Maa Ka Doodh (2023) Poster


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A must watch film
vsunny-7991726 January 2023
The movies takes you on a journey about our relationship with nature. It gives us an insight on what issues India faces as a nation. As a nation how we have moved away from our basic nature of ahimsa and violated the right of others. This movie provides a reason for introspection and self change and to educate others. It is educational and inspires to be the change we want to see. The simple relationship a mother and her offspring, how we deviate from this bond is also a learning from this movie. Our future depends on what actions we take today and how we bring the change within ourselves and others. Must watch movie.
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Ma Kaa Doodh means literally mother's milk. And this is about milk from.the cattle. Yes it is the mothers' milk to their own children. The truth should hit us. High time.
selvi-7070830 January 2023
This movie is a recording of the truth around us, narrated in a neutral tone. Though it breaks our heart to watch the scenes, it is a must watch, for all Indians who want to be aware and are interested in creating a better country and a better world... Especially the younger generation who are the future earth citizens. High time we and they came out of the traditional beliefs that the cow is our mother (buffaloe?). All the dairy based industries use more of buffaloes milk, but no one knows this. Thats not the point here though. The point is our sense of justice and fairness which we seem to have lost somewhere on the way in our evolution, and watching this film with an open mind might help in making informed decisions which will go a long way towards that better world.
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Highly recommended Documentry
rbkamble-3238126 January 2023
Many people are under the false assumption, that the dairy and meat industries are morally different.

The truth is, no animal in the dairy industry will make it out alive. After being forced into pregnancy over and over and having their calves repeatedly stolen from them, the milk producing mothers (once exhausted) are sent off to be executed for cheap meat. The meat industry tends to use the bodies of dead dairy cows in processed foods like burgers.

The stolen calves if female, will replace the dairy herd, but if born male, will either be killed shortly after birth, used for their young flesh (veal) or raised for beef. As dairy calves don't tend to be as productive for meat, dairy farmers use semen from beef cattle to impregnate dairy cows with, in order to make more profit from the calves they produce.

The only moral distinction one might arguably make between the meat and dairy industries,

is the prolonged suffering in the dairy industry caused by lameness, mastitis, and most notably the systematic baby stealing and the maternal trauma that follows. But essentially, these are the same industries. Dairy cannot exist and generate profit without the meat industry. If you don't eat meat for ethical reasons, it only makes sense that also you boycott dairy for

ethical reasons. And so, it only logically follows that you boycott all industries that

unjustifiably exploit and kill animals, by living vegan.
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A must watch movie for all Indians who care about the future of our nation!
qualitycontentmatters13 February 2023
Normally I don't watch animal rights documentaries because they upset me and make me feel angry and helpless. I usually reason that anyway I know what's happening, so why subject myself to that energy again?

But somehow I made an exception for Maa ka Doodh after reading a friend's review about it. I'm so glad I watched it!

At first I thought I'd start a bit and stop if it's overwhelming, but OMG they've done such an excellent job of presenting everything! I just went all the way through it.

I'm really impressed at the research and the holistic way of showing how dairy just doesn't make any sense at all for - health, animals, environment, spirituality, or national security.

Instead of only pointing out the issues, the documentary provides hope and solutions too.

A lot of vegetarians believe they're not causing any harm. But the truth is dairy is a lot more cruel and harmful than meat.

I feel like everyone who watches this documentary with an open mind cannot help seeing the truth. The information is too compelling to ignore.

