Mutant World (2014) Poster


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Can Be Described in One Word: Awful
claudio_carvalho23 June 2015
When a meteor crashes on Earth, a group of people seek shelter in a bunker. Ten years later, they need supplies and leave the bunker, discovering that the survivors have turned into mutants.

"Mutant World" is a sci-fi that can be described in one word: awful. The acting, story and the screenplay are terrible and the movie begins without any character and situation development and has a corny conclusion. The viewer sees a young woman preparing to shag with her boyfriend in a van and receiving a phone call from her father. Then they drive to a bunker and start shooting people since the place does not have supply enough for their neighbors and friends. Ten years later, the woman leaves the bunker commanding an army to get supplies and they stumble with mutants and a few people that survived to the apocalypse. The movie is so bad that there is a cameo participation of Kim Coates only to give his name to the credits. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Mundo Mutante" ("Mutant World")
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False Informing
bpharvey-6594412 June 2015
Low budget movie. It wasn't a complete waste. However, I checked this out because Kim Coates was first on the list as one of the players in this title, but he was barely in it. He appeared in about the first 5 minutes of the film, and reappears in the last 4 minutes. I don't plan on giving this film a second chance. There are still a handful of unanswered questions about what happened in the film as well. I grabbed this film out of a redbox, which we can't always expect great films from that. This also featured the recording artist Ashanti. I have not listened to her music, but I can say that I certainly hope her talent for music is a lot better than her talent for acting.
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weak sci-fi TV
SnoopyStyle13 June 2017
A meteor crashes into the Earth. Marcus King (Kim Coates) tracks it and leads a group of people into the bunker facility. Some ten years later, the facility is failing and supplies are dwindling. Marcus' daughter Melissa King leads a squad to scavenge only to find murderous mutants and suspicious survivors.

For some reason, the only capable actor, Kim Coates, disappears after the first five minutes. The fighting is weak. The acting is nothing special. It's low budget sci-fi TV. The mutants look cheesy. The production is strictly leftovers from other TV crews. They get to play around with a couple of sets but it's more sad than good camp.
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marcfussbahn8 November 2014
Terrible acting by people you actually don't necessarily want on TV. Embarrassing special effects not even expected on Syfy. Bumpy and partially broken plot, i.e. scenes don't connect.

What really struck me was the obvious attempt to swap the gender roles, i.e. the girl officers played the strong and tough ones whilst the guys were dumb making all sorts of stupid mistakes and statements + going for the sucker moves. Even 10 years after a meteor hit really not so credible. This might have been a kinky idea for a 90s movie but in 2014 I would have expected the prdoucers to be a bit more sober about gender aspects...

Bottom line is there was no way I could watch it to the end...
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Good acting, good cinematics, reallt bad execution
Gilibran20 June 2015
"I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

That was the part that made me laugh so hard i fell out of my seat and made my dog go into a protection frenzy fit thinking i was attacked by ghosts or something and needed to be saved. Not those exact words, but anyone that plays Skyrim and watched this movie knows. Also the singing, to much hanging tree song.

OK, so it's bad story wise, really bad, so many plot holes it's better to take an arrow to the knee then go through this again. That said, the filming is good, quality really surprised me, good camera work and they really did their best on using the scenics, to complement what could have been a good story, and succeeded on block bluster level, you have to give them credit for that. If they just put in a little more effort in the story. There is just to much left out for some scenes and lines to make any sense unless you fill in the blanks yourself keeping in mind that they simply skipped any chatter between characters between scenes to give a bit of depth.

The actors individually all did a really great job with what they were given. There were a few cheesy bits, but all in all i cannot honestly say the acting was bad, the script was though.

