Oasis (TV Movie 2017) Poster

(2017 TV Movie)

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Brilliant but forgotten
g-p-mason29 October 2019
So the studios and providers throw money hand over fist at remakes of old TV shows but something like this which had the potential to be so much more gets left behind. How many friken superman or batman movies can they make before we all die of boredom with shows and films that barely have a plot.

Don't miss this and just imagine what it could have been.
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Loved this Pilot, but Amazon let us down!
Opinion0212222 May 2020
This was originally on Amazon Prime as a Pilot program, users were asked to rate it so Amazon could decide whether to continue with the series. Over 1500 viewers voted it as a 5 out of 5, and yet, Amazon didn't pick it up! Why? I have no idea. I kept writing to customer service asking WHEN tge series would continue,but got no information. Then, after a long time on a Amazon with NO more esisodes, it disappeared, along with all the reviews and ratings. Is it good as a stand alone "movie?" No, but it WAS a terrific pilot. Amazon really disappointed a lot of Prime members by not following through with the series!
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Great with a lot of room to grow
Ryomaru18 March 2017
You cannot fully judge a book by its cover, or a series from its Pilot, yet it shows incredible promise. Richard Madden displays in yet another show how good of an actor he really is, most of the surrounding cast is on par, and immediately you feel there is depth to the characters they play.

The plot appears plausible and realistic, the scifi elements are well thought out, complemented by good cgi and very good directing. It feels like a spiritual successor to Earth II, only better in every way, and more complete.

There are some bits of acting I dislike and some parts where I found the plot lacking, with as much of the story not being revealed its entirely possible my opinion will change.
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One of the best pilots I've watched!
ick_9919 March 2017
It's hard to rate a pilot on a star system but I gave Oasis a 10/10 because it is one of the best pilots I've watched, it was effective and it left me wanting more.

The opening credits are astounding (as is the opening song). Richard Madden gives another wonderful performance as Peter Leigh, with more layers to explore with his character.

Haley Joel Osment is very likable as Sy, a botanist who is more intelligent then he is getting credit for.

Anil Kapoor plays a leader well as Vikram Danesh, Antje Traue has a strong presence as security officer Sarah Keller. Zawe Ashton, Maureen Sebastian and Michael Shaw all give performances that make you want to see more of their characters.

This one is a winner Amazon, please make a season or seasons out of it. Good acting/directing/effects/and great use of location. Hope we see more from Oasis!
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When is this season going to start?
ccabek-0036023 May 2017
Really liked the pilot of Oasis the show on Amazon. I would like Amazon to produce the entire season 1. Has this show already been a series in UK? If so is there another way we can view the whole of season 1 in the USA. I thought the pilot was intriguing and the last scene leaves many questions which would be great to explore in a full show, not just a pilot
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Just get on with it!
peypsk12 May 2020
Finally I thought, a different series that isn't a clone of other series. Great story, great cast etc. Come on amazon, get it made already! It ain't as if you can't afford it and you are producing other shows which are simply crap so get rid of them and do this properly and you just might start edging in with the big boys ie. netflix, Disney etc etc
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Pilot Leaves You Wanting More!!!
ryvampd26 March 2017
Loved the pilot! Fantastic ground work, room for extravagant growth , moves at a nice pace with no holes in the story, defiantly leaves you wanting more. The cast is a mix of several ethnicities, adding depth and dynamic to the show. I am not a "Sy-Fy" fan-but this has a perfect balance "sy-fy", reality and futuristic qualities, with out making you want walk away. No CGI (if there is, I can't tell) great selection for filming location. Really hope they "run" with this show, a lot of potential to be a in the high 8's possibly 9's. Highly Recommended!
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naximuz20 March 2017
This was a fantastic pilot with great acting. I stumbled across this show not knowing what I was getting into and was surprised by the quality.

The cinematography, the writing, the acting, the color setting, the plot, everything was exceptional.

I really hope Amazon makes this one of their prime series. I was perhaps even more impressed by this one than the Man in the High Castle pilot.
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Would have been great
scottcbluth21 March 2020
Amazon really screwed the pooch on this one. A fantastic pilot. I was so looking forward to this becoming my next obsession. Like every aspect of the entertainment industry, the people who decide what will be and what will not are completely clueless. Movie, music, movies, all run by shortsighted idiots with zero vision and zero creativity they wouldn't know real art if it came up and bit them on the adst. Play it safe rehash old garbage never be groundbreaking or even original. That's why this pilot isn't a show I can watch every week
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Intriguing, so I read the book
remembervhs2 October 2017
I saw this pilot a while ago when it came out. Afterwards, I noticed that the series is based on a novel by Michel Faber, author of "Under the Skin" (adapted into an interesting art movie).

I read "Under the Skin" years ago and enjoyed it. It was an interesting novel: entertaining but interested in discussing big ideas in an accessible manner. I liked it quite a bit, so I picked up "The Book of Strange New Things" (the source material for Oasis).

