The Dark Red (2018) Poster


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Interesting Ideas but Falls Flat
Reviews_of_the_Dead22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was another independent feature that I was quite intrigued by when I saw that it was showing at the Gateway Film Center. I don't normally watch trailers, but when I go with my girlfriend I don't want to be rude so I watched this one. It seemed pretty intriguing so I gave it a viewing. I'm going to alter the synopsis as it is a bit spoiler heavy, but a young woman is committed to a psychiatric hospital and claims her newborn was stolen by a secret society.

We start this with Kathrine Warren (Jill Jane Clements). She's an agent that works with the Department of Children Services. She is going to check on a family that lives in a camper off the road. Inside she finds the mother dead and a young Sybil Warren (Celementine June SengStack) inside of a chest. The girl is then taken into custody where she's adopted by Kathrine and helped by Dr. Morales (Bernard Setaro Clark).

The movie then shifts to her being April Billingsley. Sybil is in a mental institution and interviewed by Dr. Deluce (Kelsey Scott). Sybil believes that her baby was taken and that she needs to get out of this hospital immediately. Dr. Deluce asks her to tell her what happened before she can do that. Sybil tells her that it is in the file, but she is convinced to tell the story.

We get to see what she's talking about. Sybil was at Kathrine's funeral and she meets David Hollyfield (Conal Byrne). They go for a drink and end up back at her place. The two fall in love and she becomes pregnant. She is insistent to meet his family where he's resisting. She goes behind his back to make this happen. His parents are Rose (Rhoda Griffis) and William (John Curran). Things take a turn during this visit that ends up with Sybil in the mental hospital. She has a history of mental illness, so we don't know if what she's telling is true or not, but she also claims she can read minds. Did Sybil have a baby that was taken or is she crazy and living in a delusion?

Now I tried to give as much about what this movie is about without spoiling too much here. I'm going to make this a featured review on my podcast, where I'll have a spoiler section to delve a bit more into this so I would say to check that out.

The first thing that I want to cover though is that I think this does have an interesting premise. I like how the movie establishes that Sybil is an unreliable narrator. We're seeing her in the hospital, so she's been committed. There's also a cool image of a bird in a cage in the room as well. I like that the movie establishes what she thinks happened to bring her here by showing us through sessions between her and Dr. Deluce.

Dr. Deluce does tell us what the logical explanation to all of this is. It is good here as we're given some brief images to couple with it. I think this stuff actually works for me instead of just being told. Where the movie loses me though is what happens to get us to the climax. I like the ideas that there using as to why this all happens, but just how it plays out was a bit meh.

What makes this odd though is that there's this supernatural element to it that I don't really think plays much into the movie. It really seems to be the crux, but we're convinced for a stretch that it isn't real. Going from that though, it is pointing to what is driving Sybil to continue down this path. I don't necessarily know if that is needed to be honest. The explanation for it works though, I will say that.

I also feel even though I liked how the movie showed us everything that Sybil was saying, it was also kind of boring. It really feels like nothing is happening and to be honest, her story is really slow as well. She is talking to Dr. Deluce and we get to see her getting her chance at happiness that is destroyed. Since I didn't like what she ends up doing, it doesn't hold me unfortunately.

What I will give credit to is the acting. I think that Billingsley tip-toes that interesting line of are the things she's telling us real or does she just believe them. There are times where I'm with her and then we get some things that I think maybe it is all in her head. This is a solid performance to do that. Scott I also like as the one that trying to help her, but also not just giving into the things she's being told. Byrne does some really interesting things with his facial expressions as well. I do get a bit of a vibe of Get Out here. This could be considered a spoiler, but if you see this and how it plays out, you know why. It isn't completely the same so I'll say that. I thought that Griffis and Curran are both solid as well. They're both well to do and they fit that for how they portray their characters. The rest of the cast worked for what was needed.

