"Better Call Saul" Mabel (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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InVinceable Gilligan
matt-n-ay14 April 2018
Much subtlety and intrigue. For those who know how Gilligan writes/directs, this is exactly the pace he wants. The last this Vince Gilligan wants is to rush a story just to create some "action". He's awesome; and absolutely the last thing he can be guilty of is being boring. Today, everyone's a critic, so discount the nay-sayers. Gilligan cut his teeth with X-Files; he then blew the doors off of TV excellence with BREAKING BAD. Trust him when it comes to producing/writing/directing; he knows what he's doing. Impatient viewers who have no appreciation for style and pace shouldn't be listened to. Great episode and great series.
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Picks up right where it loft off at the end of Season 2 Warning: Spoilers
BETTER CALL SAUL is back for Season 3 and it picks up right where Season 2 left off, when Chuck tricked Jimmy into confessing that it was he who sabotaged the Mesa Verde deal. That great plot twist has just been revealed to us in the first scene and we watch as Chuck proceeds to play his brother, knowing now that this man now has the means to destroy his brother totally. But Vince Gilligan never lets his plot lines play out in a straight line, the tape may be problematic in an open court, but Chuck clearly has a plan and it is to surely make Jimmy suffer. The ever loyal Ernest has a role to play in all of it as well, as revealed in another scene which proved just how devious and manipulating Chuck McGill can be.

The other main plot line concerns Mike Ehrmantraut, who is being electronically tracked by someone after a note was left in his vehicle after nearly killing Uncle Tio in the Season 2 finale. For us Mike fans, this was one of his best arcs as it proves just how smart and tough this character really is, outmaneuvering his unseen opponent through persistence and tenacity, all without never cracking a smile or letting on that he takes any satisfaction from getting the upper hand.

Kim Wexler and Jimmy are off to a rocky start in their new partnership for despite their attraction for each other, their styles will never mesh. The Air Force Major Jimmy scammed back in Season 2 makes return in one scene and it is clear we have not seen the last of him and Jimmy tangling. We get a glimpse at future Jimmy, or Gene the Cinnibon Manager, who is put in a situation and makes a decision in the pre credits sequence that will surely have consequences going forward.

Over the past two seasons, and previously on BREAKING BAD, Vince Gilligan has proved to be the master of the dramatic slow build and this season appears to be no different. But those slow builds have led to some worthwhile places over the years and he and his collaborators have mined gold in a world of schemers, deceivers, dreamers and henchmen who know way more than they let on.

Gus Fring has not shown up yet, but he is on his way; and how many fans are not going to able to look at their gas caps quite the same way again.
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Slow but attractive
hc199212918 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I do agree with some people saying that this is a slow or maybe "boring"start, but it is definitely NOT a waste of time! If you have watched BB or BCS, we already know how these shows operate. They build off slowly, 2 or 3 episodes of slowness then BAM! All what you previously thought as slowness in progression or boredom are suddenly all tied up together. I cannot emphasize enough on how much details they put in this show and almost every shot is in there for a reason. I used be someone who would keep watching a show until the finale because I always needed a closure. However, recently I have become very selective, if a show is not attractive enough I would just abandon it like the Walking Dead. I was a fan of the Walking Dead for 6 seasons. The walking dead is a live example of how a waste of time a show can be, only maybe 100mins of story-telling and the rest are just fillers. But for better call saul, almost in every shot, you can find something interesting, something describing the characters. When I watch BCS, even tho its a bit slow in progression but it is definitely worth it and I do not feel like I wasted my time
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Season 3 off to a great start!
jeremynichols7515 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The excitement for seasons 3 of Better Call Saul for me personally was off the charts. I felt that season 2 ended perfectly and I couldn't wait to see what they did here.

Let's talk about Jimmy and Chuck first. I like how they still have the brother connection, with Jimmy admitting he broke the law in season 2 and Chuck pointing out that Jimmy will pay for it. The relationship between the two continues to divide. Some have complained about the duct tape scene, and how it was not needed. However, anyone that knows character development knows how important the scene is. For Jimmy, he'll just rip the tape away, like a band aid and not take his time. Jimmy will find the shortest route from A to B, basically, and not worry about what happens in between. Chuck on the other hand is slow and methodical, he plays the long game, crafting his path from A to B very carefully. That's why Chuck's the perfect adversary to Jimmy, they're opposites.

Jimmy and Kim continue to see their business get better, but their relationship is still rocky after season 2. Kim is also finding herself being more and more dragged into doing things the way Jimmy would. Her re-editing of the document over and over shows that while she has an attention to detail, she's also fighting inside to keep her morals and do things the right way and not take the shortcuts Jimmy shows her (which could help her career). I feel for Kim, she's caught in the crossfire of good and bad and both sides have major appeal.

