Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys (TV Movie 2014) Poster

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Killer eels slither up Christopher Lloyd's butt
mikemdp8 August 2014
In this movie, killer eels go through the plumbing, slither up Christopher Lloyd's butt, then pop out his mouth.

That's horrifying on oh, so many levels that have nothing to do with this being an effective horror picture, which it is not.

That the famously reclusive character actor apparently needed the dough so badly that he'd add this call-in DTV role to his Reverend Jim / Doc Brown / Uncle Fester repertoire is sad enough. That he shakes and gesticulates in every of his few scenes like he's got the delirium tremens makes me worry for his sobriety.

But when the scariest thing in your horror movie is Shannen Doherty's face -- most specifically her Botox-frozen lips and cig-poisoned skin pallor -- you're gonna want to use your digital effects to make your lead actress look at least a bit less revolting than your vampire water snakes.

You didn't here. Ugh. Not ugh blood-sucking eels. Ugh Shannen Doherty.

Nobody dies spectacularly; none of the hot girls take their clothes off; the ending's a letdown. The Asylum, ladies and gentlemen.

Netflix "Night of the Creeps" or "Slither" instead for a movie that takes awesomely better advantage of its similarly dumb premise.
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Just when you thought it was safe…. Ah, forget it! It's never safe to go back into the water!!
Coventry1 August 2014
Knowing (and dreading…) the The Asylum production studios, it has to be said immediately that "Blood Lake: etc…" is a lot less rubbishy then their usual work. By no means should you expect a great movie, obviously, but at least this isn't as insultingly retarded and preposterous as for example - oh I don't know - "Sharknado" or "Mega Piranha". The main reasons why this film is more or less a success, I presume, are the original choice of animal species (so original even that Animal Planet aired the film) and the fact that it's largely an old-fashioned type of 'creature feature horror flick in terms of plot, characters and structure. Haters could of course quote this last argument to claim that "Blood Lake" is very clichéd and derivative, but I firmly believe that ALL animal attack movies are fundamentally a rip-off of the almighty "Jaws". Although filmed in sunny California, the events supposedly takes place in a little lake town in the state of Michigan. They struggle with a lamprey infestation, and after the aggressive eel-like monsters devoured all the fish in the lakes, they break through the hydraulic turbines and into the city's water reservoir. The simple plot easily allows all the familiar clichés to be present. There's the obnoxious mayor who severely underestimates the dangerous situation and absolutely wants to avoid at all costs that his town gets negatively portrayed in the media, the hero's disobedient teenage daughter who flees from her bedroom and ends up in peril and the chaotic beach attacks. It's all very enjoyable since director James Cullen Bressack assures there is sufficient action and not too much idiocy. The Asylum has the bad habit of over-sizing their monsters, but the lampreys luckily remain their natural modest size. The film stars a few familiar faces, most notably Christopher Lloyd as the outrageous mayor and Shannen Doherty as the concerned family mother. Shannen got a little chubby in the face, but hey, she's a woman over forty now and no longer the rebellious Breda from "Beverly Hills 90210".
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Terrible Acting !!!
thothgirl-4351811 January 2022
I normally like to watch these types of movies, once in a while. I enjoy them as comedic entertainment. But, I have to say this movie was not even entertaining. The acting was just awful from everyone, especially the guy in charge of eliminating the problem, and husband to Shannon. Ugh. Skip this one, there are others much better than this.
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bayardhiler27 May 2014
As someone who grew up watching good monster flicks, it kills me to see what has happened to the genre over the years, what with the crappy CGI and lack of effort from everyone involved. Sadly instead of getting better, things just keep on getting worse as demonstrated by the recent "Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys". Airing on Animal Planet (Animal Planet? What the hell!!!) it presents your run of the mill nature gone wild story when more aggressive than normal blood sucking lampreys (scary, real-life snake like fish) invade a lake near a small town in Michigan. Now in the right hands, this may have ended up being some what of a decent flick. Unfortunately, it becomes a prime example of bad movie making without the so bad it's good quality. A big problem with the film is that there is not a single ounce of tension to be found anywhere. Instead, people just die violent deaths and you end up with something more disgusting than scary. Second, the special effects, (if you can call them that!) would make even the crappiest effects from fifty years ago look spectacular in comparison. But perhaps the biggest reason why the film fails is the lack of care from the actors. In the old