"The Big Bang Theory" The Conjugal Conjecture (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Starting to get back on track...
peterhill-8490022 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The previous seasons haven't been all that great, the cliffhangers have been mediocre and so this upcoming season has been met by me with great anticipation. The premiere isn't bad, and the episode doesn't feel like a two parter but instead feels new and fresh. Penny's family is a delight to watch; her brother being a personal favorite. Sheldon is as usual hilarious, and there isn't any Leonard/Penny rubbish which endangers the day. If you've been disappointed with the previous seasons like I have, then I'm very confident that season 10 will be getting back to the good old days of TBBT. Overall it's a fun episode that expands nicely with Penny's family and I'm hoping to see more of them.
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Stuck in the Middle
Hitchcoc13 November 2021
Interesting how many tens and ones are being put out there. I thought the episode had its bright moments. I got a kick out of Penny's family, especially the brother, who was on his way to 30 Rock. Ii think the naysayers were turned off by the snarkiness and mean spiritedness. I was too, but there was enough to laugh at that I gave it a middle of the road grade.
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love this episode
idoshevah6 October 2019
This episode was so funny, I loved it Keep involving new characters in the show
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Like a Sitcom All Star Game!
jmillerjr-0098320 May 2021
I thought it was tons of fun. So cool to see so many different tv actors from yesterday and today. Really enjoyed it.
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This show is not the one I fell in love with.
mawriz27 September 2016
I watched the IT Crowd during the Big Bang hiatus and it really highlights how Big Bang has become a relationship drama. This show is completely unrecognizable from its earlier seasons. I mean, the writers had months to write and this is the best they can come up with. I avoid relationship dramas like the plague, and I'm sad one of my favorite shows keep pushing it to my face.

Nobody's saying the characters shouldn't evolve, but the root of the comedy shouldn't come from dating, and marriage, and divorce, and kids. That's not why I watched your show in the first place because I avoid those types of shows.
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Katey Sagal perfect mom for Penny
hollijm23 February 2022
Peg Bundy did such a great job with Christina Applegate she was a natural to raise Penny. I've been streaming this series daily for the last couple of hundred days and this episode got an above average number of laughs out loud and the ensemble of costars was great.
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Better than last season's send-off
SteverinoAlaReno21 September 2016
The 10th season premier was better than the final episode of the 9th season, but that really isn't saying much.

The re-wedding plot line was dull, uninspired, and largely unwatchable. Perhaps Penny's family would have been easier to accept had the show cast better actors in the roles. The interplay between Leonard's parents and Sheldon's mother was even worse than Penny's family. Even worse was the reaction of Howard and Raj to the visit by the Air Force officer.

This show has gone so far adrift, it's lost sight of land. The writers no longer remember what made the characters funny and special, or what made the show itself smart.
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What happened to BBT'S writers?
lomaran-120 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not funny. In fact, I was uncomfortable watching it. Jokes about Penny's brother being in and out of jail, jokes about Mary Cooper and Leonard's dad having 'coitus'. I had never heard Sheldon talk so consistently disrespectful to his mother. Just terrible. She did complain about it few times but it didn't stop and it was bad, ugly. He has a better relationship with her than that. And why did Bernadette perform the ceremony? ALL the others got ordained to perform her marriage to Howard (which I thought very dumb) but she didn't. Is that why the writers felt obliged to use her in this episode? I'm wondering too, what happened to Leonard's siblings? Doesn't his character have a brother and a sister? Shouldn't they have attended, or at least been mentioned? So sad to see the show today. Mean, mean humor that just plain isn't funny. Sheldon used to be naive but caring. ALL the characters have become two-dimensional parodies of themselves, which generally always happens when a show has been on TOO long. Too bad. The show used to be great.
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Who's ready to get married...?
raven8000-794-59761323 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
....Wait there was a wedding?

The Finale of season 9 set us up nicely for Leonard and Penny's second wedding. The premier of season 10...did nothing with it. Just about as poor an opening as I have seen to a season.

The episode should have evolved around the happy couple, but they barely had any lines, the wedding was over in minutes and when they did take centre stage Bernadette and Sheldon overshadowed them. Why was Bernadette officiating? This has been done so many times now on TV that it just felt like a copy. The Sheldon speech was nice but he shouldn't have hung around, this should have been about them alone, it felt like a forced Sheldon highlight, which it wasn't. Even the structure of the ceremony was rushed. They should have stuck with just the one wedding as this follow up was frankly embarrassing.

The episode did however give plenty of time to Mary, Arthur and Beverly. Why give characters who rarely show up 2 full episodes of screen time, Sheldon and Leonards parents getting it on was a nice little touch last time, but the fallout didn't deserve a full episode. Now the parents are gone and probably won't be seen again for a while. Thrown into the mix was Penny's family who we see in full for the first time, even they got more screen time than the main couple. Penny's brother was a highlight however and the opposite of what I would have envisioned.

Howard's pursuit by the government was briefly touched upon but again left dangling with no progression.

It really is hard to find any positives here (being a massive fan of the show). Leonard and Penny were lost in the background, Howard and Raj barley featured, Bernadette only getting screen time to officiate the wedding, not one mention of her pregnancy and Amy playing a harp. Emily was missing all together.

A big loss for me where the elder generations, all minor characters were given main billing, simply baffling.

