturnal, and that they use howls and knocks to communicate. On one show, he proudly announces that he was the one who "discovered" that they communicate with wood knocks - never mind that the creatures may not even exist. The fact that he attended law school in Ohio and chose his school in large part because of its proximity to alleged bigfoot sightings tells you where his focus is. Matt has been accused of using a reverse scientific method - taking his desired conclusion (that bigfoots exist), then cherry-picking evidence, no matter how thin, vague or inconclusive, to fit his desired outcome. Matt considers himself to be one of the foremost experts on these creatures, yet to call what he does "science" would be a considerable stretch.

Then there is hopeless, gullible Cliff. A one-time schoolteacher in California who quit his job and spent almost every night for the next year living in his car and searching for sasquatches, which he never found. I know that this will come as a shock, but he is divorced. Cliff frequently chimes in about bigfoot habits, which he knows even less about than Matt (who has allegedly at least seen a bigfoot). Then there is the inane chatter. Cliff, about a particular search area: "There are a lot of bears around here. There are some, but not many." I'm surprised that the editors didn't catch that he completely contradicted himself in two sentences. While talking about finding sasquatches, Cliff also injected the gem, "Water is the key." You can't get knowledge like this on just any program. When the team went to South Dakota, Cliff ran across a bison in the wild during a night investigation. He gushed for probably five minutes about how rare it is to see a bison in the wild. The next scene, an aerial view, showed probably 40-50 bison grazing on a hill. In one episode Cliff plays his guitar in the woods, which supposedly attracts any sasquatches looking for a concert or a dance hall.

Ranae, the trained scientist of the bunch, is the daughter of a professional daredevil (you can't make this up). She is the only non-Californian of the bunch, and the resident skeptic. While Cliff is ready to believe anybody, Ranae believes nobody. She comes up with implausible explanations for what people have allegedly seen - which the guys ridicule, because they have already decided that the people saw a sasquatch.

Bobo is the only member of the group who doesn't have apparent delusions about being a serious scientist. He is just out there for the fun of it. He is the only one of the bunch I would go out on an expedition with. He lost a bit of credibility with the statement that sasquatches speak Native American languages - which, if you smoked enough peyote, I'm sure you would hear them doing. Setting off fireworks in the woods was one of Bobo's brainchildren for attracting sasquatches. I'm sure animals came from all around to investigate the explosions and flashing lights. Right.

Whenever the team seems on the verge of finding anything, something invariably goes wrong - like four cameras in a remote watch location all failing at the same time (highly suspicious) or the DNA in supposed bigfoot hair being too degraded to identify what kind of animal it came from.

I am totally convinced that the crew is operating under false pretenses, and that they will never encounter a bigfoot (if they exist) doing what they are doing. Matt in particular is convinced that the creatures are nocturnal, yet a very large portion of alleged sightings have taken place in broad daylight. The crew also makes a great deal of noise in the woods, believing that they are stimulating curiosity in these creatures. If I wanted to drive away every animal within a five-mile radius, I would do exactly what they do: Go into the woods, yell and bang on trees. They don't seem to know even the most rudimentary things about animal behavior.

The shows have taken on an air of considerable predictability, which they will have to fix if the series is renewed. They follow a set pattern, with only a change in location each week.

