UFO Cowboys (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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I feel like I lost IQ points watching this.
greatbandu-696941 August 2023
Where do I start? The shown has Hollywood filming and vibes thoughout. It seems highly scripted and seriously lacks credibility in an already questionable genre. These so called trackers and experts can't seem to make a single logical conclusion and immediately jump to the "aliens" narrative. This program is bad, even by reality tv standards. It's really sad to see that range riders can't distinguish the sound of a pig from something "alien." How can you be an expert in something you've never seen nor have a shred of proof that it's real. It's just a bunch of guys in cowboy hats getting scared by their own shadow. This might be the worst "alien" show yet.
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Brother, we just stepped through the Gates of Reality TV Hell
moonrazer-487-1843932 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hand me down ma shootin iron, we're going after them pesky extraterrestrial varmits. These guys are so cowboy I was expecting them to be sporting 7 shooters and 11 gallon hats instead of the traditional six gun and ten gallon Stetson. I found this show entertaining but very predictable. Like most of these UFO shows, everything is a being from space until otherwise proven by overwhelming evidence it's a more boring explanation. So let's mosey on down to the cattle mutilations and watch out for gubmint men partner. Way I rekon it seems a mite strange that a sophisticated alien race would still be field dissecting live stock for the last say 50 years or so and still not know what they need to know. I won't go into all the details that force the viewer to suspend belief to watch this with one exception. Attention Mr. Cowboy (In my best Alan Rickman/Hans Gruber voice), horses roll on the ground even when they haven't spent a night alone in a field full of beings from another planet. Happy Contrails.
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So Disappointed
kathlinestewart7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The show is somewhat entertaining, hence any stars at all. Some of the men aren't half bad actors. But several of them are. The old man is the worst. And the content. Really? Old boy sat his camera down and started walking to the light. Intense scene watching his shadow then, BAM! Light and old boy are gone. He's supposed to be some kind of expert so you'd think he would take the camera to document the actual thing. Not his shadow. And it's coincidental that what they find has already been documented some years ago, same thing with the story being validated back then so it is now supposedly lending credibility. Exact findings? Riiiight. They've got more evidence than TAPS.
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I'd rather rub cayenne pepper onto my eye
lorencrabb28 August 2023
Fake AF, scripted AF, lame as hell. Everything about this show is fake. It's so obvious that they have people running around at night with lights, making noises, and planting fake tracks. And are they even real cowboys or did they just take a 30 day basic intro to cowboying course right before the show? They couldn't even recognize the squeal of a wild swine, and they left their horses totally alone at night tied to a small branch (of course one escaped). All these guys do is freak out, be scared of everything, and make bad decisions. This show is like ghost adventures x10 only not entertaining.
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It's real alright- real stupid
barneyjesse6 November 2023
It actually kinda bothered me off that they are presenting this as a reality show while staging goofy crap like one of the cowboys being grabbed and flung backward by what we are to assume is an alien when they walk through crop circles to... "investigate".

Possibly the worst show I've ever seen- if you thought TIGER KING or DUCK DYNASTY were intolerable, wait until you get stuck in the swamp with the UFO COWBOYS who are even more delusional and embarrassing than the aforementioned.

My boyfriend was amused, but I wasn't in the slightest. Not only is the presentation cheesy and unimaginative, but shockingly, I also found it kind of pretentious in a bizarre way and worst of all it's deceptive and if you've got people who believe that the Democratic Party performs satanic rituals with babies in the basement of a pizza shop, you better believe somebody will watch this and take what they're saying seriously.

How could this show improve? It desperately needs a outsiders perspective - a fact checker, a narrator, a host who isn't a self proclaimed "ufo cowboy".
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Get rid of the producer and editor.
keefer-5686628 November 2023
This is more like a Blair Witch filming. NONE of it appears real, the editor had to use over whelming camera tricks to make it appear scary. If it was truly a reality program, there isn't any need for all the camera trickery.

What is the point of trying to claim it is a reality show when the producer / editor has to use an overwhelming amount of camera tricks and site set-ups. They have lights that appear, noises, even had one actor appear to be possessed. They even went so far as use a triangle symbol in the script, but the producers assume the public is stupid. In one of the flash backs they made the painted triangle on the pigs head darker and clearer than it was in the first scene it was shown.

If they are really investigating UFO / aliens you would think they would have / use specialized equipment besides a supposed geiger counter and a supposed thermo-viewer which looks more like a Harbor Freight laser thermometer.

