"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" Subspace Rhapsody (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Pleasantly Surprised
hobbsian-330233 August 2023
I have to say I was very skeptical from the moment I heard this was happening. Why? That was my most frequent question. The premise suggests it is a one off which is relieving as I would hate this to become a once a season thing. All that said, the premise is clever in giving a sci-fi reason for the musical and I have to say the episode is actually quite good. The songs are of high production and their use of relevant lyrics is impressive. The songs kind of have a Disney feel to them and I mean that as a compliment. It has character development. It has galaxy threatening danger. It has genuine humor, suspense and mystery. All the things a great episode of Star Trek needs. It is entertaining and a lot of fun to watch. My biggest fear is that the episode would make me regret promoting this series to whoever would listen. My fears were unfounded.
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Some of you are seriously allergic to fun
firesideblossom20 September 2023
This is a pretty bold thing to do for a franchise that, as far as I know, has never broached the subject of musicals. While I don't think it's the best episode or worthy of a 10, it's not a 1/10 and DEFINITELY not the worst Star Trek episode of all time as some people are claiming.

Have you people seen any Star Trek in your life? You think this was the worst of all time? Really? Please, be real for a second. It's not. I'd honestly say this is above average. The plot reasoning behind the spontaneous singing could be better, but it's certainly not bad.

There's some pretty good singing on display here from various actors, some of it you can tell has autotune but several of them were also just belting it out with their own voices. I just think it's impressive how they pulled this off. There are issues, and ultimately I think it will boil down to if you can't stand musicals or not; but I really liked this. I was particularly fond of the Uhura focus towards the end of the episode, considering in the past of this show we got an Uhura focused episode where she was communicating with aliens through harmony. This felt like a spiritual callback to that.

I saw a review saying something along the lines of "what scifi fan would want a musical?" ME! I do, I think it's a neat idea. Based on the numerous other high reviews, clearly a lot of people liked the idea too. Going into it, I was worried it would make me cringe based on how they'd handle the singing but it really didn't. Uhura's actress stands out having great vocals, but she's not the only one. Apparently some of the actors have experience singing in the past and you could definitely tell.

I don't know, I can't justify giving this episode a 1/10. I could maybe understand if you gave it a 3, 4, 6, whatever. But a 1? Come on now. You're just lying to yourself if you've seen other Trek and are calling this the worst of all time. I love Star Trek, and there have been some absolutely awful episodes before that this episode comes nowhere close to being as bad. I knew this one would be divisive but I'm glad to see so many people who agree this episode is solid.
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Bleh to musicals, however....
midtownwarriors4 August 2023
I think I speak for multiple ST fans, old and new alike, we love our sci-fi and Trek especially. But we may not be in to the Disney style impromptu musicals within shows and film.

The only musical I really enjoy is Tim Burtons Sweeney Todd and it's different and wonderful. This episode is right up there with that sentiment.

The approach of being out the emotions of the crew members is endearing and appreciated. It builds and even opens up the story ark with Kirk and Spock.

If you still despise the musical aspect, understood. Perhaps corny is your thought process, but let's not forget some of the goofball episodes from the original series and TNG, they were stilly and fun. Not everything HAS to be dark and brooding. So, let it be fun, that's what Star Trek is!
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I like how they are not afraid to do something different
jared793 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes auto tune sometimes sticks out. But these actors were hired for their acting skills and not singing. Some of them can sing and most of songs are good and catchy. It was another fun episode and I think that is what is great about SNW. With everything being dark and gritty these days. It's nice to have a show that can balance both sides, fun and serious.

My wife and I enjoyed this episode, but we like musicals, so this worked for us. I understand that this might not be everyone's cup of tea. But I hope people do enjoy it.

Plenty of laughs too. The Klingon bit at the end is LOL hysterical. I only took off 1 star because sometimes the auto tune is pretty bad.
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Look I hope they never do this again
djmotiv3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was enjoyable and different and just plain fun.

The Klingon performance had me in near stitches, it was so funny.

In a world (or out of this world) where things have been so serious for some time - it was fantastic to delve into some fun with the STSNW crew - and can I just say, some stunning voices!

If you allow yourself to enjoy this for the entertainment value that it is, it will remind you that the original Star Trek also has many moments where it poked fun at itself.

This is TV that cannot be replicated by AI - this is why actors and writers alike need to be heard in their pursuit of just and fair conditions.
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Who knew we needed this?!
optimus_spbla3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Was it a flimsy premise to set up a musical episode? Yes.

Do I care?


This episode will definitely be divisive among the fanbase - you either like musicals or you don't. Personally, I do, and thought this was very well executed both story-wise and musically. Whoever wrote the songs did a great job of evoking the "Great American Songbook" (as Uhura says), and each cast member was given a time to shine.

