Age of Ice (Video 2014) Poster

(2014 Video)

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So bad it's good!
omelette-567-9265616 December 2014
I have always been somewhat skeptical of the IMDb ratings, and have watched many 5-6 star IMDb-rated movies that have proved excellent. So I was doubtful that WOI was really as bad as the 2.5 stars suggested - boy, was I wrong! This really is a stinker, the worst movie I have ever seen in fact. The people that are bitching about the cheesy CGI really need to focus on what matters - the best special-effects in the world count for nothing if the film has a plot, script and actors not worth a damn! The script is so bad that I'm wondering if this is not some kind of inside-joke as others have suggested. Having watched the entire thing, I could pull the script apart line-by-line, but for what - suffice it to say that whoever was responsible seems to have suffered from attention-deficit-disorder.

This movie is so bad, it's in fact a gem of sorts - more people should have done themselves a favor and watched it in it's entirety - after all, without being familiar with what's truly bad, you fail to appreciate the really great films to the fullest extent.
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'i am just lost for words
cpeden8910 December 2014
well where should I begin and I think its going to be very hard filling 10 lines. don't look for this film in the Oscar nominations. firstly the acting is totally tortuous and in fact unbelievable and the lack of a credible script is partly to blame. industrial light and magic don't have to worry about the special effects on this film overshadowing any of theirs this year, or any year soon. especially note worthy, has got to be when the actors fell down the side of the pyramid landing perfectly clean and unscathed, but the best shot was the little dots that was representing the actors descent. well that's about as much as we could take and turned the crap off, if you have say 2 hrs to waste in your life then watch paint dry and not this so called film.
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Horrible film! Waste of time
jreyes-182-95897910 December 2014
Where to begin!? I was really looking forward to it. 5 minutes into the move you start noticing really bad special effects, recycled scene (in one occasion the same clip was recycled 4 times.) Scenes that completely contradict logic and the reaction of the actors is far for involving let alone believable. The story line has more holes than a mosquito net and side stories that never find conclusion leaving with a "Huh?!" feeling. Raining scenes but all the car are dry. Plane finding characters in a blizzard 3 secs after they throw 3 phones flash light on. Plane does "water landing" on a tiny lake?!?! The city in collapsing in flames but they manage to find a taxi?!?! I can go on and on! I really thought this was a parody of the actual movie. In all; REALLY BAD ACTING, FAULTY STORY LINE, SPECIALLY BAD SPECIAL EFFECTS. It's so bad it funny!
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Please Do Something else with your time
yazeed-182-17580310 December 2014
This movie does not have a story, very weak acting and low budget. If you have anything else to do ( water your plants, mow your yard, run errands) , please do it, even if you have been putting something off for a long time, do it and don't waste your time or your money with this movie. If there is a rating lower than a (B) movie category, this should be in the bottom of the list. the best description of this movie is a high school drama and film class project. all events in the movie don't make any sense, the timing in the movie between scenes is out of logic and sync. I think the director or the writer does not know geography very well to know the distance between two countries and within the country in relationship to the anomaly in the movie.
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Worst movie in history
jvanrensburg17 December 2014
It is definitely the worst movie I ever watched. I see better actors in the streets of Cape town trying to sell flowers than this lot. My TV games are more realistic. If I must say one thing positive about this, it's that the young lady in the movie that plays the daughter is the best actor in the movie. I think she has talent, but is actually sad that she acted in this crappy film. There is not much more to say about it.

The father is clueless, the mother is stupid, the son is a creation from the devil and the daughter is just there to fill the gaps of stupidity. The rest of the actors is support for this family with no real purpose. Its too unbelievable to be funny. I have never made a film review or any review, but I had to search for a way to warn people against this film. It is really super bad. To sum it all up I would say its the worst film of all time.
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This had to be a joke
justin-828-24188214 December 2014
This movie was too awful to be anything other than an inside joke, and certainly wasn't meant for real humans uninvolved with the joke to actually watch. The effects reminded me of that iPhone app that does the video effects - where you can film something and have cheesy movie effects appear on the video - only the iPhone's effects were drastically better. The acting performances... I'd bet my 1st born that you could pick random people out of the white pages over and over again and never get less quality performances... this movie should be listed as the 8th wonder of the world - its so bad that it will wow generations to come this movie is good for only 1 type of audience - bulimics.
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Deserves everything bad that has been said about it
TheLittleSongbird24 December 2014
Before people start protesting that this is low-budget and not to take it seriously, I always take these into account before watching a movie from The Asylum or any other low-budget movie. The thing is, low-budget movies can have limitations but still be entertaining in some shape or form but then we have movies that are so amateurish and illogically stupid that they are difficult to defend. And the latter is the case with the worst of The Asylum, which as of now is where Age of Ice belongs.

