"Partners in Crime" N or M?: Part 1 (TV Episode 2015) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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I rather enjoyed it.
Sleepin_Dragon4 December 2023
Tommy and Tuppence are instructed to attend The Opera, where they will encounter a man who has a message, one of top national security, before Tommy can receive the full story, the man, Harrison, dies.

I can't believe it's been right years since this was transmitted, I watched the first three part story, and always meant to watch this one, as they say better late than never.

Tommy and Tuppence are my least favourite of Christie's creations, but I still enjoy them, the standout novel for me is N or M. I love the whole concept of the vital clue, how easy is it to mishear the letters N or M.

I quite enjoyed this first episode, unlike my fellow reviewers, I've always seen a degree of humour in The Tommy and Tuppence novels, it's a little tongue in cheek, but the mystery comes through, I enjoyed it.

I really liked the visuals, I thought it looked impressive, wonderful costumes, and a smog filled London looked great.

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Soviet spy searching
TheLittleSongbird2 May 2018
Although Agatha Christie is one of my favourite authors, adaptations of her work have always personally been judged on how good they are on their own merits, regardless of how good or bad an adaptation it is.

The Tommy and Tuppence books/stories are entertaining reads, though none of them are among my favourites from Christie, and the 80s 'Partners in Crime' series is not only true in details and spirit to the stories but charming, suspenseful, light-hearted entertainment in its own right. But when advertised, surprisingly didn't find myself desperate in seeing this, which is highly unusual for an Agatha Christie adaptation. Despite looking good visually, the casting just seemed off and even when advertised the writing seemed clunky.

Finally giving it the benefit of the doubt, and without comparison to the source material and the previous 'Partners in Crime' series, as someone who loves Agatha Christie and who has enjoyed a large amount of adaptations of her work. Didn't care at all for "The Secret Adversary", things are no better with the first part of "N or M?"

It has a few plus points, with the best thing about it being the production values.

The 1950s setting is evoked beautifully, the scenery is positively sumptuous and at times effectively mysterious and a lot of work clearly went into evoking the period, because the attention to detail is great. It is also very stylishly filmed and atmospherically lit.

While the acting is a vast majority really not very good, it's not without bright spots.

In fact Christina Cole and Roy Marsden are pretty good, particularly Cole, though the only actors to make much of a positive impression.

However, that is pretty much it for the good things. One of the main things that ruins "N or M?: Part 1" (and this would continue to be one of the series' biggest problems) is the woeful miscasting of David Walliams as Tommy, have nothing personal against Walliams but there was the fear that he would be out of place and stick out like a sore thumb and that fear was proved correct. Walliams even when playing straight often looks vacant and doesn't seem to have a clue as to whether to camp it up as Tommy or underplay, his performance here is a mess of both and he never looks comfortable doing either, he acts jarringly buffoonish when camping it up, the dramatic scenes being very overwroughtly played, and when underplaying he is incredibly wooden.

While Jessica Raine is not as badly affected, this viewer is in the camp of not finding her that much better, she doesn't look very engaged as Tuppence (as if she didn't want to be there), a very charming and authoritative role, and comes over as rather too forceful in the more dramatic scenes. Although this is more to do with how the character is written here Raine seems and acts too modern for the 50s, at least here and throughout 'Partners in Crime'.

The two have no obvious chemistry together, while it may not have been the case at all it was like they didn't get along, or maybe it was how the roles were written because Tuppence looked more annoyed with rather in love with Tommy. Both manage to do something seemingly impossible and make Tommy and Tuppence annoying. The rest of the acting is not good either, the lack of chemistry also applies to the supporting cast which severely undermines the tension and pacing of the story and few seem sure of how to play their roles.

As good as the production values are, the effort put into them doesn't translate in the music, script and storytelling. The music is too loud, too much, too constant and too intrusive, not to mention very one-note mood-wise, even in scenes that would have benefited from more understated scoring or none at all.