days, when actors did monster flicks they undoubtedly knew they weren't doing Shakespeare. But that didn't stop them from giving everything they had to the part and as a result, even a cheap grade B movie could end up being something memorable. Here, you can just tell the actors' hearts just aren't in it. Even Christopher Lloyd (Yes, that Christopher Lloyd!) fails to give his usual eccentric, bigger than life performance. Then again, looking at what he has to work with, I can't say I blame him and the same would probably go to all the other actors involved. If Animal Planet wants to have its own drama shows, then maybe they should bring back productions like "Lost Tapes". It may have been a bit of a rip off of "The Blair Witch Project", but at least the people involved there gave a damn about what they were doing. I could go on but you get the point. My best advice to you is to avoid this film at all costs and as for the actors involved, disavow and deny that you had any part in this disaster what so ever!!
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Invasive lampreys cry, "Havoc!" and let loose the eels of war!
plattfamily525 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The only spoiler is the director of this waste of time. He spoiled my evening. Thinking this might be akin to spoof movies like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, I sat and fought poking my eyes out watching this train wreck. I was truly embarrassed for the actors involved. The pace of action was excruciatingly slow, and the plot was predictable, with our group being 100% accurate on who was going to die. Some of the details were beyond weird (like the kid who runs his hand on the girl's bloody leg, smells it, and declares she's covered with fish guts). There was no suspense and the characters were fingernails-on-a-chalkboard cliché. About the only redeeming part of the movie was when one of the lampreys crawled up Christopher Lloyd's butt. I felt his pain as sitting through the movie felt a lot like what I imagine that must have felt like.
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This Movie Should Have Been Filmed In Michigan
gjburton5626 May 2014
This movie wasn't bad considering it was done by the Asylum. The same Asylum who did all those "cheesy" SyFy movies. The only thing that ruined this movie was the fact that I've lived in Michigan most of my life, and the scenery was not Michigan. It was California. Not taking anything away from California, but I'm familiar with that area, and it is much more beautiful than in the movie. They didn't use a fictatious lake in the movie, and they could have added to the movie by filming it in the area. The only thing that was Michigan in this movie was the license plates on the vehicles, and maybe the Sea Lampreys. The movie seemed to be well done otherwise, and the acting was OK. I was surprised to find this movie airing on Animal Planet. I missed a good portion of it, but it showed again, so I was able to record it to my DVR. If you like a decent monster flick this one will work in a pinch.
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mrlmann16 November 2014
Anyone that even remotely liked this movie is ether brain dead or worked on its production. There is just nothing good to say about it except it does end. The story is stupid, the special effects are as fake as the setting, there are no palm trees in Michigan, the music sounds more like it should be playing in a funeral home, the acting is really bad, I am just amazes that Americans waste there time making something so bad that a person feels robbed of his own time watching it. I would have not even given it one star but there is no option for that. The people that made this movie should be ashamed of themselves. Christopher Loyd has sunk to a low level and I really like him and it is sad that this is all he can get as a acting job. The only thing I wanted to happen to the cast is they all should have been killed by the Lampreys, that would be the only justification for staring in this mess of a movie.
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Oh Jeez
alexandriadziura16 November 2017
I only downloaded and watched this movie because of Zack Ward. But I couldn't bear to watch any other scene without him in it, it really seemed that he was the only one that actually was good at acting out of the entire cast. I'll at least give this a two because I really love him. It also made me mad that they didn't give him a role as the main character, come on people! Give my boy some love and give him the role of the main character. If you love Zack Ward just watch the scenes that include him, but if you don't really know who he is don't watch this awful film.
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My Review Of "Blood Lake: Attack Of The Killer Lampreys"
ASouthernHorrorFan8 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Blood Lake" is exactly what I thought it would be, a crazy maelstrom of CGI critters, melodrama, and garden variety of two- dimensional characters. The story contains the same material as any other b- movie, creature feature currently playing on several genre channels on cable. "Blood Lake" does have a cool blend of nostalgia mixed in. There were moments that reminded me of the old Roger Corman "Piranhas".