To their credit, the cast has done a cute commercial for Wendy's in which they encounter a sasquatch coming out of the restaurant carrying a bag, and all they can talk about is the sandwich he is carrying.
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Not Bad... But REALLY Bad
briock15 February 2012
This show is ridiculously bad. The absurd claim of "facts" that Matt Moneymaker and Bobo make are inane to say the least. Matt Moneymaker is especially annoying. Everything is a "Squash" to him. No matter how absurd the claim, how fake the so-called evidence (usually a sound miles away in the woods, a muddy shoe print, a broken twig, a far away and blurry photo or out of focus video), he utters his annoying phrase "There's a squash in these woods." Sadly, both him and Bobo claim they have been looking for Big Foot for the last 25 years. Yet, with never finding Big Foot, no evidence of Big Foot, no photos, no videos... Matt claims to be an "expert." He takes the credit for coming up with "wood knocking" because he claims Big Foot's go around wood knocking. He also takes credit for Big Foot Calls, because, you guessed it, he claims Big Foot's go around screeching in the woods. Even when videos are clearly people or hikers, he claims they are a Big Foot. And Matt and Bobo verbalize about how Big Foot try to drown deer, how they wrap their bodies in moss to sleep, and the reason no bones have ever been found is because Big Foot's "hide" the bodies. Matt and Bobo are so stupid they are an insult to stupid people.
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Finding........ nothing!!!!!
donalscallan6 January 2013
I must say I was excited to see this show when I first heard about it. Needless to say I was extremely disappointed after watching the first episode. I tried stick with it but after the second episode I just watched it for a laugh.

The show is run by a clown called Matt Moneymaker (last name says everything) He claims to an expert on something he has zero proof of ever existing, he's been hunting them for 25yrs ........

Every episode is the same, they go to a wooded area, call a town meeting, get some stories from the locals, pick the stories they like best, meet the local person where they claim to have seen a bigfoot, get bobo to stand where the person saw it, predict a height and always confirm that what they saw was a bigfoot...... They then go to a random wooded area make as much noise as possible with their constant talking, howling and banging wood together. Very scientific. Any animal within 2 miles would have heard them coming and just moved in the other direction. This show is hilariously bad if anything.
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More fiction than reality
dbusack15 June 2011
This is another attempt at a show that has the potential to be good, but fails due to bending evidence to match preconceived ideas. Why do I say this? Here is an example: In the first show, one of the researchers does a "sasquatch call". They say, it sounds just like a squatch! In the next show, the "sasquatch call" sounds completely different. Not a little bit, but entirely 180 degrees different. The first call was deep sounding. The second sounded like a man with his privates in a bear trap! The comment after the second call, "Wow, that sounded exactly like a squatch!".

My biggest problem with this is, how can they say this is how a completely unproven creature sounds? Next, in every show they manage to find a "squatch" with the thermal cams. Now if this is true, why in the world would they not set out camera traps to try to get a conclusive photo??? Thermal cams are VERY expensive! You could buy a boat load of motion sensor game cams for the same price. I believe the reason they do not employ them is it would cause crew members to be photographed too often posing as a bigfoot.

This is another show going down the same road as UFO Hunters - Don't confuse me with the facts, I already know everything.