All in all it's B it's never going to be cult ever, but with some fantasy of your own to fill in some blanks it's very good to watch and enjoyable when you come home from the pub, with just enough alcohol to not fall asleep.
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If I could grade this lower than 1 I would!
ukiah-spirit20 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In a word, pathetic! A bunch of Canadian actors trying to play US American militia and doing so without any charisma whatsoever. I watched this over the course of three evenings as I could not endure viewing it in one sitting. Why is it that Canadian movies rarely, if ever, use Canada as the backdrop of the story. Telefilm Canada obviously needs to re-evaluate its requirements for tax credits given to film producers that Canadian tax payers ultimately pay for. I digress . Essentially, this is a story of "Armageddon" however, not with the big screen production values we're used to but, with a YouTube fan film production, or just slightly better. Have zero issue with strong female characters however, why do strong female characters have to be empowered at the expense of the male characters. Do directors and producers really feel the only way to make a womans' character strong is to weaken her male counterpart? Really? Isn't that rather sexist to both genders? Next, I don't know why Kim Coates, who is otherwise a great actor, would associate himself with this tripe. Bad move Kim. This is some of the worst acting I've ever seen. Holly Deveaux should really plan on a fall back career, perhaps as a pole dancer, as her acting is just awful and so unrealistic. Amber Marshall is the girl from the CBC's "Heartland". Amber, may I suggest you go back to the heartland, leave the acting to real actors please. I'm not familiar with the other actors , so I'll just say their performance is lacking at best. Perhaps this is the product of terrible directing as well. And it is awful. One and a half million dollars was the estimated budget for this movie, and it shows in every aspect of this film. The money would have been far better spent giving it to a charity. It always is however. So, if it's late one night and you can't sleep, watch this movie. NO. JUST KIDDING!. Stay in bed , your dreams will probably be far more entertaining and with better continuity than this garbage.
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SanteeFats9 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Okay the whole premise is rather out there but it is a watchable enough movie. The most interesting part of the plot is how some the female actors are the empowered ones. A bit of switch especially for a post apocalyptic world scenario. I definitely liked that aspect. So there is a group of underground survivors, some of whom must come out when they lose power. They run into the mutants but I don't understand some of the stuff that they do. I mean green eyes, green blood?? Then the mutant giant that saves the semi-little girl, talks to her intelligently, and then gets killed by the normo's. So the underground retreat is located and overrun by the mutant's, the survivors make it to a town that is suppose to be mutant clear. The squad that was sent out earlier has also found it. Now this is another area I don't understand, turns out the towns people are only part time mutants. They turn mutant only during the night, I guess some writer saw one too many vampire movies? Those that survive the mutants turning blow up the town with the mutants in it. Turns out there is a sanctuary called haven but is really Cheyenne. The remaining survivors make it there and all is well?? Ashanti has a small role as the Preacher. While she looks good her acting is wooden, IMO.
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Avoid like HIV
dustyoldbones20 October 2015
I switched on it for i think five minutes to see something like this: Bunker doors open Group of young actors step out wearing pristine military gear, one actor says some dumb exposition like "been down there ten years, would rather die than spend another day down there" all proceed to speak perfect cliché military lingo to some old guy father figure "ten-four we got a fox-trot code 9"(something the old guy taught them?), something really stupid about implausible & impracticable solar panels happens, A military vehicle appears out of nowhere and apparently "purrs like a kitten" somehow after 10 years of presumably being totally inactive.

They drive up to a house, guy checks radiation levels or something dumb, something with two arms and walking on two legs opens a door and makes a noise, everyone starts uncontrolled firing at it for absolutely no reason(something the old guy taught them?). Another obvious human pops around a corner and they also shoot it for no reason.

"what is this?" looks down at obvious human body "SOME KINDA WERID ANIMAL OR SOMETHING" touches it, shows man with green face paint, "raaar" opens eyes with terrible CGI effect.

that's when I changed the channel. My brain couldn't take anymore. I feel bad for anyone who continued to watch it.

How do movies like this get made? How do you get a budget to make a first draft script made into a movie? I've literally read better scripts online that will never be made into a film.

I can see this being on an 8 movie pack in a wall-mart 5$ garbage bin, but how the hell did it make it to an actual movie channel on satellite television? Mind boggling. It literally made me mad.
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nitro7222 October 2019
Criticizing this movie would be like mocking a deaf child for not being able to hear, which is almost as cruel as having to endure the pain of watching it (although I'm sure working on it was even more painful...).
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Pray for a quick death
rafuse_d9 September 2020
I would rather be hit by a meteor than watch this pos again...
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has anything come out better?
holily8 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
peace, near the beginning when the 1st person asked to be killed by her friends with a knife after being attacked by the mutants whom seemed to of bitten her badly, she said pain was so bad..., so end her suffering, so kill her off as in mercy killing. but so is it when one 1st stubs their toe, wouldn't it been better for them to hold on to her to see if she maybe will get better after initial shock wears some? showing level of stress in a time like that makes people short of patience much? they didn't show really any bites on her being she is well covered in clothing, some blood on face I recall, so one is left to imagination she was being eaten much & maybe radiation from their bites hurt badly, in fact I only recall one scene near end of movie did a real bite was shown. it seems many scenes were cut to meet DVD or/& were too 'r' rated for TV as I read was where movie 1st appeared, I just rented the DVD. also maybe length had to meet time for TV, so much was cut, & advertisers took a share to pay for the movie? maybe when blue ray DVD of it comes out it will be a directors cut or something that has what appears as much deleted scenes & dialogue. so it goes real fast in beginning, I had to replay several scenes at start over to get the gist of where its going, like details shouldn't be missed in case. but its a good movie of panic if suddenly a comet comes our way. though in movie some said a meteor, research claims a comet can travel about 5 times faster then a meteor & most people seem to be educated about meteor strike, so comet strike seems not so bad, when it could be worse research claims. I just tried to verify this, came up with nothing on internet other then comet & meteor can travel over 150,000 mph or less. so a good educating movie, that hardly any information concerning this problem has come about seeing comets can come from oort cloud outside out solar system where millions exist, suddenly for the 1st time, science claims. so once past the scene where girl should of been saved, movie explains itself, though young children may need to be up on science like radiation problems, those with much exposure to those with less, & how thousand miles radius can be wiped out, causing an incinerating across the globe where hardly anything survives. so why is today little is done for shelter if such happened. movie shows military making shelter for only a few select. so far on earth has this happened? though today, science has brought us to probably where we'd have weeks, months, if not a year or so before we get hit by an oncoming comet or meteor of planetary disaster. & maybe a chance to divert it. maybe others know better? peace
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Surprisingly Good
maddutchy9 November 2014
I just watched this movie on SciFi Channel and was impressed with it. The actors did a great job and were all very believable in their roles. The plot is pretty straightforward relating to surviving a major disaster. It has elements of a zombie movie too. There were several technical and tactical goofs and a major continuity error but I still enjoyed it.

