Elsbeth (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

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The Good Elsbeth
maria-ricci-19832 March 2024
Elsbeth has come back. We are delighted.

For those who are not acquainted with her, it is a come-back indeed, as she is (to my knowledge) the only secondary character who has outlived not just one show (as Saul, of Better Call Saul), but two different long and successful series (The Good Wife and The Good Wife) and who has won people's heart to the extent of deservingly having her own show now.

Reencountering her in The Good Fight was a lovely surprise years ago, I remember. Meeting her again in this show promises to be truly exciting. The first episode was a pleasure, although the action seems to have a more comedic vein here than in those other productions. (Carrie Preston can do comedic passes while doing crime investigation indeed, and the hybrid works.)

The winks to fans of The Good Wife/Fight were there too. Will we meet Cary Agos here again? Oh, that could be great!

Elsbeth's kooky and loony attitude to lawyering now seems to be transferred to police internal surveillance. Don't be fooled by Elsbeth. Her brain is razor sharp, behind her apologetic, oddball and candid habit of annoyingly intruding into the work of the smart-asses who know it all. You can imagine the rest.

It may be the case that Michelle and Robert King will make it again with this new show, much to our enjoyment. I hope so.

Edit: After watching almost the whole first season, my initial impression has lost some enthusiasm. The comedic tone works in a contradictory way. I liked the "former" Elsbeth more, in a more serious environment, as the seriousness of the legal battles highlighted and added value to her oddity much more than this half-comedy, half-procedural spirit. It is watchable, though.
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Columbo 2.0
clarks585 March 2024
This show is fun,it's columbo 2.0 but with a goofier columbo. Like columbo,she immediately knew who did it in episode number one. I love the humor and goofiness of Arlene. Lol (sorry,couldn't resist) the show is refreshing and reminds me of the greats in my day. Columbo,McCloud,Hart to Hart,McMillion and Wife and so forth. Only 1/2 way through first episode and definitely hooked. I hope the writing holds up,it gets an audience and runs for a long time. It's really rare we get a show the last few years that's not trying to push some agenda on me. I will definitely be watching every episode. Give it a try.
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foundinlove20 April 2024
I have to say I really, really, really, really love "The Good Wife" and "The Good Fight", and I'm naturally a fan of Michelle King and Robert King.

When I saw this series, I was really happy

But there is a lot things must be said. This series lacks a main story line, so the entire plot becomes very thin. Each case is solved within one episode, and Elsbeth always got the perfect intuition aiming the perpetrator. It makes the whole episode bald. The audience doesn't feel surprised through out the whole episode. It would naturally become plain with less reasoning and less turning points. Comparatively speaking, I often feel overjoyed watching The Good Wife,and The Good Fight.

Generally , it will lose a lot of fun of watching the movie, and it will also lose a lot of understanding of the legal case. The previous confrontation between offense and defense in the court was the most attractive part to me. I think it is a pity.
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Love This Show and Carrie Preston!
jholland-344962 March 2024
I loved this character from the first time on The Good Wife and then when she moved on to The Good Fight I was thrilled. I am so pleased that "Elsbeth" now has her own show. Notice several reviewers complained that it was just "Columbo" and no police work was shown. That is because it is NOT a "cop show", she is an attorney. Carrie said in an interview that when presented with playing the character 14 years ago a "Columbo type" character is exactly how it was described to her, so obviously the Kings have done a wonderful job with the character and the show.

Carrie Preston is wonderful. Evertytime I see her my day is better. I hope this show is given a true chance to succeed because it can. I hate we have to wait a month to be able to see it on a weekly basis but I will be watching for sure. EXCELLENT.
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I love this character!
kellykat-385491 March 2024
If you loved Elsbeth on The Good Wife or The Good Fight, you'll really love her here, on her own show. I was thrilled when this show was announced and it did not disappoint.

The Kings have done a masterful job of continuing Elsbeth's quirky character. The show most definitely has a Columbo feel to it, as the who-dunnit part is revealed to the viewer early in the show. As always with the Kings, the writing is fantatic!

