Widow's Walk (2019) Poster


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Better than the reviews indicate
KIM_HARRIS6 January 2020
I am unsure why this film has received such negative reviews. It's not the most original or the greatest film ever but it is definitely worth watching. It's nicely paced and although you can figure out most of the elements quite quickly, the denouement is still quite satisfying. One reviewer wrote that it is ant-climactic but I beg to disagree. The acting is decent and the cinematography is excellent. Don't approach it with preconceptions and just appreciate this simple story.
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First-class visuals, third-class storytelling
S_Soma17 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you're up for a movie with superb, highly evocative cinematography, then WIDOW'S WALK might be just the movie for you. If you want anything ELSE from a movie, then probably not so much.

Without doubt, WIDOW'S WALK is a ghost story, but the writer couldn't come up with enough story to last the length of the picture. The excellent cinematography actually gives the impression that it's there to attempt to obfuscate the fact that there isn't much story happening and the movie is hoping you will be so hypnotized by the cinematography you'll overlook it. Too bad; it didn't work. I noticed. And I'm guessing you probably would, too. Although, yes, I did enjoy the gorgeous cinematography.

We're fully 39 minutes or so into the movie before the first incontrovertibly ghostly occurrence and remember, the movie is only about an hour and 36 minutes long. Up until 39 minutes in all we get is the occasional unaccountable, indeterminate galumphing footstep noises or a recalcitrant stove door flopping open by an "unseen hand". *Yawn*

Unsurprisingly, WIDOW'S WALK proceeds with the breakneck speed of a glacier because it only has 30 seconds worth of story to tell and it has to drag that out across an hour and 36 minutes. To be fair, when the story does finally unroll during the last few scenes/minutes of the movie, it's a good, old, traditional ghost story with all the legitimate trimmings, motivations, broken hearts and broken dreams from which such stories are traditionally drawn. If only the story had gradually unrolled as a mystery being revealed progressively during the course of the movie instead of being dumped on us abruptly like chum from a bucket through a flat exposition blurted out by the living-fossil character, book-report style, who had experienced all of the plot elements firsthand. Verbal plot-line dumps like this, by the way, are something you're not supposed to do as a writer; you're supposed to SHOW us, not TELL us, which is exactly what this movie does.

Perhaps even more disappointing than the paucity of unequivocally ghostly activities is the utter lack of genuine character reaction when they DO happen. One can forgive the boy, Noah, for perhaps not picking up on the fact that his little playmate was a ghost since his new friend's appearance and behavior is COMPLETELY indistinguishable from any old, every day little boy aside from the slightly archaic style of his clothing, which could easily have been accounted for in other ways. But when the main character mother (Eve), for example, sees a ghostly apparition literally leap at her from the other side of a window or vanish into thin air by a clothes line or gesticulating at her whilst half transparent out in the middle of an open field in broad daylight, Eve reacts with no more distress from these scary experiences than if she'd merely seen a 3 legged cat. Further, she seems to have no thought or concern for what sorts of experiences HER SON might be having along the same lines. I would think most mothers might be a little concerned about that.

WIDOW'S WALK even engages in that old ghost movie saw where we "discover" that one or more of the regular characters in the movie have actually been ghosts "all along". As the audience, we've known through most of the picture that at least one of the every-day-looking-characters is a ghost, which of course has made us suspicious of some of the other characters so we're not quite as surprised as we might otherwise have been. What IS surprising is coming to realize that there's also a ghost dog, apparently. And even more surprising is that being a ghost doesn't seem to negatively impact regular daily activities. In fact, I'm quite a bit more disabled myself then ghosts are since at least one of them in the movie seems perfectly capable of hunting and fishing live game, enjoying a tasty slice of jam-cake and various other picnic treats (which I CAN'T do; diabetes and all), saving living people from drowning, and going on recreational day trips. Comes to that, I'm actually quite looking forward to becoming a ghost myself for the large bump in quality of life. Being a ghost certainly doesn't seem to carry many limitations with it.

Not so much as a criticism but more as a personal note, I found the primary protagonist mother character (Eve) to be distractingly unappealing. To my eyes, for all the world, she looked, right in the face, like a kangaroo with dirty blonde hair. All she was missing was the long, loppy ears. During the course of the movie, I can only describe some of her expressions as overtly distressing just to look at.

WIDOW'S WALK's makers did have a little bit of fun, though, in telegraphing their ghost characters, but you have to watch closely to catch it, and they get points from me on this.

For example, about 29 minutes into the movie, even before we've actually established the presence of multiple ghosts, there's this scene where 3 of the primary characters (Eve, Joe and Noah) take a little ferry ride on a picnic trip. If you watch carefully, everybody has to give the ferryboat ticket-taker a ticket before they board the ferry. Everybody except... Joe. Now why DUM! DUM! DUM! would you suppose that is? Also, old Myrtle neither looks at nor reacts to Joe when he's around, if you notice. And if you can't figure what all this means at this point, don't worry, they hit you over the head with it at the end.