Even for low-budget Age of Ice looks poor, while it constantly looks lifelessly drab, has limited settings and has camera work that at times can't stay still it is the editing and the special effects that are especially bad in this regard. The editing is incredibly sloppy and has more continuity errors enough to fill a book the equivalent of the longest Stephen King novel, Age of Ice really has to be one of the worst-edited movies not just in recent years but ever too. To say the special effects are appalling is being too kind(like the editing they're some of the worst I've seen), they look as though the production team had forgotten about doing them until late in production and worked at breakneck speed to complete them with no attention whatsoever to detail, size, colour or blend. In fact, they even look unfinished and even the worst designed video game effects look better than the effects in Age of Ice. The music is forgettable at best and is poorly recorded, sometimes too loud and sometimes too soft, while the direction is flat and screamed of inexperience.

Age of Ice is dreadfully written and enough to make you want to tear out your ear-drums. It constantly sounded awkward and with a complete lack of depth or emotion, coherence was hardly a strong suit either. The story was so thin structurally, so poorly developed(very little that needed to be is explained) and laboriously paced that if you were sure there was not a story here you can't be blamed. There were so many scientific and logic lapses too, and very obvious ones most of the time, that it was intelligence-insulting and there is the sense that even the writers had no clue what they were talking about hence the lack of coherence. If you're looking for any fun, thrills, suspense or emotion, find another movie because Age of Ice is lacking in every single one of those things. The characters are so annoying and cardboard that it is impossible to connect with any of them and judging from the acting the actors sure didn't connect with them either, almost all of them delivering lines like they were in pain. Only the actress who plays the daughter seemed to show any signs of trying and even she wasn't very good.

To conclude, dreadful in every single way imaginable and among The Asylum's all-time worst by far. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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mdsddun13 December 2014
wow !... what a train wreck !...

almost begs for IMDb to add a score of 0.5 or 0.25 as it hurt to have to give this a 1 rating... my nephew used to make far better movies with a VHS camera when he was 8 or 9... his friends were much better actors also... :)

I actually watched all of it because I was in shock and there was nobody here to shut it off, lay me down and throw a blanket on me...

seriously though... I kind of got a kick out of how it just kept getting worse and worse... like a snowballing effect...

will pick this up once released on DVD because I'm hoping there are outtakes or blooper scenes... better yet, a director commentary track...

I can't wait until next date night... she's going to love this !... :)
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The worst of a bad bunch
Leofwine_draca25 December 2014
I was lulled into a false sense of security after watching 100 DEGREES BELOW ZERO and AIRPLANE VS VOLCANO, two Asylum-made disaster movies that turned out to be relatively entertaining given the paucity of their budgets. I was expecting more of the same in AGE OF ICE, a disaster flick in which mankind is threatened by a new ice age, but what I got was one of the worst films imaginable.

This is a truly horrible movie and I can't think of a single decent thing to say about it. Gone are the cheesy, over the top effects of the other movies in favour of having a bunch of characters wandering aimlessly through a snowy field. The script was written by somebody with a tin ear, somebody who manages to create a bunch of the most annoying characters and plonk them into the dumbest situations imaginable.

Seriously, these are people you'd never want to go on holiday with. The American characters are racist and obnoxious and the foreigners are just there to get wiped out (apart from the 'token' guy, a decent Jordanian). The character of the wife was the most horrible of the lot, I was praying for her death throughout but no such luck. There are no special guest stars here, just a load of badly-acting nobodies. Barton Bund (who he?) is particularly wooden.