And let's talk about Carrie Preston. She is just spectacular as Elsbeth. She has now played this character for over 14 years over three different shows and I can't but smile every single time she's on the screen. Ten stars from me!
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Another lady Columbo - Elsbeth needs better writers.
codefool11 March 2024
We were all pleasantly surprised by the fresh take on the Columbo (1971) "reverse mystery" formula with Poker Face (2023), and here we have CBS's attempt at that sub-genre with mixed feelings.

For those unaware, the "reverse mystery" is not a "whodunnit" but a "howcatchem." In this format, the crime is depicted first in full view of the audience. There is no doubt "who did it." The fun them comes when the detective comes in and finds all the "little" things the killer gets wrong, and we get to watch as the "perfect crime" slowly unravels. Peter Falk as Columbo did this to great affect - with his little questions, constant "one more thing" jibes, and the reveal - that point where the killer know's the game is up - is more often than not very satisfying. Not so much here.

Now introduce Elsbeth Tascioni ( Carrie Preston ) who is well-known to those who follow the The Good Wife (2009) franchise. She's a quirky somewhat "neruodiverse" lawyer who has a special point of view of the world, and has a talent for seeing the little things.

Now Elsbeth is "on loan" to monitor the NYPD, and manages to ease her way into leading an investigation into a murdered actress. I have no love of New York or the NYPD, but I do take exception with law enforcement being depicted as out-right incompetent. There's a perfect crime scene, where the killer has covered all the bases to make the murder appear a suicide. Open and shut - where's the donuts. Only Elsbeth comes in and finds three or four completely obvious clues that suggest that the suicide might be murder. Of course, the cops are all bothered and unimpressed by her insights. "Wait in the hall," she's repeatedly told. But she's having none of it, and continues to poke-and-prod and even does a "one more thing" bit.

While I'm overall happy with this show - shot beautifully to make you believe that every day is sunny in New York (it's not) - the writing is extremely weak and it shows. No spoilers here, but - come on - the mystery is so shallow that it almost seems the killer didn't have to work so hard. The "little things" that Elsbeth notices are so obvious and in plain sight, a trained police detective would have to be completely incompetent not to notice them.

This show is almost-but-not-quite family friendly. The violence is subdued, and the killer goes (in classic Columbo fashion) with calm and grace, even asking "where did I slip up?" So, no fist fights, no car chases, no shouting matches. Only disdain for Elsbeth to go "wait in the hall."

I have overall hopes for this show that it will improve. This installment was weaker than the weakest of Columbo episodes. Here's hoping the mysteries can get deeper and the "howcatchem" can be satisfying again.
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What a Nice Surprise(!)
louiseransil2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't liked any TV network shows in ages -- but I loved Elsbeth. It's an updated female Columbo-type character who keeps challenging and surprising us. She seems daffy -- as she overtly plays Cat and Mouse with an ingenious murderer.

The show mixes dark elements with enough humor to keep it light and entertaining. Reminds me of the "good old days," when I actually looked forward to turning on the television.

Great energy. It's nice to see a quality, character-driven show again.