James Cullen Bressack has a specific signature of story telling that was lacking with "Blood Lake", The raw, personal connection that I normally feel from Bresack's films was missing in this one. There was a lot of his dark humor and creativity present "Blood Lake", mostly with the kill scene shots. Not everything was CGI, there was the rubber lampreys, and I think I saw some practical blood effects. I don't really get into these CGI driven b-movies-I prefer the puppeteering and animatronic creature effects of old. Still I watched the whole thing so I can say I like "Blood Lake" better than "Sharknado"-I never even made it past the first 15 minutes of that one.

"Blood Lake: Attack Of The Lampreys" has a lot of missing components to the story. The acting and scenes are clunky at times, the characters never feel real or believable. There is an obvious lack of chemistry between some of the cast that shows on screen. Still "Blood Lake" does have a fun, cheese fest thing happening that, in spite of the CGI, manages to liven up the film's mediocrity. Plus it was enough just to see Christopher Lloyd's rectal assault by the creatures, and Zack Ward is always nice to look at on screen.
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Messy, very messy
TheLittleSongbird14 June 2014
As awful as Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys is, I didn't think it was entirely without redeeming values. Christopher Lloyd(often has been one of the better aspects of bad movies, and he's had a fair share of those) is immensely fun to watch, Ciara Hanna is very sassy and actually seems to give a toss about the situation and there are some nicely composed shots here and there. However, the CGI effects are suspect at best and for me the lampreys weren't enough of a threat, we learn absolutely nothing about them, where they come from and why they're attacking and their attacks are not well executed at all. Instead they are very repetitive and come across as silly and lacking in variety, relying on silliness and excessive gore rather than genuine tension and suspense. The most inventive the attacks get is that facial expression freeze frame when one gets impaled, which did raise a good laugh. The music could and should have been used much less and plays too much of an over-dramatic dirge. The script is very flimsy, it's corny and underwritten and never allows us to identify with the characters or care about the situation. Suspense levels are next to non-existent, the movie is often too stupid and repetitive to be fun and there are exposition and melodrama parts that really plod and come across as ham-fisted. The story is very erratically paced, mostly on the dull end when ranked on the pacing spectrum, with absolutely no surprises, while not one single character is likable. Apart from Lloyd and Hanna, the acting- from people who have actually shown some degree of acting talent- is not very good. Most of them seemed oblivious to their situation and come across as annoying and charisma-free. Shannen Doherty also looks tired and acts it too. Overall, apart from a few shots, Lloyd and Hanna(and to some extent the freeze frame) Blod Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys is a mess. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Fun and enjoyable creature creature feature
After a strange series of deaths around a small Michigan lake, the discovery of the culprit being mutated lamprey fish forces the animal control agents to take action against the creatures and the mayor who doesn't want the information getting out.

