The Revenge of Robert the Doll (2018) Poster

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The Legend of Robert the Doll: 4th part is not the charm
Platypuschow30 March 2018
Robert (2015) was a really quite terrible effort at a killer doll horror movie which somehow someway has had a sequel every year since. So here we are on part 4 and unsurprisingly I wasn't excited to see it.

The first 3 movies amassed nine out of a potential 30 points from me here on IMDB, the best by far being the third.

Here we see the Toymaker on the run from german forces, all eager to get hold of his book and the secrets it contains. If you're watching for killer doll action then you're not going to be happy, the dolls probably make up around 2 minutes of the film total. This is not a film about Robert at all.

Once again it has strong vibes of the Puppet Master (1989) franchise, but fails to live up to even their lackluster quality.

With shoddy effects, ridiculous prosthetics and a generic script this is another dud for the series.

The Good:

Well scored

Archive footage

The Bad:

Most pathetic German accents I've ever heard

Weak sfx

Badly false advertised

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Somewhere along the way the creators thought people would be happy with a killer doll movie with no actual killer doll action
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Rock bottom... almost!
vengeance2013 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the 4th & possibly final time we'll see Robert the doll as per the ending seems to be a prequel starting off from where the first partially began from the weak & watery franchise!

The films picks up from the 3rd film to which the Toy Maker attempts to flee the country. Nazi German SAS Agents are trying to intercept him, while a man & his wife are in possession of the spell book to make dolls come back to life! So while the old man tries to flee on the train with Robert & the 2 other dolls, the wife steels the spell book & goes on a rampage! She comes across a bad man ( I say bad man, because I have no idea what this plum had to do with the story or it's plot let alone overall theme of the film & what relevance he had for being in this film to start with, other than to be a filler character to drag out an already boring tired out story-line!). But any he gets killed along with the fleeing wife by an agent of the German SAS, another twist & then the husband of the wife also gets killed by another German SAS Agent & then the film finally gets back on track to the Toy Maker & there by another bloody massacre between him & the agents ensures!

The film seems to be, like the previous, too over padded & dragged out for it to be a about a killer doll, the focus was neglecting what it was to suppose to be focusing on in the first place! Even the deaths & effects seemed pretty sh!te! The characters were thin & boring & well seemed to be there only for holding the plot up, which even then was way over done & trying to be some else it wasn't, while missing the point of the main focus & theme!

As usual, the deaths were tame & uncreative! There was little to no point in this film other than to make another sequel, then the end came & I knew, this was a prequel of sort for definite, though the previous film demonstrated that too.

Overall a low point sequel with a over padded plot & weak & watery effects, characters & action sequences! The film seemed to be worse than the first 2 in other ways... & that's speaking volumes there!Rock bottom... almost
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Possibly the worst film I have ever seen.
screenager1923 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this film franchise is baffling from start to finish. I only watch them for their comedy value (and believe me, they are so bad that they are genuinely hilarious). 1) Why the 40 minute digression in the beginning, setting up the characters of the abusive husband and the runaway wife? They were completely irrelevant to everything! 2) Why not just cast a real old man for the role of the Toymaker?? Why the extremely rubbish and unconvincing make up job on Lee Bane, who is a much younger man?? 3) In the original Robert film we were told that the doll became possessed after the boy who originally owned it was murdered. Now in the sequels we're supposed to suddenly swallow all this magic book and marauding Nazis crap. Which brings me onto... 4) What exactly is the filmmakers obsession with Nazis? Did he just buy a bunch of expensive Nazi costumes and want to get his money's worth out of them? 5) How on earth is the Toymaker, who already looked about 150 in 1940-whatever, still alive in 2012?? 6) Why is his sister also still alive and only about 70 years old too? And why is he German and she not? 7) Why, why, why??? If you're looking for a well made, scary horror movie, this ain't it. If you're looking for a good laugh, watch it by all means.
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Highly embarrassing - DO NOT waste your time or $
user-322-3261566 April 2018
First of all, you don't even see the doll until 3/4's of the way thru the film. The entire story was ludicrous. I guess the special effects/makeup dept had about $20 for their budget. Because when blood goes to splatter, they use CGI blood to make it appear as if it splattered onto the camera. Also, the old man on the train; I would be HIGHLY EMBARRASSED by the makeup job they did on him. I wouldn't want my name affiliated with doing the makeup on him. They tried making the actor look old. What it looked like was a guy with Silly Putty stuck to his face with cotton balls for eyebrows & hair and also wearing granny glasses. I couldn't believe someone saw what the actor looked like in makeup and said "Yep! Nailed it! He really looks like an old man."