Waste of time.
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I have seen some bad so-called reality shows - I especially remember that woman in Egypt trying to pretend she had found Neftiti's remains when the remains she found were actually those of a man - but these guys have no evidence whatsoever and they try to make something out of nothing. How can you make a Sasquatch call when no-one knows what they sound like??? "My tent was hit with a rock in the night" becomes a Sasquatch attack? This isn't even good enough to be called pseudo science, because there is no science involved. One thing in their favour, at least as far as the broadcaster is concerned, is that it must have been very cheap to make. They certainly didn't have to pay for any expert opinions.
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First episode was hard to watch, but now I'm totally addicted.
xxscomakxx22 April 2012
If you're watching this show purely in search of evidence of Bigfoot etc then you're gonna be disappointed and will likely hate it. IF however you're looking for a comical adventure, this my friends will keep you thoroughly entertained. I'm open minded to things like Bigfoot, ghosts, aliens etc. And every now and then (I've watched every episode thus far) they do come up with some unexplained things that do get you thinking whether or not maybe there is a Bigfoot. Unfortunately for every piece of credible evidence they come up with, there's about 20 pieces that are ridiculous and stupid which they still seem to believe to be credible. It's really hilarious and I urge everyone to give it a chance, have a laugh and don't take it as seriously as the team seems to take it. Very fun show to watch. Really looking forward to next season.
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It's Squatchy!
ryan_kuhn2 January 2012
"Finding Bigfoot" is a silly show, but for some reason, I can't get enough of it. If you are looking for a reasoned, scientific look at a group of four open-minded scientists trying to either prove or disprove the existence of the Sasquatch, this show is not for you. As a matter of fact, that show does not exist at all. "Finding Bigfoot" features three true believers and one skeptic (Ranae the Skeptic is reasoned compared to the other three, which really isn't saying that much) who go out in the woods and hear things at night. Now, I'm no expert, but I'm certain there are several nocturnal animals in North America that make noises and night and they are not all Sasquatches, but then again I'm not a Bigfoot expert, so what do I know? That being said, I cannot stop watching this show. The characters that the team comes across are earnest, honest people who mostly do not know what they saw and want answers. The team of Mike, Cliff, and Bobo are nice people who have a conclusion in mind and try to fit the evidence to fit this final idea (not really good science, but I digress), and Ranae usually fulfills the role of the viewer at home who is screaming at the TV "that noise was a deer, not a Bigfoot!" Finding Bigfoot is one of the least objectionable reality shows on TV right now, though maybe that speaks more of the other shows than this--either way, the truth is out there.
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It's a Sasquatch!
aufpet-477-55353815 December 2012
The funny people in the program hear a branch snap. Conclusion: it's a Sasquatch. They watch a grainy out-of-focus video recording of something in the darkness. It's a Sasquatch.

They go home and discover that they have been burgled. It's a Sasquatch.

They have made many episodes and in all of them, there has been a Sasquatch.

However, they are not mugs. They are bright. They get paid for doing this and we don't get paid for watching it. We are the mugs, or should I say Sasquatches.

I should of gave this program a '2' out of '10' for making me feel talented but it's going to be a '1' as we mustn't encourage them.
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A Fun Series
bsmith4411 February 2012
This is just a fun show that is getting far too harsh reviews. There is no actual proof that Bigfoot exists, but it can't be entirely disproved either. It requires a suspension of disbelief. The interaction between the people on the show is fun and I enjoy seeing Ranae frustrate the men who are all staunch believers. It is interesting to hear the stories by the crowd of alleged sightings and the techniques used to try and prove the existence of Bigfoot. The episodes, more or less, are all the same but it is a fun,entertaining show and does ask the question "What If?"

It is also hilarious to hear Matt, the leader, claim everything is evidence that Bigfoot exists. I think we all need to realize that there are still many undiscovered species of animal and though Bigfoot is probably far reaching, we all need to have a stronger sense of imagination in our lives.
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Get a clue people... THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT!
vnssyndrome8914 November 2016
These people who are giving this show a 1 star, need to get a clue. This is ENTERTAINMENT! It is NOT a scientific show! These people, with their 1 star reviews, have no sense of humor, or sense of adventure. I also suspect that they are the type of people who want to watch the same show, about so called 'perfect' people, over and over. I prefer a little variety in my life. Never underestimate the simulation eccentricity gives you, and the people on 'Finding Bigfoot' are as eccentric as you get. This show is about some idiosyncratic, true believers (& 1 skeptic), who meet up with brave local people, who have had Bigfoot encounters. They then make educated guesses, about where to look, and the adventure begins.

This show is also about, getting off of your couch, and having a passion. I agree, it's not everyone's passion, but do we all have to be the same? What a boring, monotone world that would be! I like seeing people travel about, meet interesting people, and trek through the woods, encountering wildlife.

If you like watching something different, with off-beat people, then this show is for you. If you're one of the sheepeople, that thinks everyone has to be the same, then give this one a pass.
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kahilyoung24 June 2011
Like so many, I was excited for this show when I first heard about it....but then I saw the show and found out that most, if not all, of the so called "evidence" was faked or things were edited by the production company. Not to mention this Matt Moneymaker guy who has self anointed himself an expert on Bigfoot. You can't be an expert on something that has never been proved to exist. He makes outrageous claims on the show. Everything he sees and hears can be attributed to a "squatch in these woods". Everywhere they go they come up with all this "evidence", yet offer up no proof. All talk and no substance.

