Valley of Bones (2017) Poster

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Good photography is about the sole saving grace here
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki1 September 2017
Dingy, violent little number, about a paleontologist ( recently out of prison, and trying to redeem herself, obligatorily ) who receives a tip from a meth junkie ( with vaguely defined ties to, and undefined debt to, a drug cartel who is threatening his family ) about a tyrannosaurus Rex buried on a desolate plot of land in North Dakota, which could potentially be worth a fortune.

Characters with overly cluttered backgrounds people this well photographed drama/ Western/ horror thriller, which never climaxes, so much as it just stops, with no resolution to any of its numerous plot lines. However, if we were to take out the overly complex character backgrounds, all we would be left with is the odd story of an archaeological dig, with the vaguely defined prize going to the undefined highest bidder, and again, some good cinematography, making good use of the bleak North Dakota land.

This is another film ( similar to The Gracefield Incident, from a month or two ago ) which was filmed several years ago ( in this case, this was filmed from 5 October 2015 - 2 November 2015 ) and sat unreleased until its abrupt, barely advertised limited release ( in September 2017 ) and has barely any information on its IMDb page, or Wikipedia page, and doesn't have a Boxofficemojo page, and didn't get a Thursday night preview screening. I saw a trailer for this one single time, about a week ago, and there was a standee in the cinema lobby, and apparently that was all of the promotion this received.

Edit: it now has a Boxofficemojo page, and this opened in a limited release, on only three hundred screens, bringing in $164.738, placing it at number 44 for opening weekend. The following week, it plummeted from 300 screens down to only 13, and from 44th down to 105th place.
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Hodgepodge Film is Inadequate on More Than One Level
robbotnik200018 January 2018
"Valley of Bones" is a short, eye-catching title for a film that seeks to be action-adventure but goes wide and ends short of the mark. Not a bad idea for a movie, just a premise that could not be believably sustained by the author and director. Female paleontologist with a criminal past and a young son she is raising with her father gets wind of a potential dinosaur find on a remote ranch which the audience and one other character know to be a scene of drug-running violence. Apparently the drug cartel thinks it can profit from a heap of dug up fossils, too. So much is not how things are really done in the real world of pre-historic fieldwork. Fossils are not bones. Major finds are not worked by a couple of folks with shovels who can extract them over lunch. Most junkies are not good at taking down barflies. It's not the sketchy characters, it's the sketchy story and the plotholes and timing problems. BTW, Mark Margolis pays a visit from 'Better Call Saul'. Why? I'm thinking he lost a bet.
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Two ways to pay.
nogodnomasters23 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Single mother, starving, paleontologist Dr. Anna Olsen (Autumn Reeser), is down on her luck. She is estranged from her son (Mason Mahay). She is offered a chance at a big find. She goes there with her son and Uncle Nate (Rhys Coiro). The issue is that junkie Wes McCoy (Steven Molony) discovered the location. He owes the cartel who want their money, or else.

To be honest, I was more interested in the bones than the drama and limited action. This is a me-too film with forced excitement. It is movie you will forget once you see the next one.

Guide: F-word. Stripper Nudity (Kelly Cossette).
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"Hey Gang, Let's Put On A Show!"
cschultz-25 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When purchasing a ticket to a movie with a title like "Valley of Bones," a viewer probably has at least a fairly general idea of what he might be getting into—likely a horror picture. And in buying a ticket to this new release, he wouldn't be wrong. At least not completely.

And that's part of the trouble: "Valley of Bones" changes gears, and genres, so often that it seemingly can't make up its mind precisely what it is—a crime thriller, an adventure, a soap opera, a western, a horror picture, or a domestic drama. At one alarming point, the movie seems to be on the cusp of becoming a musical—the heroine and the villain, having bonded over shared stories of their pathetically inadequate parenting skills, sing a bedtime duet from different sides of the screen, as in "West Side Story." It's a nice enough moment—it just belongs in a vastly different picture.

Briefly, "Valley of Bones" concerns the efforts of a disgraced paleontologist to regain her professional honor by recovering what promises to be the largest complete Tyrannosaurus skeleton ever located.

