Jurassic Prey (2015) Poster


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A fan of Syfy B movies
sek415 July 2015
Unwatchable. I'm a fan of low budget films and can usually find some redeeming feature in just about any film. Perhaps if I had been able to make it through more than the first 25-30 minutes I would have been able to find it... Following is my best shot at a top 10 list for the film:

10. Cinematography is almost as good as most youtube selfie videos 9. Script writing makes one rethink the quality of the sharknado series 8. Acting, while not up to Sharknado standards, is...well...OK, I got nothing. 7 Plot...didn't include zombies(not sure if this is a plus or a minus) 6. Budget...you get what you pay for 5. Sigh...I give up. At least its over.
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Just because.....
tangoscash6 July 2015
some genius decided to try and make a movie by joining a bunch of videos clips together shot from i would guess is, judging by the image quality, their android phone and tried to pass it off as something other that pure garbage. 4.8 score? really? let me guess the cast and crew all voted on their own film to "pad" the IMDb vote count, pathetic. this is by far the worst movie i have ever watched for less than 5 minutes of, but it was actually closer to about 20 seconds that i knew this was utter trash, sad. this is where i actual begin to feel pity on the folks involved with this joke of a project. stick to doing whatever else it is you do. leave movie making up to the professionals, and for heavens sake don't release it.

PLOT "A group of people brought together through a twist of fate hide out in a remote cabin, unaware that a ferocious monster roams the surrounding area."

ridiculous toy baby dino....er monster

just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
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Just say no.
joshuabenhaggai7 September 2015
And i thought Tomboys was bad. Sharknado is excellent compared to this.I like watching old Godzilla movies, zombies and such but this..this isn't even funny. even my little sister has watched enough movies to make a better one than this, with her cellphone and a budget of a weeks worth of lunch money to bribe some kids to act, and one to give up his toy barney. This is what happens when everyone brings their cellphone to the cottage and you run out of beer with 3 days of vacation left. I can ignore how all these people ended up at this remote cottage or how they all handle their guns like a 5 year old, I can even ignore the horrible acting (Godzilla had better acting even with sub titles)but i can not ignore the horrific CGI. Right from the start, slashing and splatter like a very cheap old video game. My vote out of 10: One. Nice cottage.
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1960s effects in 2015
rupert-ian4 July 2015
Wow, this thing was bad. Bad acting, poor camera work, bad story.

But, the worst was the "special" effects. Now I know this didn't have much of a budget, but I have seen high school kids make some pretty realistic CGI stuff.

This used a big guy in a horribly made suit, worse than old Godzilla movies, and then for full body shots of the dinosaur, it looked like a claymation dinosaur that didn't look anything like the suit version. And the way the dinosaur was spliced into the scenes when it interacted with humans will just make you laugh.

The depth of field was so messed up, they didn't even look like they were near each other. Oh, man....

You should probably just check this out only so you can laugh at the dinosaur scenes. It's pretty entertaining in itself!
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what has happened?!
redcodex4537 September 2015
What director in his right mind would make a film like this?. I was born in the 90's and even the creature features of the 70's were far better than this. Why is it that the quality of B-movies are degrading?. I would like to think of this as a joke played by the director on the audience. All I can say is they are trying to capitalize on the success of Jurassic Park. Thinking, everyone with the word 'Jurassic' in the title would watch it. Do not encourage them. The T-rex is basically a rubber doll. The studio who made this film should be fined. Losing faith in B-movies. Even The Asylum have gotten better!.
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I want that hour of my life back. Where do I apply?
weaverproductions20 September 2015
So... Where on earth to start.

The film is on the level of most first year film students... the bad ones...

  • Acting: Ugh... imagine you got a bunch of stoners together to act when they were completely baked out of their minds.

  • Script: I've read better children's picture books. Half the time the sentences don't even make sense and the other half, due to poor use of intonation, something that SHOULD have made sense... suddenly doesn't.

  • Lighting: Non-Existent. Unless it's the flashlight. But i still don't think that counts.