What's the verdict? The novel was very good, but I'm worried about the show. I don't think TV/film should adapt the source material slavishly, but so many plot elements seem to have been removed in the show.

-The relationship between the main character in his wife is central to the novel whereas she appears to die in the pilot.

-The planet (Oasis) in the novel is humid, with constant rain and an oppressive atmosphere, not a desert. Food is the main concern for the human colonists, not water.

-Alien life on the planet is a key element in the novel; the protagonist is brought to Oasis to deal with the aliens, not the humans on the base.

Could the series turn out okay? Maybe. But it seems like the more challenging/interesting aspects of the novel have been removed in favor of a more straightforward mystery. That's not a good sign.

It's a pity in a way, because I believe the plot of the book would have been suitable for a closer adaptation.
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They need to make this series
deadlynexos15 November 2018
I still want to watch more great first episode please make more
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wolflambert12 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Book of Strange New Things is one of the best things I've read in a while. Naturally, I was interested in a series adaptation, although my expectations for this weren't too high. And yeah, this is very decent, but nothing more than that.

I can't say that the added plot lines benefit the story as a whole. It's as if they just had to put a B-plot in there, something which the story just doesn't call for. Why the mysterious deaths? What purpose are the David Morgan character and his disappearance there to serve? Why does the colony now have a somewhat authoritarian Indian leading figure? The portrayal of the USIC base is nothing like it is in the book; the disconnected nostalgia of the interior in The Book of Strange New Things was quite key to the story, at least to me.

Also, to someone who hasn't read the book, this just has to be confusing. It's as if they wrote the entire thing based on a description of the book, instead of the book itself, and tried to figure out what would happen next on their own. There's no mention of the Jump or the scientific advancements, something that was only briefly touched on in the book, but at least it was mentioned; the launch just happens, and that's it. Why is a priest being sent to Oasis? Is this going to be full of Christian propaganda? What is this planet anyway?

I would watch more episodes of this, if only just because I'm very curious as to where they're going to take this thing. As of right now, though, I'm not sure if I'm on board. (Also, the shot at 00:58 makes me cringe whenever I see it. It looks as if it was taken straight out of a fragrance commercial.)
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terrible execution with too many flaws
mbamne-124 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of the show, though nothing original, is inherently in a category that demands justice from lovers of sci-fi "drama." The pilot however is a severe disappointment.

The most terrible transgression is that it seems either the original novel "The Book Of Strange New Things" or this adaptation is written by someone with not even a modicum of scientific knowledge. When you start a pilot with a planet "across the galaxy," I demand to know at-least a snippet of the back story.

How was this planet discovered? What technology have we developed to reach this planet? All we saw was a rocket... a freaking rocket... how did this rocket take our protagonist to the other side of the galaxy? How did we discover a planet on the other side of the galaxy and apparently nowhere else that is capable of supporting human life? This planet magically or by happenstance has 1g, 1 atm, a magnetic field of equivalent strength to earth, it seems to have no indigenous vegetation however there is breathable oxygen. How can there be oxygen without vegetation, how is there no microbial life at all on this planet with oxygen and liquid water? How are the new inhabitants on this planet using GPS tags, without satellites orbiting this planet to provide GPS coverage? How is communication with earth possible, when this planet is on the other side of the galaxy? If it only cost $100 million to send someone to this planet why are there not more qualified people on this planet already? Why is there no supra-governmental organization or a corporation in- charge of this colonization? Why has humanity left its future in the hand of one or two clearly unqualified and uninspired leaders? In what realistic scenario does humanity on this brink of collapse and having discovered a life line, would put any individual in charge with no accountability and an abysmal support or administrative system on the other side of the galaxy.

It was almost frustrating to watch the pilot. While I was rooting for the old king of the North, this is as terrible and as badly explained of a "sci-fi" show as one could imagine - not in 2017. Maybe 30 years ago when the general public's scientific/cosmological awareness was far more minimalist than at the present, maybe "Oasis" can get a pass on these topics. It is however simply unacceptable in 2017, and it is not acceptable to simply wait with abated breath and move the unanswered questions into the mystery column, because quite simply if humanity is colonizing a planet on the other end of the galaxy for the very first time - it is absolutely critical that you explain or give at least the slightest of hint as to how this planet was discovered, how it can be reached, how does it have Earths gravity, atmospheric pressure, magnetic field, how does it have breathable oxygen and water?

Unless it explained in subsequent episode that a wormhole was discovered x number of years ago and for some reason that was edited out of the first episode, or some sort of mysterious time traveling has taken place and Oasis is in-fact Earth or something a little bit more crazy than that. I see no possible angle by which the errors and omissions would not lead to a laughable and humiliating cancellation.
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Shades of Lem and Tarkovsky's SOLARIS...a good thing
Mike_Olson18 March 2017
Very good pilot episode of what could turn out to be the next big series from Amazon Studios.

