Deals from the Dark Side (TV Series 2011) Poster

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No respect for the items
lizamrivera19 January 2019
I started watching this show thinking it was more about just the items and their dark stories. Let me keep this review simple. The guy have absolutely no respect for the items. He grab them, and touch them and play with them like they have no value. To me ancient or vintage items need to be handle gently if you are going to touch them. Not grab them like they have no value. Like he goes to museums and stores and he start to touch everything like a little kid. Second the way he talks is like scripted and its super annoying. The episode of the mohawk axe. It was really interesting but at the end of the episode looked completely fake. The story about the seller grandma, to the axe burial. Everything look ans sounded fake. Another thing is, if you do your own research on every episode and check what they said, some stuffs dont add up and it make everything confusing and unbelievably. The guy attitude is anpther thing that kills the vibe of the show. I skip everything until where the show the items and the "experts". Thats the only interesting things about the show.
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Stay away from this garbage at all cost!
psxexperten27 August 2024
This TV show was one of the absolute worst I've ever seen. And I don't mean that in the sense "it is so bad it was good" like some campy movies may be. Genuinely awful show. It had absolutely no potential whatsoever. Seemed like it was going to be self-aware of the premise, but it was not. Next to no gore, the show is just bad to the bone. One of the most annoying characters I've ever seen in any movie was the obese wannabe bikers. Truly one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Is it dumb? Yes.

Is it fun? No.

Is it bad-good? No.

It's supposed to be a parody or something but it's just bad........
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