Tremors (TV Movie 2018) Poster

(2018 TV Movie)

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spencerpool21 April 2019
Tragic this was cancelled!! The best part of the original was the dynamic between Val (Kevin Bacon) and Earl (Fred Ward) so having them back was the best vibe of this new series!!! So sad it got canceled. Please bring it back!!
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Wish this would've happened
jordan-julianne1 February 2020
A pilot was filmed but was not picked up. So somewhere out there is the pilot for this show which I hope they just release as a movie by itself one day, so we can at least see what could've been. I love tremors and I wish that there was more besides the movies. The old TV show was cheesy but super fun. The new movies are fine, but are using too much CGI. I miss the old practical effect monsters. MAKE THIS TV MOVIE HAPPEN! Please
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jesssika2316 September 2019
The first movie was fantastic with the second being pretty great also. I'd really love for this to be made! Come on with Netflix and Hulu and Prime and Shudder surely somewhere they can get it picked up. Or do a Kickstarter and let me back it to at least own it on dvd!!!! I really want this show!
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This needs to be made
Keptinkaveman11 December 2019
Ignore the idiot that posted twice, claiming that people are being paid to review this. No, they are not, people are reviewing it, to get it noticed, as it was CANCELLED. and they want that reversed. It's a film people have been dying to see for decades. And if putting up a review here with a 10 (I'd give more if I could) will get it noticed, and hopefully picked up by someone, then I ask everyone who sees this, to do just that. Think of it as a letter writing campaign for the 21st century. It's saved Star Trek, lets save kevin's Bacon ;)
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we NEED this !!
hcd-317 February 2020
Tremors, for very subjective reasons beyond cinematography, screenplay, acting performances, is my all-time favorite movie !

(and I have seen almost all IMDB top 250 movies - which are 946 movies in total !)

So please give us the Tremors reboot !!
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Head scratcher here
Marynewcomb201323 September 2019
How can there be reviews for this and it was never released? All they had was a trailer and those scenes were shown & NOTHING else!! No one knows if this would have been good or bad!! Shows right here with these 10 star reviews that people are getting paid by outsiders to give these reviews!!
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Bring back the tv shows
lightning-601595 March 2020
Need to complete this and put it put. With the new movie coming out this year, it would be a perfect oppurtunity to drum up even more interest.
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Bring back Tremors!!
ajledebuhrs-595-42008010 January 2020
Tremors was one of the movies I remember fondly watching with my dad when I was a young lad in the 90's. When Aftershocks came out, my Dad and I watched that too. Then 3 came out and the series and the prequel and as a kid me and two of my best friends would watch every week! It felt like X-Files in Perfection. Needless to say the later sequels are great too. The way the graboids have evolved over time is great! I genuinely enjoy each movie and episode of the show. Why would they cancel right at the last minute?!?! Please bring this back!!
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ibfredieu18 May 2019
This is something that Tremor fans have been waiting for since the first movie. Very poor form to cancel at the last minute. Hopefully a company with a GOOD feel for what the people want will pick it up. This is one of the reasons why cable TV is dying and the sooner the better. #netflix #prime the company's we know and can trust.
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Bring back Tremors
zathan-3284820 June 2020
We need this show.... Not everybody wants reality-sheit-tv
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This is why I hate Hollywood !
skyven-7950620 July 2020
This was one of the most aniticipated series for me in recent years ! I can't believe it got canceled right after they release the trailer and the feedback was really really good. How ?? Why ? Batwamen can have season 2, but Tremors can't have 1 ? The rating on that show is 3.6 and still kickin ( no idea why its an unwatchable trash). Please release Tremors !!!!
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markumae15 January 2020
Why would you cancel this? Burt Ward has been cashing in for years because die-hard fans will watch it. I loved every one of these (well, with the exception of when they did the back-in-time one). I was so psyched that they had a new series coming out with Kevin Bacon, only to have my hopes crushed upon finding out they cancelled it. PLEASE - we need more crazy killer worms in our life.
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Just release it.
brentwilliams12 February 2021
If it's already made just put it on. Release it on YouTube. Or some other way online. Netflix will take anything. Or air it at 3am and wait and see how many people will stay up just to watch it.
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Definitely wished for this
I really wish this would have made it. The original movie is definitely a favorite and wanting the return of both Val and Earl was a dream come true, but I guess not :( Hoping to a great eating can show how much I love this
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Would love to see it!
iamrecall6 May 2021
I would at least love to see the pilot if we can't get anything else.
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BonJoviChick1916 April 2020
This is a must make!! Only it would be better if burt was in it too but still!
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CANCELLED!!?? Exhibit #3,997 that those in "charge" really have no clue what they're doing.
kittaylorpdx7 June 2020
I saw this was being released and was stoked. Screaming almost. One of my favorite movies being rebooted WITH the original characters and actors. A can't miss right? 🙄 Of course. Cancelled by the studio. This is why we can't have nice things. Hopefully minds are changed at some point. This looks freakin' amazing.
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Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee make this
mortysochi25 April 2021
This is what the word has been waiting for! Pleaseeeee reconsider! We love it.
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Please Release Me..
njerry-5546717 October 2022
Please let someone release this as a stand alone TV movie... Seeing as it's finished and ready to go surely it would be a shame to just leave it sat on a shelf Havering dust when there are so many fans of the original Tremors and I'm sure I speak for all of them when I say we would love to see this film.... Great to see Kevin Bacon reprise his role even if it is for just one last time.... I loved the original Tremors film and just wanna see how this one pans out... Some TV channel would surely jump at the chance to sit a new Tremors movie especially seeing Kevin himself as the lead.... Come on Please please sir this.... Thanks.
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This needs to be released!
dxdslasher7326 November 2021
To the producers and everyone involved with this film/tv show: please release it to its fans! I've seen other fans' pleas and that moved me to write my own. The Tremors' franchise deserves to keep moving along and reaching old and new fans alike. It is a staple of action/sci-fi/horror movie genre and it has its well-deserved place in pop culture.
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Wanted to see this
drpainters5 September 2021
Really wanted to see this and trailer looked awesome. Unfortunate they didn't move forward with it , looked much better then the sequels they are making with gross in them.
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We need this.
darthtye8 August 2022
With the movies story line apparently coming to an end we need this. If the pilot for Wheel of Time (2015) can air surely this can too. Even if its just a cliffhanger with no resolution I'll take it.
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Classic B movie for right
shaggyrogers-6458818 June 2022
The film is, without spoilers well paced and makes good use of foreshadowing for pay off later in the film. The cast is solid with the main cast getting time to flex and flesh out different likeable and unlikeable characters. The practical effects hold up in rewatched, though remember B movie. The limited CGI does not, it's used once then we don't speak of it again.
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kawood-6851419 August 2024
Someone please pick this title up!!! This would be an absolute MUST SEE if you did!!! There's more people than you may realize who can't get enough of these movies!! This along with all the other Tremor movies would be like a "BLAST FROM THE PAST!!!!" whenever watched. And who doesn't love a "blast from the past"? And if you were to bring back the original cast or even some of the original cast at least , it would be a total hit!!! More people would watch this than you may think.

Streaming services ... Pick it up!!! Put it out there!!! See for yourselves!!! The reviews confirm it... just take a look!!!
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