Then you have theses clowns riding around on horses. Why do horses wear blinders? Because they spook easily. They can do better. If you're tired of watching paint dry or grass growing, instead of watching UFO Cowboys; you'd be better off just watching NOTHING.
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chadmjewell3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show has to be a parody and cross of secret of skinwalker ranch, brokeback mountain , old school and Blair Witch . It is the most ignorant show I have ever watched. I will say that you will want to keep watching if you make it past the first episode, simply to know how far these freaks will go. If it were true, they would have more footage of UFOs in the first episode than everybody everywhere throughout all time combined. I keep waiting for them to come out and say "just joking" but these horrible so called "cowboys" are clearly trying extremely hard to act . The funniest part is when the guy went by himself to the barn and turns up in the next episode running around naked on native land and fighting with the other "cowboys". I cannot believe anyone associated with this series would want their name or face shown anywhere near it!
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Just watch the trailer
cordellmili5 December 2023
This show is Fake asf, terribly casted, its like watching 5-year-olds play alien hunters.

Also how they dressed is very typical-not even real Southerners or people who have lived in the country.

I would highly suggest you not watch this show unless you want to laugh at how much money can be wasted or how stupid people think people can be. If you want to learn anything about UFo's watch some physics and science channels that are based on facts.

Its crazy how they make yu write atleast 600 works for a review I believe this means that people cant write a lot of bad reviews. But Ruko knows that they are going bankrupt and no one ever use regular tv any more.
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Very entertaining - hoping for another season
alanb-478931 August 2023
Who cares if there are a few choppy dialog or acting moments! I don't even require that it seems absolutely real at all times! The fact is, this series was very entertaining and thought provoking. And very compellingly bingeable. I liked all the characters and the underlying story points. There are plenty of plot happenings to keep you intrigued as to what will happen next - whether you believe it or not. There is plenty of history, set up and follow through to build curiosity and suspense. (Unlike there was in Blair Witch which came off as just boring.) It's also very well filmed and has appropriate special effects.
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Contrived, and Faked. They should be embarrassed.
lenwenzellw27 February 2024
Watching this video I feel like either I need to lose intelligence to understand what they are doing, because every time they say we should not be out here at night, then the next scene is the next night, and of course they are out there by night. Is it because viewers will have an atavistic fear of what they can't see? Well they certainly dramatize the hell out of that with video that flashes from one scene to another, with lights flashing, and low frequency and high frequency sound effects worked into the sound track. Of course they are also doing that in the day time shoots, with limited camera angles and cuts from one chase scene to the next to get adrenaline worked up. If they were trying like heck to dramatizing nonsense so no-one could make heads or tails of what is happening then they achieved that, "With Bells On". They should be embarrassed.
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Fun to watch
dericreaper1 August 2023
I have watched UFO Cowboys twice since it premiered. I'm no tv expert but I was thoroughly entertained by the premise of this show. All eight episodes were fun with some creepy aspects. I wasn't on the edge of my seat but I was completly invested and couldn't stop watching. There were definitely some poor editing choices made but not enough to make the show bad. If a person likes "reality" shows like the bigfoot hunters and the ghost hunting shows this will be right up their ally. If you want to pick it apart you can, but you can pick anything to death. The guys seem really genuine, some of them are definitely a little uncomfortable being filmed. I'm sure that season 2 will be great.
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It's not meant to be serious
I think people are trying to take this show too seriously and that's why they're disappointed. It's just supposed to be a fun, chaotic, farce to entertain us for a little while.

The Straub brothers, who created this show, also created Mountain Monsters - further proof that this is just meant to be a fun, silly show. (Actually Mountain Monsters was even more ridiculous than UFO Cowboys, if you can believe it! Lots to laugh at! But with a nice crew. And this crew of UFO Cowboys seem to be nice, too.)

Just relax and enjoy laughing at it. Makes a nice break from the news and all the other doom and gloom pervading our world.
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This will take away iq points if you believe any off it.
danno-373414 January 2024
This is one of the most ridiculous attemp to fool any viewer yet. More so than pawn stars. Poorly written pathetic acting, and hilarious leading by these "actors." This will take away iq points to anyone who watch this garbage thinking it is anywhere near the realm of reality. The only reason I watched it was because I though it was a movie or a mini series that would at least be credited as fiction. Not some sad attempt at special effects. I love syfy and will watch some of the worse written movies about UFOs, but UFO cowboys is absultly ridiculous. The only redeeming thing about this show was that it was free. I had to give it one star as that was the lowest quantity available.
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Blind Skinwalker Frog Tracks
mills-980582 December 2023
This is a attempt to cash in on the new, to people in the Midwest, fascination with the West. I see parts of Blind Frog and Skinwalker Ranch in every episode. Nice try but the idea should have been thought out a little more. Most of the scenes are shot at night so lights and FX can be used plus, anything that looks normal or not related to the UFO they are suppose to be looking for. My guess is these reviews are used by the producers to see where they need to improve. Here's an idea for future episodes. Get a hubcap from a 1956 Chrysler New Yorker, some battery powered lights and a fishing pole. Hang the hubcap on the fishing line and film it in your usual way, at night at a distance and with bad camera work. They're Here.
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A stunt actor was one of the "cowboys"
CheyenneWY22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That's all you need to know right there. Check out Ora Brown's credits. Of course if you have half a brain you know it's all urban legend anyway, but judging from the few positive reviews it's clear some people take this stuff seriously.

