The British Airways Killer (TV Series 2024) Poster

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Well made and intriguing.
Sleepin_Dragon23 August 2024
Loving mum Joanna Simpson has a whirlwind romance when airline pilot Robert Brown, very quickly she realises she's made a mistake. Jo ends the relationship, but an an angry Brown kills her. At court, Brown claims diminished responsibility.

I think it's a well made, intriguing and slightly shocking documentary. It's one that baffles and enrages me, the fact that a total narcissist can bring in a defence of diminished responsibility, it is insane.

Some very interesting interviews, it's a little bizarre in such a documentary to hear those accents, you just don't hear such wonderful Rap accents anymore, does it perhaps make the story even more shocking to know that the victim was from Windsor, and that her so called husband was an airline pilot. Brown would have earned a salary that most people would dream of, clearly he was fuelled by greed.

The fact that Brown was an airline pilot, that's what makes the story so unfathomable, if anyone is able to deal with stress, a pilot surely.

Jo's wonderful mum, Diana Parkes, made it her mission to fight for justice, this ridiculous situation where a twenty year sentence actually means ten years, it has never made any sense.

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Way too long
cghesketh1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's an interesting enough story, even if it's one that's been told many times before. Man kills wife (or ex-wife), gets caught, comes up with an incredulous excuse (in this case, a temporary mental disorder), and goes to prison.

There's recordings of his original phone call to the police, footage of the police interviews and investigations, and from the court room. There's also interviews with some of the people that were involved in the case at the time.

Unfortunately, all of that put together does not take up even half of the total running time.

There is a lot of filler. While some background of the couple is useful, this show was almost like a biography that included the murder and aftermath almost as a sideline. It's a great pity, because had it just stuck to the facts, it would have been fascinating.
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Muddled and Overpowering Intrusive Music
carolkettle6 March 2024
Very muddled, choppy presentation of the horrific events. Instead of following a time line of events, there were news items, announcements from a later date thrown in all over the place. Over powering background (!)music which played loudly and intrusively over dialogue. At times had to put subtitles on to understand what was being said. Surely background music, should be just that. Felt that it was very loud and ruined any atmosphere. There was a lot to commend the production and the interviews with family and friends were very good. Please in any future productions do without the loud intrusive 'music' it ruins it!
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