Anyway, do yourself a favor and skip this bomb. It's a time and $ waster.
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Very very bad
dolly_valkyrie7 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I feel obligated to write this review because the only thing horror here is acting. Make German movie but please do not do this ridiculous accent thing. I mean Germans do have and accent but this way too much acting. It is so bad, like telenovela bad, facial expressions are so extreme it is almost a parody. The story is even worse. If there is a slightest thing I like, costumes are good and photography is not that bad. The 4 stars rating this movie has is way too much than it deserves. I will assume this would be kinda interesting if I was 10 or 7 maybe. In my humble opinion do not waste your time.
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Use the phrase horrible
HK_Key-Si_HK29 April 2018
It will always be a mystery to me, why these kind of movies get made. Setting things up in nazi Germany around the 1940s usually goes 2 ways. It will be either extremely authentic with a lot of love to details, focussing on the cruel mindset of the fanatically following soldiers, or, just as we can see in this movie as simply another one of countless examples out there, with the main focus on crappy German accent throughout the entire dialogue lines, preferably adding nothing special to the plot and already were annoying at times of Indiana Jones and such alikes. Just because there are actors like Schwarzenegger (I know, Austrian origin, but the point remains the same), who never ever felt the need to visit a language class to get rid of this accent after living in the US for decades, it doesn't justify a movie made in 2018 to still base entire fims on this atrocity of a conversation tool. And The Revenge of Robert the Doll delivers basically only that. Terrible lines, horrible acting, bad effects and no scares whatsoever throughout the entire film. People get asked a question in this dismembered English and answer back in German. Several times with the lousy cliche "nein". Someone at some point found this funny for no reason. Imagine a country constantly jiggeling over a "no" for almost a century. Your only thought will be: What the...? I can honestly say that I had this thought all the way through, no matter what the movie brought up. On top they like to throw in some other German vocabulary and then it becomes even worse. These actors were not even able to pronounce the words or names of the cities correctly. For sakes of authenticity please use real Germans (even if it might just be for a quick voice over) or stick to your guns and do it in your native tongue. Whatever you do, stop pretending! In this movie there was only one woman fluent in the language and she was not even relevant to the plot. What a sad summary. This is one of the worst films I have ever seen. I never saw the other parts and that seems to be a good thing after this wasted 1 hour and 20 minutes. You can call this a Horror movie, but only because everything in it was aweful. Not to use the phrase horrible.
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Don't waste your time
mcgyvri28 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely give bad reviews, because I find it hard to, but this time I find it hard *not* to, almost impossible. It's like they made a bad horror movie and said "It's too badly done, nobody will watch it! Oh! I know! Let's add some clips of a random doll, and call it Robert. Oh look! Now everybody will watch this movie."

I said about halfway through that I want to give up on the movie and just go back to doing my own thing, but I was too optimistic saying that I should try harder and harder to watch this, and the thing that seriously killed it for me was the end. That argument between the guy possessing the book and his sister was sooooooo fake. I wish that argument had been about 10 minutes in, because I would've turned the movie off right there and watched something else.
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Battling revenge
TheLittleSongbird21 September 2018
Was drawn into seeing 'The Revenge of Robert the Doll', with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing though far from original premise and as someone with a general appreciation for the genre it fits under. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there (though there are decent to good ones as well), made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws present in those films are here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'The Revenge of Robert the Doll' is really very bad, with so many huge flaws, that are exactly the same as the previous films, and doesn't do anywhere near enough with its potential, which was quite a good deal. There is very little good here, and of the Robert films for me this was the worst due to feeling like a separate film to the series even with the titular characters in it.

Only slight redeeming quality is the sometimes spooky music score. Robert is not a redeeming quality this time, if one has seen the previous Robert films what he does in those films is very little different here, it's all un-scary and stale. Plus he is used poorly, for a titular character it was the Toymaker that seemed much more of a leading role.

Going further on to the negatives, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it comes over as vague and under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less unsettled and never gaining momentum. All the characters are too sketchy and with cardboard thin and colourless personalities and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates. The chemistry is bland and unfocused.

The sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions), the effects are laughable and all of the acting is lacking severely on the whole, that's actually an understatement as the worst of it is horrendous with some of the worst German accents ever committed to celluloid. There is no sense of horror or engagement with the awful predicament they're in, and no connecting with the character, it just reeks of indifference which makes the viewer not care less too.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace and film drags on forever, apparent from the very start, never recovering that interest is lost fast. The ending is anti-climactic and more like set-up or foreshadowing of a follow-up, have grown to be wary of these kind of endings because if the plans for the film fall through it would render this film incomplete. Found too many of the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Thrills are none, thanks to stodginess and excessive over-familiarity, and found myself never invested in the drama, which tended to be indifferently acted, interminably paced and statically directed.