On that note I just have three words to say - Christina. Chow. Wow! Her ballad was gorgeous and heartbreaking, her singing voice (I'm assuming that's really her) was rich and beautiful, one of the highlights of the episode for me for sure that continues to pay off the Kirk/Singh storyline of lost love.

Seeing Number 1 and Kirk waltz down the hallway, hearing the chorus of crewman throughout the ship, Ortegas singing about how awesome she is at the helm, I loved every moment.

So sure, it was a little cheesy - but come on! Our jaded "modern" hearts need a little cheesy now and then. :) Thanks for the cast and crew for giving us a fun time!
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Possibly the worst ST episode ever
dpoland-765895 August 2023
I was fresh with excitement after last weeks crossover episode. Boy was I let down. How on earth did producers, studio and actors feel like this would work? I can't believe it. An hour of intolerable singing. Sure the first song had a catchy beat but when I realized it was going to be the entire episode I started doing other stuff and just had it on in tue background.

With only one episode left I hope there is time to rescue this roller coaster of a season. I love the show but it's making it more and more of a struggle to do so.

It's just my opinion. Still, I'd rather have inconsistent Star Trek than none at all.
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C'mon, this was FUN!!
Rollo-Tomskasi3 August 2023
I typically love SNW and like how it doesn't take itself too seriously (ahem, Discovery!) - although I couldn't make it through the Elysian Kingdom episode last season... This Subspace Rhapsody was SO much fun though! I laughed, I emoted, I smiled almost endlessly throughout the episode. I know many purists will hate what they've done with this episode but as a one-off bit of musical fun, it was terrific. Favourite moment - let's just say it was when they hailed a nearby ship! Great work, SNW team! I hope that next season will continue to explore new ways of telling us great stories like this!
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I hate musicals, but...
RSO_Media3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I hate musicals, but I do have a fondness for those occasions where 'Star Trek' delves into the bizarre, such as 'Shore Leave' in TOS, or 'The Royale' in TNG, and so on. 'Subspace Rhapsody' does kind of fall into that category (though it's predictable, and not nearly as clever as either of those), as the crew of the enterprise are involuntarily compelled to perform musical numbers after they encounter an anomaly that warps their reality into an improbable Musical Theater version of reality...

Okay, so whoever wrote this obviously wanted an excuse to do a musical episode of 'Star Trek', but honestly the sight of the crew jumping and twirling around through the corridors of the Enterprise while belting out these insipid songs is every bit as surreal as Dr. McCoy seeing the white rabbit from 'Alice in Wonderland' running around on the Shore Leave Planet, and the high-strangeness factor actually kind of winds up working in its' favor.

Also, the significant La'an/Kirk thread that began in 'Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow' is (seemingly) concluded in a more-or-less satisfactory way, although Kirk refers to his girlfriend, Carol (Marcus), as being pregnant, which, if I'm recalling Star Trek II correctly, he should not know about. While we're on the subject of disrupting TOS continuity, the abominable Spock/Chapel telenovela shows no signs of abating, unfortunately.

Also, this episode features Uhura as the central protagonist, so she gets some much needed character development.

The songs are the sort of generic junk common to virtually all musicals, whose lyrics relate either to specific character subplots, or more amusingly, rhyming Star Trek techno-babble, but I'm always down for a good, old-fashioned spacial anomaly screwing up reality for a while.
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Cpt_JackSparrow3 August 2023
I love this show but seriously, know your audience. This episode is the exact opposite of why sci-fi fans tune in to watch "Star Trek Strange New Worlds". No star trekking or strange new world to explore here in this episode. Seems like the writers are running out of ideas for interesting stories. You have a multiverse at your creative disposal, all of space and time and you choose to write a musical episode? By far the worst episode in the entire series so far. I hope it only gets better from here because I doubt it could get worse than this episode. This is Star Trek, not glee. Please stick to what you know.
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Can't believe how good it was
mgeist-034893 August 2023
The whole idea of a musical for a Star Trek episode seemed absolutely absurd to me not to mention not even worth watching, but the cast and crew not only made the episode worth watching but also made it enjoyable, touching, and outstanding. The emotions between La'an and Kirk were something I was so waiting to see since episode 3 of this season, and I am hoping they are able to carry it further. The choreography was masterclass, and it just seemed like all the cast were genuinely having fun. While episode 3 of this season is still my favorite, this particular episode rivals it extremely closely.
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You don't need gimmicks to tell a good story
S3pt3m63r4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you have good writers, and producers and directors, you don't need to resort to gimmicks like musical shows or animation to pull storylines back into place. TOS, TNG did these things very well without resorting to gimmickry or tricks. The show is trying to do what TOS did but unsuccessfully as the family of characters is too big and doesn't gel in the same way.

