Restoration (2016) Poster

(I) (2016)

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The other two films were rubbish too.
BA_Harrison20 July 2019
There's a very good reason why there are Robbie Williams CDs in most charity shops - it's the same reason that a film like The Haunted (AKA Restoration) can also be found on the same shelves: they're absolute rubbish! I picked up The Haunted as part of a '3 for a pound' deal, and still feel cheated.

Written by, directed by, and starring Zack Ward, there's clearly one person we can blame for this godawful film: hang your head in shame Mr. Ward, for your supernatural horror is a failure on almost every level - it's not scary, it's full of clichés, and is instantly forgettable (I'm writing this review a day later and am struggling to remember what the film is about).

From what I can recall, the plot revolves around a married couple who move into a new house that requires remodelling; while wife Rebecca, a doctor, is at work saving lives, hubby Todd (Adrian Gaeta) gets to work knocking down walls, when he finds an old teddy bear hidden in a cavity. During a bear fight with his wife (!), the couple discover something hidden inside the stuffed toy: a diary belonging to a young girl, the contents of which lead them to try and solve a murder. What happens next is a little hazy, the dull nature of the plot and pedestrian direction leaving me struggling to stay awake till the end.

3/10. Only marginally more entertaining than a Robbie Williams CD.
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No, No, No, let's call it a No!
Patient4447 May 2016
Except the fact that it had nothing original whatsoever, it managed to act exactly like those before it, a plot that revealed itself far too soon and acting that could have been better.

As this movie progresses, it sure makes a lot of mistakes, and absolutely all of them have been seen before. Many times even. So this is a B horror that copies some A ones and a lot of other such B productions, for the sake of what? I doubt it will gross it's budget back. It brings nothing new to the table.

But sure, people want to make movies, they have to start somewhere, although it seems they are walking in other people's shoes and hope for the same destination. Hard to imagine this will work.

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Strap yourself in for a ride on the boredom coaster...
paul_haakonsen21 July 2017
I must say that I usually tend to be a bit hesitant about a movie where the guy who wrote the script also directs and stars in the movie himself or herself, which turned out to be the case with "Restoration" at the hands of Zack Ward.

Reading the synopsis for the movie, however, did win me over enough to make me actually pick up the movie and give it a go. And having a nice looking DVD cover also was a selling point for the movie.

One thing that I did like about "Restoration" was the cast, because it was all unfamiliar actors and actresses to me, aside from Zack Ward. And I do enjoy watching talents that I haven't seen before, as they are not Associated with previously portrayed characters and roles.

"Restoration" is an unfathomably slow paced movie, and 21 minutes into the movie I was more than tempted to give up and find something else to watch, because there had been very little happening, and the characters were just so mundane and faceless that I didn't care one bit about them, nor could I differentiate between them. They could essentially have been played by one and the same actor or actress.

There seem to be very little meat on the body in terms of storyline and plot here, and after 40 minutes of enduring nothing happening, I still was waiting for a coherent and clearly painted out storyline.

You actually find yourself frequently checking the time to see how much time has progressed, and I must admit that I gave up on the movie just shortly after 40 minutes of pure boredom. This movie was so slow paced that it was almost torture to sit through.

I have no plans or intention of returning to "Restoration" to finish watching it, because there was nothing, and I do mean that literally, nothing to keep me entertained or wanting to see what would befall the generic characters in the movie.
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Swing and a miss. Big time.The Skeleton Key rip off.
Dodge-Zombie4 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So initially when I checked this movie out I thought I'd look on here and see what it's score was. Something that I do every time I watch a new film as I'm a bit of a geek. To my surprise it was the first ever film to not yet have a score as it hadn't yet had 5 people mark it. This should of been a warning sign.

First off I'm always a bit reluctant about a movie when I see that they are written, directed and also star the same person. Very few people can pull this off and I'm sorry to say Zack Ward isn't one of those people. His acting is good but that's where the line ends.

Characters are not believable. I couldn't route for the main couple as they were stupidly annoying. Apparently letting your wife sleep until she is late for work makes you a great husband. I guess as a doctor she never sets an alarm. A totally none convincing fight/argument over the fact that said wife finds out she's pregnant and rather than telling husband hides the test in the bathroom bin which he immediately finds. A love scene that is about as sexy as MC Hammers baggy pants and special effects that are far from special.

It's all about a girl that's dead but conveniently leaves her diary sewn up inside her bear that the couple find. After a quick bear fight (as you do) they realise there's something hard in that there bear so best gut it to find out what it is.

