The Door (2014) Poster

(IV) (2014)

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Q&A dialogue
begob26 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Fairly clean cut horror arising from a surreal situation.

The makers don't explain the source of evil, so it remains a mystery. Which is OK, except the evil doesn't have a clear method either. Instead we end up with crazy slash and stab.

Also there's the unavoidable "I'll just wander off on my own" tendency. It's nicely wrapped up though and not a waste of time.

Big problem is the dialogue - 1001 questions: Did you hear that? Did you see that? What do you mean? Where are we? Are you for real? What's going on? In the middle there are a few unconvincing exchanges where information is repeated within seconds. Very hard for actors to deal with that.
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The Door
a_baron24 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
How do you make an ultra-low budget horror film? How about have a small bunch of people walking around in an abandoned building at night commenting on how they can hear someone - or something - whispering?

Actually, although "The Door" has its faults, it is quite atmospheric. A young guy is down on his luck, too broke even to buy his girlfriend a birthday present, when he walks into a violent street robbery. Using his wits rather than his non-existent martial arts skills, he scares off the two hoods, and the grateful victim hands him a wad of money. Gee mister, I can't take that. He does though, and a job offer, start right away, 12 hours a night, but at $500 a shift, how can he refuse? All he has to do is don a uniform then sit and watch a door all night to ensure it doesn't open. An idiot could do that, right?

Now you kinda know that if he doesn't open the door, this will be one boring movie, but what lies behind it, the entrance to Hell? No, that was "The Sentinel". So how does he come to open it? Girlfriend turns up with the gang having traced him through a new app on her phone. Hey, let us in, it's only 2am and we want you to join the party. He acquiesces, that is his big mistake. There is a bit more to this film than that, but not a lot more. So what happens? Watch it right through, and if you still don't know, you're in good company.
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Movie is frustrating.
dlmyst-298131 November 2020
The security guard kid that I can't remember his name at the moment has an easy job to watch a door. About 90% of this movie could of been avoided if he did his job. The Jess character is the type of person that will aggravate you since they think they're right and you must listen to them at all times. This character annoyed me the most due to the I'm a bad ass know it all attitude. Through out the whole movie I was like dam this movie could of been done in 2020 and I can see SJWs do the same dumb things. In short, everyone in this movie deserves what they got. The security guard mantra in this whole movie should of been ignorance is bliss and never let friends come to his job.
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Engaging Setting - Bad Execution
nineveh-428 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am sure this movie was made because the idea itself was a nice pitch. Pay someone 100,000k a year to guard a door in a building in the middle of nowhere.

Someone in a studio though wow what a novel concept. They are right. The idea and the setting gives the director and scriptwriter a huge potential to pull from.

The actors do a decent job. All we need now is for the director, script and the special effects to kick in, and give us that horror ride they promised. Yeah right! They spend most of the movie playing the 'did you this noise', 'no I didn't', 'let's go look', 'oh there isn't anything here', 'oh there is that creepy noise again', oh c'mon!

There were some attempts at 'ghost like' scares, but lacking cgi, they used human actors with almost no makeup, and it was pretty much lacking in fear factor. Realizing this was the case, our script writer, director, decides to switch tack in Act 3, and gives us some answers and a nice twist, and then turns the movie into a 10 minute slasher flick. What a total let down! There is no pay-off for watching this film.