Script-writing is clunky and instead of being suspenseful and light-hearted it's like trudging and struggling through very thick mud, and it never feels like it belongs in the 1950s, constantly the viewer feels like they are yanked back to 21st century. The dialogue, complete with comic elements in serious need of a toning down, dramatic elements that are talky and overwrought and mystery elements that feel under-explained and as long a way from tense as one can get, is rather stilted and lacks pulse and urgency, especially in the talkier scenes.

Sadly, the storytelling in "N or M?: Part 1" is not good. On the page, 'N or M?' seems slow going but it was really quite diverting. Here the storytelling rambles on ponderously as a result of far too much padding with a lot of the 'tense' or 'suspenseful' scenes instead bordering on the laboured. And there are additions that are either silly, pointless or confuse the story, sometimes even all three, it's only the first part and already it's a slog and needlessly convoluted.

Regarding the direction, while it fares well visually and does a good job bringing a sense of period it does poorly in the direction of the actors, most of whom look lost at sea with what to do, and with the storytelling.

In conclusion, weak. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Simply awful Very slight spoilers
footy-5819914 October 2015
Story rewrite- horrible. Instead of looking for WWII spies, the Beresfords are on the trail of a stolen atomic bomb and a Russian agent. Albert is a certifiable genius instead of a hapless doorman, Tommy is a bumbling fool who is lucky not to be dead; Tuppence is an irritating, silly woman who pushes Tommy around; Derek and Doreen? Gone.. MIA. Instead there's "George" age unknown. Betty Sprot has been forgot and her mother is a flirtatious dimwit instead of devoted mother. No Goosey Goosey Gander, either. Mrs. Perella and her daughter have evidently been merged; Carl is an adolescent biker. Story DULL as DISHWATER...despite frequent and unexplained attacks on the protagonists. UGH!

Casting: PUHLEEZE. Neither of the principle actors bears any semblance at all to the original characters. Tommy doesn't even have red hair! Roy Marsden's is the only credible performance.

Setting: The 50s were dull and so are these sets. The Beresford wallpaper is god awful. The 40s were a much more glamorous setting.

Seriously, Christie stories work best when they follow the story she wrote. The adaptation of N or M? is even worse than the many unspeakably bad Marple rewrites. AC must be rolling in her grave.
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Annoying Characters
skipugh227 January 2019
I love Agatha Christie. This was awful. Tommy and Tuppance do incredibly stupid things throughout the story and it came to the point where I was rooting for the bad guys.

Why Tuppance would ever put up with Tommy is the real mystery. But, despite Tuppance being the real brains of the two, she also keeps doing incredibly stupid things.

Waste of time.
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Um, where was the mystery?
mshavzin17 February 2016
This wasn't a mystery. It was a comedy, with some spy stuff. Agatha Christie did not write sit coms. Besides, who needs yet another snarky girl/abused guy cop pairing? I think people are growing tired of them. The only mystery I noticed was why England was involved int he Cold War. The Cold War was between America, and Russia. Maybe China….but NOT England. Also, I really hated the female lead. She just grated on my nerves. She was worse then the completely illogical off the wall story. She was worse then the wooden characters. Its a slap stick comedy that used Agatha Christies name to try and get a few extra viewers, and paid the price. What makes me sad is that I was expecting to like it. I loved the ITV Marple and Poirot series, and I was hoping for something similar. Because that is what Agatha Christie wrote. MYSTERIES. Not snarky man hating hat girl and her beaten down idiot of a husband chasing spies for no reason. At least you would think that after she endangered the operation for the fifth time,. the weird scientist would have fired her.
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The plot thickens - or it might do if there actually were a plot!
DoctorStrabismus26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just vague nonsense.

So Carter decides Tommy is the man to use for this job, despite him being a bumbling dimwit. And Carter says to keep Tuppence out of it, even though she is the one with brains.

For no obvious reason, a retired navy man takes the opera ticket of a stranger, and is murdered in his place.

Then said stranger crosses the road and is hit by a speeding truck which nobody saw coming.

And what is it actually all about?

Nobody knows!
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