There are some painful, difficult to watch scenes. But no gratuitous gore. Only short clips that are enough to make a point.
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Truth of our Dairy
saraecegeni31 January 2023
Eye opening Documentary. It is nicely represented the cruelty of Dairy. The connection between Dairy and Beef is well portrayed using the wheel. And milk products consumers are the one that connects the dairy and beef. The ill effects of Dairy on environment is also a threat to our planet. This documentary film should reach the movie industry and this should be portrayed in movies. Many historical films are on the go nowadays. But these kind of underground dark side of the issues shall have to be brought to the light. The entire team of this film has done its best. I wish our people to understand.
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Eye opening, Must watch
prias30 January 2023
Milk is white poison. Humans are the only species to snatch milk of other species for greed and profit. A very well made documentary! An eye opening informative movie which can be a game changer for a better planet! Highly recommended! How come the Dairy industry managed to brainwash that milk and that too cow's is needed till we die! Deforestation, global warming, scarcity of land water resources, world hunger are main reasons of animal agriculture. Milk contains animal protein, pus cells, faeces, infections, hormones...then how come it is labelled as 'Vegetarian'. Wake up humans there is only 1 planet to live!
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Milk is liquid meat
srikanthvijay1 February 2023
This is an eye opening documentary that needs to be played in schools and other public places to raise awareness about the milk-meat-leather-pharma complex. As a practicing vegan, I could not see some of the gory scenes in the documentary, but that is the reality of the matter and turning a blind eye to this issue will only make it worse. More people need to watch this documentary and raise awareness for this cause. This documentary focuses especially on the Indian context and that way, Indians watching this movie can't just deny reality by saying that all these inhumane things don't happen in India.
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Bold film! Be prepared to get surprised
amit-29325-7892810 February 2024
This film in no way force's viewers to go Vegan, however going vegan is what is expected from anyone who think or claim to care about animals.

Though there may be a legal way, yet there's no ethical way to harm an animal!

Although we have all been raised to believe that using animals for food is natural and necessary, through this film I have discovered that there is a much happier and healthier way to live! Think about this: we humans are also animals and ALL animals want to live and have the capacity to suffer. When I decided to opt out of the cruel practices of using animals without regard to their needs, my life actually became better! I highly recommend that you watch this film and find another way to support yourselves, in a way that benefits ALL who are involved, regardless of what "species" they may belong to.

This film is a masterpiece made by a Dr. From victims perspective after thoroughly studying facts and figure's.
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The Untold Story: From Milk to Beef
samstachler30 March 2024
In Maa Ka Doodh, a former doctor turned documentarian embarks on a journey across India to uncover the dark underbelly of the nation's dairy industry. With a keen focus on the poor treatment of cows and buffalo, the film exposes the harsh realities of the milk and beef industries. Through intimate interviews and captivating visuals, it paints a vivid portrait of how the land of Ahimsa has become a living hell for cows. Maa Ka Doodh challenges viewers to confront their complicity in a system that prioritizes profit over compassion, making it essential viewing for anyone concerned about the welfare of animals and the sustainability of our food supply.

This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen.
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This is the best documentary I have ever seen.
tikarihamanisha2 July 2023
This is the best documentary I have ever seen. This documentary is eye opening, and I agree all the facts mentioned in this documentary are 100% true. Everyone must watch it. Truly worth watching. It reveals all the myths about dairy. I am very much thankful to the creater for making it. Hopefully people will understand and change to make our holy cow's life better. Dairy is scary for all the reasons. After watching this movie I don't find a single reason to consume dairy. It is not even good for our own health.

"Doodh ka rang laal hai safed nahi", I knew this after watching this movie. Even vegetarians are also killer of our holy cow.
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I didn't think dairy was harmful
dakotamatthes17 December 2023
Before watching this film I didn't think that dairy was a product that harmed animals in the making. Oh my gosh were my eyes opened!! It makes so much sense to me now, but I just did not connect the dots before. A female cow has to give birth in order to produce milk. Therefore she must be impregnated year after year to keep producing. This is done forcefully by humans only two months after she has given birth time after time after time, and she lives in a state of chronic exploitation through pregnancy, birth and milking, over and over and over again. She is grief stricken every time her baby is taken away from her at birth and it's milk is stolen from her until she is impregnated again and the cycle continues. The male calves are killed, being viewed as useless to humanity. So much more to see in this film that is completely eye-opening! Please, if you do nothing else this year, see this film. 👍🏼
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Very very important documentary
lrknhome30 January 2023
Excellent documentary. Very well made expose on the dark reality of the animal farming industries that covers various aspects without bias. Hats off to the film makers for bringing out the truth. Every person who believes in fairness and respect of all earthlings must watch Maa Ka Doodh. This is particularly relevant in the context of India where there are many misconceptions that dairy milk is harmless and is even necessary. This film breaks those myths by showcasing the real happenings and discussing with various people who have knowledge and experience on this subject. Indians are generally quite convinced of their 'vegetarianism' but this film shows how being vegetarian which includes consuming animal milk, is wrong and cruel.

I strongly recommend watching this documentary.
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The movie thats tels the truth about the animal product indestry
jeffbendavid26 January 2023
The movie "Maa Ka Doodh" reveals what goes on behind the scenes of milk consumption in India, both in industry and in private farms.