  • Camera-work: Hmmm... you know in this day and age it's not THAT expensive to buy a Go-Pro etc. It was clearly filmed on a cam-corder - something you can see in the reflection of windows in almost every shot. This is why the car's windows are wound eternally down in almost every scene.

  • Editing: Geez, don't get me started. Effects remaining across cuts, re-using scenes and there's SO MANY bad edits as the film progresses. There is the dreaded "black frame" of a failed edit point on many occasions - Seriously, the news can get it right every day of the year, yet they couldn't get it right for a one off release. This is the sort of most BASIC mistakes you'd be warned about in the first month of media class in high school… clearly the editor dropped out before said lesson.

  • Continuity: Forget it. Don't even try. It just doesn't work. In one scene she's trying to open the door to the Jeep but can't. They move the shot inside the car to show her looking at the door which is CLEARLY UNLOCKED. You can see the old school locking bolt standing tall - like a defiant middle finger to the director.

  • Music: Score was pretty good... for something that was probably downloaded for free in a highly compressed format. There was simply no consistency to the tracks or on how they were used. It also just wasn't used at the right times, such as a violin track used for about 15 seconds of exposition and then used again for a death scene. Most of the time it seems like someone put the soundtrack on shuffle, went "Yup that'll do" and then proceeded to turn the volume up and down at random intervals.

  • Effects: now THIS is the big one. WHY OH WHY do you need THREE DIFFERENT DINOSAUR MODELS??? The first one was rubbish and the next 2 are even WORSE. It's completely pointless! At the end of the film it seems like the actor is fighting off 3 entirely different fake dinosaurs - and all of them are worse quality than what you'd find in a box of cereal. I honestly could have created better visual effects for them with a toy T-Rex and a piece of GREEN CARD... And this was outsourced to a company...

Oh and watch for the bit where they stretch the dinosaur overlay so it's "facing the right way" *Director Hint: It's still not* and then forget to remove it for the next transition so suddenly the dinosaur is staring at it's own tail for a minute.

*Sigh* I honestly can't go on.

FINAL THOUGHTS: All I can say is this film's ONLY PURPOSE TO EXIST, is to make Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" look like an Oscar Contender for Best Picture.

This is a Polonia Brothers film ... number 40-something. How the hell do they keep getting them published with mistakes a high schooler could fix in a matter of an hour?

If you enjoyed this, it might be worth getting your eyes checked... or coming down from whatever you're on. I'd say watch it again sober, but it wouldn't make the pile of excrement any better.

You know what they say - "you can polish a turd, but it's still a turd... and now you're still holding it in your hand."

For more bad acting, poor scripts and silly effects check out "Solid State". It's just as bad but they actually hired an editor and it's in Italy... so I guess that's nice. Oh and that turd has sprinkles.
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There have been worse movies.
klinefelter38 January 2016
I have very few positive things to say about "Jurassic Prey". Like most dinosaur flicks from the last few years, it's neither a good movie nor a so-bad-it's-good movie. It probably isn't one of the absolute worst movies I've ever seen, but I'm fairly sure it is somewhere in the "bottom 100" I have watched. It is one of the worst of the prehistoric genre and should be avoided or watched with extremely minimal expectations and some hard liquor.

The cast is generally awful in uninteresting ways; there are in fact ways B-movies can save a poor script with colorful characters and/ or colorful character actors, and this movie doesn't attempt to give us anyone to really care or root for, let alone laugh at. The visual effects are hilariously bad, however I cannot condemn them to the degree some reviewers have. Yes, the puppetry and stop-motion is not commendable, but I still prefer it over most of the cheap CGI in low budget dino-flicks the last few years. In fact I was bothered far more by other effects, such as the bad digital flames, blood, and gun flares among other poorly-executed shots.