Mike, oh Mike, who's quickly becoming my favorite character on the show. I've heard complaints about Mike tearing apart the car, and how it wasn't needed. But, as a matter of fact, it was. See, Mike wouldn't just check the gas cap for the bug, no one thinks to look there. So he tore the car apart, which shows that he has attention to detail and is willing to go the distance to find out who's tracking him. Gus Fring is the kinda guy that goes to extraordinary lengths to do his job, and so does Mike, and this is simply character development for the two. You have to remember, we know these two characters from watching Breaking Bad, but now we're seeing more of them in action, and there are new viewers who don't know these two, so we need character development.

I like Howard and Chuck working together against Jimmy as well, not knowing what they have in store is keeping me glued to the TV. It'll be interesting to see what Chuck can come up with to fight Jimmy with, and it seems he's going to try and beat Jimmy at his own game, which will make for some interesting story telling.

The episode itself moves at a medium pace and before you know it, it's over. None of it is boring, that is, if you're a fan of the show. It pushes characters forward, brings back one from last season who gets in Jimmy's face and pushes him to be more Saul like, and we get more time with Jimmy in present day, which is always great.

More then worth your time and a great start to season 3.
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Good start
sivaprasanna24620 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I hear people saying it is too damn slow and dragging. And some even mentioned how they showed Mike tearing up is car, setting up a tracker for so long. All I want to say is, these scenes clearly show Mike's characteristics. Cold, calculated, patience. They are the key characteristics of Mike and the creators/writers did an awesome work to pull it off without making you feel so bored. Scenes like this bring back the Breaking Bad vibes. I guess those who say it's slow, haven't watched Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad is known to have this slow paced episodes leading you up to top notch creative masterpieces and I'm pretty sure this will happen with Better Call Saul.
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Better Call Jimmy
awais-ali199122 April 2017
It is always interesting to see the Gilligan making variations in the Pace of the show, looks like a good start to me as started exactly from where it left in last season. Costumes and sound effects improved a lot. Episode is a little bit slow to the extent of not clearly telling what to expect in next episode. I am writing this lately but i hope this will lead me to watch second episode right after i write this review. I love the show and jimmy's way of talking. Well hope for his brother not leaving him in desperation again.
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Good Start to Season 3 - Lots of Poetic License with USAF
brooks25012 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The B & W, Midwestern tedium of Jimmy's post Breaking Bad world is so beautifully nuanced and realistic that I felt compelled to comment about his conflict with the Air Force captain who rightfully shows up with a "what the hell?" objection about the scam tour and misuse of Kirtland AFB property and personnel.

Dramatically, the scene played well and we get a couple of takeaways: 1. Jimmy can't deny that he is a sleazy lawyer just as his brother and others see him. 2. Even when caught, he will do anything to save himself -- In this case, he threatens to expose the Captain's mistake in letting him on the base in the first place.

In real life (yes, I know, it's just a TV show, but ...) anyone seeking entrance to a military base for a tour must go through the public affairs office, which background checks visitors. So the captain/pilot is not in the picture. He's busy training and flying. Also, let's say Jimmy and his UNM film crew manage to distract the PAO and shoot the spot. This commercial would have been seen and discussed by all of the command staff. There would be no secret as to how he talked his way onto the base and the Judge Advocate General (military lawyer) would be the one to make a visit (though in real life he or she would probably just make a threatening call). If Jimmy wanted to play tough guy, he'd soon get a visit from the US District attorney and that would be that. Still, it was a fun plot thread, but you can't get over on Uncle Sam.
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Good opening to season 3 could be start of something good...finally.
heisenberg1211 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Forget seasons 1 and 2. Any die hard Breaking Bad fan knows they're not up to par. But season 3 spends a welcoming opening 10 minutes in Saul's black and white Cinnabon manager world post-Breaking Bad. Subtle humor and amusement seep through, and the resemblances of Saul to Walter White in certain clips are satisfyingly refreshing. After all, Saul is from Walter White's team and fallout.

Rewinding back to Jimmy McGill, hints of fate begin to kick in more poignantly as phrases of wisdom of impending doom are scattered throughout his interactions, particularly with the Air Force cadet who has a vendetta with "ambulance chasing" lawyers, but for once Jimmy ain't backing down and talks back to the man in "Saul Goodman" form.

Mike is playing the car bugging game that was fashioned so well in Breaking Bad with whoever is tracking him. By now we all know where the smell of this trail is leading- to fried chicken, and previews of episode 2 promisingly show Gus Fring at Los Pollos Hermanos.

The camera work is absolutely top notch and everyone seems to be having fun again, especially Mike, who really loves his stakeouts. Minor touches here and there are timely and attentive to detail, showing that Gilligan and Gould are going for the kill, which is to knock season 3 out of the park. We know for this to happen someone (or several people) will have to break bad.

Let's hope they can pull it off.