This turned out to be quite surprisingly enjoyable creature feature that has quite a bit going for it. One of the biggest pluses here is the fact that the creatures are a threat from the very beginning, with the actual attempts to coral the creatures constituting the opening moments which brings up the fact that this was an ongoing problem before we joined the story and makes for a nice change-of-pace over the usual cliché of them springing up out of nowhere and forcing the characters to deal with a suddenly-emerged threat. Here, the fact that this has been going on for awhile and there's a time limit to keep makes for a nice bit of suspense in the first half as well as the rather impressive amount of kills this one dishes out. Since the creatures are known for awhile yet their actual danger is still very much a mystery yet the creatures are loose, there's a lot of fun to be had with the multitude of amazing swarming and attack scenes here as the various creatures emerge from out of nowhere and becomes quite cheesy with the CGI creatures getting on the attack. While this in effect does give the film a lot of rather fun action scenes, especially in the later half with the house sequence coming up from every hole and drain as the continually-growing number descended upon the victims or the absolutely enjoyable and cheesy assault in the lake that manages to become far more entertaining as it goes along with the swarming creatures and disassembled bodies, the fact that the CGI done for the creatures still looks terrible is a major hurdle to overcome. Even when they're quite decent-looking, they're out-of-scale to the scene and rarely interact well with the matching plate for the human action, which really hampers it somewhat. The last thing bugging this one is the reliance on clichés to deliver the goods, for there's the reluctant mayor more obsessed with the money-making events in town than keeping people from being injured, the scientist who knows more than he's letting on despite being willing to help with the containment efforts and the family drama about just moving to the suburb away from everyone that gets old quite fast. Otherwise, there's a lot to like in this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Violence and Language.
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Movie Description
demona_325 May 2014
Starring Shannen Doherty (Beverly Hills 90210), Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future) and Jason Brooks (Days of Our Lives), Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys is directed by James Cullen Bressack (Hate Crime, Pernicious) and sees the cast battle lampreys – eel-like fish with huge teeth and funnel-shaped mouths – after they slide their way into the city's sewer system and start terrorizing the residents of a small Michigan town. Brooks plays Michael, a fish and wildlife expert who moves to the town with his wife, Cate (Doherty), after being summoned by the town mayor, Akerman (Lloyd), to help deal with its attacking fish problem. River Monsters star Jeremy Wade also makes a cameo. But with these blood-suckers on the loose, the town's residents quickly learn that a casual dip in the pool or routine trip to the toilet can turn deadly as the lampreys hunt for their next victim.
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Equal opportunity film making
Just seen this movie on Pick TV channel.

Well, I was entertained but just not in the way that was intended... Or was it?

Honestly, everything about this movie is atrocious. Literally EVERYTHING.

But despite that, I watched the whole thing. Why? Because I can only assume it was filmed on a shoestring budget and presumably without a script or any any idea about continuity or without considering if the cast could act - everyone could have a go at acting. Lovely. They even went to the trouble of hiring people with zero sense of balance as at every opportunity people would run up to water or places in general with the Lampreys in the vicinity and just fall over.

Honestly I don't want to go into detail as it's not really worth the effort but if you like awful movies which waste an hour and a half of your life then this is worth a go.
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goniometer27 June 2021
This movie is so dumb it actually has moments of unintended humor.
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Surprisingly, it's not all that bad
Leofwine_draca6 December 2015
BLOOD LAKE: ATTACK OF THE KILLER LAMPREYS is the latest monster movie from those schlock purveyors at The Asylum. It's as cheesy as it sounds, but somehow also quite nifty for an Asylum film and certainly nowhere near as bad as I'd feared. It comes across as a rip-off of PIRANHA 3D in its depiction of a multitude of underwater menaces and even features Christopher Lloyd to hammer home the similarities.

The story is simplistic and barely worth recounting. A local water supply is contaminated by lampreys with a taste for human flesh and various authority figures have to combat the menace. I like the underwater nature of these monster flicks as you get all the scenes of swimming pools and showers being invaded by the creatures as well as the local lake. Plus, the CGI isn't too bad here. It's no better than in a giant monster film but the fact that the creatures are small just makes them look more realistic.