The enormous fossil was inadvertently discovered in the North Dakota badlands by a lowlife, low-level drug dealer marked for extermination by a homicidal international narcotics kingpin known as El Papa. The dealer seeks to use his share of the profits from the dig to settle his enormous debts with El Papa, and buy back his life. In the unlikely meantime, both the paleontologist and the drug dealer seek to become better parents to their alienated youngsters.

By the time the picture finally sorts out its various and diverse plot elements, it's already too late. In the end, "Valley of Bones" is sort of a half-baked, stoner version of "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre," with the gold dust sought by the various characters in that 1948 classic replaced and substituted by either crack cocaine or dinosaur remains, depending on your perspective.

Worse, the filmmakers apparently know about as much about paleontology as they do about story construction. While actual fossil recovery efforts as large as this continue for years and sometimes decades, the gigantic fossilized Tyrannosaur in this picture is unearthed and crated-up within a day or two. And although one of the beast's teeth is as long as your forearm, the entire skeleton is finally loaded onto the back of a large pickup truck. Instead of practicing actual scientific paleontology, these people behave as if they're digging up the remnants of last week's barbecue.

Usually a motion picture as compelling and intelligent as "Valley of Bones" holds its gala premiere in the discount bin at Walmart. Presumably this picture made it as far as select cineplexes because the distributors noticed nothing much else going on during the first weekend of September, and decided to take a shot—a long, long shot.

Judging by the same names listed over and over in the picture's credits, "Valley of Bones" was very much a family affair—writers Dan Glaser and Steven Molony are also the picture's director and co- star, respectively, and various other members of the cast and crew also pull double- and sometimes triple-duty.

Your best option is much simpler—just stay home, save your money, and wait for a movie worth seeing. "Valley of Bones" is the kind of picture which sooner or later will find its way to the patented mockery of the new Netflix reboot of "Mystery Science Theater 3000."
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A bit of a bland ride towards a silly ending
go_titans9 December 2017
The film's main themes: digging up dinosaur bones, family issues, drug and money issues.

The story-line is reasonably well thought out, the casting is pretty good, the acting is basically good, and even the action is handled fairly well.

But there will be things that will bother you while viewing this film. Certain important people or events are passed over completely, and the ending is ruined by no less than three over-the-top scenes/moments. These were all completely unnecessary, and they placed a serious downer on the way I felt about the film as the credits began to roll.

So is it worth the time needed to have a look? Well, that depends on what kind of film you are looking for. If you like small, low budget productions then yeah, take a look, as I found it reasonably enjoyable to watch. But if you're with a couple of friends and you've just finished watching Gladiator and are wondering what to watch next, I really couldn't recommend this. At the very least, watch this one first and the blockbuster second.
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not Indy
SnoopyStyle5 December 2022
Disgraced paleontologist Anna (Autumn Reeser) is desperate for money and a successful dig. She was imprisoned for digging on government land. Her young son Ezekiel is bitter and feels abandoned by her. She is annoyed with Ezekiel's uncle Nate, but he has a tip from McCoy. Unbeknownst to them, McCoy is a troubled drug addict with issues. Kimberly is the land owner.

I really like digging into the darker side of paleontology. It's not Indy where he is always preaching about giving the treasures to museums. I expected more thrills. I expected the drug dealers to come attack the group. I fully expected McCoy to go off, but I would like a few more bad guys. The story is a little slow. This could have been better.
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kathleengltn4 September 2017
Really enjoyed this take on the western/noir/thriller genres. Particularly strong are the acting, music, cinematography, directing, and editing. Minor problems with pacing and dialogue can be overlooked in view of the entertaining story and strong characterizations. Congrats to this young team of filmmakers -- I hope to see more!
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"Dakota Noir" - This genre is new, and I like it.
nprociveorangebeetle1 September 2017
Filmed in Bowman, Amidon, and the surrounding N-Dakota Badlands. This film will engage any fan of westerns and film noir, and it is much higher quality then it's low budget would suggest.

