Functional Fitness (2016) Poster

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Exposing Crossfit
Lees_World21 January 2018
This was a decent documentary into the world of crossfit - except for me, it opened my eyes even more to the danger of it. The relationships and camaraderie that are built from joining crossfit gets everyone all emotional BUT let's face the foundation of it, people are paying expensive memberships to join a club and be part of something. There's nothing inherently wrong with that but with crossfit, there's great potential for physical injury.

The danger of it comes from the idea that you can take ANYBODY and turn them into an athlete. This is simply not true. There are 3 great examples from the documentary - the lady with the femur fracture, the one with tendinitis, the the really obese one with glasses. They were working out with horrible form. I feel bad for them because none of the trainers ever stepped in to say anything. Shame on you guys.

That's the other danger. There are NO real experts training you - [please realize this. So what even qualifies you to be a trainer or professional at crossfit? Apparently the only prerequisite to open up your own gym is $1000 for a weekend crossfit seminar. After that, you are a certified level 1 trainer and can open up your own gym. Oh..and you need to pay an annual licensing fee of $3000 to CrossFit. That's it.

Being into into athletics and fitness my whole life, I was happy to see a new and exciting sport come into the scene. I even tried crossfit for 3 months a few years ago because I'm always looking to learn and improve. Needless to say, I saw exactly what was documented in this movie. Alot of out of shape, nonathletic people trying out Olympic style moves with trainers who have little to no background in them. The clean and jerk, clean and press, snatch, deadlifts, squats...these are very dangerous exercises. Therefore, crossfit is a dangerous sport because they WILL let anyone through the door.
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A terrible example of how to get fit
phogan-975165 January 2018
Im a personal trainer and this documentary was so shitty its unbelievable. Why do you think most of the main characters got injured at the end of the movie? It's because they were doing dumb shit. They asked that obese woman to try and do a pullup? are you freaking kidding me. Then she was asked to run, and do other workouts untill she was "dizzy and nacious" . No shit she's gonna have fucked up knees at the end like she said she did. The other lader had a broken femur from poor squat form and the another had tendinitis and almost had to have shoulder surgery because she was trying to lift too heavy. FUNCTIONAL FITNESS IS THE WORST TITLE FOR THIS DOCUMENTARY. Cross fit is NOT for everyone. Such a flaming pile of garbage documentary
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Horrible View of fitness
pocketjacks-0042025 February 2019
I like crossfit but hate what it stands for. Crossfit has 1 goal and that is to bash anyone or anything that is not crossfit. This video shows out of shape people who have probably never worked out and a gym owner throwing them into complex exercise movements. This is a recipe for disaster. The one guy who was called the beast of his box, his form was absolutely horrible and half the stuff he was doing wasnt even a full rep. Just because you are a gym owner doesn't qualify you as a trainer. You can become certified with a weekend course. I went to school for 4 years for kinesiology and my bachelor's degree doesn't certify me to be a trainer yet these people get all the knowledge they need in a weekend course? Bull!! Crossfit is all about the money, bottom line. $150 a month memberships and the gyms aren't even open all day. And $3000 fee to use crossfit in the name of the gym? Its ridiculous. There is a program for everyone and no one program should bash another. Nice try but this documentary failed!!
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An ad, not a documentary
mccaffrey-vincent6 August 2018
This is a shameless promo for a commercial product, disguised as a documentary.
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slugman7630 April 2019
Great promotional video. Not a good documentary. Very one sided and shallow.
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Poorly constructed
tcn-102244 September 2019
This documentary seems very fake and cheesy, the concept of what they were trying to accomplish seems genuine, but the way they constructed it has a very daytime talk show feel.
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Explained this unfamiliar world to me
kristinastrombo17 April 2018
I'm still on the fence whether Crossfit is right for me, but now I have a better understanding of what Crossfit training is, and why it has such a fanatical following and tightknit community. I know that just showing up at a Crossfit gym would not have answered that question for me; it takes time becoming part of that community and investing in the training to get it. I feel like this documentary gave me a broad picture of the approach as well as in-depth looks at individuals' very varied experiences. I saw the good, the bad and the ugly of the Crossfit lifestyle so I feel like this was overall a balanced look at Crossfit as a training regime as well as at the community that surrounds it.
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Out dated
hailey-890848 July 2018
This is a terrible insight into CrossFit. The form these athletes show is not acceptable at 99% of crossfit boxes. This documentary is why Crossfit has getten a bad name.
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jmehiggs8 August 2017
Such an exciting movie to watch! Seeing people with different backgrounds, in different age groups, of varying fitness levels, and sizes motivating one another, supporting one another, pushing one another, is just inspiring. Suddenly you'll find yourself holding your breath and cheering for these athletes as they work. You know how when you watch Rocky you want to run out and start boxing? This movie makes you want to run to the box and start lifting!
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The cringe is unreal!
Jay_Rusty23 November 2019
I gave this movie 1 star because zero star was not available; i really struggled hard to finish this film as the cringe is unreal! Not even 1/2 way in and CF comes off as a cult for Trump voters aka redneck yanks who have a hard-on for the military. Their form is absolutely horrible on most exercises, they seem to have these horrible compulsive-obsessive personalities, they are action-packed with insecurities, they're on a 1-way trip to snap city, the only thing keeping their bodies together literally is all of those ridiculous tapes that they use! 👎🤡👎
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Extremely long and repetitive documentary about 2 Crossfit gyms
xagert29 December 2019
This documentary is about twice as long as necessary. It is extremely repetitive, with multiple interviews of a group of Crossfit gym owners and users, saying the same things over and over again. The title is a misnomer, since "functional fitness", whatever it means, is not the same as Crossfit. And, although a few people do discuss their injuries and a physician points out the dangers of this type of exercise, it nevertheless underplays the unsuitability of the Crossfit style of exercise for many people, including some who appear here.
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A great Insight into what lengths people are going to to get fit!
pollyjeff17 April 2018
I'm not a cross-fitter, I'm not a personal trainer like one reviewer on here. But I found this story interesting and a little motivating, to see what average people are doing to try and get fit using what seems like a brutal regiment. I think that some reviewers have confused with this as an infomercial to Cross-Fit. I didn't think that's what it was at all. Just an honest peer into the people that are getting wrapped up in it. Each story line was interesting and good quality production makes this an interesting documentary. However I will not be signing up for a Cross-Fit session any time soon.
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A wonderful documentary that is not just for die hard trainers.
andycyman1 August 2017
First of all.. you have to understand that this is not just another "exercise' video. This is a full on, in depth documentary filled with rich characters, which just happens to take place in the world of cross fit. Let me be clear.. I personally am not into cross fit as a past time for my self but I am into interesting stories and peeking into a another section of life I don't usually see. This film does exactly that by weaving through multiple characters with different backgrounds and diverse story lines. I imagine those who do follow the cross fit formula will love all the relatable scenes, locations, training methods and camaraderie of the fellow followers. For me, I thought it was a great movie and a must watch for any fan of well crafted documentary films.
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Wish I could rate this higher!
nicholson-026618 March 2018
Getting to see this documentary was such a sweet reminder of the amazing experience that being a part of Crossfit Body Mechanic was to me. I am bothered immensely by the ratings listed here that bash Crossfit and the trainer in this movie. I can tell you I worked my butt off literally and figuratively. I am and always will be a plus sized girl and Casey ALWAYS worked with me on form and function, I never worked so hard was in such good shape as when I was in regular attendance at this box with the same people in this documentary. Myself and my daughter are even in the movie for a tiny moment, again it is such a sweet memory. I moved 3000+ miles away from Crossfit Body Mechanic and while the owners have changed and many other changes have occurred, I have no doubt that the best possible coaching is still being offered and administered by qualified and dedicated coaches. Any haters aught to suck it!
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Loved it!
danyellrose17 April 2018
Great documentary! Enjoyed it thoroughly. The cinematography was spot on.
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An introspective look into the world of Crossfit
functionalfitnessmovie29 April 2024
Through intimate interviews and candid footage, "Functional Fitness" follows the journeys of gym owners, athletes, and beginners alike as they embark on their own personal quests for physical transformation. From the humble beginnings of those just starting their fitness journey to the awe-inspiring achievements of elite athletes, the documentary showcases the incredible diversity and inclusivity of the functional fitness community.