If there were at least a few more redeeming elements (better gore, characters, and script for starters), I'd elevate my rating to a "3" or "4"; as it is, a "2" feels fairly generous.
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Could have been any worse?
bigdavenh-460068 September 2015
Like one of the other reviewers I have always been a fan of low budget B movies. I have always thought and I think many would agree that Plan 9 from outer space was the worst movie ever made, even with the huge cult following it has, at least the burning paper plate used for the crashing flying saucer has some humorous value. This movie has no value at all. the acting is high schoolish at best, the plot could have been written by a 12 year old, and possibly was. Limited to almost nothing that can be considered special affects, and a few shots that look like rubberized sock puppets. The budget for this movie was probably well under $1000, and most of it probably spent on lunch for the cast and crew.

Wait for Mystery science theater 3000 to come back to see this one, it will probably be one of their first picks.
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Jurassic disaster
TheLittleSongbird9 September 2018
Saw 'Jurassic Prey' as part of my low-budget completest quest when it popped up by chance in the recommended for you section. Part of me was oddly intrigued by the premise, despite it being absolutely ridiculous and there are instances of fun dinosaurs on the rampage films (naming them would be unfair).

Was not expecting much from 'Jurassic Prey' to be perfectly honest at the same time. The cover/poster looked cheap, it had a low rating and the reviews were less than promising. So in all honesty was expecting something terrible. Seeing 'Jurassic Prey' with an open mind and fairness intended, it turned out to be irredeemably awful and deserving of every bad thing that has been said about it.

Just for the record, am somebody who hates being critical believe it or not and is more often than not encouraging and aims to be balanced and tries to evaluate rather than completely gushing or bashing, so will always severely object to being called an armchair critic/expert that is thrown around a lot immaturely.

From start to finish, the limited budget shows in particularly the not always very well organised editing and the abysmal look of the dinosaur. The camera work is similarly disorganised and drab. The dinosaur looks awful and has no personality or menace, essentially being unintentionally goofy and lumbering randomly in scenes that are messily executed, tension-free and with no urgency. Nothing memorable about the music.

The human characters are underwritten and have little development or endearing personality with so many silly and less than logical behaviours and decisions (a bugbear of mine and have found myself using it a fair bit recently). None of the actors look comfortable in their roles and don't seem to be having fun at all.

Also found too much of the dialogue on the wrong side of dumb and cheesy, complete with some soapy moments, and that it didn't flow very well. The film had an interesting premise with far too over-familiar execution that has nothing new. The lack of imagination and suspense also hurts the film, too much evokes cringing and the thrills and fun are non-existent.

It's all very contrived, truly ridiculous, paper thin and often not easy to follow. The direction felt like they were not in control of the material and not at ease with the genre.

Overall, awful and with no redeeming features. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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I see what they were trying to do...I guess
Nuxork10 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
****WARNING: There may be spoilers ahead!****

This is a Polonia movie and I think most people go into these flicks not thinking quality. That is the case with this movie and I can forgive that when it comes to no-budget flicks. There are, however, a few cardinal rules I have that filmmakers NEED to follow when attempting to make a movie at any budget.

1. Don't be boring.

Boring usually happens when there is an over reliant on padding. Padding usually means that the producers are putting stuff in to make the movie longer. There is padding in this flick. A lot of people cautiously walking around looking for victims and the monster/dinosaur. I guess stealth is needed as this large t-rex/raptor (could never tell as the scale kept changing) had the keen ability to creep up behind people and eat them without them ever knowing. Well, until it was too late.

Another source of padding is expositional dialog. Talking heads presenting (usually setting up) key parts of the story. This leads us to rule 2.

2. Show, don't tell.

If the characters in the flick are talking about key plot points or character traits then it might be a good idea to take that dialog, throw it out, and write up a few scenes showing the plot point or personality trait. Case in point, the bank robbery scene. When the "real" guns are brought out and passed around there is an argument about using real guns. It plays out like a married couple arguing and is no fun to watch. Especially since the actors aren't top actors. Then it plays out like a poorly acted scene. I think I would have had the lead actor mutter, under his breath, something like, "real guns. I hate real guns. People end up getting hurt." He then could have turned to the provider of guns and said, "you shoot somebody then I'll shoot you." To me this is more interesting and suggests the lead has a bit of a past. Of course this should have been worked out when they were writing this story.