AGE OF ICE's storyline goes nowhere and none of the action has impact or drama. It's just silliness after silliness. Watch out for the worst car accident I've ever seen on film, involving a guy spinning the camera to simulate a car spinning in the air, oh and two or three CGI cars thrown in for good measure. Godawful indeed and it sums up a worthless viewing experience.
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ifti-neelam16 December 2014
I just have a few words and that's it. I seriously don't know what to say here and just don't know what to say I am speechless.

My concern is not with the actors at all at this point but my question is directly to the directors REALLY??? WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING??? and how come you even got budget for this much as well? For crying out loud guys even with such low budget you could have made a much decent movie. You took such a HUGE concept for your plot but made blunders while making it. Didn't even keep up the flow of the story from any angle. People just came in and went without any reason or story whatsoever. Did you just started taking cinema classes and wanted to do an experiment? even that is much much better.
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I loved it
jromanbaker13 July 2019
What do people expect with a film like this ? Thought ? Consistency ? It is a fun film, and when I watched it I had Chronic Sinusitis. I felt terrible and this film made me realise I was not the only one who suffers. I will not give away any spoilers because frankly the plot looked a mess, but it was a mess I enjoyed. Cars hurtling into ice, planes sucked into ice etc. What more do you want from a third rate popcorn munching film ? Way, way back when the 1950's churned out films like ' It Conquered the World ' and ' Invasion of the Hell Creatures ' the audience came and went and never imagined anyone would want to criticize the films on a public forum. These films were fun and stupid and no one expected any back story or great special effects. They saw the experience as fun/ bad and no colour was expected and the ice would have looked like - well, anything but ice. Remember anybody ' The Thing from Another World ' ? It is a cult film now, and it had lots of peril and ice, all studio bound. This looked REAL in comparison. Underground rivers, characters whirled away into a vortex of whirling ice, and all I see here is 0 or 1 ? I give it 8 because it helped my sinus problem and made me laugh with enjoyment.
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Explaining The Asylum- Handy Checklist Included
ikcaj20 February 2015
Before getting into the actual review, the numerous reviewers repeatedly subjected to "The WORST film ever!"' against their will, much like Mike & the gang of MST3K might benefit greatly from this simple flowchart, presented in list form:

1. Does the film's title imply or define an epic natural disaster of some sort?

2. Do the words "The Asylum" appear anywhere? (Hint, they are usually the first words of the opening credit sequence.)

3. Have you ever watched a film by The Asylum? If No, proceed to item 5.

4. If yes, did you enjoy the film? If No, proceed to item 6.

5. If you are on this step, Welcome to The Asylum. Get some buddies together, preferably with booze, & be prepared to create drinking games as the so-called plot unveils. After viewing, return to item 4.

6. If you are here, you have seen at least one film by The Asylum which you did not enjoy. You do not need to ever view another such film as you most certainly will not enjoy it either. Though the films do differ and can be reviewed in relation to one another, they cannot be reviewed outside of the universe in which they exist, AKA The Asylum Films brand.

That helpful tidbit provided, as a card-carrying member of The Asylum Fan Club, we now proceed to the review of this film, as it relates to other Asylum productions. I only rated this a six as it was indeed missing a few critical elements from the standard The Asylum brand recipe. Most notable is the lack of an actor known only for his or work on a SyFy Channel TV show. Also left out was the required presence of the disgraced scientist whose mission in life has been to warn the Powers That Be (TPTB) of the impending disaster. Without said scientist, we are also missing the ex- spouse, (the divorce being caused in part by the scientists discredit), who works for or with TPTB and has the ability to persuade such, if only he/she listened to scientist in the first place. There are often bonus points for extras such as the child with a life threatening illness which only activates during seismic events, family pets which try to warn of such events and the sullen teenager whose rebellious actions puts everyone else's lives in peril. Missing all of these characters truly does cause this film to be rather flat or one dimensional. On the plus side however, we are still treated to some great lines and disaster sequences.