Shannen Doherty is the big name here, but she's clearly past it and looking embarrassed by the whole thing. The rest of the cast are as wooden as they come, aside from the hammy Lloyd. It's a predictable, action-focused romp that nevertheless offers plenty of creature action and death and destruction, and it's also a notably gruesome offering with blood everywhere. It doesn't take much for a monster flick to entertain me and BLOOD LAKE just about gets by in this respect.
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A movie about SCIENCE!
jessegehrig23 October 2014
Behold, we are the human race, and this is a movie about people getting eaten by fish. What we are is half ape half machine, fleshy automatons programmed by words and beliefs rather than computer code. Also, since this is a made for TV movie, there is no nudity. The good news is since it's a TV-14 movie, while no nudity is shown, sexuality and sensuality are on in full lurid display. Lamprey! It's a fish. Fishes are what we used to be before we walked out of the sea. The sea is what we used to be before we were fish. I do not eat fish often, but that's mainly because I live in a land locked place and any fish that comes our way was long ago shipped and frozen.
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adriangr2 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another creature feature from Asylum, this time we see lampreys (eel like marine creatures) running amok in a lake and killing people. A heroic wildlife expert tries to stem the invasion, while at the same time tussling with a grumpy town mayor who doesn't want to scare away tourists. You can work out what happens yourself, I'm sure.

The problem with this movie is that it thinks people will be so entertained by the concept of lampreys attacking that they will overlook a LOT of bad movie making. This is a mistake. Viewers do care about logic and common sense, but there's very little of that in Blood Lake... The attack style of the lampreys is maddeningly inconsistent. When a supporting character comes across a pack of them, the lampreys attack and kill in seconds. Yet anytime one of the main cast members is in peril, the lampreys just writhe around on the floor and give the actors plenty of chances to escape.

Some examples: A woman is killed by lampreys invading her indoor pool, but while she dies instantly, the two main cast members - who are also fully in the water - are unscathed. A policeman turns up to help and he falls in the pool. And then he dies instantly! Later on Shannon Doherty and her daughter are searching a house. Shannon is suddenly trapped in the shower with the cubicle door closed (why?) and dozens of lampreys swarm the bathroom. The daughter and Shannon escape unharmed. Shannon's young son is on the beach and finds a couple of bodies of strong healthy adults who have died. The kid is about 10 years old and a bit shrimpy. Lampreys attack him and of course only one of them even manages to land a hit. The wildlife expert and his assistant enter a flooded home swarming with lampreys where other people have been killed in seconds. They each suffer one single lamprey bite each. Later still, the young son is trapped in a room with a single window that is just barely too high for him to reach. Although the room is chock full or chairs, desks, tables and so on, he never tries to use anything to climb up and reach the window. Meanwhile lampreys are busting out of pipes and ducts all over the ceiling and dropping on the floor. Not one of them manages to attack him. And most laughably of all, at the movies climax, two of the main characters have a "don't be a hero" argument in the middle of a sewer, full of the entire pack of squirming lampreys, which patiently wriggle around them, without making a single leap, so that the full dialogue can be played out in comfortable time. The on screen effect is so bad, it makes it appear as though the characters are surrounded by an invisible shield!

At no time does there ever seem to be a real threat to the main cast, the film makes it glaringly obvious that they are all invincible. One additional moment of "heart stopping terror" is provided by scenes with people clutching onto or falling from a slightly wobbly ladder. Another great moment is the revelation that lamprey livers will provide the solution.