The final thing to cover would be the special effects. There's not a lot in the way of effects in this movie, but the blood we got looked really good. It had good color and we get a few different scenes where it made me cringe a bit with what they showed. I also like when they distort the images were seeing to signify that it might not be really happening that way. It is established early in this movie that memories are just recreations by our brain so I think that helps this. That also includes the cinematography here as well.

Now with that said I thought this movie did some good things and had some interesting concepts, but just didn't necessarily work out as well. I think that the interviews, which allowed us to see the things happening, just didn't play out in a way that kept my interest. The acting though was good across the board. I thought the effects were as well and the soundtrack fit for what was needed. I just think that some of the ideas are lost and the events leading up to the climax just didn't work for me. I would say though that this is just slightly over average for me.
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Conspiracy theories aren't really horror
richardwworkman1 January 2021
Kind of a mix of different horror/thriller tropes. Take the secretive society in Scanners, add a little bit of The Shining, throw in a bit of John Wick revenge and sprinkle a dash cynical me-too exploitation and you have this film.

That's not to say it's unwatchable, it's a lot better than many of the reviews suggest. Yes it's a slower paced movie but I didn't see this as a disadvantage, on the contrary, I thought it gave to story time to develop. However, I would agree that this film desperately needed a massive revenge gore murder spree to liven the end up.

It kind of started heading in an interesting direction, took too long to get to its destination and then kind of flopped through the door somewhat unspectacularly.
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Really interesting setup but the final 3rd ..?
robhayden-5093222 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike others, I found the slow paced first half hour of this really gripping. The acting is great, I was completely bought into the main character. I can't remember the last time I was so hoping a protagonist would beat the odds. The Hunt maybe :-)

The cultists are brilliantly sinister. As the full story unfolds, for a while you are convinced the whole thing really happened but then doubts creep in. As it moves into the final third I think it gets too railroaded. There are some good moments in the finale but they could have kept the question open even beyond the end of the movie.
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Nothing Particularly New, but Mostly Well-executed and Good Suspense.
There are a few ways that this story could have gone, and all of them could be labeled "predictable", so I am not sure that is a good reason to say this movie is "bad". If you found it boring, I guess you just didn't find it suspenseful, that would be a better criticism. On the whole though, there is one film I would compare this to from the 80's, but were Io do that, if will literally take all tension away that you may otherwise have. So yes, this isn't an original story, but it is well-executed and very well-made.

I enjoyed the entire film, it wasn't slow, it was moderately pace, but it doesn't reveal it's hand all at once, it is a thriller/mystery, that is kind of how they work. It was mostly well-acted, so I am not sure what others mean when they say ti isn't. Were there a couple of less then stellar moments acting-wise? Yes, but on the whole, it was very well acted.

Coming from someone who watches a lot of low-budget films, I can say pretty definitively that this film is very well-made, the cinematography, lighting, sound, and script are all quite well-done. There are actually a lot more closeups in this film than most, and that is a dangerous thing, meaning, if the acting is really horrible, those closeups are very risky, as previously noted, there are a few dodgy moments acting-wise, but those moments are very brief. The closeups are well-done, and do a good deal to enhance the tension in the film, so the risk payed off.

There are some interesting themes here, such as the choices we make being generational, and sometimes we repeat the same things our parents did without even realizing it, but even knowing that, the question is whether or not it was worth it? I do think that this film poses at least a few good philisophical questions, also in regards to who we let into our lives, how people who are "damaged goods" might have both a higher and lower guard than "regular" people, but I supposed these themes will likely go over most people's heads, I don't mean that to sound like I'm smarter, I just mean to say, instead of being impatient, and focusing on the few flaws this film has, take the time to look past those flaws, they are small overall, and take the time and pay attention to what is going on in the subtext of the script, because there is actually a good deal of subtext here.

God Bless ~Amy
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blsiii22 July 2020
The ratings are not to be taken seriously... it's a very slooooow movie with a very predictable outcome. You're better off spending the hour and so minutes watching a clock.
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Opinion0212220 August 2020
I had a hard time keeping my attention on this movie. All I could think of was the poor directing! It's the director's job to make things interesting, and this isn't.

