Dorbees: Making Decisions (Video 1998) Poster

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romeronancyr-6850712 January 2019
What the hell is it with these pictures. Who are these random kids and why is there a scooby doo picture. Did someone hack the page???????
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Mildly racist trash that makes Joshua and the Promised Land look like Pixar
benjaminweber23 April 2018
There's mediocre animation, there's bad animation, then there's animation so bad that the set-up has to be rewritten to explain why all the characters look like nightmare CGI blobs. This is quite clearly the latter. Everything looks extremely ugly. The run-time is badly padded with bad musical numbers. The voice-acting ranges from mediocre to racist, and attempts at humour come off as cheap and lazy.

On top of this, rather than attempt one coherent plot, it jumps between various different plots, including one random segment about a German superhero, who is German purely for the sake of a theme song sung in a stereotypical German accent accompanied by accordion music. Rather than reaching a satisfying conclusion, every single one chooses to end on something random/offensive.

Everything that could go wrong here did go wrong. This is as close to an animated car-crash as you can get without animating a car crash.
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smileyguyisnotbillnye26 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is bad, like REALLY bad. It looks like some 2 year old attempted to animate on 3ds Max for the first time and cash in on the VeggieTales craze.So apparently this film has a plot. This film is supposedly about Jack..? (I think that's what his name is) and Mary Jane, but yet I CANNOT TELL IF THIS FILM HAS A PLOT. I mean 1 second it's about Jack and Mary Jane, then five seconds later you hear "MR. POE! And Yogel" bursting through your speakers. This is possibly a child's nightmare, or worse. The animation's how terrible the animation is. It's an eye-bleeding catastrophe. Do not watch this terrible film and DO NOT show it to your kids, especially if you want to sleep tonight.
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Very Confusing Summary I think about Bob?
caidenw-370506 December 2016
I'd honestly rate Dorbees lower if I could. The animation is SO bad, it'll make your own kids claw their eyes out and THEN some! The quality of the graphics is worse than MANY mockbusters out there!

I've seen cheap direct-to-DVD 3D-animated movies better than this! At least they TRIED! I don't even think they tried with this movie.

This movie came out around the time Toy Story came out in theaters! While Toy Story had really high quality graphics and animation back then, there's TV shows with graphics and 3D animation out around that time that were STILL 100 times better than this piece of garbage!

Don't watch this movie. Just don't. Almost any other movie is better than this! Watch almost anything instead of this! This truly will likely give your kids nightmares!
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This is garbage
laluzescristo26 May 2021
This is trash because the voice is cringe and the animation suck.
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Just Plain Strange But With A Good Moral
sethhamm200120 December 2016
I admit, Dorbees has a bad quality of animation and the characters were a little strange. Jack and Mary Jane are just little balls that roll around, they can grow arms and legs along with hair, eyes, and a mouth and clothes but can just go back to a ball that kind of looks like Pac-Man. It is a little surreal. I think that Gaither Studios' animation was not at its best at that point, they were most likely just starting out with little experience. But, the quality in this video is actually quite a bit better than Gaither's Pond: The Lure Depths even though they were released a year apart. I think it is also weird that almost everyone in the crew had a nickname in the credits, and all of them were immature. This video does have a good Christian moral to it, but it shows the moral in two segments: Jack and Mary Jane literally escaping from school and going in a haunted house, a Scandinavian Dorbee arriving to the dock and going to Dig's to get clothes but was lied to when he asked if he looked good in the clothes so that Dig could get money. The segments were told by an old red Dorbee and a young orange Dorbee with a Southern accent that talks a lot and very quickly which appears in one of the segments out of the blue in the haunted house. There is also a segment called "Mr. Poe and Yogul" which did not fit in with the overall theme very well at all.
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My Eyes! Ooooh my EYES!!!
antongrozny10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Doorbees is clearly supposed to be a ripoff of Veggitales, except that it fails on every account. The plot: virtually non-existent. It's hard to understand what any of these loosely created stories have to do with one another, and the moral seems more slapped on as an afterthought. And the tonal shifts are an assault on the viewer's experience. Plus, the animation is so bad, it's hard to tell what the plot is even supposed to be (more on animation later).