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lassegalsgaard11 August 2023
The long game is still being played and even though we're not three seasons into this journey, there's still a lot of questions about the endgame. There are still a lot of things that need to fall into place before we can believably give up Jimmy McGill and accept him as the sleazy lawyer who assisted Walter White in his crimes. However, with this episode, it seems like the creators are finally starting to put the blocks down and direct the story in that direction. This was another suspenseful premiere full of great storytelling, and impeccable performances from actors who're on top of their game.

If anyone would go on the escapades that Jimmy has and take on all of this baggage, it would surely take a toll on your mental state. This episode starts to show some of the walls in the armor that Jimmy is hiding behind, and as his relationship with Chuck worsens, so does his mentality. The cold open ultimately proves to be a warning of what's to come for Jimmy, and it may have some consequences that will bring the brother's relationship into irreparable territories. It does set a stage for some truly memorable moments in this episode, including a scene between the brothers in the beginning of the episode that's both heartbreaking and enthralling. At the same time, the previous season left us on a huge cliffhanger with Mike, which gets some more attention here, but is still left slightly ambiguous. Most people have probably guessed who was on the other end of that message, but it's fun to see how Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould take their time to deconstruct the easy way out and still keep the audience on their toes for any clue as to what is happening. They are taking their time, and that's exactly what we want if it brings this level of brilliant storytelling. Many paths have emerged since the inception of this show, but it seems like they're finally ready to boil it down and send their characters in the direction that they need to go in order to reach "Breaking Bad," and it's a thrilling ride.

"Mabel" is a great opener that throws out conventional wisdom and continues to give the writers time to cook and go ahead at slow pace. The storytelling on display is so vivid and masterful that even a turtle's pace would be enough to keep everyone invested, and they're clearly setting a clear path right ahead.
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Get to the Point
Hitchcoc22 May 2018
I'm usually annoyed by the impatience of people who want everything fast paced. As an old guy, it strikes me as an example of our attention deficit disorder as a country. However, this is one time where everything is pretty much on hold. The focus on Mike and his efforts with the gas cap seem terribly prolonged. Also, we know that Chuck is coming after Jimmy. Maybe the showdown needs to take place. I will forgive them if some dynamite is delivered soon.
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Exciting ending.
TheFirst0129 December 2019
This is just a what's gonna happen next episode to leave you hooked for the season.
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Time, Jimmy, and Chuck with a spoiler
darbski14 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This might have spoilers I agree with some of the other reviewers that they're wasting way too much time on minutiae. One of the other things is that ... TEN EPISODES A YEAR?? Come on! Go back and check other dramatic series for the past and you'll find highly talented acting, directing, producing and well; everything. And yet, they could turn out thirty to forty very good episodes a year, probably for less money; certainly less time. What else are these people doing? The plots aren't progressing very fast, the setting doesn't change (no city to city displacement) No real weather difficulties, so maybe the actors are way too busy with the rest of their commitments? Possibly? I would think that this series would be enough to hold them to task. Now, here is where there might be a spoiler alert (not sure). In this entire show to date, we only have Chuck's word that Jimmy was a real bad son, don't we? And Chuck is a paranoid, scheming, conniving, creepy fink. I submit that Jimmy was much less responsible for his father's business failing than was his dad's inattention to business. Further, is anyone at all sure that it isn't Chuck himself that was the dirty rat in that family? Jimmy being a con man may be a result of those circumstances. Kim is a good lawyer and is one of those who is sure she can change the guy she loves; hope it turns out well for her.
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Better call chuck??
thevegastourist-0127 July 2022
Getting real tired of this being about Chuck. I thought this was about "Sal". Chuck really needs a ride to the train station. Not sure how this show can last as long as long as this nutcase remains the focus of so many episodes.

Can we get back on track??
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Great opener
Leofwine_draca16 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A great season opener again. A bit of everything here: humorous situations and characters, drama from the intrigue, and some suspense thriller plotting with Mike's character supplying that aspect. Nothing to dislike at all; a true mark of a professional at work.
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I expected more from the beginning
elizabeth_pimentel_1913 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've lost 51 minutes of my life to see nothing. I have been waiting for more than a year anxiously for this ?, a series with only 10 chapters per season and have wasted a good opportunity to do something excellent. I'm not a film critic, and not a series, I write in this place for the first time, I hope someone explains, what is this chapter? What is your intention Maybe all I feel now is exactly what they wanted to get. Well, congratulations on your first chapter. Disappointed.
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Booooring !!!
kenanbajric19 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Whole this episode could fit in about 360 seconds. Too much play with camera, crazy camera angles, but NO story !!! We want to see some happening there, we lost about 15 minutes just on Mike who playing with screwdriver and some batteries, and we don't WHY !!! I cant believe that same guy wrote this and 'Breaking Bad'.. I think that you record this series just for money..
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