Mad Dogs (TV Series 2015–2016) Poster

(I) (2015–2016)

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Delightfully daft, often funny remake of the original, but with reservations
pfgpowell-17 January 2016
I reviewed the US version of Mad Dogs after seeing the first, pilot episode, and what I wrote then still more or less stands and this is it. But I have added a few more comments at the end after watching another six to qualify that.

I'm rather baffled why the U.S. has a compulsion to remake films and, as here, series and doesn't just present its audiences with the original. The remakes are often quite good, but why remake them? But anyhow...

I've seen all three seasons of the original Brit version of Mad Dogs and I can't recommend it highly enough for often very funny sly humour, suspense, intrigue and sheer entertainment. And I'm happy to report that this remake is almost as good - at least in the first few episodes - most probably because the Brit creator, Cris Cole, is again at the helm. That is a relief after seeing so many films (from all around the world) which eventually let you down. As I say the humour, very British humour I have to say, does travel well, and might have you laughing out loud on occasion, but it is far more than just a black comedy. The first episode starts off slowly and quietly, then 42 minutes in . . . I can recommend this. The casting is excellent, the dialogue natural and the story quite bizarre. Don't hesitate, please, treat yourselves.

POSTSCRIPT: For the US market, the producers have tinkered a little - well, tinkered quite a lot - syncopating the original plots and expanding the story, introducing new characters and, it has to be said, in the process they created something of a different animal. Whereas in the original British version the humour - very black and often unobtrusive - was a continual thread throughout (until the two- episode finale which was something of a letdown) and formed the series backbone, for the US the humour is more or less abandoned as a central trope and the series becomes more of an action piece. There's nothing wrong with that, but it does lose a little of its edge as a result. But then it is intended for a different market and culture.

Another difference is that despite the utterly bizarre plot twists and very silly situations the four characters find themselves in, in the original version it all somehow holds together well - it's as though they are caught in a one-way system and there's no turning back. Conversely the new version increasingly doesn't quite hold together: there are several points where the four could all have disentangled themselves quite well by a word here and there, and that they didn't has more to do with making a TV series than anything else.

The twists don't grow out of the situations the four find themselves in - and their very stupid decisions - but from the necessity to keep the story going and interesting. That's rather a shame, as it loses something rather neat. It also becomes as it goes on, plotwise, something of a mess - folk get around Belize with an ease and at a speed which is only possible on TV. But such quibbles won't, I'm sure, disturb your average US viewer. The Brit version, though didn't take the easy way out and just kept it all going, following its own logic, which was some achievement. The final episodes here see everything tied up a little too neatly which is a shame and out of keeping with the original wackiness. Sad to say the US version doesn't quite convince

However, despite those drawbacks your average viewer should enjoy this, but I must stress that for a real treat and a rather tighter piece of work you should seek out the British version which doesn't quite cut corners so easily.
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Great moments but feels aimless
mycannonball2 November 2021
I REALLY wanted to like this. It started off with a bang. Such great characters and good moments of comedy. But overall, the story meanders from one escapade to the next with no clear focus, so as the series winds on, you may start to lose interest.... Like I did.
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So much potential, so little follow-through..
butlerphilipj5 May 2016
A lot of the reviews seem to be based on the pilot episode. I'll agree, it was pretty freaking great, with an excellent hook! Then, the show took a turn for the worse. While the production value stayed consistently excellent, the writing turned out lack luster. It almost ended up turning you against the protagonists for being such idiots and making not just stupid, but completely unrealistic choices. It also contradicted itself in many ways and asked for way too much 'suspension of disbelief' throughout. The most frustrating part is that it started out soo well, bringing back memories of the first season of Breaking Bad ("what would normal people do in THAT kind of situation?!") - and ended up feeling more like Gilligan's Island. I almost want to give a one star rating to counteract all the 10 star praise that was given for just the first episode or two, but I'll give it a 6 for the 'meh' it earned.
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Excellent Pilot - Hoping for a pick up
zanthras-231-5442605 February 2015
<> This Pilot show is excellent. The acting is top notch and the tension built to an incredible crescendo, all whilst set in a stunning location. I have to admit the show was slow to get going, but that is something that is missing from T.V and film these days. Rather than jumping straight in to mindless action, the script writers, directors/producers took the time to introduce the characters, allowing you to connect with them and ultimately care about their situation. It's a risky roll of the dice, for a pilot episode, and the production team deserve to be commended for that. I hope this show gets picked up!

I was not expecting the end sequence of events at all, what the heck was with the head mask? Who is the lady introduced at the end? These questions need answering! I don't think I have been so gripped by a pilot episode since the first episode of Breaking Bad or Dexter, and look how great those shows turned out! :)
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Finally a show that truly has it all.
vighorus19 January 2015
The only thing I knew about this show was that it starred Romany Malco and Billy Zane and it was about some guys in Belize.