Anyway creepy neighbours are creepy and yet Dr Wife sees no problem with that at all. Clearly doesn't like the situation but says nothing because.........Plot I guess.

Creepy neighbours are actually soul stealer's who get fed up and move from body to body or some such nonsense. Same sort of thing that happened in The Skeleton Key but not done half as well.

The big final fight lacked any sort of realism and the big final scare well wasn't scary as like much of the rest of the film it was just all too predictable.

There's about 5 seconds of topless woman at one point and that is about the only redeeming feature.
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Total Garbage
alanc8816 May 2016
Do yourselves a favour and give this a miss! The acting between the main couple is ludicrous. Even though she is a Doctor working long hours and under stress and he is apparently renovating their house, they are just too lovey dovey all of the time, especially the husband. The fun teddy bear fight like a couple of teenagers is laughable - even though the previous owner left over 400 teddy bears behind, they happen to throw the one teddy bear that contained the 'secret' diary - that was lucky wasn't it? When she finds out she's pregnant, the husband goes for a slash in the bathroom and finds the pregnancy kit - he comes out and throws a wobbly because she hadn't told him - she only found out herself 2 minutes ago! After reading the diary and doing some investigative work, they have to go to a loony bin to speak to some loony woman, who after all these years is still alive and luckily living in the local loony bin - another lucky stroke of luck. The Doctor woman tells some cock & bull story to get access to see her and is told to bring her credentials and paperwork with her. When she gets there, with her husband in tow, she is asked for her credentials before she can get in. After seeing her credentials, they are given 2 guest passes - one for her and one for Bob the friggin builder - how and why did they let him in? When they get inside to see this loony woman, the big beefy security guy says 'I'll be outside the door'. The loony woman is saying nothing, so Bob the builder decides to berate her and tells her what he thinks of her - quite loudly. Does the beefy bouncer hear this and coming running in to see what's going on - not a chance, he actually waits until she starts to cry and then he's in like a shot! I only gave it 2 stars because of creepy neighbour Zack.
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Not What the DVD Cover Made Out
garryp0123 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Total waste of time. Before anything good started happening there was only 20 minutes left of the movie. I've seen many movies similar to this which are so much better with a better story line. I thought some parts were a bit confusing and the end was just full on stupid.

I might just ne me but i thought the casting wasn't right. I found it hard to believe that the 2 main characters were meant to be married and the scene where they found out she was pregnant was just ridiculous.

I would not recommend this movie. Sorry...
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An ok horror thriller.
Harmony76 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was not as bad as some reviews are. Actually an ok horror movie with good acting. And the ending also a very creepy one.
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Lessons to be learned
WriteForever12 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Abjectly, written and directed. This movie serves as a strong lesson to anyone who plans to write and/or direct a screenplay: "live" within the story – for an extended period of time - before production starts. (It's inside where you'll lay witness to any flaws.)

In this debacle, the couple should not have been so loving. Clearly a better scenario: he should have been a belligerent, ill-deserving drunk while she should have come across as an overachieving female who, as a consequence of a flawed facet of her otherwise perfect personality, has made a terrible choice in a partner. (After this hated husband meets an audience-approved demise, a brother arrives to fill the void…only to meets his own grizzly death.)

Having the too-loving husband quiver like a trembling leaf - as his wife faces a threat (with the assailant's knife a foot from her throat) – only detracted further from this downslide tale. One small thing: In a nighttime bedroom scene, is a lovely and calming blue light illuminating the window's curtains. Presumably, production assistants realized too late the mistake, so in post-production – like putting a Band-Aid on the Titanic- they dubbed in (mild) sounds of thunder. Didn't work. Dear director, as you read this… Your attempt underscores and asserts the aforementioned, hard truth that writers and directors must live within a screenplay. Stop daydreaming of award ceremonies and consider only the story and its elements. Better luck to you, sir.
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Nice thriller that I enjoyed more than I had thought I would
Hoganette3 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Some one usually has to convince me to watch these kind of movies and most are stinkers. Happily I can report that this wasn't at all what happened with Restoration.

I heard about the movie from a Zack Ward interview on the radio out in California and decided to give it a watch. Zack was a riot so I was just too curious to pass it up.

Filmed on Red, the scenes were clear, clean and easy to follow. Lighting was appropriate and there was no detracting from the film because of bad cinematography like there are in some independent movies.

There were a couple of areas that got my heart going, or almost stopped it while I was engrossed in the story line.