In summary, it's not the best of The Asylum, but it is by no means "the worst film ever made". Some reviewers commented as to if there is some inside joke to the existence of this film, to which the answer is a resounding yes. The Asylum is the joke, and it's a really great one I encourage all to experience & enjoy..
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Wow! How Bad of a Movie Was That
DavidB1911 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I normally don't do movie reviews but felt compelled so that nobody else wasted valuable minutes of their life that could have been spent staring at the wall. For starters, the acting was terrible, but to be expected for a B movie. The story doesn't track, bounces around senselessly. I did like how the storm started basically that day and there was already a hard packed snow drift to the top of a pyramid; which the all promptly body surfed down unscathed. Then there's the great logic that a truck winch would struggle to hold a person going down a cliff, eventually pulling the truck off the cliff. Seriously? Oh, one last dig, how about the people freezing to death in their cars while this lot is outside running around? For those that watched, did any of you wonder why nobody bothered letting the kid die? Nothing but a monumental pain the entire movie. Needless to say, beyond terrible.

On a side note, I did select the "spoiler" option, but if you watch the movie, your brain will spoil
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Dear God please avoid
fornax0913 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is from beginning to end an endless assault on anyone's intelligence over an IQ of 70. Starting with the writers on a totally unbelievable script. In one of the scenes, it is supposed to show a Cairo highway under snow, while the lead car in the scene, has a nice big Canadian flag on the bumper. If you are going to use a scene with snow on the highway, best make sure it doesn't have a flag in it from half way around the world from where you are supposed to be. Next, after only seemingly a couple of hours of snow falling, there appears to be ice thick enough on a lake to land a crashing Hercules cargo aircraft on. Which raises the next question, why didn't those bonehead pilots just circle to gain altitude, instead of thinking that the only possible course of action was to fly right through the storm cloud? Next, they should have left that stupid kid on the railway tracks. Of course, he must take after his stupid parents. (How were they smart enough to conceive?) The wife seems to not have enough smarts to know what to do when the train starts moving, goes into a panic, and almost misses a train moving about 1/2 MPH, and needs help getting on it. THEN, as any parent would do, they allow the clumsiest child in the world to stand at an open gate at the back of the moving train. Any guesses who magically falls off the end of the moving train? At this point, I just wanted to see just how much worse it could get. Apparently, almost one day of snow = 3" on the ground, and enough to bury hundreds of feet of the great pyramid, as well as a 120lbs woman seems to have enough weight to pull a full size Dodge Ram with a 5 tonne winch over the edge of a cliff, while supposedly going full out in 4 wheel drive in reverse in less than an inch of snow on a level surface. Amazing how the daughter who fell down half the cliff face didn't die, or how not a one died sliding down the snow covered pyramid... It would also seem that they have the worlds worst luck in transportation. Abandon a suv at the airport, the cargo plane falls out of the sky, can't figure out how to get the camels off the snow ramp at the pyramid and get them to the ground below, and abandon them to risk life and limb sliding down the side of the pyramid. Train crashes, truck over a cliff...etc etc etc. Just do yourself a favor, and avoid this movie.
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It looked good on the cover... So bad it's good!!!
dankellaway27 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those rare opportunities that i'm faced with watching a really bad movie that somehow keeps me glued throughout. You enjoy it because it is hilariously bad! The director of this movie, who has come from a visual supervising background, i'm not sure if they were joking with the visual effects in this movie? It sure looks like it. The CGI.. I mean, wow!

A couple of things I really found funny:

1. The CGI of the people (or dots) sliding down the side of a pyramid and quickly standing up, unscathed and completely dry.

2. The car crashing and flipping over in slow motion, showing the passengers floating like some kind of space movie.. and then cutting to CGI cars which looked like they were made for a PS1 game.

3. The abseiling down the side of a mountain, which is dry on close up then snowy on the long shot. Then the car falling off the mountain killing two people.. The family then walks off not bothered about what happened, even though they were saved by them.

4.The dam cracking and the family quickly teleporting up the hill out of danger, whilst the probability of a dam exploding with the amount of water would easily kill everyone instantly? surely?

5. The sliding down a watery cave to safety and a happy ending for the surviving family. Oh wait a minute, they are in dry clothes (again).. weren't they just submerged in water a second ago?

What an annoying movie which you would think would be good in concept, I mean with all the earthquakes and global warming etc. Looking at the cover led me to believe this was going to be a good disaster movie but it's just plain awful, the plot, the CGI, the crappy acting, the predictability and mostly odd moments like the guy joking to cut open the camels to keep warm like Empire Strikes Back.