After seeing the pilot...I was blown away. The quality of the show is excellent! Drama, Comedy, Sex, Mystery, Intrigue and more!

  • It is well filmed - The sound is great - The actors on spot on! Nothing seems fake, it all seems very real.

The story is easy to follow yet mysterious and intriguing. You want to know more and more as it progresses.

This pilot gives you that feeling you had when you first watched a show and were instantly hooked after one episode. We all have shows like that, this is one of them.

WATCH THE PILOT and I guarantee you that your jaw will drop and you will say, WHAT just happened?!?
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Stick with it
rosgemchar13 October 2021
I tried more than once, and finally stuck with it for more than a few minutes and got hooked. One of the things I liked about it is that generally the elements of the story are plausible. Believable. I am not a fan of stuff like Squid Game. Funny. Suspenseful. Terrific cast. Loved it.
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Loved IT!!!!
fancyfaye200319 January 2015
I expected the show to be side cracking funny but what I saw was 5 super talented actors who were still funny at times but were able to keep it interesting in this dark comedy. I love all the actors and wish them success when this series is picked up!! It was both funny and serious at times. I felt like all the actors that had done comedy was able to switch into different characters for this show. The setting for the show was perfect, the plot making us think they were just going to have a lot of fun and then Billy Zane flipped the script was awesome and I never expected it to turn out the way it did. This was a great start to a even greater series!!!
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I'm trying....
louismccall28 January 2016
I am only on the 3rd or 4th episode but I am having a hard time with this show. I want to like it but it seems to be dragging out this story and I am not really feeling it. The story is cool, and the chicken the pilot episode was gorgeous, but these characters seem really stupid for people with good jobs and who are of means.... They just repeatedly make dumb choices... I know ti is trying to maintain a level of dark humor but it is missing something... You expect them to get into car accidents or leave something out in the open... It just seems to be poorly executed. And what is with the yellow back, of all the colors to keep a bag full of money long term.... seems odd.
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Dark, manic, violent..and fun.
reviewcentralny27 January 2016
Yes, cringe you will. A lot. Think 'Weekend at Bernie's' only darker, much darker! But it's a small price to pay for this roller coaster fun ride, a remake of Cris Cole's show from 2011 with the same name.

Only this time around we're in Puerto Rico (not Mallorca) and by that I mean 'Belize' of course. Regardless, the setting is gorgeous. A welcome escape into a perfect world that unravels into madness a short while into the pilot. Thanks to a solid cast, perfectly mismatched to never solve a single situation with good common sense, you'll follow their downhill adventure - which will make you either yell at the screen in frustration, or laugh out loud - depending on how you watch a show like this: as drama with a sense of humor, or pure comedy.

The predecessor of this show is still going strong at the time of this little review, so we can safely assume that there is enough madness in the book to keep this brilliant set of characters busy for a few more seasons.

Better than expected with interesting and unpredictable story lines - another strong show in Amazon's line-up.
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Takes a Massive nose dive on episode 5
arb-1865412 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Episodes 1-4 had me on my toes and were extremely entertaining. For some undisclosed reason the main characters lose any and all urgency. It's almost like they completely forget they're being hunted. They become completely unlikeable and all interest goes out the window.
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An unoriginal idea executed with originality and perfection
alexdelliott25 January 2016
Mad Dogs is about 4 former friends who go to Belize to reunite with another friend who has taken early retirement. However they are inadvertently thrown into a hilariously dire situation involving drugs, money, a boat, police, criminals, corruption, the US government, smallpox, and a cat. This sounds like the sort of comedy that we've all seen before but it is very far from it and, without spoilers, I'll tell you why.

The drama. In most of these kinds of shows/movies the main characters are very shallow, with their main characteristics serving to make us laugh. Here, though, each character is completely three dimensional and fleshed out over the 10 episodes with back-stories (without flashbacks thankfully) and real traits and flaws. This is a drama first and foremost and the show never forgets that, effectively building up tension in every episode. We quickly learn that these friends perhaps don't like each other as much as they appear to and we get to watch the relationships evolve so organically over a long period - thanks in part to this being a 10 episode show rather than a 2 hour film. Even the aforementioned cat is given enough story for the viewer to care about his character. The acting from the main cast is flawless and convincing and managed to hold my attention throughout the entire season.

