Primordial (2015) Poster


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Bad movie bolstered by reviews from folks who have reviewed ONLY this movie
As with all my reviews, no spoilers. Only discussion on content and production.

It is rare that I watch a movie and come away feeling like it wasn't worth the watch, no matter how small, but this is one of the few that falls in to that boat. I read reviews for movies on IMDB for everything I watch, and nearly every one has at least one "smartallic" commenting about how the acting was horrid, the movie was the worst ever made, and that they want their 90 minutes back. I detest those reviews, as they're typically written by younger watchers who want one thing, and have their expectations set prior to watching. I attempt carrying a blank slate in to a film so that there are no expectations to be shattered, achieved, or exceeded. I watch a lot of independent, low budget flicks, so it helps when there are no preconceived notions.

That said, "Primordial/Violent Instinct" feels like a disjointed student film in its presentation and represents nothing as the nearly perfect reviews make this out. After reading each review and seeing how stellar the movie was to these folks, I was excited to watch a well made violent film. This was not the case, as it looks and feels like a homemade film.

As the movie progresses in to the plot line illustrated in the IMDB synopsis. I actually thought it could be a decent watch, especially since it's not even 90 minutes, but was immediately turned off by the opening scenes. Once it hit the dialog it was clear that it would be a tough watch. Here's why:

  • the actors are not pros. The actors aren't even amateurs, at least based on their skill. The speaking is wooden and is delivered in monotone, with no inflection, no body language, no anything. I fully understand the direction taken here; the director hoped for an off kilter, creepy, dark movie where the characters contribute to the antithetical wickedness of the story. Sadly, the actors were so bad that this was completely missed.
  • too many "effects." Again, it is somewhat apparent what the director is going for, but the weird lighting, the digitally added screen fx (e.g. static or wavy lines) add absolutely nothing. Not only do they add nothing but they become cumbersome and annoying, especially with the terrible acting underneath. I enjoy odd fx like this when used sparingly, and for adding to a particular scene, but it's as if the director doesn't know any better, and figures "hey...the more the better."
the music is awful. Once again, it's as if the director doesn't know any better. A film "score" should complement and add to whatever is onscreen, not detract and the music is just not good.
  • as if you didn't see this coming, the directing is high school level at best. I'll leave it at that, as it would be overly verbose to criticize everything wrong directorially.
  • the overall production is poor. I'm used to microbudget films, as not everybody who wants to make movies is funded by studios. I've seen some excellent flicks with budgets of $2500. It doesn't happen every day, but there are a fair number of decent movies made on little to no budget, so lack of money is no excuse. Ultimately it all comes down to a lack of vision and lack of execution. The editing is horrid, the special fx (if you can even call them that) are not special at all, the scenery is nothing more than your buddy's house down the street, the film looks like a home camcorder, the sound fades in and out as if it was only picked up by whatever mic was on the camcorder, and there is no evidence of any real post-production. Oh wait...they added all those visual fx and music, so there must have been some post...just nothing worth noting.

Sadly, I really wanted to like this, as I enjoy dystopian stories with misanthropic characters. The long and the short is simple...the actual plot could make a decent film if accompanied by qualified actors and a decent director. Forget all the issues with editing, sound, post-productions...I can overlook any/all of that if the acting is convincing...something is NOT so with this one.

There's really nothing more to add about this, and as of April 2019 this sits at an almost-6 rating. I can't imagine anyone finding enough in the flick to make the average this high. I appreciate when someone makes a film they are passionate about, even when it's not very interesting. This one, however, never even gets off the ground. Every aspect but the plot is worthless, in my opinion. Thankfully it wasn't overly long.

