The Gateway (2015) Poster


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What is behind the shower curtain?...
paul_haakonsen14 June 2017
Now this is something you don't see every day; a portal manifesting in a small bathroom.

Truth be told, then I didn't really know what to expect when I sat down to watch "The Gateway" (aka "Curtain"). I had initially thought it to be a horror movie, but found out that it was labeled as a horror, mystery and Sci-Fi movie here on IMDb. And I must admit that the horror aspect of the movie was not prominent, much to my disappointment.

Actually there was an adequate pacing to the movie, especially because it starts out in a high gear, then slows down a bit but continues on in a fairly good pace.

Story-wise then "The Gateway" definitely was a deviant from what I am used to watching, for better or worse. I found it to be somewhat interesting because it was so different, and because it was somewhat offbeat. While the movie was entertaining enough, the storyline wasn't the most thrilling or riveting of story lines.

The cast ensemble in the movie was relatively small, which meant that the actors and actresses in the movie had to carry more weight to support the movie. And I will say that the acting talents were actually doing good jobs with their given roles and characters.

The characters in the movie were good, especially because they were detailed and memorable. Writers Carys Edwards and Jaron Henrie-McCrea certainly did create some outstanding characters to appear in the movie.

As for the effects in the movie, well this wasn't a major Hollywood production with a multi-million dollar special effects budget, that much is obvious. But it should be said that the special effects that actually were in the movie served the movie quite well. The effects when the shower curtains are pulled through the wall (gateway) actually looked quite good and realistic.

The music score in the movie was quite interesting. It was fitting to the mood of the movie and it had somewhat of a 1980's horror movie to it, which I personally did like, as it added a unique flavor to the movie.

When Danni is having her nightmarish dreams, it was just a bit too reminiscent of the visuals used in the "Evil Dead" movies. I like that, though, but it was a bit unoriginal.

"The Gateway" is a somewhat odd movie, but interesting enough for a single viewing. The movie is hardly the type of movie that you will watch more than a single time, as it just doesn't have the quality that supports multiple viewings.
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It is a movie.
S_Soma31 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I would never be able to say that "The Gateway" is a "good movie", at least not with a straight face and a clean conscience. But neither is it truly terrible.

"The Gateway" seems to operate at about the level of an underfunded student movie and then rises a few percentage points above that by sheer dint of the enthusiasm of the actors and director, but only a few percentage points; it does not soar. It does have its moments and some of the acting is satisfactory, but for the most part it suffers the predictable maladies of movies coming from such origins.

It occasionally happens that a movie coming from such mean circumstances actually serves to highlight the exceptional innate talent of some actor or director shining like a beacon in contrast to the surrounding collection of amateurs and you can predict an eventual bright future, like Steve McQueen in the classic "The Blob". But that is not the case here. All we see is a competent effort by mostly-committed but just average actors and an inexperienced director that has only three directorial efforts under his belt since 2004. Major plot elements "just happen" without explanation or rationale which are rather telling blunders in even a novice director.

The logic behind the rating of 6 stars is that it is just slightly higher than what you would expect for the average of movies from such origins, but there wasn't enough of an inspired effort to raise "The Gateway" higher than that.

Not every movie can be a blockbuster or a work of art, however. Sometimes there is entertainment value in seeing the local yokels put on a show in the barn and allowing their enthusiasm and inventiveness to be contagious and carry you away into the story. And so it is here; you will not be wowed but you can expect at least sufficient entertainment to compensate you for the 74 minutes from your life. Just don't expect to remember the movie or its name a week later.
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Things more important than beer and donuts
nogodnomasters2 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Danni (Danni Smith) moves into a new apartment as she works with Tim (Tim Lueke) to save the whales. Bert (Chuck McMahon) the former resident had killed himself in the bathroom, near the portal or gateway. Shower Curtains get sucked into the wall as Danni captures this on film and decides to investigate what is known as "the yonder" with no clear definition.

