Aftermath (2015) Poster


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You wonder why they bothered
Leofwine_draca3 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
AFTERMATH is a very dull indie drama shot in Spain. The story is about two lost soldiers who wander an empty landscape and occasionally converse. There's no more plot to it than that. The camera-work is over saturated so looks fake throughout while the slow-moving nature of the narrative makes this a real patience tester; if it had been well shot then at least it would have been nice to look at.
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Crap movie of low quality not fit for any TV Audience
Silversea007200230 August 2017
This movie is such low quality that you have to wonder yourself how did it ever get to be included in Amazon Prime. Seems like Amazon only includes garbage crap like this, this why many people do not renew their membership, me included. No plot,bad acting, and very stupid script, total waste of time! More like a below average high school media project than a cinematic production, totally made by an amateur. I gave up after about 20 minutes of trying to watch this tripe.
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