The truth is that yes there are many bad movies out there and they are just bad with no potential for being better, but this, had potential for a cult classic, and they didn't deliver. If I was the producer, I'd just pull this film off the self, reshoot this film in the same location using a different modified script, get funding for some serious CGI, and learn from the Asian horror masters THEN re- release it.
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What have i just watched?
iamtherobotman25 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give this a 0 Out of 10. OK, so he "saves" a rich business man from a brutal mugging and is given an apparently large cash reward while telling his sob story of being paid off a few months ago and this is the only reason he's accepting the cash. He's then offered a good paying easy job and all he has to do is go to the address written on a banknote at 8pm that night and the job is his. He promptly arrives( it's his girlfriends Birthday and it seems he's not seen her all day) while on the phone to his Girl and telling her how sorry he is he can't be at her party. Upon entry to the building he's met by a Security Guard and handed a Uniform and instructions as to the job description which seems pretty simple - sit on that chair and watch that door. Make sure it doesn't open. Some time in and a car pulls up followed by a knock at the door which he promptly answers to be met by two burly Security Guards with a delivery. After confirming with his boss over the phone that it's OK to let them in, he's given instruction on how to open the "Door" - let them in, close the door behind them to allow an inner door to be opened. If they don't knock three times within a minute, never open the door again. 58 seconds later the three knocks come and out comes two Security Guards, bloodies, battered and bruised with their Uniforms in need of repair. Freaking out as many would, he's back on the phone to the boss insisting he can't continue but is assured cover will be arranged for him but it may take a bit of time. FIVE minutes later, he receives a call on his mobile from his Girlfriend, guess what? She's outside with a load of their friends ready to bring the party to him. You may think this would be a good time to tell her that he'll be leaving soon(ish) as cover is being arranged so he'll be able to join them at the party shortly. Our hero has other ideas though. he lets them inside!! Not only that but it appears the first actions of one of our unexpected guests is to approach the door and try to open it, does our hero tell her not to? No, that would be too sensible on your first night of a new job which pays $500 a night. Soon after a couple of them go outside and while making out hear a voice coming from a vent in the building, this leads to everyone leaving the building to listen for this voice which, surprise surprise doesn't materialise. It's at this point they realise one of the friends isn't with them outside, so she must be inside... Low and behold, she's vanished and oh no, so has the key for the door. How long has she been in there? Oh, can't be more than 2 or 3 minutes( remember the instruction from the boss?? ONE minute and NEVER open the door again!) This doesn't matter, we'll ALL go inside, so they duly unlock the door ( even though it had just been unlocked and no one had locked it again) and file inside. they split up into teams and our hero who has been told (but seems to have amnesia) about the ONE minute rule decides they can search the warehouse for TEN minutes before returning to the exit and getting on with their lives. Do they call out the name of our missing friend? No!!, they decide it would be much more fun to wander round slowly with torches chatting about the weather, taking in the sights and sounds of the warehouse. Even when strange events occur, they don't seem overly hurried or panicked or stressed, they keep up their meander even stopping for minutes at a time to converse about the weird and strange things they're hearing and seeing in this eternal blackness. One girl who was brought up in an Army family and moved around so often she was the new kid in school 12 times is particularly annoying, even when finding a body of a Man, rather than getting the hell outta there, she decides to perform her own autopsy on him, coming to the conclusion he committed suicide, but what "down there" would make you commit suicide? she ponders calmly. So much is wrong with this Film and so little right that i honestly do wonder how modern Films get clearance to be made. the script was written by a Pre Schooler, clearly. The concept was designed by someone with an IQ of 80. The acting was unbelievably bad on so many levels. This is just a Turkey of a Film. Avoid at all costs. Take that key and melt it down. Never open the Door, never allow anyone to open the Door. There is no Door. In other words, don't ever watch this.
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What a waste of potential!
song_of_rainbow25 September 2023
This movie had almost all it takes to make it a really creepy movie. BUT what a waste of time. The leading man had the IQ of a 6 year old. He is hired to do the simplest of jobs possible. Sit on chair, keep eye on door, don't let anyone in. (Except when the boss calls and tells you it's okay to open it.) Pals decide to visit him and have a party because girlfriend wants to be with him on his very first day in the job. Then they walk around, guess what happens. It had the right atmosphere, and the creepy location but I was ready to fall asleep thanks to the plot. Most repeated sentence: "Did you hear that?" Answer: mostly NOT. It got interesting at the end but by then I was sick and tired of the movie.
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Skip this one!
bgmagic225 October 2020
This movie was not only an annoying cliche but poorly written & directed. The actions of the characters made no sense at all other than to move this lazy story along. I found myself fast forwarding most of it. Not at all scary, just boring & unrealistic. We know it's fiction but at least make the characters somewhat relatable.
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Could do so much more
jordansteel15 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest spoiler about this movie is that it has no spoilers (in the movie itself). A group of friends enter a forbidden door experience some.....what? just some noises and background movements and then a hostage and a dead body. Eventually, the hostage goes nuts and kills a few of them and the one who finally gets out is killed on the outside. Why? And how? They could never have logically entered as we are told, one of the outside doors has to be closed for the second to open. So neither their friend nor the trailing group could have entered and if their friend did, the door would be unlocked throughout and the (whatever) was being contained would have easily gotten out. Good concept, well shot. Just incomplete, it had no end.
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Surprisingly good!
relax197723 November 2014
This is the kind of movie that tends to end up with a bunch of 10 star reviews from people involved with the movie and a bunch of 1 star reviews from people who watched it expecting a 10 star movie. This is not a 10 star movie BUT if you watch it with an open mind, it's surprisingly good! The acting and dialog is pretty much exactly as bad as you'd expect from a low budget movie like this but the concept and the story itself surprised me with how good it was. It rather reminded me of a good short story, they didn't over-complicate things, didn't over explain things, they just told a good story with minimal special effects and maximum horror.