The second season has been a mishmash of episodes and has treated characters bizarrely, most notably Spock, Vulcans, Chapel and the killer doctor M'benga. It's tried to restore the Spock/Chapel relationship status quo with this episode but has failed leaving a sour Spock. The killer doctor is unresolved. There's a penchant for explaining every character's background story, even going back to TOS where they were unexplained such as Uhura. Some things were left for a reason. SNW is fast becoming another failed Star Trek series for me.
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Never liked muscal but this episode is not so bad
rgin883 August 2023
I've never been a fan of musicals, so this episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds wasn't exactly my cup of tea. However, I have to say that it wasn't a complete waste of time. The gimmick of setting a Star Trek story in a musical was well-conceived, and I did find myself smiling in a few places. But in other places, it was just too much. The emotional beats were well-done, but the music was often overbearing. Overall, I'd say this was a brave, well-written episode, but I hope it's never repeated. We only get 10 episodes per season, and I hope they're used more wisely in the future. Overall, I'd say this was a mixed bag. There were some great things about it, but there were also some things that I didn't like. I'm glad I watched it, but I don't think I'll be watching it again anytime soon.
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Absolutely ridiculous
pilotgav3 August 2023
Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

This was just lazy, unnecessary, and insulting.

If reality is going to be turned on its head, at least make it realistic. Instead this episode used it as an excuse to use a tired cliché to try and boost ratings.

I'm not sure who they thought they were trying to attract with this episode, but it definitely wasn't Star Trek fans. My nine-year-old daughter might like it though.

Gene Rodenberry would be rolling in his grave if his ashes weren't in space. But I can guarantee you he would not be singing while he was doing it.

I'm all for creativity but this wasn't creative. It was just ridiculous and unnecessary.
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Shouldn't be this good
cttnfzddt3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A musical episode of Star Trek? Why not?

When the cast suddenly burst into song, and I had a "once more with feeling" moment, I was ready for this to be corny and painful. But just a few minutes in and it's just too good to put it down.

In a lovely nod to "that" episode of Buffy, and an awareness of the age of a lot of their Star Trek fans, there's even mention of bunnies. It must be bunnies.

The music here is wonderful, the singing is great, the cast clearly enjoying making it work so well, throwing themselves in with abandon. Just go with it and enjoy. Loving this new season.

I think I'll rewatch this episode again.
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Sci-fi + musical = peak joy!
honeypunk3 August 2023
Two of my favourite genres were combined in this lovely, funny, joyful, moving installment. I'm a sucker for a musical episode at any time, but singing Star Trek just hits different for me.

Despite the novelty of the format, a number of existing storylines and relationships are advanced or resolved during the course of the show (perhaps focusing on those actors with the best singing voices?). Although I enjoyed all of the numbers, I felt those featuring Nurse Chapel were the most fun. I would fully watch a "musical medical bay" spin-off. Chapel and M'Benga? Yes please.

Excuse me while I go and watch that all again...
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weraqs3 August 2023
I LOVED IT! I LIKED IT! WOW I fell in love with it in first few minutes, didn't wanted it to end!

It was a great episode. Nothing like this out there. Something starts so serious and turns into something majestic, fun, exciting, flowing. You know what I mean? UNIQUE.

In all forms, this episode is one of the best episodes in the Star Trek universe.

I expect more from others now. Acting, the music, rhyming, dancing.

This episode is literally changes everything.

Thank you to all the actors Spock, Pike, Ortegas, La'an, Una Chin-riley, Nurse Chapel, M'Benga, Uhura, Kirk, Directors, Camera operators, Animations and of course writer.
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I wanted to like this episode, but I couldn't
joshuavogel794 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving 4 stars, all entirely for their bravery in trying new things.

The problem with the episode boils down to a couple of issues:

1) the premise for the singing was extremely bad and nonsensical. It would have been better to bring in a Q to do this or... SOME kind of intelligence. The idea that this was a natural phenomenon was just dumb. Ultimately this is a minor complaint compared to:

2) The songs sucked.

The lyrics and melodies were just awful. They dragged. These were boring, bad songs. They weren't even funny, save for a moment in the finale.

I could have forgiven all the bad writing if the songs had been great.
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Wasn't expecting much, but I was blown away.
alexandermalic3 August 2023
Really cool to see how this show is following in The Original Series' footsteps, by doing things that are unconventional. It's a great episode, and shows how versatile both writers and actors are. The songs are top-notch musical quality. Someone could expect this from a full feature blockbuster budget musical film, but this was done here for "just" a TV show episode.

That being said, I can't believe that this season has one episode left. But I am happy that the next season has been confirmed. Let's hope striking writers and actors will soon get their demands fulfilled and they can start/continue working on it.
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A musical insight into the characters
RjNeel3 August 2023
Did they hire professional singers? My favorite was the Spock song. The musical was delightful. On the other hand, the sience of the episode requires quite a bit of leap of faith. Storywise, it was romance and heartbreaks. Overall, it's an exjoyable episode.