If you enjoyed X-Files and you enjoyed The Blair Witch Project, you'll enjoy this. Stop thinking of it as a reality show and understand it's just another sci-fi show (but with cowboys!) and you'll be fine.

I watched all 8 episodes in a little over an hour, because 75% of it is recap from previous episodes. You can probably just watch the first episode to establish the characters and then the last 5 minutes of each remaining episode for the inevitable cliffhangers, and you'll be able to follow along without missing anything.

If you're wondering how they eat and breathe and other science facts, just repeat to yourself: "It's just a show, I should really just relax" - with Mystery Cowboy Theater 2023.
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davedukart13 September 2024
I know paranormal shows have gotten super popular so the network "geniuses" that ruin everything has to step in and ruin yet another genre by turning it into an over exaggerated everything over drama fake show pandering to the lowest common denominator.

This show is so over exaggerated to the ridiculous level that it almost watches like an absurd humor mockumentary making fun of excessive drama paranormal documentaries.

It's a prime example of what's wrong with TV anymore.

Thanks for starting the decline of yet another genre, jerks.

But hey, if you like way overdone drama and loved shows like Jerry Springer and whatever the heck that Honey Boo-Boo thing that was all the rage was a while back, then you're probably going to also like this.

I hated it.
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Brought to you by the young men and women fresh out of the Community College of Television Production.
siberian-9045313 September 2024
This is the most heavily scripted "Reality" show that I've ever had the misfortune of observing. There isn't a single scene of the 2 episodes I watched that couldn't be torn apart by moderate intelligence. Sweet baby Jesus, I have never watched anything more fake in my life. It just kept getting worse by the minute. 5 years from now, every one of those actors will be denying they ever participated in this horrible, awful, ridiculous and fake show. It's definitely an hour of my life that was truly wasted. Please tell me why the producers put out this show. Do they really believe the public is this stupid?
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Mountain Monsters Go To Hawaii
bitbucketchip16 March 2024
Mountain Monsters is easily the best and most authentic Bigfoot/Alien/Cryptid/Ghost show ever made. Nothing about it was meant to be taken seriously and the boys seemed to be having a good time playing an adult version of hide and go seek out in the woods at night chasing fairy tales. Unfortunately, lead actor "Trapper" passed away and the show ended. This show attempts to recreate the magic of Mountain Monsters by relocating out west and changing the hunt from Cryptids to Aliens.

We're introduced to the cast the same way Mountain Mobsters did it: the Leader, the Rookie, etc. None have strong personalities and it's easy to confuse which guy playing cowboy dress up is which. And cowboy dress up they play: cowboys from the old west. We're talking ten gallon hats, chaps, the whole costume. They ride horses for some reason. They carry six shooters and lever action prop rifles. It's like they walked off the set of Cowboys vs Aliens. None of this is appropriate or necessary for what they do. It's only there to dupe you into believing these actors are cowboys.

Not that cowboys possess any special knowledge or skills useful for a UFO hunt. Quite the opposite I should think.

The plots are the usual debunked "mysteries": crop circles, cattle mutilations, alien possessions, etc. All appropriate for a fun guys-night-out in the woods trying to scare each other. Too bad what's missing from this show is the fun. Where the Mountain Mobsters crew were clearly enjoying themselves, this lot seems embarrassed to be there and just want to go home.

I have it five stars more for the memory of Mountain Monsters than for what this show actually is, which is not good. Five stars.
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For Those Who Take Investigations Seriously........
praisngod8214 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
............I UFO Cowboys is a 50/50 composition of a real investigations and a hollywood reality show. I watched the entire first season and I saw some very strong and compelling evidence of their claims that there is actual UFO & Alien/supernatural activity happening here in the US and our government is not only keeping evidence from the constituents but actively and aggressively hiding it.

HOWEVER, I am reserving my final opinion on that percentage balance until I can watch & research the next season (what happens next). As an actual researcher into all things "Para-Normal", I and ismost investigators/researchers are interested in real facts, real pictures or film and actual witness testimony in their own words.

In the search for Truth, researchers and investigators will accumulate these kinds of facts to form an opinion based on these findings. So when a TV show proclaiming to be a documentary series and not the usual Hollywood "Reality Show" has so many weird visual and sound effects, I start leaning towards the conclusion that this production might be a so-called "Reality Show". I don't know about anyone else but it drove me crazy not to be able to see any of the alleged supernatural activity presented clearly from beginning to end. Editors could have easily made those portions of the film clearer by slowing it down frame-by-frame or used 'Color Inversion' to increase the contrast and enhance the details instead of obscuring the scenes by adding weird shaking and zooming effects.