To shine some light on this, there were plenty of gags throughout, most were quite funny, but unable to save a dire episode. Leonard and Penny I think have officially had the worst TV wedding, even their first was better.

If this were a mid season episode it would have passed for OK, but for a season premier and a wedding it failed on both counts.

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Why am I still watching this......I wonder
pantearaul-5353526 September 2016
This show used to be very good in the beginning but as of Amy's introduction it started to get pretty dull really quick. These last 3 seasons were so bad that I would rather watch the toilet water for 20 minutes instead of this.It is so cringe worthy nowadays.....I have no idea how they went from one of the best comedies(first 4 seasons) to something so bad that it actually disgusts me. I only watch this show now because of Sheldon Cooper's character.....the rest of the characters are incredibly boring,except for Raj sometimes. And what kind of ending/opening are these ? Seriously,nothing even happened in the opening and the ending of the last season was so dull that I doubt there will be another season after this. Either the writers of this show are starting to get lazy or they just simply don't care anymore. I don't recommend watching this show anymore since in all those last 3 seasons I haven't laughed once........ONCE. I might have puffed some air trough my nose 3-4 times but that was it. Would not watch again.There are far better comedies out there like F.R.I.E.N.D.S, That 70's show , The Office , Modern Family , I.T. Crowd , etc
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Not funny at all
pablo_paiva24 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching it, now checking this episode I realized that I was correct. Not funny at all... characters are repetitive, nothing new and jokes about Randall character are stupid and exaggerated.

I would prefer that they stop destroying something that was good many years ago

Perny's family is played by poor actors, father is different than the actor in season 2-3.

Jokes about poor sexual relationships are repetitive every chapter.... just stop it

Sheldon character is already worn out

Howard and being pushed by military is similar to NASA story.... again

Also another joke about living at his mother house..

They should end the TV show asap
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Stopped watching it
ottawa10122 April 2017
To be fair, I turned it off. The second half of the episode could be fantastic and save the rating.

The great show of seasons 1-3 turned into he good show of seasons 4-7 and the tolerable show of 8-9. Now it is just unwatchable. The premise of the show was great. 4 nerd scientists struggle in the real world of pop culture and relationships. They meet a cute girl with the opposite characteristics. By season 3 they all had several girlfriends, all were obsessed with sex and they were the "in crowd" in almost every situation. Everything that made the show different, they changed.

This episode was unwatchable. Penny's brother was just stupid. I would like to elaborate but stupid sums it up. Not realistic, not funny and adds nothing to the show. Terrible character. Nothing made sense. It was a bad Threes Company episode of childish relationship humor. Some day when the batteries die in the remote and I am too lazy to get up, if it is on, I'll watch the entire episode and hope for a great ending.
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What the hell happened!!!???
grimdugald25 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers - duh! Okay, so I just watched this. And I believe the "cool" term (or maybe *not* in this case) is "omg!". What the hell happened, "Writers"?

No disrespect meant, and each to their own and all that, but I honestly can't understand any *legit* individual giving this an even *half* decent review score/review, here on IMDb. This episode is just *awful*. The only thing that produced even a mild chuckle from me, was when Bernadette lost her temper slightly - about 17 minutes in to the episode (so, nearly at the end of the episode, then!). Everybody is just SO unfunny in this episode it is ridiculous!

We meet the rest of Penny's family. Her brother is just *weird*. I am sorry! But I can't think of a better way to describe this "creation" the programme makers have given the viewers. He is just *bizarre*! Annnnnd....not funny! Penny's mother - may as well not even exist/appear in this episode, as she is SO lacking in *anything* one can describe as *character*. She is the Jacob's Cracker of characterization/personality. Matter of fact, the prevailing *feeling* of this *entire episode* - for my money - is *just that*! Totally devoid of taste. Totally devoid of anything resembling flavor!

Even Sheldon is boring in this episode. Everybody is just mind-numbingly bland and *boring*. I never thought I'd see a TBBT episode that was as bad as this episode is. I won't repeat too much of what other honest reviewers here have said. Suffice it to say that I agree with them entirely.

This episode should not have been aired because ***it is not finished***! It is like A *first draft* that they simply decided to film. AVOID.

Review Score: 0.1/10 (Yes. Really!). Trim your toenails instead. Or treat yourself to a nice, relaxing bath. ;) All the best.

Ps. I found I now had to use a lot of these * ...because IMDb was being a ***nazi*** and asking me to "please not shout" lol. Which is something that was never a problem in the past - so, IMDb - how about pulling your finger out, and programming in the ability for users to use Italics in their reviews...you know...as opposed to being a Nazi about somebody trying to do something as basic and logical as adding ***emphasis to a word or two***!!!!!!!!!? I swear to god, computer programmers (or, possibly their bosses) are the most illogical bunch of homosapiens to ever walk the face of this Earth. 2016, and facebook and sites like IMDb can't allow a user the use of Italics? Pitiful! Rant over.
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What a disaster
aymsoshmart4 November 2021
Season 10 starts with a god-awful episode. The worst is yet to come.

This episode marks a huge drop in the quality of the show.

Even the acting went downhill somehow.

For example, In this particular episode every scene with Penny's family is so cringe worthy, it is unwatchable. Both the jokes and the acting were horrendous.

They also had to crank up the fake laughs starting from season 10 a big time. They even sound louder now sometimes, and that's on some really bad one-liners where nobody would laugh like that.
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