Gorgeously made and possessed of some genuine claim to being a more or less traditional ghost movie, WIDOW'S WALK simply falls down with its poor quality storytelling. Give the cinematographer a bonus because he carried the picture.
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Draws you in
greenheart13 August 2022
A most unusual story that I guess you could categorise as a ghost story, it certainly raises lots of questions at the end.

An atmospheric start, various characters come and go and you're never entirely sure how they all fit in. I felt the early scenes needed to be supported by an underscore, somehow the English accent sounded flat against the vastness. The director loves a close up and there are some striking shots, I wonder if this was sometimes focused on at the expense of the story.

I felt it had flaws and yet somehow it completely drew me in. Certainly a fascinating movie to watch.
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Beautiful and Haunting
edlask3 July 2020
I have an inkling that the 2 to 3 votes are from viewers under 40 and the 8 to 10 from viewers over 40. You have to have lived life to appreciate this film. Beautiful story and visuals, good acting, a poignant ghost story. If you're looking for special effects and scare tactics, this movie isn't for you.
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Most anti-climactic movie ever.
Patient44416 December 2019
Sorry to say so, but there is close to 0% horror, perhaps, 0.5% tops and most important, absolutely no climax. Sure there will be a closure, which will happen only to shock the viewer a little, but overall this movie was a swing and a miss.

It takes a small forever to happen, to develop, to make the scrip move further and provide something interesting, I waited and waited hoping that perhaps I will get a glimpse of a turning point, a deciding moment, one that will turn everything around, but excepting the absolute last 2 minutes, there will be no such thing. It will take a great load of patience and possibly some alcohol involved in order to fully view Widow's Walk without losing interest, because it has so little to offer.

I didn't get the point of the movie, surely I did understand it, for sure, but I do believe we all could have lived without it. It is a rather dull production, maybe, just maybe hanging on the neo-noir atmosphere that is long gone, because some traits of it, like the soundtrack and different scenes, did seem to have its roots there, but still, nonetheless, this movie isn't for everyone. I surely will not recommend it, for it brought nothing to the table.

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A hogwash too far
jhandsome15 July 2020
What a disappointing movie. It starts a little promising - a few motives, characters, and some period detail (if all a little "clean" and theatrical if you know what I mean). Then gradually you realise that everything that is glaringly obvious and predictable IS actually what is happening - and its a long, painful process watching it play out just as you expect it to, without any charisma or conflict or any substance of a voice emerging. There's nothing to make you go "ah! That's interesting!" whatsoever. This is one of those films that you watch and think the writer and director got to make a feature film and get it out of their system, but that's it, a tick on the items box, an anecdote, nothing less nothing more. All in all rather poor.
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Nice setting but slower than Olivier Giroud
bazookamouth-221-89809725 December 2019
Firstly I liked the setting and the attempt to set up some kind of old fashioned ghost story. That kid in the movie got on my nerves. Not that he was a bad actor but he shouted everything. Too loud man! Also he must have been about 12/13 and shes tucking him into bed. Then a vision of the ghost deceased father who was carrying him up to bed later on. Whats all that about. The old lady got on my wick. Babbling on and on. Entering the leads house at will whenever she wished. How thick was the lead lady after the gas was left on she goes to light a match. Stopped by the old goose. By the end I had lost all interest and will for life. cheap ghost story that never went anywhere.
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Not to watch if you need cheering up!
alanshark-5720917 December 2019
Took me a while to figure out what kind of film I was watching and I don't think I did. It was spooky and I was waiting for something that didn't happen. I was happy when it ended but I found myself depressed. Of course Woman Overboard is a great tune.
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Possibly one of the worst films I've ever seen... possibly!!
andrewj-0353426 December 2019
Where to start... how about the acting, which is at worst mediocre and at best acceptable after consumption of two bottles of wine. Then there is the pacing, or lack of it, the plot holes that will give sink holes a run for their money, and the dull as dishwater ending and "climax", or lack there of... this is in all honesty one of the most mediocre films I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few stinkers in my life time! Avoid...
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Well, I enjoyed it
Those giving this film <5 stars I swear are trolling IMDB. Compared to most of the dross being vomited out by filmmakers of late, Widow's Walk was enigmatic, poignant, and beautifully filmed.

While it isn't in the same league as The Others, the story is elegantly developed over time, giving chance to reflect on the themes, the characters, and the part they play in telling the story.

This is not a wham-bam-thank-you-mam movie - if you want endless ghouls jumping out of cupboards every five minutes, or characters played by Hollywood's tinsel town fraternity, then you'd better look elsewhere.

