Lake Alice (2017) Poster


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Lamest I've seen in a while
MoviesRT22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love to watch horror flicks, but sadly 99% are really bad. This one is not only bad, but the acting and dialogue is so stupid you start to feel sorry for the actors.

Right from the start I felt like the characters were badly defined, but I kept at it thinking it would get better. Sadly, it only got worse.

I'm not sure how movies like this get the funding and actually make it to the theaters. Must be someone they know in Hollywood.

The actors appeared out of place and distracted the whole way through this disaster. Every character looked like they couldn't understand what they were supposed to do. Almost like they were embarrassed by what they were saying and doing. Nothing in this made sense. The plot, the dialogue, even the reveal of who were the killers.

I can't believe I even stayed to the very end to see a final "twist" because that didn't make much sense either.

There were several good reviews for this, but they must have been people involved in the production because no one in their right mind would consider this anything more than a very poor student film. Almost laughable, but instead you feel pity for the actors.

I wasn't going to write a review at first, but thought maybe I could save someone a few hours of wasted time. Take heed and stay away. The only horror is how bad it's done.
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low on everything, doesn't offer a lot
trashgang12 September 2017
I only watched it for Eimeen Dietz, best know for her ultra short performance in the classic The Exorcist (1973) as Pazuzu. And she do gives the best performance in this flick. Sadly it's the only positive thing I can say.

You have to wait over half the flick before things go wrong. Before that it's all about having a Christmas diner with the family and the new lover of their daughter. Going back to the cabin do offer a few issues in town with the family. But nothing comes out of that. When you think it's going to happen, in fact, nothing happens at all. Once the terror comes in it's all low on horror and gore and the must have shower scene doesn't offer a thing too.

It did had some potential but the director chose to make it a low on everything with too much blah blah going on. Throughout the flick you will find out yourself who the killer is. There are a few twist but you won't be surprised about it.

Lake Alice is out there but not for the geeks...

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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We All Seen That Before
nogodnomasters3 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Lake Tomahawk" and "Lake Alice" are the same film. There is an axe in the film (once maybe) and I don't recall seeing the lake other than in a postcard scene. In any case this is really a cabin in the woods who-dun-it and has nothing to do with the title.

Sarah (Caroline Tudor) comes home from California to Wisconsin to spend time with her parents at their cabin home. She brings along her boyfriend (Brad Schmidt) who proposes. The film then spends 45 minutes creating suspects for the killings we know are about to come. Then they happen. Two resurrections and one WTF ending later the film is over. The twist wasn't really a twist as it has been done in a dozen films or more. It is okay when it is done well, but they pranced it around too much and in fact it didn't make any sense to do it as far as the plot was concerned, it was done strictly for the audience. It was hard to judge the characters as they lacked consistency.

Guide: f-word. No sex or nudity
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Unbelievably predictable
davey18413 May 2017
I have never seen such a poor, so called horror film, lots of over the top screaming and very little action or story line. Very predictable victims and very predictable assassins. A child of 11 could create a better script.The film only lasts 75 minutes and believe me, that is the only good point. If you have an hour and a quarter to spare, do not use it watching this movie. You will regret it.
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Waste of time
ilikeyourshirt31 May 2017
Wow, I really have no idea what movie some of the positive reviewers were watching here. This movie that clocks in at barely 80mins was painful to get through. Awkward acting, terrible editing...just bad all round.

Firstly the "action" really doesn't begin until about 65 minutes into the film at which point you're thinking to yourself "when is everything going to happen?, "At what point are people going to start dying?" By the time this does start occurring, you really don't care. I personally WANTED these unlikable characters to die..

The editing in the last 30 minutes...will make you care even less about the outcome, characters pop in and out at different environments, even for a horror, I was like "how the hell did they get here?" "Characters act more moronically than they usually would in a horror, and that's saying something. The poster of this movie looked great, hence my reason for watching it...but as the saying goes, 'Don't judge a book by its cover' this case, the cover is way better than the content.