What I liked: *Locations are well shot and gorgeous(this local guy might be a bit bias) *Story is captivating and well constructed. *Characters motivations build naturally throughout the film. *Cinematography, the framing is very effective considering the budget.

What could be better: *A few scenes seem too dark for the time of day. *The shallow depth of field can be distracting for one or two scenes. *The tension from the snake feels like it went a little long to be realistic. *Occasionally the dialog is a bit rough, like it could of used one more script review to make it sound like natural conversation.

All in all while it has some issues inherent of low budget film making, the story and cinematography is solid and kept me on the edge of my seat. It is rated R so expect occasional roustabout levels of colorful language, and there is one scene in a "seedy" bar that does have a topless dancer in the background.
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Provocative Performances & Themes:
strandactor6 September 2017
Valley of the Bones is provocative story with stand out performances. Director Dan Glaser really endows his film with great twists and surprises. Glaser's direction throughout the piece shows innovative, suspenseful moments that keep the viewer on the edge of where the story is going next.

Steven Molony gives an absolutely enthralling performance as the self destructive McCoy. His scenes with Autumn Reeser resonate in a grounded, empathetic manner. Together they show the complex intertwined themes of love and loss that the film has to offer.

Other cast members make their mark in this film as well. Mark Margolis is delightfully dangerous as El Papá! Also, Alexandra Blllings and Mason Mahay both give resounding, credible performances.

The Cinematography is handled quite well too. There are some exceptional views of lovely landscapes and great action shots.

Overall the film leaves you with a contemplative awe. The viewer will take away a long lasting impression of these motley characters, and the compelling storytelling that is forged.
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No Country for Old Men Meets Jurrasic Park
devonsolwold14 September 2017
Dan Glaser's Valley of Bones is a compelling cinematic exploration of an interesting hybrid of genres. The kid in you watches wide-eyed at the mystique of paleontology and the "fortune and glory" that comes with uncovering dinosaur bones, while the thrill junkie in you is overcome with intrigue as a man who gets involved with the wrong people has to face the grueling consequences.

The film has guts, both literally and figuratively. The director (Glaser) and lead actors (Molony and Reeser), don't pull any punches and therefore, thrash its audience perfectly through a roller-coaster ride of tension, heart, and unpredictability. Molony gives a stunning and nuanced performance as a desperate-addict-turned-drug-monster, mastering the characterization of a very complicated and sensitive man. Reeser confronts her role with grace as a struggling paleontologist and mother. Her performance was extremely refreshing, largely because this role would usually be given to a male actor. If this is a statement against the unsettling amount of leading men over women in Hollywood culture, then message received and hats off! Both leads were phenomenal.

The team of VOB isn't concerned with adopting any tropes commonly used in cinema. They're creating their own rules, while respectfully staying within the general boundaries of coherent storytelling. In other words, I was constantly at the edge of my seat.

Filmmakers seldom take the risk of brewing a mixing pot of conflicting genres because of their fear of having the end product come out half-baked. Thankfully, this is not the case for the VOB team. They tackled an unconventional concept and presented it fearlessly to a body of modern audiences who are usually accustomed to watered down, fluffy content produced by large Hollywood studios. The film can be ruthless and unforgiving, and I love love love that. I was frankly unprepared to be whipping around in my seat, and as an avid film goer, I can't think of anything I'd want more from a film. It is one of the small handful of films that I reflect on as an experience rather than a viewing. The VOB team is successfully paving the way for incoming filmmakers who want to make something new and different.

Valley of Bones explores the dangers of running away from your problems, as well as a realization that sometimes the most valuable thing to uncover isn't what's buried among the bones, but rather, the importance of family. It is impeccably shot in the hauntingly beautiful Badlands, directed with tremendous care, and acted with a big, unflinching heart. It deserves everyone's eyes.
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Really enjoyed the movie
jlynn-258092 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
ND scenery was amazing considering I thought the western end of the state was bleak. Refreshing to see new actors, and faces- My reason for this- tired of the worn out faces of Hollywood. Steven Molony was such a refreshing new face that was an awesome character. Autumn Reeser is such a good actress, and so beautiful. It was a fun , refreshing movie- I hope there is a sequel!!
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