If these two rules are followed I generally will find the movie to be entertaining despite the budget or technical limitations. The flick then becomes one of those "so bad it's good" style flicks.
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Classic Polonia film making
DukeLarsonNeverDies4 February 2019
This movie was a pleasant surprise. Great directing and spot on acting. The performance by Steve Diasparra as the lead detective rivaled Dirty Harry. Danielle Donahue was flawless. The story is original. It's like reservoir dogs meets Jurassic Park. The plot was very realistic . The only plot hole was Kirkendalls wife being played by a young good looking woman. I mean come on the guy looks like a it'd sandwich reheated and run over twice. Overall good though. A must see!
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It's a Polonia Brothers Film
citizendoe10 September 2015
The Polonia Brothers make micro-budget films. Complaining about the awfulness of effects, acting, and script is a time honored tradition. However the company gives it their all and tries to make entertaining movies while working with a budget that generally seems less than the price of a meal at Denny's.

I can't say that I've liked all their movies but I do appreciate the effort that has gone into every one of them and I usually enjoy them.

Is this a ripoff film like an Asylum mock-buster? No, it has an original if weird story of its own. Ragging on it for being a 'ripoff' is just wrong. Ragging on it for its ludicrously low production values is, however, fair.
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Jurassic Prey (DO NOT watch this film)
ikaraoke7 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Don't watch this , your eyes will burn. I have seen better movies made by grade 8 kids using phone software. Everything about this film was awful. Sound, Editing, Acting, Effects, Directing, you name it, it makes the #1 spot on the awful list. I had to keep scratching my head in wonderment, "who the hell would fund this piece of sh**"? I didn't actually watch the entire film as it was too painful after the first 10 minutes. It was more of a spoof on bad films of the 70's. If Barbarella was the worst film ever, then this is the grandchild. The director should remove his name from it immediately. The actors, I am certain, are not serious about careers in films because I've got news for them...you ain't gonna make it baby. Keep your day and night jobs. The writing was horrendous. The lighting was terrible. The music made me laugh as it sounded like discarded tracks from 1980's sci-fi films, that, or porn films. Porn music would have been better for sure. Don't watch this movie unless you are a really high or on hallucinative drugs. Only then, it might be fun.
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Don't even bother with this one...
paul_haakonsen8 October 2016
OK, this review is based on the 25 minutes of pure boredom that I suffered through when I sat down to watch "Jurassic Prey", and I just had to give up after that, because I had completely lost the will to witness a single minute more of the nonsense that was "Jurassic Prey".

First of all, there was nothing that even remotely resembled a cohesive storyline. The movie is about a group of people who rob a bank, albeit you don't see this incident at all, as I guess the budget didn't allow for that. But wait, then there is a most horribly fake dinosaur stalking around in the area as well. A dinosaur? It just makes no sense what so ever.

The acting in "Jurassic Prey" was as to be expected from a movie such as this. And actually within the first 5 minutes of the movie, it is already established what kind of acting experience you will be in for. Just watch the scene with the two men wearing shades and the naked guy in the theater, enough said. The acting was wooden and questionable at best.

Then lets move on to the dinosaur. Correction, guy in an awfully fake and laughable rubber bodysuit. That dinosaur was so poorly made and so fake that even a blind man would go "for real?" It was so poor that it actually had me laughing hard every time I saw it. And it made absolutely no sense whatsoever that a dinosaur was walking around and just randomly eating people as it sneaked up on them. Yeah, a dinosaur skilled in stealth, it was just that epic! And to add insult to injury, then the scenes where the dinosaur tears into and eats people was just as fake as the dinosaur suit itself. Actually it is so poor that it is worth to see.

And did no one edit this movie or even have half a mind to think that if you have guys with shades, then let's at least put in an effort to have the film crew not be reflected in the lenses of the shades? It was just such an amateurish mistake to make. And it happened more than once during the 25 minutes I managed to suffer through.