The comedy. I believe this is why opinions on the show are divided. This isn't a typical American comedy show about funny characters making witty comments at each other to make us giggle our way through 10 episodes. The characters play everything out with straight faces and, in fact, comedy is used pretty sparingly throughout the season. However, when it is used it is used to great effect and made me laugh out loud and rewind several scenes to see them again. One notable early example is the cat's first appearance in episode 1 (you'll know what I mean when you watch it). The comedy is extremely dark but also extremely entertaining and managed to surprise me and give me a welcome break from the tension that builds up throughout the show.

The style. The benefit of this show being available to stream is that episodes don't have to be cut to a specific time. This is used and the camera lingers on the characters faces to convey their emotions without them needing to talk and to build the suspense whilst also allowing the viewer to gaze on the beautiful, vibrant scenery. The style really complements the mood of the show, elevating it higher than many other shows that may try the same thing.

Overall, Mad Dogs is a show that delivers emotion, suspense, comedy and originality within a genre we have all seen before. It kept my interest from start to finish and now all I want to do is experience it over again. My only hope is that they don't try to drag it out with more seasons and just let it exist as the self-contained work of art that it is. This is my first new show of 2016 and it has already set a new benchmark for other shows of its kind. It is excellent and I fully recommend it.
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Mixed review
laurelhardy-1226812 July 2023
Many reviewers aptly point out the stupidity of our four stars. I can't think of a odder quartet.

Zahn has a history of playing moronic roles in moronic movies. I do congratulate him on his straight up acting here. Selfish & greedy, he nevertheless has his moments.

Malco does a good job. He seems to have a conscience and act on it more than the other dopes.

Imperioli sure could have used a few of his character traits from the Sopranos. He says and does really idiotic things too often.

Chaplin is the weird one. Stoic and often unpredictable.

But the fact is, all four are written poorly too often.

The arguments are often annoying and the story meanders as much as the goofy characters.

Now, it's "shock video" that keeps this show afloat. That and some decent direction. And as usual, they put the hook in you by delivered the shock at the end of the episode. That's still a cheesy thing to do.

Several years after our 1st viewing, my wife and I took it in a 2nd time more recently. As it turns out, neither of could remember much. It was like we were viewing it for the 1st time. And that's not a good thing. I expect it'll be forgettable again. Indeed, there's too little meat, too often, over most episodes.

And some of the characters don't seem realistic. Although I did like the mean "Tattoo". He makes Pesci look like an NBA forward.

Even so, for all its faults, it's better TV than maybe 85-90% of the other crap, including Originals on Netflix and Amazon.

So, I recommend a one time watch, taking in a couple episodes at a time as per your particular fancy.
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I really wanted to like this show
meyerwoo16 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I finally gave up at episode 5. I really wanted to like this show, but it got really boring with these supposedly smart Americans who persistently make stupid decisions. It's supposed to be a dark comedy, but they're just a bunch of idiots who you wind up not rooting for because they're idiots, and there's no empathy or humor in what happens to them because what they do never makes any sense. Running for your life? Take a detour to deliver a refrigerator for kids on the side road, when you know murderous drug runners are coming to kill you. That makes no sense! Quarantine in the middle of their escape? It's like the writers randomly came up with plot points and threw them in to just keep the story going for another few episodes. It makes no sense! Such a waste of a fine cast. You're better off spending your time catching up on that sleep you always said you'd catch up on than waste your time on this series.
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A mad masterpiece
Br4ve-trave1or2 January 2016
Shawn Ryan period. A amazing opening to the show and I'm immediately greeted by a lot of familiar faces. wonderful cast right at the start. The acting is amazing, as is to be expected with a cast this good.

The show starts out very intriguing. You get the feeling that something isn't quite 100% right. Its 4 different friends traveling to Belize to visit a friend of theirs who is retired, and very, very rich. He has a mansion, a private beach, the works, but there's something mysterious about him (milo, played by Billy Zane). I wont spoil anything but ill just say that the setup is subtle but incredibly well done.

You'll find yourself at some point absolutely glued to the TV, captivated. wow is all i can say. i really don't want to get into a detailed review because i don't want to spoil anything. Just know that this is worth an incredible watch. I am impatiently waiting for the release of the rest of the first season. Shawn Ryan (The Shield, Terriers, Chicago code) is a master of his craft I expect nothing short of a masterpiece.
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I Used to Have a LIttle Yellow Parakeet Named "Milo"
untilnow999 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My parakeet has zero to do with this series or my review, as such, but I just wanted to throw that out there. My "Milo" was named after Milo Minderbinder (Catch-22). The name "Milo" has a special place in my heart.

If you have read this far, you have got a small teeny weeny taste of what you'll experience throughout the viewing of this series. Prepare to feel a bit bewildered by what's taking place and then ---------- just sit back and enjoy the ride. You want to know more about my parakeet now, right? No? Aw . . . damn.