OR could it be that the series editors and 1 or 2 "cowboys" are part of a strategy to de-legitimize any compelling facts caught on camera? But that's another rabbit whole.

I would hope, if there is a 2nd season, they would simply present the factual event in their entirety as they are happening.
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All the reviews are true- but you already know this if your reading this far down in the reviews
vancitylollz23 July 2024
I watched one too many episodes waiting for it to brake into something...I dunno..betterrr?

Yes, yes I am a glutton for cheesy TV punishment, but what lassoed me in was the corroborated accounts (eye witness and military) of things that have also happened in those areas.

Keep in mind I watched 4 episodes and they literally were all in that same area (also same story line)

So that shares what you're watching, in all 4 episodes there is possibly 15 minutes of new content (5 minutes an episode) and the rest is highly dramatic replays and recaps.

What could drag a cowboy back in a field 10ft and not make more camera time than a man who lost his horse is still neighing at me.

But I digress- if you're fond of cute cowpokes walk-in in circles scratchin their damn heads you may just make it past my record 4 episodes.
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Best show ever in a long time.
johnathanhudson-7766130 June 2024
At least someone has new ideas and don't copy old movies and try to remake them. This is one of the best shows in a long time. Even fake or reality. At least someone has a new idea. A lot has been lost in the last 20 years no one has any new ideas because they cant think for themselves are most not creative. Epic fail at least this is from fresh minds. So many movies have been copied from the 70s and 80s. Because of the laziness of Hollywood cant think for themselves. Example Ghostbusters fail batman fail Spiderman fail. Aliens all over the place fail. For all all of you are you in the dark. And can you make a movie or show you didn't copy from the 70s or 80s I haven't seen not one new movie since then maybe indepence day then you ruined the sequel. Aliens vs cowboys worst movie ever.
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Set back and have a little fun
joezyb8 July 2024
UFO Cowboys presents itself as an unscripted reality style show that takes place somewhere in the American west. However, it doesn't take long for you to realize you've been hornswaggled. The show follows a group of "cowboys" who call themselves the UFO Skywatchers, area ranchers (and maybe farmers too) who work together to observe and investigate the many reported strange occurrences that happen in this mysterious part of the country. While it doesn't take long to realize someone's pullin' your leg, you have to admit UFO Cowboys provides some entertaining, silly, corny fun. There's mystery, suspense, and B-movie acting, and the production values are pretty darn good for a show you stumble across for free on the Roku channel. My recommendation is to set back, put your boots up on the coffee table, dial down your critical thinking to about 52 percent, and enjoy a little escapist adventure with these good ol' boys.
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dhb-2501431 August 2024
As a horsewoman with decades of experience, the lack of horse sense among these "Cowboys" was alarming. Tying a horse by the bridle is one of the first things you learn not to do when you own horses. It is a recipe for disaster and can seriously injure the horse. One scene had several horses tied to what appeared to be a small stump. Along with chasing a loose horse with an ATV and wondering why they couldn't catch her, makes me think these yahoos need to take some lessons from actual horse people. I couldn't get past halfway through the second episode. I don't think this series will be around much longer. It should be renamed UFO Yahoos.
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Just good alien chasin' fun!
aggiejjh-984-7950114 September 2024
If you're looking for serious conspiracy theory and scientific study move on! This is the best of Aliens vs Cowboys and I'm already ready for Season 3. These guys are lovable and there's just enough real stuff in with the theatrics to make you wish this was all true and its just a hoot to watch esp when you need a good detox from the real world!!! Absolutely recommend giving this show a watch!! Because it is serialized, there is a LOT of repeat in case someone doesn't watch from the beginning... but that's no biggie. But that's the only flaw. Seriously, if you want good, clean fun - season 1 ended with a hook, but the Season 2 hook- wow!!! I almost hate myself for binging it so fast!!! But can't wait for Season 3!!
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Hoax but keeps your attention
rosepatrice-7204316 September 2024
I was watching something else ,then ufo cowboy came on. I thought it was real , kept me guessing , and kept my attention, so I really liked it. It wasn't until the light colored horse took off and they had to find her that I caught on. First off a horse that well trained and that close to the family knows their name and should have come by you calling their name. Then when they bring her back to the barn they say how hot she is First thing you do is pull the saddle off and walk a horse that is hot not release them into a pasture. If she was that hot, a hose should have been put on her chest and underbelly. Final clincher, when a horse rolls it means it's happy, it's when a horse goes down and doesn't get back up that it is collicking , after this episode I started googling and it turns out that some of the episodes are filmed in different locations. Etc... if you know going Iin, it's just a movie and not real and your ok with that , then I would recommend watching, like I said it kept my attention.
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