It is rare that I give up on a movie, but it does happen every now and then when I sit down to watch a movie which is actually unbearable to watch. And "Jurassic Prey" was one such movie. And I can with all honesty say that I am not even going to bother with giving this movie a second chance. I have seen enough in the first 25 minutes to last me a lifetime.

"Jurassic Prey" scores a bottom-scraping one out of ten stars rating.
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Outstanding film
lewisowen16 September 2015
The moment I got through the credits I knew i was in for a treat, it comes in with a fantastic storyline, and hooks you from the start, all characters were bursting with expression which makes it all believable. This film had me on the edge of my seat at all times, It was really gruesome and graphic at times, definitely unsafe for kids! the level of CGI was perfect, a great example of what is achievable with technology today, at times i couldn't tell where the CGI stopped and the amazing actors began! This movie has its influences from the Jurassic Park series, and should be first on your list of films to watch this year. I implore you to watch this film and you will see for yourself!
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Jurassic Crap
seckinlergafri18 November 2017
Jurassic Prey is a fictional horror film from United guild directed by Mark Polonia .. I watched this movie a few minutes ago via DVD media, this movie is so silly, ugly, so bad, terrible acting, cheap dialogue, plus silly CGI ...

Dinosaur appearance in this movie is so ugly and looks fake once ...... It's really the most boring and the worst movie I've ever seen!
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Would have given it a 0/10...
moonchild-3687925 December 2017
I'm not sure who managed to actually get this published, because this is absolutely bottom of the ranks I've ever seen.

Stiff, poor, untrained acting. Insecure actors that must wear big shades. Special effects from a cheap Halloween costume shop (if that), over-the-top, bad sound effects, flat predictable script, terrible filming mistakes (seriously folks, you're not supposed to be able to see the filming crew!)... I can go on but just like I couldn't stand watching this for more than 20 minutes, I don't want to waste any more of your time prattling on about how terrible this is. I think you get the picture.

So, even on a scale of 1-10 I'd give this one a 0; it's unwatchable. If this was a movie academy student project, it'd get an F.
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It's a fake! A swindle! I want my money back!
hufft-6189611 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I rented this movie at my local video store, I rented it on account of it being a dinosaur movie. What do I get? Just a cops and robbers story, that just happened to have a dinosaur in it. Okay, look, unless your movie is about cops that are dinosaurs, pick one or the other! The cinematography was absolutely terrible. It feels like someone filmed it with their iPhone. The dialogue was just awful, mostly just cuss words, and nothing more. The plot (or lack there of) just seemed to jump from the robbers at the cabin for about five or ten minutes, and then it just jumps back to the T Rex ambushing people. Okay, now I can talk about the dinosaur. This dinosaur looked absolutely terrible! Most of the shots we see of him, we see either his feet, which are as phony as Barney the Dinosaur's feet (yes, it's really that fake), or his head, which is the most fake looking puppet I've ever seen. And, when we see his full body, he's made from stop motion animation, which was clearly done by an amateur, not someone like Ray HarryHausen. This movie had no plot, it had no story, it had nothing! Absolutely nothing! I wasted my time (an hour and twenty seven minutes) and money (five bucks) for nothing! This is on par with The Cat in the Hat and Santa Clause Conquers the Martians as one of the worst movies ever made. My advice to you is, if you ever come across this movie at your local video store, stay as far away from it as possible. This movie is terrible! Just watch Jurassic Park instead. This trash isn't worth your time or money.
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eskarlyn02522 February 2020
Damn this is the worst movie I ever see. What the hell this shouldn't be call a movie
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I have a handycam and the brain of a 5 year old
mtaeger5 September 2022
I have brain damage from this. Going down the list of the worst Tubi has to offer I came across this. This movie looks like a 5 year old kid got a hold of a handycam and made this film. Full of nonsensical dialogue, over exposed shots with non existent color grading or just very poor color grading. The only thing exposed "fine" are interior shots. You could get a dinosaur from dollar tree that is more convincing than the puppet they use in this film. The soundtrack, if we can call it that, is a drunk man on a Casio keyboard. This movie has no right to exist... But it does. The stop motion for the dinosaur is like something from the 1930s but way worse. 3/4 of the movie in they stop trying with the editing and looks more like a rush job compared to the beginning of the movie. Don't watch.
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Jurassic Awesome!
johnlundgren-5722510 February 2019
Just finished Jurassic pray and it was amazing! Flawless acting, incredible special effects, and hot chicks!! The only thing that brought the movie down was Jeff Kirkendall!! Seriously, why do they keep casting that guy! I have watched other Palonia movies and seen some pretty amazing actors!! Scott Clemens (from Razorteeth) comes to mind. Maybe some day they will wise up and stop casting Jeff Kirkendall!
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A cheesy fun but somewhat flawed creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder13 November 2021
After deciding to fix his life, a low-budget actor and his friends decide to rob a bank and start over, but when they're forced to take a woman hostage they stop at a cabin in the woods to a hideout where they find a deadly dinosaur rampaging through the area and must find a way to get away alive.