This is a film for intelligent audiences who are capable of making up their own minds; who want space to consider the themes being explored - whether it's the psychological impact of losing a partner, or questioning the very notion of the paranormal.

Not everything needs to be spelt out - sometimes it's good to show things in a way that encourages the audience to reflect on what's being revealed.

For example, one reviewer here didn't like the way Eve seemed nonplussed by her interactions with the house's past residents. Given she has just lost her husband in a horrific and bloody modern war, perhaps she's numb to all that's going on around her. Only her son provides something tangible on which to cling. Everything else is just noise. Perhaps she believes it's her state of mind producing these ghost-like apparitions and nothing more.

(After all, anyone who's been overly tired will have experienced fleeting glimpses of figures disappearing into the shadows . . .)

I would certainly recommend this film - just watch with an open mind, and decide for yourself.
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Absolute shocker
suerich-0347223 February 2020
Terrible acting. Dreary story. Not even Virginia McKenna could save it. I was hoping it would change my mind about David Caves, as he ruins Silent Witness for me, but no......it doesn't. I give it one star because the actors turned up!
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Old fashioned Ghost Story
MikeWright7525 January 2020
This is the sort of film you want to watch on Christmas Eve, a traditional ghost story that's gentle, sad and haunting. No special effects, CGI, or gung ho ghost busters, just a tale of grieving and how losing a loved one can consume your life. It it a slow burn, but what's wrong with that for a change?
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Bleak + beautiful
finbow_mark18 April 2021
I loved this film; a slow burn ghost story with nods to M. R. James and Susan Hill. The film captures the bleak beauty of the Suffolk coastline and uses the setting to eerie effect. This film is definitely not a horror, which is the genre it may be lazily lumped into on streaming services, but is a ghost story in the above mentioned styles. If you like those types of stories I suggest you have a watch.
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What did I just watch!
laurenjackson-2681611 January 2020
Widows Walk is a ghost story we seen this a million times before but never quie this amateurish. I saw this a few month's back and recall the many plot holes that the sketchy acting didn't allow me to overlook. The cinematography is fairly decent, but it's the only positive I could glean, and nothing really to shout out about otherwise. I am a fan of slow movies, but this film's slowness is really down to a lack of substance in the narrative arc, that goes nowhere because the writer had to fill up space until the predictable ending. In all honesty this film should have been a short film. There is far too little in here to warrant 2 hours of my time.
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Like watching paint dry...
williambob-1030115 February 2020
The acting is lame and the story arc is incoherent so I'm assuming the director was a bit lost here. The story often doesn't make sense. The characters are rather uninspired. Some parts are total cringe or shallow. If you have a spare 2 hours and find watching paint dry to be a fun way to spend 2 hours, then you might enjoy this one.
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Why can't the British do films?
clairesmaybin20 December 2019
And I'm British. I actively avoid British films because of the stupidly thick accents and the swearing. Most of us British don't swear every other word and some of us have quite acceptable manners
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kdycer27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this film as I enjoy British films (usually) I love creepy, spooky tales but this is a poor attempt. I'm at a loss to understand how it gets ratings of 9 and 10 stars. There's all the usual cliches you get in these sorts of films... recent bereavement, family moves to a new house, strange locals etc but it's all so dreary. I just didn't care about the characters (leading lady spends most of her time pouting and the kid is annoying) it's simply very boring with a lack of atmosphere. Some of it is beautifully shot but romantic scenery and all the attempts at noir can't save it.
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When a film puts you to sleep...
roberthachet21 January 2021
I really wanted to like this film but at every step of the way it got steadily worse and worse until my eyes became heavier and heavier and all I wanted to do was sleep and not waste a second more. Where it not for the shoddy sound of the film, I would have probably enjoyed a long snooze, but alas this film is so bad that my dreams may have turned into nightmares. Another example of why this industry is saturated with sub-par content. A no-suspense and generous 1/10.
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Inept and Hollow
hshia8 February 2020
I usually tend to write reviews of film's I admire, but in 'Widows Walk' case, I'm making an exception to the rule. Having watched this on Prime, I must say the only redemption was the ability to stop playing the film half-way, however I refrained as I genuinely wanted to watch the film to get a more rounded perspective. The first thing I can say is that either the screenplay behind this film is awful, or the inept direction ruins any substance it may have had. The issue here is that as a viewer we don't care about the characters, who seem paper thin and who seem to keep falling through plot holes. This lends the film a very inconsistant form, that makes it almost unwatchable.
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Sweet but kind of flavourless
borgolarici30 November 2021
If you're looking for a classic ghost movie with a tragic love story and a haunted house facing the sea, this is the movie for you. It's sweet, adequately romantic and slow enough to be relaxing. Don't expect more though.
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Almost unwatchable
jamiestrafford26 January 2020
I sat through this film tonight. Halfway through I started twitching and my seat started to become uncomfortable, and then I started looking at my watch - the limits of boredom were being challenged. When making a film, the writer needs the viewer to connect with the characters in order to ensure that the quieter sections of the film still engage. This didn't have that. The pacing was mediocre.
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A perfect portrayal of true grief
dendriek19 August 2022
Having lost my own father at 11 years old, and having watched my mother go through the grief and hopelesness that comes with the loss of a close family member, I was definately a little biased towards this movie from the outset. That being said, Widow's Walk does a tremendous job of portraying the aspects of grief that come with the premise of the movie. Horror fans looking for quick scares will be sorely dissapointed, as the movie is pretty much void of those. But those familiar with the true losses of life will find a reckognizable theme in the film, even down to the "grey" colours of the movie perfectly portraying what those times are recounted as in their memory, down to the mother finally having the courage again to don a dress in front of the mirror and putting on lipstick. Infinately sad, but brilliant.