As for spoilers...whatever you do, don't read the IMDb "Storyline" it essentially gives away the "big reveal" and I'm assuming the viewers who watched this movie and stated it was an unpredictable ending, hadn't read this...not that one really needs to, to guess who the killer may be.
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Why did they even make this
derdesh-802759 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So you spend your first 50-60 minutes of the movie just being introduced to the characters with nothing even happening only to have them slashed in as few minutes in the most hilarious ways. The characters just teleport around, one scene they are at the forest and another they are at a house. Let's not mention the killer who just pops up behind every single person like he's a hybrid of a snake and a ninja. The killers are EXTREMELY predictable and guess what the heroine being saved at the last second. This movie is just compiled cliches that turned into this movie.
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Not even scary!
wendy-manis2322 June 2017
I think this is one of the worst "horror" movies I've ever seen. The plot was predictable, the acting horrible, and the editing was so bad, the movie didn't make sense half the time. Thank goodness I didn't pay for it, is all I can say.. I can't say one good thing about it, except I was glad when it was over. Don't waste your time.
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Don't waste your life on this..
benthien_nilsson3 July 2017
The guy who selected the score for this movie shouldn't give up his day job, don't know which musical toy box he found and used for most of the movie, but it get both ridiculous and weary fast.

The movie itself is the worst I've seen for a while, it's corny, involuntarily funny and not in a good way.

I ended up fastforwarding through the last 45 minutes, just to see who the baddie was and that was pretty predictable.

My advice, don't waste your time.
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Nice dvd artwork,shame about the movie.
maxwellsnake245 September 2018
As a long time collector of horror dvds/blu rays, I have come to the conclusion that eye catching cover artwork doesn't always equate to a good movie.Take lake alice,or lake tomahawk as its known in the u.k. The cover art features a blood stained and gore encrusted tomahawk smashing violently through the surface of an ice covered lake.Striking huh ? Well it was impressive enough to make me rush to the counter to pay for it. Sadly said artwork is vastly more imaginative than the movie contained within. Think of the most groan inducingly predictable slasher movie you have ever seen and then times it by two and you'll be left with 'lake alice'.Ok so not many people watch a slasher flick expecting dazzling originality, but to be as derivative as this is some feat.Originality issues aside ,'lake Alice' commits the biggest sin in horror cinema and that's being boring.Nothing happens for vast swathes of the film and when it does its largely lacking in blood,tension of anything remotely thrilling.Trust me gorehounds will get more joy out of an episode of 'dexter' and everyone else will probably be asleep come the denouement,I know I nearly was.
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This is a disappointing Christmas horror movie that could have been better written in and executed
kevin_robbins6 December 2021
Lake Alice (2018) is available on Tubi and tells the tale of a family who decides to go to their cabin for Christmas. As they head into town to get supplies they meet some old friends and locals from their years coming to the area to staying in the cabin. On Christmas Eve strange things start happening around them leading to their first Christmas at the cabin possibly being their last...

This movie is directed by Ben Milliken in his directorial debut and stars Brando Eaton (Dexter), Peter O'Brien (The Return), Michael Shamus Wiles (Fight Club), Laura Niemi (The Who Wish Me Dead) and Caroline Tudor (Mortal Kombat Legacy).

The storyline for this movie had potential but takes too long establishing the characters rather than getting going. This is a 78 minute movie and nothing happens for the first 46. The kill scenes are bad, without gore and contain sound effects that sound like they were taken from a cartoon. The acting is also mediocre to bad. I did like the final resolve but it was too little too late.

Overall this is a disappointing Christmas horror movie that could have been better written in and executed. I would score this a 3/10 and recommend skipping it.
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For an in-the-woods slasher, this is much smarter than your average bear
barrylyman13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
For every 300 horror stories filmed, there may be one which is worth your time and attention.

Look no further.

This movie was riveting and extremely well-acted. The cast were obviously committed to their roles and the script, direction and photography was first-class.

45 min. cruised by before the 1st victim fell. Which is fine, because it gives the audience 45 min. to enjoy the tableau. It also creates 45 min. to establish the characters and no fewer than 5 suspects, one of who we imagine will be the eventual killer.

I don't, ever, reveal spoilers. Suffice to say, the ending is a surprise and is ultimately a gratifying conclusion.

I have to say, though, that in my 3 visits to Wisconsin, I have never witnessed mountains as portrayed in the cover shots. I don't doubt their existence...I was probably overwhelmed by the pastures, the livestock and the mosquitoes.

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Well, I liked it.
JaneBingley31 August 2021
I love horror, and I love whodunnits. Becoming a fiftysomething grandma has not changed my preference for good horror. My favourites are The witch in the window, (best horror ever made), Terrified, Dark was the night, Don't look now (from 1973,with Donald Sutherland) The Witch, Caveat, and most of James Wan. This film is far from those.

