Totally Completely Fine (TV Series 2023) Poster

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Enjoying this little gem
elystonhayden-1989320 April 2023
Great little show for Stan. The quirkyness of the main character makes the subject matter less heavy, if it was handled with a less eccentric hand it would be hard to swallow. Has me giggling with it and hopefully and I'm sure that it is it's intention it really helps a lot of people and that is an achievement in its self. If you are in to off beat aussie cinema you will love this. And Sydney looks beautiful! Breakout role for Kiwi Thomasin McKenzie, loved her as well in Italian Giallo infused Last Night In Soho. I'm halfway through my binge of Totally Completely Fine and I'm hoping it gets a bit of international attention as it's a pretty nifty little story. Hope you enjoy as well.
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Perhaps my favourite Australian show of the last decade
MrMDavis25 April 2023
I have never seen a series quite like this. It is really unusual, and challenging and funny and serious and wild and surprisingly moving. The creators are clearly trying to treat the subject matter sensitively, and so at times it can be a bit overwritten. As a result, the darkness of the subject matter in combination with the comedic moments is definitely not going to be to everyone's taste. But just go with it, because it all comes out in the wash and really pays off in a beautiful way. Some of the accents took a bit of getting used to, but not enough to ruin the experience. I definitely recommend sticking with this series. The cinematography is stunning and the performances are especially brilliant. It feels like the most international Australian show I have seen in recent years. An original and special little show.
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Glimpses of brilliance
rhyss-530112 June 2023
There are moments throughout where the dialogue and actions are so ridiculously unrealistic I was so very frustrated with this show. But, then, I'd be hit with a scene that was just so perfect it was hard to stay angry with this show.

The cast are brilliant, and even some of the more annoying characters (Hendrix, Amy) will grow on you over the course of the six episodes are you become privy to the depth of their characters.

The last episode, particularly the last half of the last episode is brilliant, and it both closes itself off nicely but leaves itself open for another season, both would be a fitting next chapter.

Praise Stan for putting money back into local, Aussie productions!
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Realistic & Loved it :>3
mirza-nawazish24 April 2023
Totally Completely Fine is an incredible TV series that stands out from the rest due to its refreshing and realistic approach to storytelling. This show is a breath of fresh air in the world of television, and its ability to relate to audiences on a personal level makes it a must-watch for anyone looking for an authentic viewing experience.

One of the most impressive aspects of this show is how relatable and realistic the characters and their situations are. The show takes a deep dive into the lives of its characters, exploring their struggles and triumphs in a way that feels genuine and true to life. The characters are well-rounded and multi-dimensional, making it easy for viewers to connect with them on an emotional level.

The acting in Totally Completely Fine is also top-notch, with the actors delivering performances that are both compelling and nuanced. The chemistry between the actors is fantastic, and their interactions feel genuine and authentic.

What sets this show apart from others in its genre is its ability to tackle difficult topics in a way that feels both respectful and honest. The show explores themes like mental health, family dynamics, and personal growth with a sensitivity and depth that is truly impressive.

Totally Completely Fine is a must-watch TV series that is well-written, well-acted, and deeply relatable. Its ability to connect with viewers on a personal level makes it a standout in the world of television, and its realism and authenticity make it a true gem. Whether you are a fan of the genre or simply looking for a great show to watch, Totally Completely Fine is definitely one to check out.
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Are you people mad?
rivervalo11 June 2023
This is one of the greatest and most original series on tv and you decided to cancel it?

Apart from being well written, with exceptional casting, viewers come to connect, like, even love all the characters. Everyone is who and how they are for a reason that is explained clearly to us. Even the deranged bride.

In these six episodes you will experience many feelings. This show will make you both laugh and cry. You will be stunned at times. You will be furious at other times.