The story is shown is a strange manner, jumping back and forth with no rhyme nor reason. You think you've figure out some part, and it jumps to something, and someplace, else.

And the gaps in the story, you can drive a truck through! Even the ending comes and goes without explanation.

The main character is boring and low key throughout the entire film, like the drugs the docs at the asylum have her doped up, but, nope, that's her acting! Even her voice has no inflection. There were a few scene when she was okay, but they flashed by.

Sorry but this really is a lousy movie with little to recommend it. And, my review is pretty jumpy, too, like the movie. Duh!
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The idea is there but poorly executed.
deloudelouvain14 March 2020
To me The Dark Red wasn't that great, it's all been done before but then in a better way. It could have been better though if it wasn't that slow at times, and if they would have edited it better because to be honest there are some scenes that need a lot of editing. Some scenes are just too long or unnecessary, and that makes the story a bit boring to watch at times. I fought against sleep a couple times, and that would not happen if the story had my full attention. It's not that I was sitting at edge of my seat, not at all. The Dark Red is just an average movie not really worth your time.
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An average horror film with some good ideas but few real surprises
Tweekums18 November 2021
Sybil Warren has been confined to a psychiatric hospital. She claims that her unborn baby was stolen by her fiancé's parents who gave her a forced caesarean section because they believe the baby is 'special'. She herself claims to have certain telepathic powers. Is she telling the truth or is she schizophrenic as the doctors believe? Either way when she gets out of hospital she will go after those she believes wronged her.

This isn't a bad film; it isn't great either; it is one of those average films one watches without regretting but probably forget about soon afterwards. The set-up is interesting and for most of the film there is some ambiguity about Sybil's state of mind. The end is less surprising but quite entertaining. The cast is solid enough and the rural settings are pleasant. Overall certainly not a must see but it passed the time well enough.
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dana-kellish1 September 2020
All you really need to know about this film is, at one point, an "official" hospital document has the word "unknown" misspelled in large letters ("uknown"). That's the level of care that went into making this flop.
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Good ideas but underdeveloped
mhiggott29 September 2021
There are some good ideas here. It really could have been a very good film with more work. The central premise is underdeveloped, however, and the script lacks any real spark. Although the build up is a little slow, the final reel should have been full of fireworks, but instead it was a bit of a damp squib. I liked the ideas, though, and I'd love to see someone have another go at making this.
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A meandering mess
awells-7639012 March 2020
There is no reason for this movie to exist. I was mad as soon as it was over realizing nothing I saw meant anything. It's like a get out ripoff with a worse ending. Was it real? Was it imagined? Do I care? Horrible and brain cell shattering. Sometimes that's what I get for enjoying out of the norm type movies. Sometimes it really pays off eg; Coherence, The Invitation, Triangle, Blackcoats Daughter, Survivalist, Mandy....but here, not so much.
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Much better than current ratings suggest
targetlad729 March 2020
When I saw this film it had a rating over 6, hence me watching it. It was a lot better than I thought, so I'm surprised to see it's current lower rating. At 1st I wasn't paying full attention, soon I had set my ipad down & put my glasses on to watch properly.
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Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
sdean-5563116 August 2021
Shout-out to Tore Says for introducing this movie to her audience. Thank you!