However, it is by no means bad. In fact, I found it quite good. The actors are fine, the scenery, suspense, the cold weather, the christmas theme, the build up, the killings, the twist, the lovely cabin, I liked all of it.

No annoying teens, no plot holes, likeable main charachters. I want them to survive, and I care about them. Especially one scene, which has to do with mistaken identity, was heartbreaking to watch.

No, its not brilliant, but it is decent. I'd rather watch this than snore fests like Saint Maud or Amulet.
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Get away from this movie
jeffersonlomenha26 April 2021
Bad movie, we spent 40 minutes waiting for something to happen and nothing happens, when at last the suspense and the terror start, it is all very obvious and boring.

The reason for the murders to take place does not make sense, nor does the ending.

Get away from this movie.
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So Stupid
batesjoshua16 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was absolutely terrible. It is so bad that I am actually writing a review which i never do. I can't blame this on the actors because they were just playing a role and they played it to the best of their abilities, but the writers did a horrendous job. Why did it seem like everybody in the girl's hometown had sex with her? And when the murderer came, he killed the dad and mom immediately so the writers thought oh uh so we still have about 40 minutes left (or however much, i gave up), so i don't know let's just throw some other people in there to murdered too. And when they ran to woods for the second time (the first time they had to run back for the mom who ended up dead by driving into a tree?), they actually made it out because the killers stopped looking for them because they were busy with the cop. But no, the writers made the girl not only a slut but a dumb one because she went back to house only to watch the cop die then ran off. I didn't even care to see the rest of the movie after that part.
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Decent slasher flick with very predictable ending
stephenw-3018013 May 2017
Perhaps because I am a big fan of the Horror Genra I was (literally) able to predict the Killer in this film 8 minutes into it. That may be hard to believe but if you have watched as many horror films as I have, it wasn't hard. There is a slight twist which I won't disclose and spoil it for anyone so I will simply give my perspective.

I think a "5" rating is justified for this film but may be a little generous. Acting, story line, plot and sound were sub par. Twist endings are always enjoyable but this one was a bit too much. If you have to take a simple formula used 100's of times in a Horror/Thriller and add one more factor to it to say "it's original", then anyone with $25,000 can produce an "original" film I suppose. This does not, an original film, make.

If you use your head a little and pay attention to the characters introduced in the first 10 minutes of the film any true Horror fan with half a brain will see who the Killer is, quite obviously. Pay close attention to facial expressions and subtract the obvious. That is how I guessed it right probably less then 8 minutes in.

To that end, I would not "Dead-Pan" the movie completely, but, don't spend a dime on an On-Demand order or theater viewing of this film. Wait a couple months to buy it in the $3 bin at your local Walmart or Grocery store. That I would recommend.
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A cabin-in-the-woods in northern Wisconsin during Christmas
Wuchakk5 November 2021
A family consisting of mother, father, daughter and boyfriend take a retreat to a cabin at Lake Alice, Wisconsin, during the Holidays, but the joys of the season take a deadly turn when a mysterious slayer suddenly emerges.

"Lake Alice" (2018) is a modern slasher Indie in the mold of traditional slashers with the tropes thereof, e.g. The silent killer with a mask of some sort. The technical filmmaking is good except for a couple of issues. What works best is the authentic cold winter setting of northern Wisconsin. I like the whole set-up of the family returning to their home town in the rural Great Lakes region and the entertaining drama thereof. Sometimes the director spends a little too much time on a mundane scene, but I felt it established the reality of the situation, so I didn't mind.

The second half is where some weaknesses rear their heads. I didn't find the killings very convincing for the most part. For instance, when the first person is fatally attacked I giggled and thought maybe it was a prank. Most of the rest of the assaults have an unreal vibe as well and were okay at best. So the director is good at drama but needs to improve when it comes to staging action/suspense sequences. The micro-budget Indie "The Ridge" (2005) had the opposite problem: The drama of the first half is so weak it tempts the viewer to tune out, but the horrific second half wherein the killer chases the victims is superbly done.

The diff between this and "The Ridge" is that "Lake Alice" features a Whodunit angle. The first half establishes 4-5 possible suspects and the scriptwriter came up with a decent conclusion (as far as whom the killer turns out to be and the details thereof). The director just needs to work out the kinks in the attack sequences.

The movie runs 1 hour, 18 minutes, and was shot at Tomahawk in the Lake Alice region of northern Wisconsin.