Watching this movie will make you as bored of spotting these examples as I am of writing them down. The acting is not good either...especially the shrimpy son and the wailing daughter. Shannon Doherty and Jason Brooks do okay in the lead roles but it's a shame to see screen legend Christopher Lloyd stooping to such lows as this. All the lamprey effects are poorly conceived CGI, and none of the wounds on any of the actors look real. Films like this are like the new b-movies of the 1950s. They seem a lot glossier now, but in reality they are still as cheap and as rushed out as "The Giant Claw" and "Plan 9 From Outer Space".
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Shannon Doherty takes on an army of starved Lampreys
influxtwo9 May 2020
2016 brought us:... Blood Lake: Attack of the Lampreys. About "starved" Lampreys who scramble to land everywhere to attack Shannon Doherty and a handfull of other brave trouble-seekers just waiting and willing to fall in to a myriad of dangerous plot devices involving aggressive lampreys. If this were made in the 1980s with the right creepy score, atmosphere and dark ambiance, it could've been a classic. But instead we have a tv-grade production that takes place in broad daylight here with cheese ball production quality its more like a glutton of bad cgi & decisions. Watch as our carefully selected heroes fling from one moment of terrifying peril to the next. Works more as an unintentional comedy than it does horror. No real thrills or scares at all. The plot is mostly just silly survival decisions that amounts to unintentional comedy. Watch as a random family (alone?) struggles to cope with aggressive hoards of Cgi lampreys. A paycheck was needed. These characters are clearly ill-prepared to take on such an army of Lampreys. I have to wonder why only this one family are involved in cleaning up this mess. Silly tv grade family movie possibly made for kids based on the style of it. The music screams tv family movie. Odd schlock.
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Another take on the original "Piranha," but with lampreys (eel-like creatures)
Wuchakk7 November 2021
A town in Michigan is threatened when myriad aggressive lampreys infest the reservoir and get into the water system. Jason Brooks & Shannen Doherty play the main protagonists with Ciara Hanna as their daughter, Nicholas Adam Clark as her beau and Zack Ward as a Fish & Wildlife worker. Christopher Lloyd is also on hand as the mayor.

"Blood Lake" (2014), sometimes subtitled "Attack of the Killer Lampreys," is a creature feature very similar to "Piranha" (1978/1995), but with bits of other flicks like "Beware, the Blob" (1972), "Squirm" (1976) and "Night of the Creeps" (1986). While this is a production from The Asylum, it's pretty much on par with those films, disregarding the heavy use of cartoonish CGI. The original "Piranha" (1978) is easily the best of the bunch and should be one's first choice.

The trailer makes it seem like "Blood Lake" is more comedic than it is, but actually has the same tone as "Piranha," which means mostly serious with a few bits of humor thrown in, such as the creative fate of Lloyd's character. Despite being a TV production, the principles take the material serious and give it their all. Brooks makes for a great protagonist, Doherty looks good at 42 during shooting, and Ciara Hanna is winsome enough.

The film runs 1 hour, 27 minutes, and was shot in Los Angeles County, particularly Santa Clarita, which is located in the high country just north of L. A., as well as Long Beach. The problem is that most of the locations don't look like Michigan, but rather SoCal. The aridness and mountains are a dead giveaway. In one scene they forgot to switch the license plate of the Fish & Wildlife truck.

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Absolute Garbage
sapphyblake4 March 2017
If 0 were possible id rate it that. The CGI is absolute garbage and the only scar thing about it was that an amazing actress such as Shannen Doherty wasted her time on this sh*t when she could've been off trying to bring back Chamred. I do not and never will understand how this movies flame was provided enough oxygen to burn and live
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A pretty darn good comedy.
woltei14 December 2016
A great comedy feature that was filmed excellently and is even better when watched in 3-D. To add 3-D capability, go out to lake Michigan and swim into the lake a bit and become bait. Its really grand, trust me. The movie was all and all good. It was hilarious when the weed whacker whacked up all those dang lamprey fools! It was stupendous. Being from the Gambia it cost me a great deal to get to Michigan to see it in 3-D, but it was completely worth it. I sincerely suggest that every human goa nd enjoy this movie. My dog and my son really enjoyed it, the wife not as much as she was attacked by lampreys at the age of 4, but the rest of us loved it. I loved the movie. A great movie, would recommend for young children and in 3-D. Enjoy away my Blood Suckers.
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Why is everyone trashing this movie?
gilligan196516 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Although new, this movie reminds me so much of those drive-in B-horror movies we kids loved in the 1980s. It has all the elements -

*so-so effects; *an unscrupulous guy in charge; *heroes trying to quell the problem; *hot doesn't listen to her parents and jeopardizes her family, and, goes way out of her way to be an idiot every chance she gets; the other is only concerned about sex; *a cool little kid who's into exotic creatures; *etc.