Please reconsider a second season. I cannot believe that Colin from Accounts has better reviews and will continue for another season. This is soooo much better.
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coles_notes10 July 2023
Written and produced by Gretel Vella, we follow Vivian (Tomasin McKenzie), a young adult who inherits a cliffside home in Australia after her somewhat estranged grandfather passes away in his sleep. Learning the home is frequently used for suicides due to the large clifftop in her new backyard, Vivian must learn to cope with the responsibility of the house and her life. A short miniseries at only 6 episodes, I cried and laughed a decent bit throughout, and while the plot does get a tiny bit silly, its beautifully portrayed, and the writing and acting is quite good. Obviously warnings around suicide, for a series with such a morbid premise the series is quite heartfelt and uplifting. Would recommend.
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Emotionally relatable.
TMadd0521 April 2023
This is a perfect portrayal of a young person in todays Australia trying to get through life. Its a really fresh take on the struggles of mental health that enables the viewer to feel empathy for the subject matter but not be dragged down into a depression spiral unlike some other shows covering the same deep topics. The music/score isn't the expected melancholy, doom and gloom sound found in most shows and the dark, dry Australian humour is well represented all throughout which certainly adds to the relatability. Its refreshing to see a show cover such serious topics, be able to get the point across and not force you into your own depression in the process. The show does start a bit slow however this is only to provide much needed context and insight into who Vivian is and her various complex family relationships. Most characters -while exaggerated- are certainly people I have come across in my day to day life. Its a little unhinged but aren't we all? There are -rightfully- trigger warnings at the start of each episode which may deter some viewers. It almost stopped me from watching too. Yes, the topics are deep and thought provoking however as someone who has and still does struggle with mental health i can safely say that while yes there are some triggering moments, the way it is dealt with really changes everything. This excellently balances that fine line as a viewer in an enjoyable way. While this may not resonate or translate well for non-Australians, this is the first Australian show I have actually felt a connection with. So much so, i created this account.
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Series that soothes
volodymyrsheremei27 April 2023
This is a wonderful series that makes you think about what is happening around you while also allowing you to relax and forget about your problems for a moment. After watching it, you may even be able to look at your life from a different angle. It's difficult to categorize it as a comedy; rather, it's a cognitive and psychological series about life. The topic of suicide is rarely addressed, but each episode provides an opportunity to reflect on moments in your own life, make comparisons, and contemplate what you may have once considered impossible. Life is beautiful! With good acting, a strong script, and an unusual plot, this series has everything needed for a great viewing experience. I highly recommend it to anyone over the age of 16.
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Good series spoiled by disappointing writing
fearlessfroggymummy29 April 2023
I really wanted to like this series. Its great to see an Aussie series on Stan tgat isset in Sydney.

I watched 4 episodes just in case it got better but sadly I couldn't warm to it.

I just can't understand the rave reviews. Hilarious? Did I watch a different series?

The premise is good, the subject matter powerful, and the acting also good for the most part. It's enjoyable to see beautiful Sydney waterfront, presumably Viviens house was in Watsons Bay.. But the writing really lets it down. This could have been a 7 star or more but the dialogue wasnt very clever and some of the characters were irritating, especially Viviens housemate.
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An Aussie White Lotus that really pays off.
ACobbler25 April 2023
This is such an interesting show. I binged it with my parents but I think calling it a comedy is a bit of a misnomer. It is more of a drama with wild comedic elements, because it actually gets really dark. So be warned, because I was not ready. The show is a slow burn and the first two episodes dip a bit in energy. But episode three is where the show really gets great. I won't spoil it, but there are some laugh out loud bits, followed by some moments which made me really sad, and at the end I actually loved all the characters and really felt for them. Feel-wise it's probably the closest to something like White Lotus, because sometimes you like the characters and sometimes you hate them. The acting is pretty phenomenal in this regard. The music is actually very White Lotus too. You have to pay attention because there are so many clues that are brushed over, and only answered later in the series. I definitely recommend sticking with this show. The ending is one of the most beautiful bits of television I have ever seen.
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Ruined by the annoying suicidal bride
bcelitepool22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Such a shame. This show looked quite interesting in the previews and upon watching it it starts out ok. Unfortunately, then the actor playing the suicidal bride comes in, seemingly advised by the director "we want you to overact and be as annoying as possible" . Well she manages this with ease to the point that it becomes unwatchable whenever she is in a scene. I'm not sure if the director and writers thought this character would be endearing, but.she becomes too annoying and we were only able to get through two eps. A shame because most of the cast are quite good and the storyline seems okay.
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So simple yet so deep
imdb020-643-12977225 April 2023
It's funny, it's sad, it's simple, it's deep.

Everyone has a tragedy inside, but it can be dealt with in most cases.

This show masterly tangles multiple life stories into one. It shows that there is no dead end, and all the people have something unsaid and heavy in their souls. But good deeds and good people can help.

We see a resolution of multiple sorrows that are common among people and the ways they can be treated.

