Farmland (2014) Poster


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Well Done But It's Not Pretty
lenaleigh-955601 April 2022
Sponsored by Monsanto but featuring an organic farm and an organic CSA woman-owned farm. It was a well made film but there is no way to make slaughter animals that never see the light of day, never feel grass beneath their feet, ethical. I felt sick seeing them dump hundreds of chicks on the ground like mulch - and that was them on their best behavior! I need to read labels and make better choices.
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romanticizing animal agriculture is gross
chelseasings18 October 2020
I love seeing a man dump baby chickens on the ground and dirty, scared piglets in cramped pens all while happy music plays! this documentary was so insanely biased in favor of animal agriculture while glossing over the extreme abuse and cruelty in this industry. had to watch this for class and boy did i hate it!
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Farmland is Fair to the Public and Farmers
danj-reed19 November 2014
Farmland is a fair representation of a career in farming. There is no hype and no exaggeration. There is no spin. The only way to get a better idea of what US farms are actually like is to quit your day job and become a farmer like one brave woman profiled in this documentary actually did. The scenes are beautiful and they show the diversity in agriculture. The film covers animal and plant agriculture and profiles farms in many different locations in the US. Watch the film and then contact your local university's cooperative extension service to get in touch with farmers in your area. Go visit farms where you live (City dwellers this may be a field trip, but it is one worth making if you can).
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Light stuff
rchusker28 September 2021
I grew up on a farm, and while this is interesting if you want to know about these particular families that are farming (and kudos to them and their hardworking families), for any filmmaker to put forward a documentary with such lack of diversity when representing farming in the USA, is just no longer acceptable. All families focused on are Caucasian and the filmmaker doesn't touch on farm controversy beyond GMOs and how to treat animals, having no mention of land ownership, workers, diversity and discrimination in the locations highlighted.
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Great Production and Very Informative
jeffmason1319 April 2014
I very much enjoyed (and learned from) viewing the documentary.

It was very eye opening to see the state of our farming industry. The process of getting food from the farm to the table is not something I previously gave much thought. I'm glad I got a chance to screen this film (before its full national release). It was interesting to see the lives of the people and families (some of which have been involved in farming for generations) behind the industry.

It was also refreshing to not only see a documentary done on such important subject matter, but one done at such a high-level of production quality.

Highly Recommended.
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colonel-130709 November 2021
This was a very informative overview from their perspective. Remember, it's not your perspective, it's their perspective. I thought it was well done, certainly not in depth deep dive into the industry but an informative and interesting overview of some of the challenges they face. Whether you like it or not human beings eat animals to survive. For anyone reading this, that will never change in our lifetime. I read some of the reviews and I say quit thinking so much about it. This wasn't meant to be a deep dive obviously, just an overview of life and challenges as a farmer. Without them we wouldn't be able to sustain ourselves as a species.
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A well done documentary
sknuth-9209023 October 2021
As a young teen, I spent summers working on my Uncle's dairy farm, and I live in Chicago. So farming is an interesting topic for me. That being said, I absolutely loved this. It was very interesting how these young farmers navigate the fluid farming market and keep the family farm alive in these changing times. It covers a nice variety of different types of the remaining family farms, and does it extremely well. And that's all.

I am well aware there are many other types of farms out there, but it does just that, wonderfully.

I truly enjoyed it.
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