If you watch the movie, give me a thumbs up if you agree or a thumbs down if you disagree. Always curious to see what people think of my opinions.
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Prior reviews are friends and family
polarbear-2883923 September 2021
Time for honesty. I like the style, but the cred was sorely lacking. Just not believable. Unless Val was revealed to be a cyborg. Instead of her just overpowering everything, make it credible by having her out think the opponent. Little things like pulling a trigger. If she really shot that way, nothing would strike.
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Dreadful mix of crime thriler and psychological horror genres
Leofwine_draca7 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
VIOLENT INSTINCT has garnered a few positive reviews on this site but I feel like I was watching a different movie. It's a typically grungy shot-on-video piece of junk featuring mannered overacting and a cast of Emo-style actors smothered in tattoos and piercings. They try to look cool and edgy but they just look like kids playing dress up for the most part.

The film tries to be a crime thriller and psychological horror but fails at both genres. There are some sexual and nude moments that you really won't want to see, along with elaborate gore murders that try to be disturbing but really aren't. The acting is particularly wooden, the characters completely unlikeable, and the film as a whole is a dud despite the best intentions of the director.
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a big slice of raw quivering awesomeness
tlatlatecolotl19 August 2016
Yeah, I dug this mean little flick A LOT, although I'm probably biased since it triggered beloved memories of those cheap sordid violent flicks Richard Kern crafted in the 80s and 90s.

Please note that my use of the term "flick" here is not pejorative or dismissive... I use that term as a badge of honor reserved for low budget indie films which transcend their humble origins by successfully telling a tough no-nonsense story in tough no-nonsense terms.

Marylee Osborne is fantastic in the lead role as Valerie, who harbors some seriously sadistic tendencies but keeps them bottled up, until the right opportunity provides a way to indulge her inner demons. It's so cool to see a female lead playing a dangerously-edgy character, with the physical presence required to make her a credible threat.

Film is technically primitive but that actually does justice to the material, creating an appropriately gritty and desperate atmosphere. There is a clandestine, almost voyeuristic feel in following Valerie's descent into the depths.

Most people will probably be repulsed by this, or will be distracted by its technical shortcomings, but I was glued to the screen, and I applaud everyone involved for their work.
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An Extreme Film From Extremely Talented People
thedamakrina4 August 2016
Primordial is a clear example of the evolution of promising director Eric Widing. By evolution I do not mean that drastic change to appeal to another "type" of audience that sadly most directors, artists, even musicians do in time, but through consistent work and the same creative process he used in Hellhounds. Widing's greatest achievement in this film comes from exploring the female psychopath mind, rather than offering us yet another male psycho perspective like thousands that are already out there. The twisted main character's personality is shown in a very crude way, without taking into consideration those female "characteristics" that women are mostly known for. Strong female characters are good for women! Valerie is the finest example of how a potentially smart woman wastes her life while not realizing her true strength.

The intense relationship between Valerie and her friend Tina deserves a special mention just for the strong interaction they developed, which could be seen as the key path to Valerie's emotions. You know what they say, "it is the thing we love most that destroys us," in unexpected ways. I admit that I also laughed plenty of times as much as I was shocked by their performances, which is very positive in my opinion.

I also really enjoyed Valerie's revenge. The preparation, the ritual, and the dark determination are very memorable. To kill could be a catharsis for those who deserve it. The last scene is very well made; it gave me goosebumps and kept me more engaged in the film and the character than I already was. I could also highlight Valerie's friendship with the men she later realized were dangerous bastards, which is a unique portrayal of the destructive friendships we are surrounded by in our lives. And finally, that sadomasochistic lesbian scene, I must confess, really pleased my personal sexual aesthetic taste.

On the technical side, the editing, lighting and music create an effective atmosphere. Especially the music since I am myself an extreme metal lover. What else could mix better than prolonged sadistic violence and extreme music?

In spite of these statements, I assume that people who do not like horror or sadistic gore will not find beauty in the grotesque nature of this film. I have read some criticism on the film's disturbing content, but hey, Widing is not exactly making a comedy. Though, for those who enjoy the genre I would give you my highest recommendation with confidence. Here in Latin America, I have already shown this film to two people who also loved it.