The story is about a couple who find a child's diary stuffed in a teddy bear in the walls of the home they are doing a restoration on. As they begin to read the diary, they learn some things about the child and her life that lead them to investigate more.

No spoilers from me here! I will add that the other actors in the movie did good jobs with the parts given them, although I didn't quite buy off on Zack Ward's character's wife. Zack played the neighbor Harold, and his wife Francine is played by Sarah Ann Shultz. They didn't come off as husband and wife very well, and I didn't figure out until late into the movie exactly why that was. You'll have to see for yourself what I mean.

I would recommend this movie as a great video-on-demand play that you can sit down and watch in and hour and a half and enjoy it.
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Hard to get into...
mochteam8 January 2017
I found the movie not very engaging and hard to get into. Things happened but it just felt like they did to move the plot forward. The acting in this movie was dry and it felt like a b-flick movie. The story was what it was and whatever it was about by the time it was over I didn't care much for it. The women in this movie are pretty and I guess that's a plus... just not enough of a plus to actually watch this movie from start to finish. I felt like it could of been done better but the way it was executed felt very low budget and just straight forward that didn't give you much of a reason to guess about anything or try to solve the mystery. It just kind of fast forwards itself to the end in a way. Would I watch this again? No. would I recommend it to anyone? No. I just can't think of anything that's really good about this movie. It's not terrible... it's not's just not all that interesting.
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Excellent indie psychological thriller flick with some depth
rootuser-400303 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As one of the first reviewers, I think it is incumbent upon me to mention I am not in any way connected to the movie. This review is completely independent. I am not in the movie industry or anything of the sort. I was lucky enough to see the movie as it was suggested to me among a long list of titles, and I am very glad I did.

Zack Ward, who you may recognize from Transformers, Resident Evil or A Christmas Story, takes his first shot at directing in this film. Along with his cohort and horror genera regular James Cullen Bressack, Zack Ward produces and takes on a major role in the film. Ward does a superb job figuring out a balance of what is needed to make a good movie on a budget. He doesn't over-do-it with cheap thrills, gallons of corn syrup blood, or anything of the sort. He allows the story to take shape naturally without forcing us immediately to conclusions.

Our story follows Todd Jordon, played by a surprise sleeper hit, Adrian Gaeta and his wife, Rebecca played by the ever talented Emily Roya O'Brien. The couple moves in to a new house and is greeted by two friendly neighbors, Harold (Zack Ward) and Francine (Sarah Ann Schultz). The couples become fast friends.

During renovations of the home, Todd and Rebecca come across a teddy bear concealed in a wall. The seeming innocuous item is actually home to a child's diary. As the story unfolds, we find that the diary belongs to little Katherine Vanderhurst. She had obviously lived in the house before, and without giving away too much, had been witness to some pretty horrible things that people do to each other, both emotionally and physically.

As the movie rolls on, we learn more and more about Katie and more about what happened to her. I appreciated the voice-over by Anna Harr. She was superb. She played the voice inside my head to perfection. Harr delivers enough for me to understand her child- like demeanor and lens on the world; but also enough to be creeped out about the whole thing all with her voice. The combination of well written lines and her delivery sealed it for me.

Sooner than anticipated we get into the meat and potatoes of the movie. The couple must unravel the mystery around Katie, and without giving away too much, their neighbors are there to help them do it (more or less).

Adrian Gaeta pulls off an excellent "guy next door". He seems like a totally normal dude, and we can all understand where he is coming from throughout the movie. I was very pleased with his performance and I bought into the writing of his character and his portrayal.

Emily Roya O'Brien does a great job with her character Rebecca, however I found her almost too good looking and too successful for the guy Adrian plays. Not because Adrian isn't a good looking guy with his chiseled features and what not, but because Ward writes the character in such a way as to be believable and you are left thinking that this guy is swinging way above his weight class with a wife like Rebecca. This is not accidental, and it plays into the movie perfectly. It is this kind of subtlety that I did not expect from a first timer like Zack Ward.

Ward plays his role well as he always does, although whoever did wardrobe and put him in a Ben Hogan hat (or whatever it is called) should have their head examined. It is not cool, not geek chic, it is I don't know what, but it doesn't work for the character. You should be ashamed! (end rant) After getting over the choice of head apparel/accessories I could see myself liking a neighbor like ole Harold, and I quite frankly hate most of my neighbors, although if he came over for a BBQ I would ask him to change his hat (ok rant REALLY over this time).