Touching such a serious subject, the show has a good balance and sewed in humorous moments.

Highly recommend for those who likes to watch something thought provoking and touching.
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A Wonderful Series
ladymidath29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure if this was a series I was going to enjoy and once I watched it, I found myself really loving it;.

The premise is a rather unusual one, a young woman inherits a house from her grandfather, the only thing is, it's near a cliff that people commit suicide off.

This is a series that studies grief, loss, guilt and relationships and how that can affect different people in different way. These are not easy characters. The lead character is a hot mess filled with guilt and grief. The two brothers have their own problems that also affect their lives and interactions with each other.

This is an intelligent and insightful look at how people do deal with loss. The characters are not pat likable people, but they are realistic and well fleshed out. They examine the difficulties of navigating everyday life while trying to figure out their own feeling.

This series does deal with the difficult subject of suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, marriage breakdown and mental illness and does so in a sensitive and realistic way. The scene of a mother grieving her son's suicide was painful to watch. This was a scene that got a little too real and it was both heartbreaking and brilliant at the same time as it didn't try to whitewash over the emotional scenes.

This is definitely one of the best things Australia has made in the last few years.
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My new favourite show
shannonhaylings30 April 2023
This show is fleabag levels of iconic, relatable, and unhinged.

It's such a great representation of dysfunctional family dynamics, suicidal ideation, maturing, queer relationships, as well as a million other things.

Although it's never actually mentioned I can only assume that the main character has BPD, and speaking as both a psychologist and a BPD sufferer this show is the best representation of BPD I've ever seen.

This might be my favourite Australian show ever made. Ever character was casted incredibly well; in fact every element of this show was done incredibly well.

I can only hope that it gets renewed for a second season. Until then I will just have to rewatch it over and over.
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What universe are you from?
lydiakrosny13 June 2023
Looking at some of the glowing reviews for this piece of rubbish makes you wonder what universe you (or they) are from.

From the outset the series seems utterly contrived and unrealistic. The writing is shoddy (and that is being very kind), the direction almost non-existent, and, unsurprisingly, the (over)acting is laughable.

We watched four episodes and could bear no more. We then watched the series Drops of God. And we were reassured that quality writing, direction and acting ARE possible in TV series.

We live in Australia and do not enjoy denigrating Australian productions, but rubbish is rubbish.
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sbullard-4567520 May 2023
The most brilliant, poignant, heartaching, family show that I have seen in a very long time. I hope this series gets another season so that we can continue to learn more about the lives of these siblings that so realistically embodies the trials and tribulations of family and loss and how to move forward. The character of Vivian is so well written and delivered by the actress, as are the other characters of the show, that they sucker you in and you feeling every single emotion with them. If you watch one show this year it's definitely this one so do yourself a favour and add it to your watch list. Thanks Stan for producing such a great show.
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not totally completely fine
curtispeace20 April 2023
This is really not a good show in my opinion, I tried to get into the first episode, but the characters are a little overly quirky, like they've been written that way but they are not realistic in any way it seems, and the protagonist young lady just seems like an unlikable person in the story, I have no reason to root for her or no interest whatsoever in finding out what happens to her after the surprise beginning, she just seems like an unlikely type of person, even though I guess there are people like the character in the real world, it just comes off odd for odd's sake I suppose, anyway ho hum yawn yawn, do better!
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Top Shelf Drama
Gamer199512 February 2024
Dialogue, perfect. Acting, great. Unexpected twists, definitely. Ending, way more perfect than I thought it would be. It went full circle where most dramas fail in their third act. This is the best drama I've ever seen. 10/10.

The writer of this show wrote a masterpiece about perfectly flawed, terrible, and at the same time sorely empathetic characters with big hearts. The best part is how the characters are presented as terrible people in the beginning until you fully understand them in the end. It flips the narrative and shows you the "terrible people" are remarkably good and the seemingly normal and kind people are just doing an act.

The honest and brazen ones tell the truth even if it's hard to hear or say. Meanwhile, the kinder people are always telling everyone pretty lies to spare their feelings.

The ending between the siblings is a perfect reveal of an honest conversation they have always been on the edge of having, and full of things that should have been said so long ago. But they were too terrified of what the other was going to say. It turned out, it was exactly what they needed each other to hear. The moment they say it, the trauma of their lives comes full circle. You finally understand why they love each other so hard. When, in fact, they thought the other sibling hated them. The truth was they loved the other so much, they were deeply hurt by them because of the fact.

