Trailer Park Boys: Live in F**kin' Dublin (TV Movie 2014) Poster

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Not as bad as some say, not as good as others say... kinda midling
slaphappy500018 February 2020
Depending on how much live TPB tv you've seen already (specials, etc.), you should see this, or some of it, just to get a feel for what the live show is like, to add to your love of the TPB phenomenon. is the live stuff as good as the scripted/tight/series stuff? no. are there some amusing things? yes. are parts of it kind of boring/amateur'ish? yep.

but it's fun to see the audience shower our gang w/love when they first appear, and the filmed bookend stuff at the front and back of the special(s) is usually good, as is the case here. but the stage show is really just a chance for fans to come out and see their beloved TPBs in person. it's not gonna be rip-roaring, tight hilarity. it is an oppty to see the boys and get a few laughs

despite what some reviewers mention, i'm sure the audience enjoys themselves, as evidenced by the applause and laughter. some of these earlier specials are actually superior to the borderline-awful later specials, out of the park, etc.

there's no doubt the show is at its best in series form. but experience a little of the other stuff (the movies are generally quite good, as is the xmas special). it is what it is (and the fans usually approve)
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A painful, painful experience
El_Skutto10 June 2014
Let me first preface this review by stating that I am a big fan of the Trailer Park Boys TV show. I have all the seasons on DVD, as well as the blu-rays of their feature movies, as well as their direct-to-video movie. And as a fan, I must warn every and all TPD fans to avoid this "special" at all costs. Unless, of course, you'd like to have your memories of the classic show tainted by this garbage.

The special starts off well enough, with a montage filmed in the Sunnyvale trailer park, which sets up the overall premise behind the show - Bubbles has won an all-expenses paid trip to Dublin, Ireland, to see Rush live in concert. Somehow thinking that a private plane means the passengers are exempt from customs inspections, Ricky quickly gets arrested for trafficking narcotics into Ireland, and the rest of the boys (and Randy) get hauled off to court.

The judge happens to be a fan of the show, and agrees to drop the charges if the boys will do a live show in Dublin, explaining the dangers and risks of alcohol and narcotics. All this is just a framing device for the live show, which follows immediately after this setup.

I honestly don't know how much those Irish fans paid to attend the show, but they must be incredibly upset. The boys do the show in character, meaning that there are no carefully-rehearsed skits and lots of lots of them trying to ad-lib stuff in character, but it all falls incredibly flat. It's like a poorly thought out high school play, with actors who have barely had time to read their lines once. While drunk.

There are times where one or another character is on stage, just looking around, yelling backstage for the others to come out and help entertain. These moments actually feel genuine, as you can kind of feel that the boys realize the mistake behind a live show almost immediately after it begins. They look uncomfortable and at a loss as to what to do, and the crowd rarely, if ever laughs.

Honestly, I couldn't even get through this travesty in one sitting. I'd be constantly wincing and invariably switch to a different movie or show just to cleanse my palate. In total, it took me 6 sessions to get through this 90-minute torture session, and I really had to force myself to power through. I dare any TPB fan to make it up to Ricky's hypnotist act in one sitting...

If you're a TPB fan and you intend to watch this show despite all the warnings against it, all I can recommend is to watch the filmed framing devices shown before and after the live show and fast forward through the rest. Those parts are the only redeeming element of the show, and why I decided to give the special a 2 instead of a 1.

Ricky, Julian, guys are geniuses when it comes to scripted comedy, but stand-up comedians you definitely are not. Stick to the small screen.
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Give the boys a break.
mjault8412 June 2014
Yes, it did get very awkward at times during the live show. Like the other reviewer said, the scripted bits at the beginning and end were very funny, classic TBP. Had I been there at the show, like many hardcore fans that were in the audience I would have been on cloud nine just being able to see them live in character! I laughed when they show the close up of audience members who were in their 50's and 60's totally not amused, not laughing at all. "Oh look honey this might be fun to see," probably not even having seen a single episode or what the characters comedy is all about. Hell, there were even close ups of people in there 20's who looked like they weren't digging it all, though perhaps it was just do to the fact of poor editing and the use of those close ups were not accurate to the jokes portrayed at that moment (usually the case). Otherwise, why show the shots of the audience at all at that point. It's way too cliché.