"Set in the near future, Oasis tells the story of priest Peter Leigh, who is called to a remote planet where a mysterious multinational company is building the first permanent off-Earth human colony."

Religion is no stranger to science fiction. I've always preferred my science fiction to have religious elements in small doses, if at all. OASIS unites the two with the main character being a priest but it's handled well and is still firmly within the realm of science fiction. Really good science fiction with shades of Lem and Tarkovsky's SOLARIS, mysterious and surreal...that's a good thing.

Hard to tell from just the pilot if this one will have the legs to keep on running but, if you like well-made science fiction and have access to this pilot episode, do yourself a favor and check it out. Everything clicks including a great soundtrack. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this one.
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getsetbone23 October 2017
Rarely am I left wanting more from the first episode or pilot, normally a show grows as it progresses but this just blew my mind the mystery of it just left me wanting more!! great cast great scenery great story so far. this could be a BIG show if made and directed as superbly as the pilot it would personally make me subscribe to amazon if I weren't already a subscriber

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Enough to get me to watch the second ep
pablo3315822 March 2017
I'm always looking for something new, and being a Sci Fi fan, this hopefully might be the ticket. Right off the bat, the soundtrack reminded me of Interstellar, and the plot will hopefully keep me interested in this series. The effects and scenery look nice, and another plus, aside from 3 actors, I didn't recognize the rest of the actors in this. I've been a fan of Mark Addy since the Knights Tale. I also did a double take when Haley Joel showed up, and the girl from Superman is hot. Hopefully this gets picked up
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Nice project
donmezserkanster25 December 2018
Nice project but why are you waiting? Waiting Impatiently.
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garrysisu9 August 2020
Please make more, its too good we need more quality like this, awesome writing.
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Lots of promise
b-coleman-7597719 March 2017
I have to agree with the others. I really liked this and hope more are made. My wife recommended it and the cast is strong with good actors. Come on Amazon get this one done. It would look good on mainstream and I would be quite happy to watch it on BBC or ITV etc. so very happy if this gets more episodes.
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Frank Herbert's PANDORA
abdullah-1923 March 2017
If anyone read "The Jesus incident" by Frank Herbert, Bill Ransom will see it...

They are making it into a TV show... I know the original plot and its very similar so far (with some differences of course) but I don't know if they gonna change it in the future episodes. I like the acting efforts and atmosphere and I am hopeful. I hope they won't blow it... Because it is a very good plot! But at the same time it is a difficult one...

The "OASIS" name is of course coming from the masterpiece "Dune" And it is just a "salute" to the Frank Herbert...

I am looking forward to see this show.
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Best new pilot of 2017
jackpdn20 August 2017
Absolutely loved this pilot. Please pick this up. Best new show I have watched in a while. Richard Madden was a well found gem in the entertainment industry. From Game of Thrones to Medici. I will follow his work. This has an awesome story line that is easy to get involved in. I want more. I want to know what happens next.
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Nah. Seen so many times before.
sarastro720 March 2017
Of course, this is only the pilot, and I could be wrong. There could be true originality here. But the pilot certainly suggests no such thing. A desert planet? Like in "Screamers", like in "Dune", like in "Riddick", like Tatooine/Jakku? And what's much worse: monsters of the Id? Really? Again? This is one of the single most often-used tropes in sci-fi, from "Forbidden Planet" and "Journey to the Seventh Planet" to "Solaris" and its various knock-offs ("The Sphere"; "Event Horizon"). Some alien intelligence that's messing with our minds. Saves the writer from actually telling a clear story. Nah, no thanks. No offense to the actors, who're doing a good job, but the story... the story just needs to be more. More original, more interesting, more new. This is just more of the same-old, same-old. I am profoundly unimpressed.

I hope I'm wrong, and that the story (if picked up) evolves in novel and unexpected directions.
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How to unravel scientific dilemmas?
fabz23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
You have a problem with a colony on a distant planet? Don't summon a scientist. Why would you get help from a chemist, a physicist, a biologist or a psychologist when you can just hire a priest!

This has to be one of the silliest shows I've seen in a long time. I won't bother going into the plot as it has been detailed by countless other reviews. However should you choose to watch this, be warned to brace yourself for an amazing amount of religious mumbo jumbo. The sets have a distinct low budget feel. The writing is clichéd. Worst of all the priest in space story is just the silliest idea ever. I know it has been done before. It was silly those other times as well!
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Can't see why this didn't get continued after the pilot
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Did Amazon Originals scrap Oasis?
DJNormand27 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very realistic and plausible scenario of how humans might attempt to survive on another planet.

However, there is a deep mystery here as to how this planet effects human beings emotions and senses and Amazon leaves us hanging in the end.

They need to bring this back and at least give us closure even if it's only one episode.

I think most fans would appreciate the gesture from Amazon Originals.
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