Or rather, Vivian understood her brother's perspective, finally. You can actually feel the relief of that proverbial knife finally coming out of her fractured soul. She was whole again.
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The best Australian show I've seen in a long time
wksvtcnkm24 May 2023
Literally created an account to review this show. It was a gut punching, emotional rollercoaster that had me feeling all the feels. Loved every bit of it, and highly recommend giving it a go. Beautifully shot, and amazing performances.

The characters are all flawed, but you find yourself rooting for them, wanting them to find redemption, and experiencing everything they are going through. Probably don't watch if you're not in a healthy mindset, I can definitely see that watching this could be quite triggering to a lot of people. I was on the edge of my seat for the last episode in particular and could see it going different ways, but none of it felt forced. I loved this show and would love to see if they bring out a second season.
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Beautiful, heart wrenching, REAL
soliloquysam6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this show beyond measure! I thought Vivian's story arc was going to be the most profound, (and it was profound!) however it was John and his beautiful Alejandro who also stole the show, along with Amy.

Honestly there wasn't a main character I didn't end up loving in some way. Amy, at first flighty and odd, was actually incredibly strong and beautifully unique. Alejandro, at first the outwardly stunning man, proved to be of great depth and totally rapt in his true love. John, at first uptight, pompous and unreachable, succumbed to his vulnerability and began his journey to healing.

Stunning performance by Thomasin McKenzie. Stunning. What a cast. I'm crying again!
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Started great till Episode 3
petergprides23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is my very first review on IMDb and I have to speak up, how on earth can anyone say anything good about this show?, the writing is dreadful, the actors are great, the charachters are likeable, but it is simply unbelievable, with silly dialogue, rediculous from the very first episode.. (Where did she get the clothes after changing from her wedding dress?) I made it to episode three and then half way through. Had to turn off, it was so bad, It's Not funny, It's Not believable, It's an embarressment.

People just do not act that way!

It's dumb shows like this that make me cringe, I am shamed to be called an Aussie after watching this rubbish!
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Great show
vixenicious1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I got totally involved with this series, it was a random find on Stan and I couldn't stop watching it. A typically Australian show with the usual quirky humour, but the underlying theme of suicide and suicide prevention is raw and real. There were some very deep moments that I could relate to. I cried and laughed, I loved the characters of Amy and Ale, all of the relationships were dysfunctional, and not everything works out in the end. Viv was a complex central character carrying around a bucket load of guilt which made her unlovable at times, but this is how it is when someone is struggling with their mental health. The show may have been a bit kooky, but it had a meaningful message. Actually, it had a few!
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Well researched, could be more straightforward
icecreamguru30 May 2023
Suicide prevention and mental health are at the centre of this series. The issues are well covered and researched but it is a pity that when something passes there is no follow-up explanation. Traumatic issues are mostly swept under the carpet - yes, art imitates life here... The only exception was the speech Vivien gave to Dane at 3 AM. It reminded me of the psychologist I spoke to recently. She voluntarily gave up her registration as she could no longer work alongside the growing army of young psychologists who mastered all the theory and certifications but had little or no lived experience. The main pre-requisites to be a therapist are high level of self-awareness and non-judgmental approach to others. Here was an example!

I hope the show sparks a lot of conversations and creates a platform for another step towards better awareness of mental health issues and how to tackle them. People do not need psychologists, they need to be listened to... Let's ask "R U OK?" more often!
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Very loosely based on the Angel of the Gap
djmotiv13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At least I believe it is and given that's an Australian story, it would make sense.

This series deals with a number of tough subjects with typical Australian/New Zealand humour. The most obvious tough subject being suicide; but it also delves into the various forms of trauma that can result in someone wanting to take their own life. Grief, abuse, feelings of failure and inadequacy, substance use and abuse - many of them make themselves known in a show where Viv is both helping others, whilst simultaneously crashing herself.

There is a lot of truth in "lived experience" and sometimes our experiences of trauma and our own emotions can be the catalyst for helping others, through our ability to relate and connect through a shared experience.

Occasionally bordering on ridiculous the show still manages to tackle the above tough subjects with some honesty and accurate portrayal of emotional distress; whilst also being funny from time to time.

But it's also painful at a few points as well; especially because if you have ever been in these shoes, you'll recognise the angst and the emotion and the pain.
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