This isn't a great movie, in fact, it's kinda silly...but, it's enjoyable. In the 1980s, I remember us kids loving silly movies our parents brushed aside..."Inframan;" "The Three Fantastic Supermen;" "Orgy of the Vampires;" etc. we are as parents ourselves disliking the silly horror movies our kids now love, as we once loved!?!? We've become our own parents and didn't even realize it! Where's your will to be weird?

In this movie, everyone must have secretly loved when the greedy and self-absorbed mayor got it in the ass (much pun intended). Just like the mayor in "Jaws" who was all too eager to get swimming tourists killed just to make a buck. Politicians being true to their agenda and nature, not listening to experts, and, not caring about people.

However, this movie gives a lot of facts -

*some lamprey species will attack humans when starving; *lamprey hurt many-a-fisherman's livelihood; *some lamprey are a delicacy - the mayor had a point there - they could have become the lamprey capital of the world, over Spain, Portugal, France, and, Finland; *lamprey have no natural predators; *lamprey cannot survive in hot tropical waters(there are no lamprey in hot tropical areas)- Shannon proved that with hot fire :D; *lamprey don't react well to weed-whackers; *like sharks, lamprey stay away from areas where they smell their own dead; *like animals, civilized people riot in times of crisis and seek escape even if it means trampling over others.

Not a great movie, but, it wasn't terrible. In 1982...this would have been a drive-in classic! The kind of movie you'd bring your new girlfriend to for an extra reason for her to snuggle closely in the car! :)

First horror movie to air on "Animal Planet." Probably because many lamprey 'facts' went along with it!?!?

If you don't have an open mind, horror movies(and, fantasy movies) can never work.

I give this movie a solid "6" Stars because it reminds me of my childhood and teen years at the "drive-in"(RIP); and, because I simply like it! :)
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Something kills on land and in the water...
paul_haakonsen29 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is listed as a horror movie here on IMDb. Seriously? There is nothing scary about this movie unless you are a child perhaps. WHen that is said, I will say that "Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys" is actually enjoyable enough for what it turned out to be.

"Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys" is a predictable movie and it follows a very mainstream and often used recipe for making a creature feature. However it does have some very unlikely killer creatures; lampreys.

The storyline is so predictable that even a blind man could see what's coming next. But still, it is just one of those guilty pleasures. You know, a movie so generic that it is actually still fun.

The lampreys were nicely enough animated most of the time, but a couple of lampreys being able to kill a full-grown adult in mere seconds? Nah, I don't buy into that at all.

The two names to lure in the audience are of course Shannen Doherty and Christopher Lloyd, and they were not even the leading stars. The most memorable scene in "Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys" was the death scene of the mayor, which just happens to be played by Christopher Lloyd, or perhaps even the scene with the screaming lampreys in the burn scene.

Well, you know what you are essentially in for when sitting down to watch a movie like this, and "Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys" doesn't fail to deliver. It is by every possible manner a mediocre killer creature feature.
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nogodnomasters14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is an Asylum TV-14 movie and has all the bells and whistles associated with a low budget film which includes cardboard characters, characters poorly executed, CG graphics, and actors on their way down or taking a detour on their way up. In a small Michigan town, that looks like Long Beach, California, Fish and Game Ranger Michael Parker (Jason Brooks) and family are summoned there to take care of the lamprey eel nuisance. Michael also has to deal with a hormonal daughter (Ciara Hanna) a geeky son (Yar Koosha) only a stray dog (uncredited) and eel will play with, and a flirty neighbor (Susie Abromeit).

These are not your normal aggressive blood sucking lamprey's but ones that travel on land and seem to appear anywhere, almost like Ghost Shark. Yes people suffer bites, and a few succumb to their attacks.

This is for SyFy/Asylum bad movie fans only.
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The poster lies
gacsogergely16 February 2022
I knew this is an Asylum-film. I didn't care for the effect-quality. I could forgive the generic Jaws-plotline.

I was ready to accept for the majority of the movie it is just an animal-feature.

But there is no fish-human. At all. Not even as the closing-picture.

I want my unspent money back!
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