Pass Thru (2016) Poster


Neil Breen: A.I., Thgil, ( Light )



  • A.I. : You are now free... of PTSD.

  • Dana - Smuggler : What the hell are you doing in MY HOUSE?

    A.I. : This is MY UNIVERSE!

    Dana - Smuggler : I will kill you!

    A.I. : I will eliminate all of the people like you that have ruined this planet!

    Dana - Smuggler : YOU ARE DONE!

    A.I. : NO! YOU ARE DONE!

    Dana - Smuggler : I'M DONE?

    A.I. : DONE!

    [She disappears] 

  • Media Pres. : I know senior national elected government officials who I can force my political... bias... then influence on fellow politicians to vote my way... for a payoff, of course.

    A.I. : Isn't that corrupt?

    [Extremely awkwark pause] 

    Bank Pres . : I know companies that can hack into any government, national agency or corporate facility. For the right price, you can get any information that you want. And, they don't need to know why, or your reason. These places are so vulnerable and unprotected. And there is no way they can keep up with the technology!

    A.I. : Isn't that corrupt?

    Media Pres. : The voting public is so naive and unaware of how politics really work.

    Bank Pres . : As CEO of a major bank, we manipulate interest rates to serve our best interests! With no concern for the customers of course. They have no control over us. This also helps our stockbroker friends who manipulate their markets to the broker's advantage. It's all a game!

    Ins . Pres . : We make a fortune at our insurance companies! Overcharging customers and hospitals, and there's nothing the customers can do about it. We have the backing of the politicians. Medical research could have cured cancer and other diseases seventy-five years ago, we won't let that happen. We'd lose too much money.

    A.I. : Isn't that cheating the public?

    Media Pres. : We put our own spin on the stories to suit our corporate bias and other private interests. We can create programming that have half-truths, and misleading stories. And the public doesn't even know.

    A.I. : Isn't that betraying the public's trust?

    Escort : My friends and I have many personal and intimate relations with government and corporate officials. I'm sure I can get them to vote a certain way. For the right price. I'm sure they don't want the public to know their dirty little secrets. It's so easy to trap them.

    Lawyer : Our law firms control and influence many courts, judges, lawyers, agencies and politicians. Our justice system is broken, it's ineffective. And that's just the way we want to keep it.

    A.I. : Isn't that immoral?

    Escort : Who was that guy?

    Ins . Pres . : I have no idea. Never seen him before!

    Bank Pres . : Who was that guy?

    Businessman : I have no idea!

    Lawyer : He must not be from here!

    A.I. : [Leaving the mansion]  If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.

    [the mansion explodes] 

  • A.I. : I am not of this earth. I am Artificial Intelligence from far into the future. I have taken on this human body in order to communicate with the humans. I have taken control of this international media center. What you are seeing now is being broadcast throughout the world. Human Evolution has ended and there can be no further advancement. The turning point is now. There are genetic and psychological limits to the primitive human species... and you have reached those limits. You have demonstrated your inability to live in a truthful, honest, trustworthy, and accountable way with your fellow man. Illegal wars, the abuse of the media systems, films, TV, radio, the internet... as vehicles for a positive change. It's insulting. The glorification of violence and corruption as well as political correctness and the fear of the truth has ruined the species. No more excuses. No more second chances. No more third chances. No more warnings. No more sympathy. The humans have tried that for hundreds of years and it hasn't worked... and it never will. I have eliminated 300 million humans from the planet today! In human terms, I've killed them all! These were humans that were HARMFUL to other humans! They were cheats, thieves, criminals, liars, abusers, corrupters... dishonest humans! Those who have abused OTHER humans, the planet, the environment, as well as children and animals! They do not deserve to live. They are all gone NOW! I have turned them all to dust. The human glorification of violence, corruption, CORPORATE corruption, failed political systems, failed judicial systems, failed educational systems, failed environmental systems, and on and on! Just think what it would be like if all humans were completely honest, completely trustworthy, without question... but that's impossible now. Remove corrupt and harmful politicians and leaders from all over the world. Don't wait for a failed bureaucratic system to help you. Do it yourself! Take action now! Remove harmful and corrupt corporations! Boycott them! Close them down! It's the only thing they're going to respond to! Take the lead! Violate laws and regulations! They don't help the people's interests! Overturn them now! Don't be naive, weak, and ignorant of what is right and good! This is what's led to the decline of your species! Ask the hard, true questions and give the hard, true answers! Be leaders, not followers! The current state of decline of the human species is an insult to our intelligence! The Revolution has begun. Your revolt, it must start now! The Cleanse has begun!