The characters: poorly written. It's hard to tell what their personalities are, and the voice talent is mediocre at best (though credit where it's due, the songs are actually pretty good, but that's because the writers for this film are a professional Christian band). However, there are other times where the voice acting is so quiet, I can barely make out what they are saying (clearly they weren't using a studio for some of the voice recordings). A lot of people have complained about Mr. Poe and Yogul having stereotypical German accents that hang on the edge of racist, but honestly, I didn't mind it as much (it was the only dialogue that seemed consistently coherent in the whole film.)

The animation: ok, now we get to the elephant in the room; the animation...

Oh Gosh...the animation.

How do I put this?

To quote the Nostalgia Critic in his FoodFight! Review, "this is crapping your pants in front of Pixar and calling it your magnum opus embarrassing!" Good GRAVY! This is bad! I know this was made in 1998, but for context, Toy Story came out around this time, and Reboot had come out years prior, plus Veggitales was a thing (which this show clearly ripped off). They have NO excuse for this flaming piece of trash!

The film breaks every rule of CGI animation! The lighting is abysmal (sometimes the backgrounds are so dark, we can't even see what's going on half the time), the rendering is non-existent, the characters and backgrounds are constantly clipping through one another, the squash and stretch is poorly done and half the time it looks like the characters are having a seizure, every character looks dead-eyed and lifeless, the overuse of highly saturated colors makes this film an eyesore to watch, the character design is something straight out of an uncanny valley nightmare, the texturing is poorly done (most notably the cow, where the textures appear to be stretching and disjointed), and they can't even do circles properly-the FIRST thing you learn to animate in animation school! And the close up shots-these things are scary enough from a distance! I don't want to see these things up close! This is like something done by a first year animation student, one that got a big fat F on it!

Overall, this film is like watching animation die right in front of you. My eyes were literally in pain after watching this! I am a Christian, and I admire the message they are trying to get across, but what a horrible way to present it! This makes Joshua and the Promised Lan look like the Mona Lisa in comparison. This should be studied as a prime example of everything an animated film should NEVER be! Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go find a melon-baller and pull my eyeballs out!
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Bad movie
Markiegee5510 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This video is bad, but the music is really rad, the plot is not there, its a VeggieTales ripoff (obviously), the acting is terrible, the animation is bad and this is after Toy Story. But the theme song lyrics are OK, and don't get me started on unexpected segment with Mr. Yogel, that was random and unexpected plus, why there's a security system in a school? And the ending is the weirdest of all but I don't want to go over the details right now but its really weird. Anyways, bad animation, bad acting and good music, and weird segments but nice visuals for the song that Jack and Mary Jane sang with the trumpet playing squirrels and the helicopters acting like the spotlights, its really cool!
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wandalovesharold12 April 2021
I am writing this at my great uncle's funeral. I hope my parental units do not see me writing this during the sermon but I watched this masterpiece at 4am last night and I couldn't let another moment slip by without sharing my true feelings. "Dorbees: Making Decisions" is a cinematic wonder. I have never watched anything nearly as good. The soundtrack brought me to tears. The voice acting was so realistic I thought I was having a direct conversation with Old Delta Dorbee. Maybe its because of my schizophrenia, but I think it's the magic of this film. The plot was fast-paced and never boring. It truly made me reevaluate my morals and decision-making choices. YOU MUST WATCH THIS.
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daniellmoore13 January 2017
I've seen and read some of the bad reviews of this animated short. They are fundamentally flawed as they fail to acknowledge Dorbees artistic merits and groundbreaking art style. It truly is Pollock to Hopper's Toy Story, which at the time some struggled to accommodate widespread recognition. Dorbees esoteric nature is perhaps responsible for its mediocre to shoddy rating. Nonetheless, I find that Jacks's moving and often emotional character arc is nothing short of a modern literary masterpiece that will be worshiped alongside other pinnacles of human achievement. Like Sisyphus I am tormented on a daily basis knowing that I will never produce anything that shall rival or even pay homage to Dorbees: Making Decisions and that all else is meaningless.

Like the mythical Chimera, Dorbees must be respected for its hybrid nature. It should be recognised for its musical, artistic, dramatic, and satirical elements which unlike the Chimera are certainly not fictitious. I suspect the digital remastering of Orson Welles' Citizen Kane will make sure that the word "Dorbees" will be uttered in place of "Rosebud" such is the artistic merit of this short. I hope that others will appreciate this film as I have.
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The Peak of Television
drewdayton-7512130 March 2019
How to begin describing a powerhouse of television? There are no words that can show the importance of this show.