Some of the non-spoiler technical goofs are:

The GPMG on top of the truck never had an ammunition can or belt in it. Magazine/cartridge pouches flat; common, at least put something in there!

Tactical goofs were the typical splitting forces in a known hostile environment and not leaving someone on the truck MG when dismounted.

The continuity goof would require a spoiler but it is pretty obvious when you watch the movie.

I liked that the 'survivors/preppers' were the good guys.

Overall, worth watching and kudos to all the young actors for a great job.
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nogodnomasters29 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A large meteor strikes a nuclear reactor on the Eastern seaboard, and creates a nuclear winter. A group of preppers live underground in a bunker for 10 years and don't seem to age. When the machinery messes up, Melissa King (Holly Deveaux) leads a group topside to fix the problem, but they end up in an old west looking town fighting mutants with florescent green contacts.

First off the science is all messed up. Even if a meteor hit a reactor, the radiation would be local. Iodine pills do NOT protect you from radiation. They saturate your thyroid to prevent radioactive iodine isotopes from seeking your thyroid. 10 years later the iodine has decayed away. The pills would be useless.

The acting was as bad as the science. Holly Deveaux as the tough leader of the group was funny. The hand to hand fight choreography was choppy and silly.

Guide: SyFy film. No swearing. Near sex. No nudity. Woman in bra teaser..
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It's not the end of the world.
michaelRokeefe30 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Low budget sci-fi that tries hard. Earth has little over an hour to prepare for a meteor on a collision course. A small group of doomsday theorists and military types have been working on a bunker for a long time just waiting for to be used. Ten years after the meteor strike, a search party leaves the bunker looking for solar panels, medical supplies and food. They discover the world has been taken over by mutants that rule the nights. The search party meet a mysterious traveler that calls herself, The Preacher (Ashanti), who lets it be known there is a safe haven.

Disjointed plot, elementary level effects and a lot of actors trying to do too much. David Winning takes credit as director. Singer Ashanti does a commendable job as does Holly Deveaux. Other cast members: Jason Cermak, Amber Marshall, Megan Tracz, David LeReaney, Greg Lawson and Sydney Bell. Kim Coates makes a cameo appearance. Redeeming is the eye candy!
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Almost so bad it's good.
bewnhurr19 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well. What could you say about movies likes this. There is a lot of unintentional humor, cheesy acting where the plot movies around with horrible cuts and really cheesy special effects.

This is a pretty bad movie overall, you could tell from the start where they gun down people that you would be in for a really camp fest (which is not always something bad). As the movies progressed and i first saw the mutants i laughed my ass off (the unintentional humor). As our band of heroes comes into contact with the first people they have seen since they took shelter in the bunker ten years ago we can tell that they are up to no good (I have seen enough survival movies to know that if something seems to good to be true it probably is).

This is where we laugh are asses off again. When the dude is about the get lucky the woman turns and bite his finger off while the rest of the town goes crazy. This is where the mutant king comes into play. Out of nowhere he shows sympathy for one human and fight of other mutants. As the brawl keeps on going the main characters screw up hard. The climax is just an explosion with some burning mutants.

The ending was also cheesy with no real explanation how a certain character was still alive. If this was done with more humor you could pass it of as somewhat decent b-movie since the mutants just looked silly except for the king mutant.

All in all it was a "So bad it's good" kind of movie, albeit in the lower spectrum of that kind of movies.
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Not all that bad for a SyFy movie...
paul_haakonsen21 May 2019
Well, I stumbled upon the 2014 movie "Mutant World" in 2019, and I hadn't even heard about it. So I decided to give it a chance, as I watch just about anything.

Initially when I saw that this was a SyFy movie, then my expectations dropped drastically, because they are hardly known for having particularly exciting or entertaining movies. But I will say that "Mutant World" actually turned out to be a great step up in the right direction. Every now and a again SyFy does put out the occasional enjoyable movie, and "Mutant World" was definitely halfway there.

The storyline was mediocre and hardly had an ounce of realism to it. But hey, this is a movie meant for entertainment after all. But still, just something plausible or believable does go a long way.

The movie was nicely paced and it was actually saved by the interesting cast, most of which I was hardly familiar with. And I must admit that the acting performances put on throughout the course of "Mutant World" was actually what kept the movie afloat a great long way.

The special effects in the movie were adequate and served their purpose well enough. Just don't go off expecting a grand CGI of epic proportions here.

All in all, "Mutant World" was watchable and enjoyable for what it was. But it is hardly an outstanding movie, nor a memorable one at that - sad to say. And chances are slim to none, more likely none, that I will be returning to watch "Mutant World" a second time around.
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