While Widows Walk is classified as a Horror Movie, it is to be seen through the lens of tragedy, rather than fright. It does an incredible job of encapsulating the feeling of grief into film, and at the end of it all, that is the greatest horror that life has to offer; the loss of those close to us, and how we deal with it. The storyline involved, while slow-paced and somewhat predictable, is second to the emotions that this movie carries, especially for those familiar with these emotions.

A deep and touching movie, more than warranting a solid score.
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A gothic movie that works requires patience
jordondave-280855 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(2019) Widow's Walk HORROR

It has a gothic overall experience, in which viewers must forget why both the mother and her son are even there in the first place. It opens with a woman doing some cleaning in a somewhat of an isolated water front house. Co-produced, written and directed by Alexandra Boyd that opens with a young lady doing some cleaning, until she ended up found in the beach. The movie then jumps to the present time, the time the movie was released which was in 2019 and we see a mother Eve (Miranda Raison) and her son, Noah (Jamie Wannell). Viewers do not know how she and her son came to end up living or staying at the house, it just is. Did Eve inherited it, or was she renting, was a real estate agent involved. Anyways, her and her son are just there, and the only welcoming person who greeted her by the time she showed up was Myrtle (Virginia McKenna). And that although their appear to be other houses out and around the area, the only people Eve and her appear to meet besides senior Myrtle is a guy name Joe (David Caves) and a younger kid than Noah named Trevor (Harlyn Price-Lewis). And it was not long before strange sounds and occurrences begin to happen such as a baking of a cake.

It turns out that the lady who was killed mysteriously at the opening and discovered swept along the beach was only the housekeeper. And that as a result of Eve wearing a necklace that belonged to the dead lady who once lived there before she and Noah moved in, drowned along with her son. The necklace/ pendent took a hold of Eve and walked straight into the ocean. And while in the rushing, Noah suddenly grabbed the pendent that was around her neck and ripped it off. The lady who took control of Eve is now drifting away, with both Joe and Myrtle noticing this. Joe runs straight into the water current to save them, and managed to grab Eve from the first, with Noah still in the sea. After he drops Eve to safety, Joe then jumps back into the ocean to save Noah. And he manages to wake up from the drowning as well. They sleep at the house for the rest of the night with Joe and the little boy Trevor seeing them off. The gothic part is when Noah looked at the half ripped photo and begins to realize that throughout the entire time that he person who saved them and interacted with appeared to be dead all along. That the young boy Noah was playing and interacting with all along was really the mother's dead son and that Joe was actually it's dad. As their goodbye stance of seeing them off was identical to the ripped photo, when Joe's wife was waiting for him to come back.
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Beautiful... But, not much else.
faolanredwolf15 October 2020
This movie is atmospheric and beautifully shot but not much else. The mystery, if you can call it that is very predictable. The scares are not very scary and there is not much to the spookyness that is abroad. But, all that said, the cast is good and believable and the story is touching. It is also a feast fo the eyes, and ears. The score is beautiful and compliments the breathtaking vistas and epicness of the coastline. There are worse ways to spend an evening.
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A load of reviews won't save this film disaster!!
lobster-8920411 January 2020
What happens when two filmmakers walk into a bar? One of them gets drunk first and the other one stays sober, but they both make a movie each. This film was made by the director, figuratively speaking! Stranger still, for a drunken film it is rather sobering in the derivative sense. The acting is rather stilted and the action of the actors always feels premeditated and never natural. For a horror film, even a psychological one, it isn't so much that there is no horror here or suspense for that matter, but not even the sinueux of good drama. How this gets a 9/10 is beyond a joke, unless of course the joke is on us, the viewers.
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