The mystery keeps you engaged in this slow moving tale. Hobo Willy (Gregory Konow) added humor to the film which was light at times. The picture felt more like science fiction than horror. Film needed A listers.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Quite dreadful
Leofwine_draca31 August 2016
This is a quirky, independent comedy masquerading as a surreal horror film. It gets the surreal part right but the rest of the staging and execution is so cheap as to make this feel like a Troma movie. It doesn't do much for a film's realism when you have actors in support who go around mugging for all their worth, actors linked to a storyline which is so slight as to be not worth bothering with in the first place. Basically, a frightened young woman discovers that her shower curtain is hiding a portal to another dimension. That's it; that's the set up, although not much is done with it.

One of the most arresting parts of the film are the weird dream visions that the protagonist experiences. These are a mish mash of similar bits in THE EVIL DEAD and THE RING, and quite weird, although not as just plain bizarre as other elements in the film. At times I felt that I really should like it, and perhaps with better resources the writer/director could have done something truly special here, but sadly the acting is just too poor and the script so sub par that I couldn't stand it. It feels like nothing more than one of those "make it up as you go along" type movies.
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Sort of Original but also pretty bad too
one9eighty26 July 2017
An independent film which has an original sort of story but isn't able to deliver much for its audience. This doesn't look as cheap as a Troma movie or a Hammer house movie but by the same token it's not glitzy and glamorous either, not by a long way. A struggling nurse moves into a new flat, strange things begin to happen and she finds a space/time portal in her bathroom. There are some really surreal parts to the film, random dreams and flashbacks, crazy confrontations with weirdos. I found myself wondering what the hell I was watching and having a dilemma trying to figure out if I was enjoying the film or not. Decent pace, interesting enough characters, an original idea... I wish I could have liked this more but unfortunately it felt like something was missing. Whatever it was that was missing really stopped me from really enjoying this, which is a pity really. Close, but no cigar.
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Hippie activists vs demons: who'd you root for?
fedor831 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The film that shows what happens to hippie activists when they're left to their own devices to solve a demonic mystery. They screw up. Because hippies are so hopeless.

A low-budget film, but somewhat original: after all, how many movies feature a doorway to another dimension that creates a demon every time the wormhole steals a shower curtain?

What brings down the movie a bit are the bad guys who look like they walked straight out of a Z-movie catalog for stereotypical characters. I also don't buy into the implications that the typical street activists have more than 5 brain-cells; that's just ludicrous.
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Posters only looks nice
thilagaraj-9612113 May 2021
All I want is my time back. It is worse then I thought. The final twist will make you say "Really?"

Just save yourself......
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You Violate The Oath, We Violate The Flesh.
wandernn1-81-6832749 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's nothing sexier than an overflowing toilet. That's where this one begins basically. But Girl moves into a new apartment and finds that whenever she puts up a shower curtain it disappears on her. Turns out it passes thru some sort of portal and appears elsewhere. Her and her Whale Saving Bosom Buddy begin an investigation.

The movie is not really that great. They end up finding the gateway is delivering creatures from another dimension. They make an attempt to do something about it. And I won't bother saying how it ends. But it gets a 5/10.
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Inane, boring and a waste of time
geraldleejones-2063930 July 2024
The entire storyline is moronic and the figures in it are sad sack losers who are a waste of air. They are the kind of people who you walked across the street to avoid them in everyday life. The really creepy part of that is that I have a feeling the actors are equally losers who fell into these roles because the films creator could not find enough homeless people to join this production.

The two leads are a couple of people so dislikeable, that within 5 minutes of "meeting" them you begin hoping that the "monster" appears and ends them. The female lead seems to be someone with emotional problems that have permanently overwhelmed her. And the male lead is an annoying loser who REALLY needs to get a life.

Everything about this crap is extremely low budget to the point that one of the "Special" effects strongly resembles an effect used in the 1960s Batman show...and every but as corny Whatever makes the shower curtain disappear....please come back and make this movie and its cast disappear!!!
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