I'm not kidding about the low budget BTW, you could remake this entire movie using nothing but a half dozen of your friends, a rented warehouse and the assorted junk from your attic! Basically this movie showed what can be done with if you have an interesting story and nothing else.

Basically it was pure elegance in its simplicity! Big budget movies could learn a thing or two by watching this one.
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Good idea, poor execution.
kinnotroh6 September 2020
This is a solid idea for a story, and the movie even started out pretty good, but they made some very big mistakes. Some of the things that the characters say and actions they take don't make sense for that character. Some of the lines of dialogue are obvious mistakes, as if the writer/director wrote new lines for some scenes and when they put everything together the pieces just didn't fit. The actors appear to be waiting for the next line of dialogue to be given to them, and often miss the emotions they are supposed to be portraying.

This movie feels more like a college project or a group of friends trying to make some money off of a good idea, but when it comes down to it they missed the mark. On that level it was okay, but in my opinion it wasn't a good movie.
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Excellent premise
tbkemp22 May 2017
I really enjoyed this. It's an incredibly interesting and creepy premise with plenty of room to grow. It feels like, though, once the movie got going they didn't really know exactly what to do with it or how to really convey what they were shooting for. Overall, good movie and I have no real complaints.
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Probably the film Nightworld 2017 was based on
nickshubby19 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The similarities between the Door and Nightworld are too many and two similar to be coincidence.

Un employed guy with no hope is offered the job of a lifetime, massive pay check to sit in a room and guard an ancient door, to make sure it never opens. And if anything does come through the door, he is instructed to shoot it dead and call his predecessor for relief and advice.

The guard starts an ill advised romance, and becomes obsessed with what it is he is doing and eventually starts wondering what is behind the door.

Turns out he is keeping something in, not other people out, until one night the door starts trying to open from the inside.

Others are called and all hell breaks loose.

Nightworld has Robert Englund as the previous doorkeeper in it, so for that reason alone it is a better version.
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My October horrorthon is off to a bad start.
BA_Harrison2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to watch Rob Zombie's The Munsters last night, but it kept buffering, so I found this film instead. I figured it couldn't be any worse than watching Sheri Moon Zombie trying to act. I might have been wrong about that.

I can forgive an air of cheapness: not everyone has a big budget to work with. And I can forgive dodgy acting: not much cash means you get what what you pay for. However, I can't forgive a lousy script that goes nowhere after setting up an initially intriguing premise. Creativity is free, after all.

Sam Kantor plays unemployed Owen, who is offered a well-payed job after saving a Japanese man from muggers. All he has to do is watch a locked door in an abandoned warehouse and make sure it isn't opened: for this he will get $500 a night. Of course, things are never that easy, and with Owen's drunken friends turning up on his first night to see how he is doing, the door is inevitably opened...

The Door gets dumb the moment Owen's pals turn up. Would his friends really show up at his workplace on his first day on the job? Would Owen even let them in? The answer is 'Yes' to both questions if the writer doesn't give a damn about logic. In another example of bad writing, one of the friends, Mia (Jessie Yang) finds the key to the door, opens it, and explores what is behind and no-one sees her doing this. When they realise Mia is missing, Owen and company go looking for their friend and find.... what?

It's very hard to be scared of something if you haven't a clue what it is, and The Door never explains the nature of the horrors that await the friends behind door number two (there's a second door behind 'the door'). Creepy stuff happens -- the characters see and hear things that they can't explain; unfortunately, the scriptwriter can't explain them either. It's just an hour of wandering around dark rooms and corridors, with no hint of a reason for the strangeness that occurs.

Eventually, Owen is able to make his escape after everyone else has inexplicably been killed, only to be shot in the head by a security guard. When Owen dies, any chance of understanding this film dies with him.

The only good thing about watching this film is that The Munsters might seem a little better by comparison.
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jhr201214 November 2020
OMG this is a jumbled, boring mess. I found myself falling asleep with about 30 minutes left. I have no idea how it ends and don't care; that's how bad this is.
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Fun creepy low budget horror
nashw824 February 2022
This takes a simple but interesting premise and then manages do something both fun and creepy with it. The main character need a job, he gets offered a job guarding a door, making sure it never opens, seems simple right? But what's behind the door, why can't people come opt after 2 minutes, and what will happen after house friends turn up and end up being forced to investigate what's behind the door.
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Whats that secret you're keeping?
gpeltz14 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Door, 2014 is written and directed by Patrick Mcbrearty, It is watchable, Spoiler Alert and plenty. In a nutshell, this is about the Warehouse from hell. It's also about kids making bad decisions.