Amazingly BAD, it gave me a laugh though.
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So Bad its Bad
dalysimon14 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler Alert*

The Age of Ice is so bad I was frozen to my seat from sheer incredulity.

The CGI/special effects that are expected to drive this stinker were absolutely terrible, considering the Director has a background in visual effects, it just goes to show its not talent that gets you work in this business.

The only other main problem was the script, and the direction, and the acting, oh yeah and the premise of this detritus.

The train scene is particularly telling. The contrived drama of a women, previously able to walk, seemingly unable to step onto a slow moving train. coupled with a boy who then fell off the train whilst standing on the rear carriage platform (presumably he had found standing still impossible at this point and lost the use of his legs.) Then each of the other key players in this unique piece of dramatic slush jumping onto the tracks (why not to the side of the tracks, like a normal person?) The continuity of the weather conditions in this set was hilarious, from total white out, everything covered in show, to train tracks appearing cleared of snow in the blink of and eye. To the final shot of the hapless actors watching the CGI loco its way out of the shot, but magically the white out stopped, the skies were clear and the clear train tracks, which should have receded behind them had totally disappeared.

I gave this 1 star because its a movie, technically fitting the description in the advertising blurb.

Its time for the director to seek further employment, perhaps serving lunch to the actors..
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One of or THE worst movie ever made.
alan-soccer4 June 2015
This is probably the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life.Worst film director I've ever seen. How could someone let this guy direct a movie ? Worst plot, worst special effects, worst filming. Everything is so disastrous that it can't even be described with words. This movie should receive some type of prize for being so poor in all its aspects. We're in 2015, the movie industry is without any doubt very developed so doing a movie that looks like a school project is not acceptable. If movies that a lot of people liked and thought was well done like Avatar: the last airbender, was highly criticized what about movies like this one. I believe movies like this should not be allowed to be released, it's a shame for the movie industry. And what about the cast's logic ? Couldn't they realize that if they wanna be able to do movies being part of that one is the worst mistake you can do, that's the type of movie that can put an end to your career.
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I'm Egyptian reviewing such a film
elgamel-20008 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As an Egyptian, First I wanna talk about the Egyptian environment itself:

Egyptians are Arabs not Indians. Tariq is obviously not an Arab and it's easily noticed that his Arabic speech is just a weak acting, it's not about an Eastern actor and that's just it. We don't have Israelis here and we don't live among each other such easily. Between Cairo(where they the Pyramids are) and the RedSea(the evacuation point) is a great distance of about 450 KM which is impossible to cover before the sun is down. Even if they reached the evacuation point, they will not find themselves facing Jordan as they have to cross Sinai first to get to Aqaba Gulf where is Jordan. also, Camels in the desert are not such pretty and clean and it was so clear that they are not foreign camels not Egyptian.

Secondly, for the film itself as abstract film:

Visual effects are too poor. The whole film is about the survival of one family ignoring what's going in the world according to the title of the film. Amber loved Tariq from the first scene :"D and the father kissed his wife more than one times when it didn't demand, just to show intimacy which audience felt fake.
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Wow! Best among the worst!
ritaavg12 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Awful is not enough to describe this bad film. The impossible storyline, the casting with their abysmal performances, the sheer paranoia of producing such a monstrosity proves that the whole thing must be a plot! This way every film after a.o.i. will be better by definition! I thought I've seen everything in filming but this film is the flagship of bad films. We should refer to other bad films as "Did you pull an a.o.i." ? or " Was it as bad as a.o.i." ? because face it... If you don't have a point of reference the scale is not complete!!! P.S. If the kid had stayed on the train the film would have been a short one and I would have gained the sixty minutes most idiotically spent during my lifetime!
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amateur production presents
booksforsale-716733 July 2015
High school presents. As everyone says terrible. Unbelievable scenario. Did not wait for end.s So bad I've plagiarized another review....