They totally nailed every Beat and Plot Twist. Top notch writing and performances. I'm so glad the Kings are back...
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A Breath of Fresh Air
mrintimate1 March 2024
Elsbeth (Carrie Preston) is so infectious. Her character's zest for life and people makes me want to smile, stand up and cheer. Cannot wait to see how the show progresses. Also love that Arlene and Bill (True Blood) were back together for episode one. The chemistry between the characters was top notch for the first episode. All of them acted perfectly together. No over acting or lull in the scenes (for me). And of course, it does not hurt that the show is created by The Kings, who are simple amazing with mixing drama, comedy, and crime all together. Hopefully, this show will last a while. Entertaining.
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What a Waste of a Great Character!
kimpapier11 May 2024
I WANTED to love Elsbeth, I loved her in The Good Wife/Fight and loved Carrie Preston in everything from True Blood to Claws and this show wastes her talent and sullies her character. The writing/plotlines are so unbelievable, they're insulting. As an attorney, Elsbeth would gather little snippets of info and file away things that people said and look at things several different ways. As a second-rate Columbo, she meets the killer and apparently just gets a feeling that they are the killer and it's so clumsily done, it makes me miss a 50 year old show like Columbo. Do better guys...Carrie Preston, Wendell Pierce and Elsbeth deserve it!
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Elsbeth Grows On You
Sylviastel1 March 2024
Emmy winner Carrie Preston stars in her own series about the Chicago attorney moving to New York City and serve as outside observer. I think the Kings wanted to explore the character in a different light than a courtroom. The episode begins with the actual crime. The audience knows the murderer and why before she does. Unlike Columbo, we don't get enough time as the episode is only a hour long. I love Carrie Preston though. Her character of Elsbeth is quite quirky and entertaining. She does grown on you, She had a history of defending criminals. It was only the first episode. Elsbeth was taking in the city as a first time tourist.
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Abfabbb5 April 2024
I tried three episodes and am giving up now. It was clear from the beginning that this was a remake of the old Columbo series with Peter Falk---using a female lead. The bumbling detective but always knowing and apprehending her suspect. Plus it's a little too formulaic---the reason I don't like Blue Bloods and other series. Her voice is frankly annoying--the tone and the Fargo-like Frances McDormand accent. Layering the crazy fashion sense and tote bags is a ploy and then we can add in the TV series McCloud, starring Dennis Weaver in the 1970s show that had outsider/cowboy coming to Manhattan to settle up the district scores. I do like Only Murders In The Building, the late Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul : even Monk was a great and engaging show. This series is missing something.
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Amazing show, so fun.
konstantinbg-005981 March 2024
Absolutely a 10/10 for the first episode!

No time was wasted; the pacing was superb. I was captivated throughout the entire hour, and it just breezed by.

The writing is exceptionally clever and humorous, ensuring a constant smile. Surprisingly, a character that might be perceived as annoying is actually comes off quite charming.

The only critique is the portrayal of police competence or engagement. However, one could argue that this mirrors real-life situations, considering what we know about the police... and their gross mishandling of things.

Additionally, it's reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes, who consistently highlights the police's incompetence in noticing small details.
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Officer Blanke
nika007627 April 2024
I've watched Columbo and he definitely wears down the bad guy, I see some of that "spark" with this series but ...The overall crimes are interesting, the storytelling I hope will improve. I watched about 6 episodes. Carrie /Elsbeth toned down the quirk in latter episodes TY. I do not appreciate the derogatory "boomer" references and it turns me off; nope not a boomer, but show some respect because writers who came before, can write circles around those today. Officer Blanke is actually my fav character, she seems the most authentic, realistic of all: young but smart and observant, open-minded, respectfully defiant and helpful. The actress is capturing that. I will give the show a few more episodes before deciding.
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Weak writing ruining a great character
texasboyy20 April 2024
On The Good Wife (2009) and The Good Fight (2017), Elsbeth was a terrific character who won cases by using her brilliance and ability to come up with unique solutions to tough cases others couldn't find.

That's not so in this series. Here she solves the same generic, run-of-the-mill, Murder She Wrote type simple crimes other amateur detectives have been solving on TV for years.

And they're so easy to solve, anyone could do it, except, of course, the actual trained detectives who look like idiots as they miss obvious clues every step of the way.

I'm shocked and disappointed that the same creators who produced Good Wife/Fight and Evil (2019) approve such amateurish boring scripts and cartoon villains.
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I second the review titled "Columbo 2.0"
dfloro24 March 2024
Robert & Michelle King are the talented writing duo responsible for some of the best network TV shows in recent years, including "The Good Wife" and "Evil." After ending "The Good Fight," 2024 brings us yet another such spinoff of "The Good Wife," one named for that show's kooky lawyer character named "Elsbeth." The Leap Day pilot episode sets up the show's clever premise: that her title character has been designated an impartial observer of the NYPD in a formal legal consent decree to hopefully ferret out any police corruption in the ranks. But in the meantime she cannot help but help those hapless officers solve their trickiest cases. Like Columbo's classic show, we are privy to the perpetrator's machinations, but get pleasure from observing the observer, Elsbeth, investigate and determine those guilty of the crime(s). Carrie Preston is outstanding in the lead role, and Wendell Pierce excels in the role of the NY Police Captain, who may or may not be on the straight and narrow himself. I'll revisit my rating of 8/10 stars as we proceed.
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Great Right Out of the Gate
DanaOne1 March 2024
I was hesitant about this show; because Elsbeth, in my mind wasn't a main character. A little of her goes a long way, I thought. I was wrong.