A lot of 'The Revenge of Robert the Doll' has really dull and going nowhere plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you shocked are far from creative or unsettling. It all feels rather tame, especially in the deaths which were as unimaginative and so what as you could possibly get. The footage included was pointless and seemed only there for padding reasons.

Nothing freaky or interesting, no development and too derivative, while everything is unimaginative and are more odd than scary, completely failing to show any sense of dread. There is nothing interesting or illuminating with what the film was trying to do and the drama is overwrought with no momentum and a lot of weirdness. The direction is leaden, got the sense their heart was not in it. 'The Revenge of Robert the Doll' is very amateurish visually, too drearily lit and shows no care in the way it's shot. The editing has more continuity errors than one can count.

In summary, very poor. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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The case of the missing killer doll
Woodyanders27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An elderly toymaker (Lee Bane in unconvincing old make make-up) and the killer doll Robert that he created take on a bunch of Nazis on board a train in Germany in the early 1940's.

Sound good and exciting? Well, it just ain't. For starters, while the evocation of late 30's/early 40's Nazi Germany is pretty impressive considering the modest budget, the German accents are either terrible or nonexistent. This film further suffers from bland direction, a meandering story that unfolds at a lethargic pace, cheesy CGI blood, a talky and uneventful script, tin-eared profane dialogue, zero tension or creepy atmosphere, and a grossly implausible ending (there's no way the old toymaker could be alive in 2012!). Worst of all, the titular lethal doll is hardly in the movie. Bobby Cole's spirited shivery score and Jonathan McLaughlin's crisp widescreen cinematography are both up to par, but that's about it. A real clunker.
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Where's the horror?
Leofwine_draca7 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE REVENGE OF ROBERT THE DOLL is part of a British indie horror film series that feels heavily inspired by the PUPPET MASTER franchise. It's about an aged toy maker who makes a doll which proceeds to come to lift with murderous intentions. Sadly, while this film is fairly well shot and put together, it doesn't feel like a horror film at all. It plays out like a historical drama with an endless 40-something minute prologue before the usual cheesy horror material hits.
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xrzrphh9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hammy German accents. Clichéd lines. Bad acting (I'm pretty sure one of the dead bodies licked their lips at one point). Bad special effects. Awful make up and costumes. Inconsistent timelines (we fast forward 70 years at the end and the protagonist hasn't aged a day and neither has his sister). Nonsensical plot and motivations. (As an extra bonus I think Willem Dafoe has made an uncredited appearance as the co-lead).

This film has everything.

If you've got an hour and twenty minutes to kill, let Robert kill it for you. Great stuff, I'd have given it a ten but I suspect we have yet to hit a peak with this franchise.
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Light years ahead of the other films in the series
broncobilly-3030011 March 2018
I've seen all of the movies in the Robert the Doll series and this one stands head and shoulders above the others. Actually compared to the first movie it's on another planet. As always there are tell tale signs of a low budget and lets face it all of these movies are clearly made for pocket change. But the story and actors in this one help you over look that because rather than a cliché haunted doll movie we have all seen a million times before we actually get a well paced thriller with lots of tension and twists and turns. If your looking for wall to wall doll action you may be disappointed but the story is interesting enough without that and the dolls are used well at the right moments. There is more going on in this movie with story and action than probably all the other Robert movies put together. I'd be interested to see what they do for the next one considering how each new movie seems to be better than the last.
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Where was Robert?
takato052410 February 2021
As the title says, where was he? Oh right: he appears an hour into the movie for 2 minutes and has 2 scenes. Terrible. The beginning of this movie is 40 minutes too long. What's happening has nothing to do with Robert/toy maker, and doesn't really tie in. All the films in the franchise are awful, but this is the worst so far. Hopefully with how the movie ends they won't make any more.
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Any chance of a minus score imdb😂
dilsonbelper14 January 2019
Well were can I start, name and shame is the best possible way to stop this self proposed movie director/ producer .... Andrew Jones..... what a complete waist of space in the digital pixel world of film making. Were is he getting the cash for this tripe is he a bored millionaire, or are there real idiots putting there hard earned into this garbage. This film is a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.
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More of the same.
Gunnar_R_Ingibjargarson8 February 2019
This time Rober the Doll gets trapped in Nazi Germany,

Just the same awful filmmaking, with it's awful script and direction.
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There are other Robert The Doll films?
tim-arnold-987-14503124 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My God. And this one is light years ahead of the others. I really did try to be fair and give this film a chance considering it was touted as having an IMDb rating of 6.2. But after sitting through the embarrassingly tedious dialog and acting, not to mention the shoddy After Effects blood splatter when the highway criminal dispatched the first two guards, I began to lose hope. I also can't for the life of me understand what SS Reich Marshall Heinrich Himmler would want with an ancient book of Egyptian incantations that would cause tiny toy dolls to animate. Did the Nazis think they could turn the tide of the war by outfitting an army of baby dolls with machetes and daggers to stab their way across Europe?