I am definitely looking forward to seeing more of his works in the future. Widing has my unqualified professional endorsement and my deep respect.
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Stock this one in your Watchlist
dmmorton785 January 2016
Movie is a detonation of a human bomb with a series of dark woods shots and metal blasting. Some points get truly satanic and I feel at home in a cult of murderous activity, guns flashing like lightning and hell erupting up from the roots of some ancient tree. Great performances by Marylee, Erin, Eric, and the crazy lunatic "hey baby" guy at the party.

Primordial has a postmodern feel to it where scenes jump around, music blares, dark humor, unorthodox filming, and pastiche. There is also fragmentation and chaos abounding.

The relationship of Valerie and Tina was the most alluring. The one- sided attraction, the resistance, the play for power takes the audience into very uncomfortable places. It reminds me of the quote, I forget by whom, of the goal of a writer is to chase their protagonist up a tree and throw rocks at them.
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Eric Widing introduces us to a character's horrifying downward spiral
jedispyder21 November 2015
This is writer/director Eric Widing's second full feature film. The first, Hellhounds, was a unique film that assaulted the senses with wide use of color and sound. In Primordial, Widing still makes use of sound to assault the senses but makes beautiful use of black and white for serene nature scenes. It was unique to see some of the high paced action with heavy metal music lead into these beautiful, serene scenes shot in black and white.

Widing does a spectacular job with the writing and directing. Widing stated a lot of his inspiration came from things that have happened to him, that he's heard has happened, or that he's dreamed. There is a particular scene that he stated in the commentary was inspired by a dream which is truly horrifying for the viewer. The writing itself is very down-to-earth and the casual conversations felt like something friends would normally have.

The actors were phenomenal with Marylee Osborne portraying a woman, Valerie, who is already down and out of luck finally getting to act out her darkest fantasies and going on a downward spiral into deeper alcoholism. Erin Ryan portrays Tina, one of Valerie's closest friend, who is going through some trouble herself which gives Valerie something to hold onto for majority of the film. Adam Clevenger is Tayshawn, a gangster that upon first meeting appears to be a stereotype but soon shows how well developed his character is. Clevenger brilliantly describes and performs horrendous acts with no remorse.

Widing also inserted several easter eggs for fans of the various indie films from Ohio that the fans will get excited to see.

Overall an excellent film that is highly recommended!
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Personally, I loved this film and I'll attempt to explain why.
vsin-998-21821219 February 2016
When I first watched this, it was a rental from Amazon. All I could think at that moment when it was over was just amazed. Well, another word came to mind actually but I don't know if this website will allow me to say d**n (harmless word but I think it's one of the words that got Amazon to reject my first review).

I recently got reminded that when a movie looks like it would be awesome to go see in a theater, usually it's not, these days that is (at least for my interests). That movie I am thinking of is that newest Star Wars film. Nearly fell asleep a few times through that one but this film, it kept me excited and engaged the whole way through. I am so sick of spending so much money at a theater over these past 10 or so years just to feel I wasted part of my life and money.

Now, this time, I stayed home and rented this movie (for a fraction of the cost of what a movie ticket would be) and find it was well worth the time in my life that I gave up to sit and experience this. I say experience because you don't just see a movie, you get an experience. That's a rare thing to get in films today. Some may like that experience and others, well, it may be just too much to handle (and some may not get it). Me, I loved it.

It's a brutal film but that by itself wouldn't be why I say all this. Murder-Set-Pieces from Nick Palumbo (uncut version) was brutal, extremely so but this, which is not quite as brutal (close enough though), was more intense and more extreme in many ways, IMO. There is much that combines with the brutality shown that just makes this so extreme and one heck of an of an experience. Now of course this doesn't have the big budget and such like many of those big films at the box office but it is still one heck of a film that isn't hurt by that, IMO. Of course there's always this or that which could have been done in any film and more money can help some of those things but it can also make the people lazy and less creative and more dependent on flashy content than substance. This film has heart (even if darkened), soul (even if it's a damned one) and substance with a good dose of creativity.