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This is Not horror unless you meant short for horrible?
leonaswanson20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible, the first real sign of danger is 47mins in. Acting is lack luster Story very Predictable. Absolute waste of time watching this. Why do people feel the need to make this stuff. Please have a build up of things before you throw us in to a violent psycho attack on a character. The build up apparently was an A hole sheriff and deputy, an ex( if u could call him that) and a weird guy. What a mess of a movie please don't class this as horror the only horrific thing was the movie itself. To the people who gave this a good review- I hope the pay was good. How's the sheriffs plea? I don't want to die" (mind you I felt like I did) moments after telling him he was a pussy for not killing him?? Ridiculous. Oh and when he shoves her in the car at the end and she waits until he gets in before trying to get out? Wtf? This my friends is why the poo emoji was created. 💩
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Do not watch this movie
natwils22 January 2019
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. The proper adjective to describe this mess doesn't exist. You've been warned.
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Snooze fest.
ashe-8762722 January 2020
Oh my word this movie was HORRIBLE! I want my time back. BORING and SLOW... it just dragged on and on and on. For about 65 minutes of the movie nothing happened... NOTHING! Time absolutely wasted! I could've gone my whole life without seeing this movie.
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goodryanrock16 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This comment has some spoilers more near the end but this movie was absolute garbage, first of all who celebrates Christmas like this and also this movie and like recording and details and gore was actually pretty decent until the acting came in part, this acting and story line was horrible until about 20 minutes left in the movie but this movie was sooooo avoidable

SPOILERS: The dude got a mf knife for Christmas so why didn't he just use it against the killers, also what house doesn't have a single weapon in it and in this story there has Been like 5 cars why don't you just get tf out that place this movie was ssooooo avoidable
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a fun home invasion thriller
kathyrenn22 May 2017
This Christmas themed horror was certainly entertaining for the most part, it had of course your usual house invasion scenes but the feel was good as it was set in the holiday time. The acting was good mostly and the look of the film reminds me of the eighties in some scenes, the very ending was awesome and i will not give that away. If you are looking for a slasher well this goes a little deeper sometimes as far as a bit better story than the usual horror films from the past and i would for sure check this one!
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A competent slasher with a did not see ending
chrisstock-0458010 May 2017
Watching this film last night kept me entertained through the 80 minutes of this slasher. It was decent in the genre did have a few slower moments but the finale paid of big time. The acting was good across the board the tension brilliant at times. But I would have liked to have seen more intense moments or jump scares, there were enough to justify my 7/10 rating. The ending was superb did not expect that one bit and that's why this film deserves credit for taking bold risks where some just stick to the formula.

A good slasher with quality acting.
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Can you please stop screaming
rubylsantos25 July 2020
Weekend whatever movie Could've been better but when this story has been done already this is what you get. The consent screaming when you should be quite annoyed the hell out me.
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What a load of rubbish - may not contain any spoilers, but had to warn in advance, just in case.
djquazer0628 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Okay after watching the trailer, which hadn't given too much away, and was actually quite a good trailer, I decided to watch this title, and see if it was as good as before mentioned trailer, and in all honesty I should have stopped at the trailer.

After the opening sequence, you just knew this wasn't going to be a classic! It says it was filmed on Lake Alice in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, why didn't we see more of the actual Lake? The director was probably worried in case the lake got voted star of the show is this abomination of a movie. I was expecting a slasher/horror movie, where whoever the killer was, would ultimately either meet their fate in the lake, or send victim after victim to a watery grave then succumb to whatever hero, but none of this happened, what we got was a fleeting glance of the lake and the surrounding view, nothing to write home about.

The film was as predictable as a magician doing a card trick that people all know that what he is doing is complete bullshit I mean seriously, the acting was just awful and the daughter and her mothers fake crying was actually doing my head in that much, that I was actually hoping and praying the killer would hurry up and do the job, but nothing happened, have seen faster snails, than the killer! After a while it became apparent that there was more than one killer, but we didn't know who it was at that stage, well that's what the director would have loved to have thought, but again it was so obvious who it was, especially within the poor attempts at trying to sway us and believe it was certain people when in fact it wasn't any of those people! And as for the ending, oh dear!

In summary, this film was a lot of rubbish, avoid at all costs, and if you have seen the trailer, don't believe everything you see.. 1/10
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Very very very bad
johnspwn9 October 2019
Um I didnt trust the base reviews. I could have watched something...anything besides this. One of the worst movies I've seen. Pretty much poor everything.
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