Carrie Preston was just the right mix of zany with the ability to pull back a bit and let the story take center stage. I thought she and the show were excellent.

The supporting actors were seamless and it felt like they all were in a mid-season groove even with the first episode

I enjoyed every minute of the premiere. I love the mix of comedy and drama. I was involved in the crime part of it but laughed a few times, too.

Well-written, entertaining, with a bit of a bounce. I can't wait to see the next episode.
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Female Columbo and I love it!
derrick-dj2 March 2024
Wife and I watched the first episode and immediately fell in love with Elsbeth. While she reminds us of Columbo, she is her own person and we love it. She is quirky and devilish. She has kind of a gleam in her eyes that lets you know there is a lot going on behind them. She is witty, funny and possesses the wonder of a child and the disposition of someone I would like as a friend in real life. You learn from the beginning she has seen a lot but does not appear to let it darken her view of the world around her. So far the cast of characters come off as reasonable and for TV surprisingly realistic. We are patiently waiting for the next episode and hope the show continues to shine.
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ts-000018 April 2024
A typical fish out of water show,about an individual who knows way too much(despite their profession)the clues and resolve come too quick.

Her quirky,eccentric style does eventually wear thin,but have watched also worse.

As the season goes on,perhaps her style will change.

Murder She Wrote..Jessica Fletcher she is not!

Reminds me of the Spencer Sisters before you even get into the mystery,the credits are already rolling.

I mean come on.. Scooby-Doo gave us better,but writers once had talent & originality.

The guest stars are almost better than leads,which isn't overall good.

It this makes it.. I'm being generous to season 3,that be a network miracle.

If bored watch otherwise,watch a better mystery show.
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Loved Elsbeth!
marc-w-cassidy3 March 2024
Definitely a female Colombo but uniquely done. I loved every moment of it.

This is a crime procedural so always ends with the crime solved. You know who the murderer is and you just watch Elsbeth put together the clues, and solve the crime. Elsbeth is quirky and charming, and just like Colombo she gets in the face of the murderer, constantly bothering and irritating them as she gathers the clues.

The supporting cast is great. Puts a smile on your face. I like that this show is light and doesn't take itself seriously. While there's always a murder to solve, there's comedy as well. Great show!
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A female version of 'Monk?"
uscmd8 April 2024
1st episode her psychopathology really put me off. Like the writer went way overboard letting us know she was not right. Smart, intuitive, but a kook. In much the same way Monk was. I think Columbo was far more normal. IMHO. 2nd, 3rd episodes, her brilliance was turned up, and the nuttiness eased up, just a tad.

I hope the remaining cast is whittled down, and 5 or 6 major characters developed further. At first I was thinking "1 and done," but after the next 2, I'm probably going to watch it for a while. Hoping she is made more complex, as well. Remember Monk and Trudy, his dead wife. Was Elsbeth always this way, or did a life tragedy, push her towards a 'home.'

Bottomline.........if you liked Monk, you'll love this.

6.5 so far.
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Love this series!
missylinda511 September 2024
Elsbeth is a female version of Columbo with a silly, naïve, but brilliant ability to look at the crazy world of New York City through the naturally happy eyes of a midwestern small-town person's point of view. I know, that's a lot of adjectives to describe the endearing character of Elsbeth, but it all fits together and it works.

She's absolutely adorable.