  • [Saving the immigrants] 

    A.I. : You're free! Go back to where you came from!

  • A.I. : I'll let you and your niece stay in my place. I'll stay in the car up front!

    Amanda : No no we can't stay here!

    A.I. : It'll be fine, I'll clean it up!

    Amanda : There's no way in hell we can stay here, no!

    [Recyclables flying past her, a roll of toilet paper gets caught on her] 

    Amanda : Oh my god! What are you doing? How did I get here? Oh my goodness, what is this? What are you doing? Oh my god.

  • Amanda : Have you seen the future?

    A.I. : I am the future.

  • A.I. : [smiling angelically]  It's clean, it's all clean.

  • A.I. : The humans are delusional. The self-importance they think they have. They're a mere primitive speck in the multitude of universes. They have nothing to offer us, there's no reason for us to visit them. After all you humans have been through, for hundreds of years, for thousands of years, you're still classifying each other into groups and races and cultures. You just don't get it. You're all human. There are no groups, classes, races and cultures. You're all one. But you don't understand that. Just think if there was truth and real honesty, everywhere, all humans, but no. The humans have evolved into a lesser species where those values are not their priority. I can manipulate the planes of space and time. Let me show you. Here we are now, here is where I'm from. They're a thousand light-years apart. I can manipulate space, time, and energy. I can compress time. Dark matter. Dark energy. Quatum physics. The string theory. I can bend time so that I can travel from where we are now, to a thousand years in the future. Where I'm from, by bending time, I can compress the travel distance in time from here to here, to no time at all. There are black holes in every galaxy, there are billions of galaxies, there are billions of universes out there. The universe is expanding, not contracting. There are more than three dimensions. I can teach you. Many things are going to change now. I'm going to eliminate hundreds of millions of the human species. I am going to kill them immediately. But you have nothing to fear. I believe you're truthful and honest. I'm only going to eliminate humans that have been harmful to other humans.

  • Boy Astronomer : It was you! All this time! It was you! Take me!

    Girl Astronomer : Take us with you.

    Girl Astronomer : Hurry, get out of here! The police and the military will be here soon.

    Girl Astronomer : Hurry!

    A.I. : No I can't take you. You need to stay here so you can tell the truth. Don't worry. No military or officials are following. I can control who sees the signal. I have blocked everyone and allowed... only you to see it.

  • A.I. : I've seen the past. And I've seen the future.

    [Amanda pulls away from him for some reason, looking disgusted. He pulls her back] 

    A.I. : We're going to a better place!

    Jim - Veteran : Wh-who are you? Where are you going?

    A.I. : A better place.

  • A.I. : [the dead child and grandmother are resurrected]  They are not dead who live in the hearts they left behind. Welcome back.

  • Amanda : I'm really going!

    A.I. : You are really going.

    Amanda : Will I see you again?

    A.I. : Yes. You can teach me about sensitivity and having a conscience.

  • Amanda : Hey, how ya doin'?

    A.I. : I'm fine. I'm fine!

  • A.I. : It does not require many words to speak the truth. Man has responsibility, not power.

  • [last lines] 

    A.I. : The primitive humans must continue the Cleanse in order to survive as a species.

See also

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