If I were to try and describe this, I would begin with the animation style. I have never seen round objects look so good on a television screen. Even for a show that came out now twenty years ago it vastly outranks anything that could be created in the modern era. I have no idea how the geniuses were able to animate in a manner that would overcome my high standards for animation, and I never want to know how they were able to accomplish this.

Moving right along, I will now discuss the stories of Dorbees. That's right, stories. As in multiple. When has a television show ever been able to combine three completely unrelated stories under a common theme? And the best part of it is, all three stories are masterclasses, each one improving upon the last. Jack, Dig, and Mr. Poe each taught me more about how to make the right decision better than even my parents could. Even some of the "best written" shows of all time could not compete with this. Dorbees is amazing about subverting our expectations in the correct ways, as God intended.

Next, the music. It's glorious, and no more words need to be said.

To close, whomever decided to cancel Dorbee's after only one glorious episode is a coward who should seriously reconsider his decision and give these brave and ground breaking men and women another opportunity to strike gold again. But it would not be gold struck, it would be the existential questions that we all have in life.
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A Real Life Changer
TheBLTSandwich15 December 2020
Every college kid knows that exams week is stressful. This semester was no exception, so to pacify our nerves, my animation class gathered together to watch Dorbees: Making Decisions. Before this half-hour piece of media was exposed to my eyeballs, I had no clue what to expect. Never would I have guessed that this magnificent film would change my life entirely.

Before watching Dorbees, I was a very indecisive person, but as the title would suggest, this film presented some great insight on how to make better choices. Why would I buy overalls at the general store for 59 cents when I could get some for free, like Flec did? Or wallow in a dark pit of despair for 15 years when I could ask Mary Jane to go get help, just as Jack did? This movie was surprisingly deep for a work meant for children. Thanks to Dorbees, I now can make informed, healthy decisions surrounding my shopping addiction and crippling depression.

The characters in Dorbees were extremely well-written and believable. Jack's burning desire for wanting to grow old reminded me of my own longing for an adult life of stability and success. Delta reminded me of the warm patriarch figure that is my grandfather. His soothing voice pulled me into the story and had me asking for more. Mr. Poe was a true hero and a noble man, which is what we need in this country more than ever. Even minor characters were amazingly detailed. The schoolteacher's love for math was an important reminder of the vital role arithmetic and geometry has in our science-based society.

My favorite character had to be Flec. His zany nature and ability to randomly pop up anywhere in the universe, thus breaking all laws of physics and normalcy, was a hilarious source of comic relief. His inability to enunciate his dialogue and speak at a speed that anyone could understand kept me on my toes. It was much fun trying to guess exactly what in the world he was saying! Oh, and I can't forget about the Dorbee who was watching TV in arbitrary cut scenes. I aspire to have a snack stash like his one day!

Perhaps the most impressive aspect about Dorbees (aside from the plot, characters, animation, really everything) was the music. I'm shocked they have yet to produce Dorbees: the Broadway Musical, because the soundtrack was STUNNING. "Go to Dig's" had some sick rhymes, and "I Wanna Be Grown Up" has been stuck in my head all day long. They also included some all-time classics in the movie, such as "U Can't Touch This" and "Rocky Mountain High." I wish I had the talent that the composers and singers in Dorbees possessed. One day, I would love to own the album from the film.

Overall, Dorbees: Making Decisions impacted me in ways I never would have imagined.

11/10, a must watch. I hope that it inspires you the way that it inspired me.

As my animation professor once said, "Dorbee on!"
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Everything is Terrible brought me here!
fishielemondude9 January 2017
back in 2015, I haven't heard of Dorbees but I ask the uploader to upload a video and now there's crappy CGI but it's still an Old Video since Ant's Life ripoff, this one is still good but a bit ugly when they have a DVD that was really hard to watch. If you haven't watch Dorbees, don't criticized this, it was just an old 90's stuff but the Gaither videos did a hard work of cheap animated.

I know how it was made with cheap editing and cheap Animated software that could run on Windows 98, I like the 90's and 2000's but Reboot is still a really good show.

Animation 5/10

Characters 3/10

Music 8/10

Plot 6/10

10/10 looks better but a little bit decent or mediocre's or something?!
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Doctor-Insane4 June 2024

1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries.

2. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.

3. If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later.

4. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system. This revolution may or may not make use of violence; it may be sudden or it may be a relatively gradual process spanning a few decades. We can't predict any of that. But we do outline in a very general way the measures that those who hate the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against that form of society. This is not to be a POLITICAL revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society.
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