The middle section plays mind games, and the conclusion is over played, but while it lasts it has the elements of a good twilight zone.

The budget could not have been very much, the sets are minimal, visual effects are few. Perhaps the very limitations and the stark sets, give the setting the creepy feeling it was shooting for.

Story wise we have a good beginning; Owen played by Sam Kantor has to miss his girlfriends birthday party because of his new job as Security guard. His girlfriend Abby played by Winny Clark decides to bring her party with all his friends, to his place of work, On his first night-shift ? We know nothing good will come of this.

There use to be a song called, "Green Door" (What's that secret you're keeping?) That is the main element here. Owen is suppose to be guarding a door, and make sure it doesn't open. that's his job. What's behind the door is a mysterious unknown. Naturally his friends led by Jess played by Alys Crocker, decide to find out. one eye rolling bad move after another!

Mysterious things happen behind the door, we know because each character in the movie gets to say, "This place is F**k'ed Up" at least twice. Likewise each character gets seven chances each, to say, "Did you hear that?" and an equal number of, "No's" "We're not alone" is given only one go around per character. There is some "feeder fish" talk going on plot-wise, but the threat is never defined. seeing yourself doing something different then what others witness, is as strange as it gets, No complaints with the tech stuff, the soundtrack was clean, thankfully without the booming fright jump cues. Seven Stars for the "Good mood of mystery" (by the props guys)Out of Ten.
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Needs a sequel
littlechicktle10 November 2014
I really liked this movie a lot, inspired a lot of conversation which is what I look for in movies. However, I felt like I was left with a lot of unanswered questions and haven't been able to find any additional sources to answer them. The movie just seemed to end sort of abruptly and there were a lot of different aspects that could have been further explored. If a sequel is made explaining more than I will definitely be a proud owner. The movie did seem to have a lot of depth, the suspense was drawn out at an optimal pace, and there were enough subplots to really keep me intrigued. Anytime I thought I knew what was happening or what was about to happen, I was wrong. I enjoyed trying to figure everything out as the movie went along.
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Great film for fans of horror.
kylereloaded10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Door is a great little gem of a film with a great looking budget. The cinematography was great, and the sets were excellent. The overall acting is alright, they don't respond naturally in traumatic situations. The story gives you enough to stay locked in and there's one overall question that needs to be answered, so it forces you to sit back.

*SPOILER* The general questions that are raised are great (although some still need answers, WHAT IS WITH THE LAMPS?!). *END SPOILER*

Lots of jumps scares, mostly false but still jumpy. I'd say give it a watch if your an indie horror fan or a horror film lunatic. The Door is filled with nice horror tropes and clichés. Feels vintage and yet a little fresher with the cine.
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Great Movie! (*potential spoiler*)
sellzmktng0118 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
My first review, so be gentle :p ... Naah, abuse me all you want.

First, my horror movie experience began in 1983 or so, with Faces of Death, thanks to my morbid brother. Since then my horror and suspense flick taste has brought me to using IMDb to quench my thirst for hidden gems.

I liked the fact that it does a lot with nothing, basically. The filming is quality which makes up for a lot. When a movie looks like it was done on an old JVC VCR cassette camera and nobody bothered to clean up the video noise or level the audio I lose interest, unless its a documentary or done on purpose like a 'found footage' piece. Even then, you can see some effort to keep it flowing and 'movie'-ish. I lack the tech description for it, but it was a movie and not some toy store crap.

That being said, it is a professional-looking piece. I always wanted to know what the antagonist was, but I didn't really care because I felt it was like finding the purpose to the game, is the purpose of the game.

I hope they do a part II that includes some background to the Asian guy and the Warehouse, like Star Wars did the (end?) before the beginning.

Sadly, when I saw 'As Above So Below' with all the hype I was pumped, but after that, if I had to buy a ticket again between the two, this is hands-down the choice, no question. That's my next review.

Either way, as a stand-alone flick it is a satisfactory experience.
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Feeder Fish
ladymidath3 February 2024
The Door is one of those you will either like it or hate it movies. It a reasonably good low budget horror movies but its weaknesses do show.

The cast of characters are all your typical, too dumb to live stereotypes that every modern horror movies seems to have. The characters are not really likable and I found myself not caring who lived and who did not.

The story, a unemployed man gets a job guarding a door. But what dwells behind it.

Of course his girlfriend turns up with their buddies and hijinks ensure.

The movie is not bad, but it does not really do anything new or original. The acting is okay and the setting is a creepy one. A huge empty warehouse, what let the movie down, is that it takes too long to get to the meat of the story.

Still, what was reasonably entertaining just not memorable.
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