This was a decent enough effort. One of the better features here is a rather nice starting point to get the various storylines in place for this one. The meta-ness of the bank-robbers features an actor who's performed in numerous low-budget indie fills and his friends looking for extra money and ripoff a project's funding from a local bank so they can start over. Combined alongside the chase from the federal agents and the reasons why she's going up to the lake, the storylines here are handled well enough. There's also a lot to like with the cheesy dinosaur attacks. Mixing together scenes of the creature being prop models or stop-motion shots clumsily inserted for a truly cheesy and goofy setup here featuring the creature showing up highly unexpectedly and chomping on victims. Featuring the creature popping out of the woods to grab anyone that comes across or attacking the house and the various vehicles strewn around the landscape, there's a lot to like here with these inherently silly scenes that carry on nicely to the finale that's an exceptionally over-the-top sequence. All told, these are generally the films' positive features, although this one does have a few issues. One of the biggest factors on display here is the rather curious decision to feature obvious stalling storylines that bring the pacing down quite low. Rather than start with or even feature the botched robbery, there are several setups about their relationships and background with each other that feel unnecessary, much like the constant back-and-forth of the federal agents trying to track them down. Combined with the inability to see the robbery itself, the pacing is slightly off compared to other similar features. As well, the film is also quite obvious with its low-budget limitations at several points. The dinosaur puppet featured here is the big one, looking unlike any traditional species and being unmistakable about its creation at any point it's on-screen, which is another determining factor. While this could be given a berth as simply low-budget charm, there's little mistaking how obvious the shots of the crew being reflected on just about any reflective surface here, from windows to car-door panels and just about every character wearing sunglasses. These are obvious and immensely distracting, lowering this one quite heavily.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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i learned something today
smithbryanf13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like exploring the genre of movies that are so bad...they're good, but this movie taught me a lesson-there are some movies that are entertainingly bad like troll 2, and then there are movies that are just...bad bad, like this one. I hope i'm not being disrespectful of the actors, crew that worked on this movie, but the acting is supremely flat, the music barely fits the scene's mood, the characters all seem really out of place. The dinosaur is ok in my eyes as i kinda like cheesy props, but the acting is just irredeemable. I thought i was in for a good cheesy dino flick after the opening scene of the dino killing the cows, , and i was excited for this movie, but alas, it wasn't to be.
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Very disappointing
nicole-8819910 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I do enjoy low budget films, I've even been in some myself that's not exactly worth an Oscar, and I know it takes a lot of time and effort. But publishing something like this... I don't know. I'm sad to say this is some of the more poorer productions I have seen. The techniques used for filming doesn't seem schooled or particularly talented, the acting was very poorly done and the special effects were clumsy and exaggerated - I mean they could at least do something to disturb the cows in the beginning of the movie: I'll stop here as I won't pick on every element in the movie there is..

Other then that, I'm sure that with time and practice I'm these guys will have a lot to offer. We all have to start somewhere, right?
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Pen to the eyes would be more worth it
n-1262923 September 2021
This is just painful to watch on all levels. If you really do not care to see anymore then watch this film, it will sure to make you want to go blind afterwards.
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