The show's only saving grace is that it will obviously be canceled.

Don't waste your time...
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This show is obviously a joke...a very bad joke
jonwallen7 January 2013
I just got done watching yet another episode of this show and I don't know why I keep watching it. I guess I'm just watching it now for the laughs. You have a group of people that will believe anything is a Sasquatch. In one scene there is obviously a reflection of heat from the camera or people standing around the I have seen many with those thermal imaging cameras, the mysterious heat dissipates as soon as a heat source is introduced into the field of view. That is exactly what happened. As soon as the other cast member came in the mysterious heat source that was on several trees seemed to have vanished. Did these guys even attempt to explain it away? NO! Immediately it must be a Sasquatch (that apparently has the ability to teleport itself, because they didn't even bother to check for foot prints or go after it). Then they get the chance to use this equipment is state-of-the-art! I mean they can see up to 9 miles away with these cameras and it has infrared cameras so they can see the detail of a deer down in the valley, even rodents moving about! It was amazing!? So what do these idiots do? Well they send two morons out there in a little golf cart making all kinds of noise, and another one out to make whooping and howling noises. Guess what happens? NOT A FRICKEN ANIMAL IN 9 MILES AND THEY CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY! I mean how much more stupid can these people get!? LOL...Their scent can be picked up 2 miles down wind by most animals. Making all that noise is going to send most animals in the opposite direction, even Sasquatches if they exist. This has to be one of the worst shows I have ever watched, and these guys will never find anything at all with the techniques they use, but then I doubt that they are even trying. Furthermore, the town hall questions and testimony filler parts of the show are just the most torturous and ridiculous part of it all. They ask a show of hands who has seen one, and about half the room raises their hand and they play some suspenseful music and cut to a commercial. Yes, people raising their hands is apparently a very good cliff hanger to the producers of this show, and a great spot to cut to the commercial, because we can not wait for them to come back and explain to us why so many people raised their hands-- ooohhh, suspenseful! lol. Then we hear all these stories from these 'eye witnesses' that are automatically deemed credible because, well, they just look like they are. This show doesn't even deserve one star...I don't even know how it got a second season. I'm guessing that most people keep tuning in because they are like me: just tuning in to laugh at these clowns.
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A squatchy fart
faefidis27 November 2020
So they go in the woods, and every sound they hear is a squatch. Bobo farted? Squatchy, matt farted? very squatchy, rene doesnt fart.