If you happened to see other docu-films on similar topics, forget everything you saw.

In India, the dairy industry is extraordinarily cruel and it is measured not in hundreds of thousands but in billions of poor and sick unfortunate animals who receive the worst treatment imaginable and that's even before they are slaughtered

For example, when a young calf dies, they hang its body for days in front of his mother so that she thinks it is alive.

I will not go into graphic description of the slaughter itself because you will not be able to sleep at night.

But maybe it's good that you don't sleep one night so that you discover the terrible truth that not only happens to cows in India but to animals in general.

There is a lot of similarity between the conditions in India and other cuntries and not a few differences, only that they are all extremely negative. The farmers, the growers, the marketers, the consumers - they all repeat the same biased statements that are the result of blind faith and originate from ignorance at best and deliberate deception at worst, and all this just so we can enjoy some milk in our morning coffee..

After watching it for two and a half hours I was very happy that I am a vegan who does not take part in this terrible madness and tries to raise awareness to stop the suffering.

Day by day, one step after another there is increasing of awerness of suffering because people are not afraid to tell the truth, not just their own truth but the real truth, and thanks to these people the world will be better, even if we don't have too much time left. Every minute is important to us and to those who will never know that someone cares about them because tomorrow morning they will be waiting for us on the plate..
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Eye-Opening Documentary
shova-7720026 January 2023
This documentary covers all aspects of the dairy industry in South Asia and breaks the misconception of general people who think dairy is Ahimsa. From historical roots to present conditions, from economic front to ethical considerations, from religious concepts to scientific facts, you'll get to learn throughout the movie.

As a Hindu Asian, I always thought that cows have a revered status in Hindu Philosophy and whatever cruelty occurs for milk, that happens only in western countries. Cows are holy, cows are worshiped, hence we have a symbiotic or at least ethical relation, right? You'd find the answer to this question through this movie. Truly Thought-Provoking!!
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A Life changing Movie
amarkumarjnv10 February 2024
What A well Researched movie including all the aspects of like- Historical, cultural, Spiritual Health and Climate change. This movie helps you understand your relationship with food and how it is produced.

You can't miss watching this film. The way it discover the truth of Dairy industry and present to the Audience is amazing. Very Minimal use of graphic footage yet so impactful.

I liked the cultural and Religious aspects of Milk and Ghee as these are closely related to our religious practices, The exploitation from Religious text gave me the fresh perspective to understand.

I am so happy that I watched this film.
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Much needed documentary in Indian context.
sambhavmutha129 February 2024
A well made documentary highlighting the horrors of dairy industry in the context of India. It clears a lot of doubts and misconceptions people had about milk in India.

Not only does it cover the ethical perspective, but it also covers other perspectives such as religion and health. It also covers alternatives to milk. It is well thought out and organised into different parts.

Ahimsa (i.e. Non-violence) is an integral part of many Indian religions, but majority who follow the principles of ahimsa are unaware of the cruelty and violence in the dairy industry. The connection between beef and milk is well hidden from the public. Thanks to documentaries like this, it is now easier to communicate about the horrors of the dairy industry.

It is transforming the way people look at milk and making them empathetic!
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One choice. So many consequences. A must watch!
prathamgoel-258057 July 2023
Truly eye-opening documentary, a must watch!

There are so many dimensions to this problem created by the dairy industry in India which I have been taking for granted all these years: 1. Most of all, the simple fact that more dairy consumption leads to more beef consumption and thereby more animal slaughter!

2. Also, the dairy production process of artificial insemination is so inhumane, I had little idea until I watched this documentary.

3. Even most of the so called protectors of cows look down on Buffalos, which make up a significant portion of dairy products and beef exports. Moreover, the complicated inter-state trade laws only banning/ allowing trade of certain types of cattle makes things even worse, especially in the illegal, black markets, which go unaccounted for

4. Not to mention, the severe stress on health and environmental impact that this industry causes in terms of methane, water and land footprint is truly mind-boggling.

Having been a vegetarian all my life, I've realised, my dairy consumption as it is, is a very minute portion of my diet. Now I am seriously considering giving up on all dairy products all together.

Definitely a must watch! Freely available on YouTube in both English and Hindi.
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