The Review: The series is good fun. Sure, there's a lot of "What the HELL? I would never do that!" kind of moments, but then that's kind of what makes this series intriguing. OF COURSE we're all too damn smart to get ourselves into such a predicament, but that's what's fun about watching this: we get to feel superior and like we'd all know better. But-----would we handle things any more expertly? I wonder.

I love the cast, every single actor. Even the goats. I do love goats. But I had a hard time with the "running of the goats" scene. That was too unbelievable. Surely that old guy in Belize couldn't afford to own over 200 goats? And how the heck did they roam that far in only a few hours (or 1/2 a day, even)?

The best and most wonderful parts of this series are the "HOLY CRAP!" moments. There are quite a few of those. You're gonna love 'em.

Billy Zane is a good actor, but apart from "Dead Calm," I never really felt connected to him in any of his roles. He's really good in this role, but I'm okay with him only lasting a short while.

Steve Zahn, Ben Chaplin, Romany Malco and Michael Imperioli are all fine actors. It's fascinating to see the complexion and nature of each of their characters become more and more fleshed out. I don't have a problem with only learning about each guy little by little.

Puerto Rico sure is beautiful. After watching this film, though, I'm having second thoughts about traveling there. Open sewers? Is that for real?

If you like action and suspense mixed with quite a bit of "WHO in his right mind would do that?" moments-----you'll love this movie.

Oh: And special shout-out to Phil Davis. He always makes such a good baddie.

Also: Cobie Bell, you are one hell of a fine actor.
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Started out great
mikejade1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It started out great then turned into a comedy of stupid errors over and over. It became moronic. Very bad comedy. Slapstick. Cops are corrupt- trying to hide a dead body that the dog digs up - drug dealers disabled the boat which means they can't give the other drug dealer the money - cops probably want the drugs or the money. They have one dumb idea after another.
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great, watching twice
chellba18 March 2017
Great series! Don't get me wrong, but in the beginning, no one can over throw a midget cat!? Seriously !? Love the scenery. Good acting. But a midget. have spent years in other Caribbean countries, got to be careful. How do they know it is 7 million dollars? I have invited people to watch!
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Please bring this back to life!
jeffbarnes-1002226 August 2018
Best show I've seen in a while... I am absolutely addicted to this cast and story line. Of all the top rated shows out there, how is Mad Dogs not getting signed additional seasons?!?
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jordan_via1 September 2018
One of, if not the best show I've ever watched. Non stop anxiety I will say. Worth ever min. Of it though.
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Bring it back!!!
klljoyce2 September 2018
Loved it!!!! Unfortunately there is only one season but it's worth the watch.
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The 4 Stooges should be the title.
reckman-6462825 September 2018
Trying to get through the 3rd episode but the stupidity is really hard to overcome. It's beyond pathetic just how stupid the 4 morons are. One lame brain move after another. One petty argument after another. These 4 would screw up a one car parade. Their collective IQs is less than 100.
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Amazon Original Series?
PuckerFactor24 January 2016
I really like it. It's well produced with snappy writing and a good cast....just like the original British series. Ben Chaplin from the original series is actually in this version too.

Wikipedia - Mad Dogs (TV series)

"Mad Dogs is a British black comedy and psychological thriller television series, written and created by Cris Cole, that began airing on Sky1 on 10 February 2011, and ended on 29 December 2013 after four series and 14 episodes"

Which brings me back to the advertising on Amazon. This is billed as an "Amazon Original Series"....WHAT PART OF IT IS ORIGINAL?

Are we to assume that because Americans haven't seen it before, it is original?
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basteiner10 June 2019
Wonderfully surprised about EVERYTHING around this project. Thank you so much for the experience.
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Cannot wait to see entire season!
kathleenmackenz23 February 2015
Judging a show off of just seeing the pilot is usually tough (some quality series have started out with a mediocre pilot emerging into an awesome show...)

However-Mad Dogs nailed it!!

Intriguing plot kept my attention throughout the entire episode, while trying to figure out what might be coming next/what direction they might go with the series.

Fantastic cast!!! Owning their roles in the first episode.

When can we expect the full first season to be released?!

Leaving us hanging, Amazon!

Must see more - STAT!! :)
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Terrific Show!
hisxlnc2 May 2020
This is an incredible show with a plot that keeps you on the edge of your seats episode after episode something that not many shows can do. The beauty of this show lies in the simplicity of its plot - a group of friends thrown into a situation when they least expected. The sequence of events that follow are hilarious as well as intriguing at the same time. Deeply disappointed that Amazon canceled this show after just one season. There are far less deserving shows that got a longer rope.
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