Anyway cool if you want to see a mockery of some peoples interest in bigfoots. Hope animal planet defaults so we can be safe from similar future travesties like this show
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What a waste of time
m-labre7 March 2013
Jeez, i don't know who the geniuses are that gave the OK to produce this crap. It's even harder to believe that a TV station and sponsors actually backed this show up. The whole concept is flawed with every situation reported or seen live turns out to be a sasquatch related certainty. Go figure! The way i see these guys going, it s a wonder we re not tripping over squatches every time we take a walk in the woods. Watching these 4 morons going in the bush with their little cameras hooked around their heads and hitting trees or screeching loudly is just too much to take. I just burst out laughing when i saw this. I still can't believe i wasted an hour of my life watching this junk.
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Finding 3 Idiots
rpete52818 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I say Finding 3 Idiots because I kind of like Ranae. At least she calls it like she sees it. The other 3 people are just stupid. The Animal Planet should be ashamed of running such a poor show. When I watched this I thought there would at least be footage that would be deemed viable as a Bigfoot just to make it interesting. I know there is no Bigfoot but at least make this interesting. Instead, what you get is a show that is nothing more than lies. You have a guy that has been hunting this thing for 25 years. 25 years! He has nothing to show for it. But, they are all experts on this "creature". They know all its habits, what it eats, how it hunts, and so on. It's nothing more than a mesmerizing bad joke. This guy Bobo the Clown will talk to the camera all serious on how a Bigfoot will hunt and kill prey. They never saw this happen and do not show any video or photographic evidence. This entire show is based on going to a town where an alleged sighting was. They meet with town people who lie about seeing it. Go out in the woods and declare every noise is with no doubt a Bigfoot and declare it "squatchy". Never secure any video or hardcore evidence and then leave and go somewhere else without actually finding it. Don't you think if you say there is definitely a Bigfoot there you would stay until you found it or secured very strong evidence...not just a knock in the woods. The show is an insult to one's intelligence. Funny how the one guys last name is Moneymaker. I'm sure they get paid good coin to lie episode after episode.
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Real Life Bigfoot right Here!
lexih-5036016 March 2018
Oh, in New Zealand, I found a bigfoot, too! 3ft tall, only hairy in the areas that matter (blonde). They have big googly eyes to see at night, as they are primarily nocturnal. We call them shriekens, due to the horrendous noise they make. It's exactly like a wolf's howl, but shriekafied. They are a fundamental part of our culture, we lock ourselves in our houses after 8:00PM for fear that we may encounter one of the little hop goblins. I mean shriekens. But the really brave kids sneak out past their beddy times, much to the rest of the community's terror. It's rumored that they eat people! Sometimes you see them at your local shopping centre, causing severe awkwardness due to their perpetual nakedness. Nudity in New Zealand is typically welcomed, but the shriekens' belly buttons excrete a thick and viscous liquid, similar to the big mac secret sauce in taste and texture, but it is a vibrant shade of turquoise. They are famous for their terrible family relationships, and they clog up New Zealand's court systems with divorce cases. I am still waiting for my restraining order to be filed against the boyfriend I had in 2002. It's been a dark fifteen years.
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Sort of entertaining but no sign of Bigfoot
m355y26 February 2020
I find this show strangely watchable and yet on paper it should be terrible. Firstly, they have had 9/10 series of this, and never found anything. They happily take the odd wood knock or coyote howl as 'proof' and leave it there. And every episode is EXACTLY the same. Go to a US state. Chat about an unconvincing picture or video they need to check out. Three of them think it's proof of Bigfoot, one of them thinks it's a bear/bloke in a suit. The other three get annoyed at her for daring to suggest it. They talk to unconvincing witnesses, tell them that they've seen a 'squatch', hold a town hall meeting, choose a place for a night investigation and walk around getting nothing. Every time.

On the plus side, the four leads are very endearing. Matt is ultra enthusiastic and prone to sudden bursts of anger when anyone disputes anything he says. Cliff is lovely, engaging and just an all round nice person but literally thinks EVERY witness he speaks to has seen Bigfoot. Bobo is a proper oddball Squatch aficionado but doesn't take himself too seriously and Ranae is the only one of the four with an actual brain. They rub along nicely and seem to genuinely love what they do which frankly is what saves this show from being a dead loss. Ranae is underused though. She's portrayed as this party pooper who just pours scorn on anything the others say but in reality is a genuine enthusiast as well as a sceptic and simply wants the evidence.

There's the problem though. There's none. They get vocalisations, howls, calls etc - but virtually everything is ambiguous and could be something else. But they seem quite happy to talk all this up as proof regardless and happily gloss over their lack of success every week.

The best thing about this show though, speaking as someone from the UK, is seeing backwater America - they visit somewhere new every week and you get a real feel for each location - who'd have guessed Minnesota is so pretty, and who'd have guessed Kansas isn't? Oh, everyone.