"Functional Fitness" is a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration and motivation on their own fitness journey. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or someone just beginning to explore the world of Crossfit, this documentary offers a compelling and uplifting portrayal of the transformative power of physical activity and the human spirit.
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My review
isy-5169413 January 2018
I'm not known for my physical activity,but after watching this it certainly has peaked my interest. It makes me want to get off my ass and do something. The reality is you don't have to be an all star athlete but a mom of three who just wants to get fit &enjoy a healthier lifestyle. I really was impressed. Great job.
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How to work toward a happier, healthier you.
bamasheridan22 August 2018
I should start by adding a caveat: I have been going to a Crossfit type gym, it is called Industrial Fitness in Ireland. It is not exactly the same but there are a lot of similarities.

The film set out very well some of the fundamentals underpinning crossfit and why it has been such a success. First, it's fun you get to train with a group of people who are all trying to improve their fitness and each of the characters in the documentary were all at different stages bu they were all training to become fitter while meeting new people and enjoying themselves.

Second, and kind of related to the first, it was great to see all the different people who take part in crossfit. From professional athletes who were using crossfit to improve their fitness to complete beginners who were struggling with weight issues.

Another aspect I liked about the film was that it was very motivating. Each of the story lines were very compelling. Whether it was the couple who were trying to get their franchise up and running or the single mom or the personnel from the defence forces and emergency services, you really got a sense of why they were doing what they were doing.

The film also highlights the community aspect of crossfit. It was one of the most interesting aspects of the documentary and captured very well one of the main reasons why I have stuck with it for the last year. Some might see it as almost a cult but if that is the case it is about the best cult going.

The director Bob Rose does a great job in weaving the individual stories in order to tell a bigger story and open up and show the world a glimpse at the heart of Crossfit.
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Entertaining Documentary about CrossFit
bob-7581815 April 2018
Throughly enjoyed this documentary. It was enlightening, surprising funny and even emotional at parts. I recommend this to anyone that likes sports documentaries!!!
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Sweaty truth
lori-1101016 April 2018
Great doc! Doesn't shy away from the hard work it takes.
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