Overall, I got a movie that had some unexpected depth and layering, that didn't go straight for cheap thrill or try to over-think itself and trick me like some M. Night whoever movie. Ward and company kept it simple and it was a straight forward thriller. I would have liked a bit more character development but at the end of day, these movies are limited to ~90 minutes, so you can't get too deep. I think there was a lot more to the characters than could be crammed in to the time allotted.

Restoration is exactly what I look for in an indie horror thriller and I would recommend it.

P.S. You do get to see Ward and Gaeta pull off a pretty cool fight scene that I didn't expect to be so well choreographed. Turns out Ward is a bit of a bad ass, except for the hat.

**** My rating system ****

I rate Independent flicks against independent flicks, and I rate big Hollywood against big Hollywood. It is not fair to take a movie that cost tens of thousands of dollars or less and compare it to a movie that costs 7 or 8 figures (Maybe 9!) With unlimited retakes, huge production crews, massive marketing budgets, teams of professional writers/re-writers etc I expect more out of big Hollywood movie. I try to rate equally on story.

I like to take the time to write reviews about smaller independent movies rather than movies that have 1000s of reviews as I hope some one takes what I write seriously rather than getting lost in a cacophony of similar voices.
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Bad, Boring, Unbelievable
sharco-2900920 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Restoration is badly directed. The husband and wife are not believable, which is a huge indication that screams stop don't waste 92 minutes of your time find another movie cause this ain't it. Ridiculous premise of finding a diary of a dead child inside a teddy bear. Who in their right mind uses a huge butcher knife to cut open a teddy bear? A so called doctor. Really? Nothing about this woman being a doctor is authentic not even in hospital scrubs. Inauthenticity radiates through out this movie from let's throw in a pregnancy along with stoic responses to inappropriate neighbors, ridiculous fight and murder scenes, as well as the twisted sex scenes. Just Bad, Boring, Unbelievable.
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Unconvincing horror attempt
johannes2000-14 March 2023
This is a pretty lame and unscary B-horror, with a non involving story and uninteresting characters. It's full of clichés (ghost of a killed little girl hovers around an old house), and the makers never succeed in evoking the apparently wanted sinister atmosphere. They tried to bring in a plot-twist in the last part, but when you introduce within 15 minutes a neighboring couple that behaves extremely strange, you already know where that is leading to, so this twist fell totally flat. The story got more and more farfetched towards the end and the special effects are meagre. I guess the acting was okay, but that's about it. Disappointing.
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iamtherobotman13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was just a strange film from what i made of it.

They move into a house which needs renovating, they find a teddy bear in a wall, they then find a diary in the bear.

Then they see a ghostie of the girl who wrote the diary, who was murdered and then(as we later discover) buried about 2" below ground level.

They finally put her spirit to rest, don't phone the Police, then get held captive by their 'friends' who turn out to be some demons.

Maybe i just wasn't paying attention properly(because the film was so bad), but where did that ending come from? It made no sense.

This is a really bad film.
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I don't want to get disappeared
nogodnomasters20 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. Rebecca Jordan (Emily O'Brien ) and her husband handyman Todd (Adrian Gaeta ) move into a new home that requires some restoration. They discover an old Teddy Bear with a girl's diary inside. Weird things start to happen which include a bunch of jump scares. Granted a kid's diary is no "Evil Dead" book, but there is something going on as the diary indicated there were issues in the neighborhood. About 40 minutes into the film things go to the next level. The ending was pretty much expected and I was hoping it would be something else, as the twist was a mixed horror genre. The ending messed up what was a half decent ghost story.

Guide: F-word, sex, nudity.
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Aw hell no
sxyfun_chck7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
42 minutes in and I gave up. Life is too short and I have too many other movies on my watchlist to make it to the end of this crapfest.

I figured out what was going on with the neighbors early on because Harold dresses like an old man and Francine at one point called Rebecca "a dear". My grandma does that.
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Amazing Film!
jen73mc11 May 2016
First, the story was compelling and had just the right amount of suspense to keep you in a trance while watching! Second, the acting was great and I really enjoyed the story, kid ghosts are creepy! The diary reading was an incredibly scary part of the movie. It is always nice to see an actor turn to directing and do such a great job at it. The acting at the end is so good and so creepy, I easily could have watched another hour with this story. Kudos to a new movie that has a great story, amazing acting and keeps you on the edge of your seat! I hope to see more from Zack Ward (acting or directing) I would def watch this one again!!
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