Season 2 has largely focussed on character development and "Subspace Raphsody" is a musical attempt at this. SNW operates in a timeline different from the original. It was quite unnecessary and stupid to design it that way. The discontinuity has been the cause of much confusion as many felt disconnected with the established characters as they had seen them in a different light over the past many years through the original series and movies. It appears season 2 is an attempt to reconnect audiences to the characters. Unfortunately not all storylines click. However, Spock-Chapel and M'Benga have come off strong. Others are still finding their feet. It doesn't help if show writers play back and forth with storylines of the characters. La'an and Una are out of place at the moment.
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Worst episode ever
jbschirota3 August 2023
I implore the writers of Star Trek, never do this again. It was painful to watch this as a musical, it was not well done, a complete throw away episode. You will literally ruin the show if not the franchise with this garbage. Totally unwatchable. Grey's Anatomy tries this same silly formula years ago and that's when they lost a lot of viewers. No more musicals! I think one of the most cringeworthy moments by far was the Klingons, blaintly overusing harmonizes and corny dancing with their batleths. Have I mentioned how hard this was to watch? I had to fast forward one nearly every minute of this dumpster fire.
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Hah! Star Trek: The Musical
rich-mac4 August 2023
It's increasingly obvious that there are some very creative people working on this show - and that they delight in challenging their actors and keeping them happy.

Subspace Rhapsody was a riot.

Now having said that, I've always loved sci-fi but I pretty much hate musicals - but they pulled this off with some lighthearted humor and a twinkle in the eye, and it worked, it worked very well.

This show delivered on a full roller coaster of emotional journeys and a few great sight gags and jokes - Klingons?

So well done for mixing it up and having some fun - that's what we're here for after all, to be entertained.

Sure some people won't like it, but some people are stodgy and don't have a sense of humor.
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Ok you've done it.
Bonobo135798 December 2023
A few series have done the musical episode, Moonlighting and Buffy being the more memorable examples. Once More With Feeling works so well because of the crucial story arcs expounded from a series very well established. I think that's the problem here: Although we are towards the end of series 2 there isn't enough to really work with and it all feels like the writing team just fancied doing it for the sake of it. It's a bit early in its run to be going with the whacky episodes. It's all quite well done and the songs are pleasant enough (thankfully with some auto tune for the ropier singers).

My thoughts: You've done it now, well done, please don't do it again 🙂
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Stop with the gimmicks before the show is ruined.
AnotherRandomReviewer3 August 2023
I really tried to like this episode. I tried to keep an open mind about it, but the inclusion of the songs was so jarring to the idea that this is a serious dramatic show that I just gave up. Just what were the producers thinking when they OK'd this nonsense?

This should have been a pivotal episode for the season. The episode has a ton of character development and plot reveals that came made the episode inherently interesting, that is, until a song came alone to blow out of the water any sort of idea that this is a serious show. It was embarrassing watching the show try to fit these in without looking too stupid.

Another issue is that the producers flat-out copied the central concept from the famous Buffy the Vampire musical episode. In that, a mysterious force makes people break out in song and forces them to reveal inner truths. Same here.

Having songs that conveyed the plot worked really well in Buffy because it was a fantasy show and had a tradition of having campy episodes occasionally. Plus at that time the musical episode was unique.

Now every show seems to want a musical episode and will get it no matter how much it strains credibility. Star Trek always does not need ridiculous gimmicks like this.

When I think of great Episode 8 (and all of the discussion it caused and how it dealt with really weighty ideas) being sandwiched between the abysmal Episode 7 crossover and this musical nonsense it makes me lose faith in where this series is going. It's a great show that does NOT NEED to waste episodes on mindless fan service or gimmicks-of-the-week.

So SNW producers, just stop it. Give us thoughtful space drama with good characters and solid stories and we'll stay on board the show. It's that simple.
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Amazing musical episode!
roberx3 August 2023
Brilliant and fun experiment. You can tell that the producers enjoy and have creative freedom. It is surprising how well many of the actors sing. Recovering the episodic format has been a success in this new-old version of Star Trek. More than recommended series.

I must add that I am not a fan of musicals at all, on the contrary: I hate them and I didn't even like "La La Land" and stopped watching it after five minutes, but this episode of ST:SNW manages to excite and amuse. The plot is no more absurd for being an episode based on a musical because, after all, in Star Trek they spend their time discovering strange things and suffering attacks from unknown entities. The difference is that this episode is very original and funny. It reminded me of one of many years ago from "Fringe" that ended a season, in which the protagonists lived in a crime novel.
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