While the "big guy" smart cops of NYC are going through their paces trying to figure out "who done it," before they've even finish putting up all the police tape, Elsbeth has already figured it out. Now the trick is getting the murderer backed into a corner leaving him or her no way out but to confess. If Elsbeth can't get a confession out of them, she will find a clue those so-called smart NYC cops missed, and that previously overlooked clue will nail the suspect, and close the case.

There's a few back stories as well that give the other characters in the series substance and help us like them.

I love Elsbeth and hope the series continues for a very long time.
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Bland procedural
undersong-2084123 July 2024
I'm a huge fan of The Good Wife and The Good Fight, and Elsbeth was always one of my favorite side characters that I wished to see more of. Unfortunately, this series disappoints in multiple ways.

I think the biggest thing holding it back is the format. I watched the first four episodes. In each episode, the audience is shown who the killer is and exactly how they committed the crime. So the drama of the show is watching how Elsbeth and the cops figure it out. But the problem is that Elsbeth somehow always seems to know exactly what happened almost as soon as she arrives on the crime scene. It's so unrealistic how quickly she figures things out even in the most complex cases. So the audience is really just watching Elsbeth gather enough evidence to prove what she already knows. There's no mystery to the show. No tension. We know what happened, we know that Elsbeth is going to figure it out, and we know the bad guy will be caught. It makes the show so uninteresting and almost pointless to watch.

Another thing that's missing is an overarching storyline for the character. Each episode just focuses on the case of the week. It makes it so that there's no real reason to watch each episode. There's nothing to dive deeper into. This really was a waste of a great character.
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Great fun...and clever
cockezville4 March 2024
So this is not a serious procedural drama with great legal savvy, but a delightful witty comedy/drama with the charming Carrie Preston . I stopped watching The Good wife during her time in that show, so I was not familiar with the character. The show is more in the Columbo or Monk presentations , and does have some clever writing and a bunch of actors who add to the show. But ultimately it is the quirkiness and presence of Carrie Preston that makes this show work. This is one that I will definitely tend to watch.

I did not like the silly promotional snippets the network offered as I almost didn't watch because they were annoying.
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Almost Ready for Prime-time
cyclingsun27 May 2024
The character of Elsbeth is a delightful force of nature & the only reason I stayed with the show for its entire first season. The end of the Season Finale gave an "end of the Pilot episode" vibe. Some supporting characters, Capt Wagner & Detective Donnelly, show potential, but need better writing to bring out their best. Officer Kyra Blanke evolved as a more-faceted character, but also needs better writing. The show's concept begs to be an ensemble dramedy, but remains fixated on the mesmerizing Elsbeth, who can't hold the show by herself longterm. It's like the other characters pop into the scene, say their lines, then vanish.

Elsbeth needs a home life in her new apartment with more supporting characters in her quirky neighbors & favorite store clerks. Elsbeth is clearly someone who'll befriend ANYONE! The show itself needs to find its lane between drama & comedy & stay with it. It COULD be a reimagined Monk! As it is, the "cases" are pretty weak & easy-to-guess by detective show standards, and are statistically improbable in ALWAYS involving -- MURDER! But the "crime of the week" bringing in new guest stars helps buoy the show. There could be crimes of fraud, theft, kidnapping, corruption, etc. To investigate. Or (given Elsbeth), even an apparent haunted house.

If the ensemble is expanded (as it needs to be to keep the show going), may I suggest the addition of Alyson Hannigan as Elsbeth's sister who's also moved to NYC? Elsbeth reminds me of a grown-up Willow.
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So Disappointing
alanaelia8 April 2024
I was so excited when I saw this show being offered. I loved Elsbeth as a lawyer in The Good Wife and I was looking forward to a show with her as the main character. Therefore I watched the first three episodes before sitting down to write this review, because I really wanted to like this show. Unfortunately this spin-off is nothing like her role in the Good Wife. .The characters in this show are flat, stereotyped and one dimensional. The dialogue is trite and predictable. The acting is second rate and the story lines are just unoriginal. I honestly can't recommend this show. Spare yourself and skip this one.
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