The characters in the story are real. It's not like the crap (prefer to say s**T, but don't want this review rejected) you get in many movies today for characters and the acting feels genuine, these actors didn't seem like they were acting and you feel as much as you see; feel the intensity as much as you see it.

Much reminded me of people I know/have known and some parts make me think about my own self. The movie does not feel like some made up story with half butted acting (wanted to say half as**d but don't want my review rejected). It's raw & brutal and it dives head first into the depravity of the human psyche of some individuals, which many humans like to pretend does not exist in or around their little world or maybe, even within their own mind.

The experience was like listening to the music of Thy Light (which blew me away to be reminded that music is in it; I had forgotten), you feel what's going on as you go through the experience just as you do with Thy Light's music. BTW, if you are a fan of Thy Light, you must see this film. You hear some in the first half but it's thick with the music in the second half. I wondered in some scenes, was the scene being set to parts of the music or was the music parts being set to the scene. I just loved that aspect of the film. A fan of Thy Light will at the very least appreciate this aspect of the movie.

The women and men in this movie have done an awesome job of creating this for us. Kudos to Eric Widing for making a film like this and going the direction he did with it and not being afraid to give you a dose of reality, that luckily for many, will never get to experience in their own life. You can tell that Eric and the actors and whomever helped them get this made did more than just brainstorm some good ideas to give you a cool movie, they had of went to some intense places within themselves to give you an experience that you will either love or hate. I don't see much middle ground for this movie. You'll get it or you won't, you'll love it or you'll hate it. Even those whom get it, it may be a bit much for them. If that sounds like your cup of tea, check it out. I'm glad I did.
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Return of Widing
williamholt81822 December 2015
His first film was great! Now his 2nd film is taking that place. Let me start off by saying Eric is a swell guy. His previous film HellHounds was wonderful! This is a indie film like no other. a whole new level of awesome fun! I mostly deal with me watching this is a change. Marylee Osborne does WONDERFUL in any role she is in. She brings her character Valerie Graves to life in this film. we get a few other faces from other films in here as well...Haley Madison, Joni Durian, Bradley Diehl, and the kooky but cool Henrique Couto. What can I say...its films like this that need to have more attention. I loved the story from start to finish. I watched this film 4 times already... while it is a 2 hour long film and seems like the movie will go on forever I never found myself bored. I got a few chuckles out of the film and I recommend it to anyone and please check out Eric's other film Hell Hounds if you haven't seen it. 9/10
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Dark Art-House delivery...
noblesavageami25 July 2016
Eric is one of my favorite ' dark art chaos' directors. His work reminds me of Oliver Stone's 'Natural Born Killers'..there are messages inside of messages in an art house manner. It is like being on an evil desperate trip that confounds the mind. Made to make you look beneath the surface of our madness.

The chaos makes me want to open the directors head and fumble about to see what makes him tick. The casting is done well, and each character brings their own depth into the art itself. We've got to remember, art is subjective and delivers to each individual accordingly.

I want to see more work from Eric Widing!
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Widing's Best Work!
linniallenla3 January 2020
Like a violent descent down a spiral staircase straight to hell, with every scene you follow a young fledgling criminal as she sinks further into depressive state and slowly gives over to the darkest urges of her sadistic mind. Ending up on the wrong side of the criminals, she now finds herself hunted and her whole world crumbling around her. Eric Widing delivers an absolute punch-to-the-gut with his dramatic and grim tale of a person on the edge of sanity who may be slipping into the abyss. These actresses put on an astonishing performance that is heavy, dramatic and extremely graphic, compared to what you normally see from most of them. Experience a dark ride while watching this film, and do be careful not to let yourself give over to those sinister urges that might be hiding inside of you.
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