In all, I liked the live show bit, they were going for the awkwardness obviously, cause the characters weren't prepared to do a live show, so be open to that. The crowd was being fun and receptive laugh wise, and it wasn't canned. I know there were many people in that audience who are in love with the show and had a great time. I'm not sure (obviously) but I am guessing this is the kind of live show they will be doing at the Pemberton music festival July 18 - 20th, along with many other shows at various festivals and other concerts in Canada this summer. I know with that kind of venue, they are going to kill it and make a lot of people very, very excited. Watching this still made me happy. Get drunk, smoke lots of dope, shut the f@&# up and enjoy it. That's what the boys would want you do. I love you guys, and please, please come to Lake Tahoe sometime!
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Waste of time!
xrsic9223 June 2014
Have been a long time TPB fan and this movie is not worth watching. The opening and closing scenes are good, the rest is a live stage show with the actors only partially in TPB character. They stand on stage, play drinking games with audience members and sing Rush songs. It is not funny nor fun to watch. It is a sad waste of time and an obvious attempt for the team to make a quick buck. TPB: Please stick to making episodic television, which is where Bubbles and Ricky excel.

And perhaps Conky needs to return to every episode, movie and stage set?

I highly recommend the series, especially the first four seasons. Season 7 is laborious to watch as they try to introduce a bunch of new clichéd characters. Most of the humor has been reduced to jokes about bodily functions.
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Better then I thought!
styc19 June 2014
I've been on this site for years but only to read trivia facts about my favorite shows and movies and to see what reviews they got from users on the site. I been on a trailer park boys binge since a friend told me about it and I have watched everything related to the series and when I looked up a review for the latest trailer park boys special, Live in Dublin, I was shocked to see only one review and not a very good one at that!

Lets get one thing straight here, if your coming into this thinking it's going to be like another episode of the show or a feature length movie, your very mistaken. There is an opening and closing skit that will seem like they were pulled from a trailer park boys episode but that's about it. The rest takes place on a stage where the gang perform improv comedy in character and even play a few tunes. The review I read said that the actors were not in character but I would like to disagree.

Without ruining the moments of the show, there's plenty of callbacks to people and running gags from the show. Since its all a live performance and mile smith (a.k.a. Bubbles) is an accomplished musician, he even performs a few songs. Some are created for this show but if you know what the character of bubbles is all about, the songs will garner some laughs and you will see how in character he still is. There's even some covers of his favorite band performed by Bubbles himself. They even get the crowd involved and their interactions with the crowd are again things I could see Bubbles, Ricky, and Julian doing.

Can't really say much else without ruining this very entertaining special except i wish i could have gone to see it live! For those who are big fans of TPB and can ignore that the guys are out of their normal element, give this a chance and you won't be disappointed!
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Unfunny - just trying to capitalize on their fame
iamover4 July 2014
This had all the feel of a bunch of actors trying to squeeze a bit more money out of their fame. If they were attempting improv - it failed colossally. The Trailer Park movies are hilarious because these guys rehearse and follow a script.

This was nothing of the kind.

They may have tried to be funny but ended up just being stupid. ... and even their stupidity was mediocre!

If I had been in the live audience (and paid for a ticket) I would have been majorly upset! I doubt I'll ever waste time on a Trailer Park Boys show again.
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Enjoyed The Live Show
Aargh_The_Awful19 October 2014
I don't understand all of the negative reviews this is getting. No, it's not the TPB series, it's a live show that is SCRIPTED. The actors were playing their characters. The nervousness they showed was all part of the act. They even add the live act into one of the episodes in series 8. So get ready to see it there, for those of you who didn't enjoy it.

Yes, the audience did laugh, as did I. They looked to me like they were enjoying the show, end enjoyed participating in the games. They sang along with Bubbles, bought Randy's cheeseburgers and went along with Ricky's hypnotism attempt.

I hope they continue to do live shows. I would love to go to one of them if they did one near me.
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Freaking hilarious!
dreamingskychild30 September 2019
I really enjoyed the show, made me laugh out loud. So much fun!
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