great logic that a truck winch would struggle to hold a person going down a cliff, eventually pulling the truck off the cliff. Seriously? Oh, one last dig, how about the people freezing to death in their cars while this lot is outside running around? For those that watched, did any of you wonder why nobody bothered letting the kid die? Nothing but a monumental pain the entire movie. Needless to say, beyond terrible. AGE OF ICE's storyline goes nowhere and none of the action has impact or drama. It's just silliness after silliness. Watch out for the worst car accident I've ever seen on film, involving a guy spinning the camera to simulate a car spinning in the air, oh and two or three CGI cars thrown in for good measure. Godawful indeed and it sums up a worthless viewing experience.
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Most awesomely bad move!
sam_hooks21 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love bad disaster movies and this is one of the worse I have seen in a long time. Bad green screen and effects. Bad acting, I mean really bad. I wanted the mom to be killed off in the fist 30 seconds she was on screen. Imagiane Jane Curton and Guilda Radner when SNL first started doing spoof skits on bad acting.., It's pretty bad when the 8 year old boy is the one coming up with the ideas that 5 grown men including military captain. The music was not that bad. I do love good music scores and this one was decent. Lots of percussion The only way the special effect could have been worse is if they had used hand puppets. . My favorite line is "it is from the bowel of hell" Bad bad bad! I loved it!
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A beautifully executed trainwreck
meeperator27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So like many other reviewers before me, this movie is awful. The CGI for so many scenes feels like a budget movie released 10 years before it's filming. The acting and directing is 3rd tier at best, and the plot seemingly makes no sense.

However, as a friend pointed out to me in a watching party, this movie actually does have a plot, however scattered it might be. The plot of this movie is biblical in nature, and focuses on the trials of moses as he eventually reaches salvation.

The main character is guiding his people through trials and tribulations as he focuses them on getting them to the promised land(the beach where they get rescued). And he literally even picks up a moses-esque staff at the end as he walks down the beach for his final salvation, finally becoming the character he was destined to eventually become.

This movie is really terrible, but there is a coherent plot if you read it through the eyes of a bible story.

Also, if you want to get really drunk, my idea for watching this movie is taking a shot every time the cast changes transportation method, because this movie covers it all. Whether it's train, taxi, sledding(off of a pyramid, no less), (brand placement)trucks, rappelling, water-sliding, this movie has it all.

This movie is awful, but amazing to riff on if you have a group of friends ready to drink and have a laughing fun time.
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Wonderful - Exceptional - Unbelievable - Thriller - Suspense - NONE Of These Words Describe This Turdkey Of A Pretend Movie
fredfinklemeyer26 February 2019
02/25/2019 I skipped through this movie all-over-again a second time in order to remind myself of just how bad this movie was. It's still just as bad as I had remembered. Viewers should be forced to watch it in order to remind themselves of how much better those other turdfests were that they complained about and how little you/we/I knew about what the ?Bottom Of The Barrel" really means? I like snow, I like ice, I didn't like this movie at all. Bon Appetit
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Please, PLEASE don't watch this
K_A5 December 2015
Some movies are so bad that they're good. This is not one of those movies.

We all love a good bad movie. The kind that's hopelessly inept, but at least has a heart, or unintentional comedy, or some vitality or misguided ambition. Or some other redeeming quality.

Age of Ice has none of that. It's just bad in every way that it's possible for a movie to be bad. How bad, exactly? It's as bad as your mind will allow you to comprehend. It's so bad that it could kill a horse from a 100m distance.

I could enumerate the problems with this movie, but frankly I don't have the vocabulary for it. There are only so many ways you can say "horrible", "atrocious", etc. Just imagine a very long list of things that people often (or even sometimes) like in a movie. And then imagine a movie that does the exact opposite - Every. Single. Sime.

If you decide to watch Age of Ice, then may God have mercy on your soul.
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You need to study before filming!
monk-186-36589215 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Yea, I see this film is extremely awful, why? For the following:

1. Indian guy as a tour guide, not Egyptian at all. 2. in the opening scenes; on the wall Arabic words misspelled - actually, all of them! 3. Gulf Arabic Accent from who supposed to be Egyptians.

I was happy that they started as seeing the country like any other with no camels around, and like any normal country with buildings and cars, but you destroyed that image after.

After 15 mins I couldn't stand it and shut it down.

Kindly, study for a while before you go filming, and one more thing, actors are so fake indeed!
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