It's quite fun this, but where's Bigfoot?
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Finding Bigfoot
markwithiam14 January 2014
I to watch this show just for the laughs!!I am an experienced woodsman of 40 years! Whether or not big-foot exists, these people will never find one shred of evidence to confirm its presence. Please, would you guys be more quiet in the woods and if you want to capture one of these elusive creatures try staying out there for more than one night ! Set up some trail cameras, try and realize that they just don't want to be found, if they exist!!! Last but not least, not every time the wind blows is it because of a big-foot! And if I counted all the times that someone said " Bigfoot are in these woods" we need to get them there own Zip Code !!!
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A 10 for Comedy!
tenbrowneyes22 July 2020
Firstly, like almost all reality shows, don't expect real results. Reality is the new comedy. Most reviews are really low, but because how they ridiculously pursue bigfoots is so laughable, literally! How they claim they know it's characteristics even when they've never seen it's habitat or seen one for more than a few seconds cracks me & my family up. We watch it & talk back with laughter & fun! ( like MST3K). Ranae is the only sane one & carries her own with the other 3 bozos.

This is much like Ghosthunters in the early years. As my husband would say, "They couldn't catch a cold if they tried!" I say it in humor as it was another show we watched to ridicule.

Get the popcorn & get ready to laugh!
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Interesting show but seems fake
mattm11242 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy the show on the premise that it's fun to think about Bigfoot's existing. I don't really like how when they have an eye witnesses recount what they have seen, the guys always say with 100% certainty that they in fact did see a bigfoot. These guys don't know and they're just going off what the witness says. The men say prior that they want to investigate to see if it stacks up. Their investigation is simply asking what the witness said and concluding that it was a bigfoot. It annoys me that they always say that. The show is entertaining however and makes you wonder. I don't get why they have never found a dead one at least. It's hard to believe they exist.
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A show that makes me consider canceling my subscription to Discovery Channels
niall-forrester17 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As others have said, this show has its unintentionally amusing sides. But to show it on "Discovery Science" - well, that just makes me angry. This is not science. It is so far from a scientific investigation as to be no better than a spoof. Or maybe it is just a spoof.

In general, the basis of every part of every episode is that some kind of event or blurry photo is examined, and the suggestion is made that it is evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. Every other possible explanation is ruled out, for really arbitrary reasons. Also, the team bizarrely claim to have detailed knowledge of Bigfoot's behavior, diet etc.

I would say that I would expect this to be a nail in the coffin for Discovery, but it seems that many people want to watch this kind of rubbish, even on a once decent documentary channel, so I guess they will keep churning it out.
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Help2All1 October 2020
This show did more harm to Bigfoot research than any other

and its not even good to watch
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A ridiculous joke that lasted how many seasons?
coltsw-1080329 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This stupid show should have been called "Unsuccessfully Looking For Bigfoot" because they never even came close to finding one. They never even purported to hear one on the show or to see a foot print except when one is provided by someone else. This leads me to conclude this show was made as a tongue-in-cheek lampooning of those who believe Bigfeet actually exist.

The head Bigfoot researcher, the improbably named Matt Moneymaker, is a socially awkward, self-professed expert who always concludes that he believes Bigfeet are in an area because there are deer and other food sources that a "Squatch" is known to eat. As Moneymaker and the equally out-of-shape and clumsy Bobo laughably tromp through a forest on a "night investigation", they make a lot of noise and look ridiculous with their video-selfie sticks protruding from their heads, ready to catch that silly look Moneymaker always gets when he thinks he has heard what could have been a Bigfoot answering one of their idiotic calls. It's not like they'd even hear a Bigfoot response because they can't shut up for longer than a half-second. They're too busy asking each other, "Did you hear that?" when they should be shutting up and listening. But they know there's nothing to hear. And they have some "entertainment" to record.

They always close an episode without actually seeing or hearing a Bigfoot or finding any new evidence at all that they exist, but Moneymaker always concludes that he is certain they are there.

When someone presents these intrepid researchers with their recording of a Bigfoot, they always authenticate it as real even though nobody else can hear anything but static. I truly believe this show is just a joke that makes fun of Sasquatch nerds.
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