Decipher for yourself what resonates with you and what doesn't, this is basically how it works, so much truth in this little hidden gem.
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Entertaining enough
kathmummybear24 April 2020
The premise was good the lead actress was excellent what stops me from rating higher is the later part of the film which seemed rushed and a little predictable. The plot holes definitely spoilt it for me
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Liked it plenty...
Clearbay_32727 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For those who didn't get it she was dimensionally shifting there at the end of the film (and so was the old lady) . You have to understand a bit about the fourth dimension to understand. And that's what I liked about it. It didn't pander to the lowest common denominator. Good movie.
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Low budget
ingamazonaite11 June 2020
Low budget movie with bad acting and dreadful plot. Waste of time. Not recommended.
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Nice premise, poor sound.
kmdaykin18 April 2020
Great story, brilliant b movie cast and direction, which is refreshing. However, I spent the first hour of the movie wanting to shake each member of the sound department as most of the dialogue was unintelligible in environments that weren't that challenging.
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I thought it was good!
crybaby-3028330 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why people thought it was boring or drawn out. I was entertained from start to finish! I liked hearing her talk to therapist about her special blood, which she has special powers. There are moments I doubted if she was telling the truth, Because of her blood. People will always be after her and it was actually surprising how she ended up in the mental institution. I was shocked and I liked seeing her relationship with David form. Also people said the ending was predictable, I didn't think so. I was a little anxious to see what was going to happen and if she would ever get her child back. I mean they literally only the child for his blood and kept him indoors 24/7. When Sybil finally takes her son outside, you can see how the baby looked white and doesn't go out to play. They just use him for his special blood for his special powers. I also thought David might intervene and try to take the child away from her. But like he said they will always be looking for her no matter how long it takes because it's a cult of people who look for that particular blood. I actually didn't want her to kill David in the end, yes it was messed up what he did to her. So she had to escape that house then escape the hospital. Then her dr. Had to put her in the institution to help get off the grid, then she had to play along with the therapist. These people cover their tracks so well that Sybil looked like she was making it all up. The therapist tried to believe her but didn't and she had to play along for 9 months. Then get out and start training to get her baby back and form a plan. I mean I would have killed David just on all those facts, but he was actually just a slave who helped the higher leaders capture and impregnate special women! So David really won't go find Sybil or their baby. I also liked how they named her Sybil in the movie based on Sybil who had personality disorder. I actually was surprised how good the movie was and it wasn't boring as people claimed. Good acting, plot and suspenseful!
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Did Keep Me Interested for 3/4, of the way then
Mehki_Girl8 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
.. I couldn't wait for the end. Best part of the film are the sessions with the therapist. The actress sold he4 part on facial expression and her throat (believe it or not) conveying tension, belief, disbelief, compassion, fear.

Basically, she stole the movie, but the protagonist was actually best when she was telling the story. Both were excellent in the therapy scenes. Frankly, that could have been the entire movie, leaving us with, was it or was it not real.

Otherwise, really? Her story is just crazy and the last 4th of the movie doesn't sell the fact that she's not.
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Good ish film
chilversedward4 April 2020
Nothing new here tbh. But not an awful film that said.The story while been done before better and worse has to be said not all bad. The acting of lead actress at times was solid at others bit iffy, as a whole though she was a good lead. Where the film was majorly let down was by its pacing and progression. Some times it lingered unnecessarily and other times skipped through scenes too quick imho. Felt like there was a far better film here possibly. It just didn't get its full potential realised. Gave it one star more than would have done as its current rating seemed bit too low. It's really a 5 or 6 than a 7. 4 imho seemed harsh
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Nothing new
ks-6050012 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Someone told she's crazy for what she encountered and end up proved everyone wrong that she's not and get back baby. How many times such theme was filmed? Uncountable. If your remake something, be sure add new elements.
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Very good
Slow burn at first and then concludes with fast paced action. Not a bad little film
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Solid 6 but nothing more
serdarotman4 April 2020
Good thriller you go thrilled all the way, Some good acting some bad Good movie idea but noting new Ends without any explanation of the subject Summary, its a watchable movie, makes you wonder what will happen, so keeps your eyes attached to the screen. Solid 6..but definitely not more..
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snramz4 November 2020
To think people were actually paid to act this film. This movie is absolutely appalling. Giving any kind of rating is out of frustration for a wasted day.
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markholterman21 October 2020
The primary problems with this film are, for me, centred around the writing and the editing; these make it rambling and distinctly tedious. Overall I feel it's trying to be a bit like 'Martyrs' but lacks the skill to create the required tension. The acting is okay but the writing is very formulaic and the script feels like there have been too many 'on the fly' modifications and additions. Frankly the whole thing could have been edited down to something nearly half the length.
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