The whole premise is as weak and laughable as the production quality. That old 1930's car kept rolling 5 mph down that same piece of farmland road as though it had no drive train and was being pushed from behind by the film crew. Thank God for the drone footage (circa 1939) that removed any doubt that the car wasn't being pushed by the film crew.

I got more than halfway through and the Toy Maker appears seated on a train with his family of animated dolls, looking to be almost as much of a doll as his non-frightening creations. The pale contact lenses...the beard and hair that looked like bits of cotton ball stuck to his face and head with 3M spray mount. I mean...was this a serious attempt at a horror film, or were they going for something so over-the-top schlocky that they hoped it would gain TRHPS-style popularity?

Great God in heaven, how many people actually paid money to see this? People who read these reviews want to be warned about spoilers, but this movie was one big fat stinky turd wrapped in a cocoon of dried vomit. I don't think anything could spoil something that smelled worse than a five year case of chronic vaginitis.
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Nazi Germany Looks Suspiciously Like England
iggymoxon15 May 2022
I've watched a couple of the Robert movies, and yes, they are dire, but oddly entertaining. The acting is mostly dreadful, and the storylines are weak. The main gripe for me though, is the complete lack of authenticity with regard to the sets. This film is supposedly set in Nazi Germany, yet the cottage and the train station they used are so obviously somewhere in England. The station signs are in English, the train is English, the interior of the cottage is typically English, the countryside looks English.

Then there's the toy maker's makeup. In order to make him appear old, they have applied heavy makeup to his face. Unfortunately it looks like he has had an accident with some playdoh.

I actually gave up on this half way through as there was no sign of Robert. All in all, simply awful.
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One of the most bizarre offerings on Amazon Prime
Sumovers27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's as if it was made by the local AmDram society with German accents from 'ello' ello.

The first part has the feelin it was made by an entirely different production team to the last two thirds.

It goes OK until it goes down Alice's Rabbit hole on an obviously British train.

The dolls are less wooden than the acting.

I can't believe it's got othe Robert the doll films, does any one ever watch them?
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director is obsessed with killing Nazis
cherylpiper11 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's not much to complain about i guess but this guy really seems to like making movies about killing Nazis. this is the third one I have seen from him in the last year. as for this movie it feels a bit like similar to Robert and the toymaker basically a puppet master knock off only with better locations. the train is a nice touch and in this one there are some good flashbacks to the crusty toymaker as a younger guy which are well acted and emotional. outside of that its mainly just people or dolls killing Nazis. traffic cop Nazis, people who try to sell stuff to Nazis, people who kidnap people who are linked to people who tried to sell stuff to Nazis, Nazis on trains, even real Nazis in old black and white footage. obsess much mister director? lol I think more Nazis have bitten the dust in his movies than in the whole of world war 2
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LMFAO to "wow really disappointed '' really its a movie about a killer doll
brettsurfer24 March 2018
Here it is folks the info listed is the movie ; a killer doll goes after Hitler I'm pretty sure enough said its a movie about a killer doll its a 5.8 REAL rating out of 10
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Firing on all cylinders ...
parry_na5 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As with Andrew Jones' previous exertions into the past (World War 2 is once more approached here), there is a certain approximation of authenticity on display. Whilst the visuals are convincing, the discourse, with its liberal usage of modern day expletives, breaks the spell somewhat. That, and the occasional line of dialogue drowned by Bobby Cole's terrific music score, are pretty much the only issues I have with this. This latest instalment of Jones' 'Robert' series shows them both firing on all cylinders. The pace often moves along at a fair lick, the various dolls look pretty frightening, and you truly do not know where the plot is headed.

Lee Bane, bless his cotton socks, who has appeared in the vast majority of films from the North Bank Entertainment stable, labours under heavy make-up as Amos Blackfoot, The Toymaker. A kind of misunderstood Geppetto, he is being searched for by Nazis aboard a train (which you may notice, becomes a modern train during the night shots). The Toymaker is in possession of the mystical book containing spells that bring inanimate objects to life. But the dolls have already been brought to life. The Toymaker's grief whenever a doll is destroyed echoes a searing pain from his past: the creatures have become children to him. I don't think I noticed before, but Blackfoot has different coloured eyes, and this is echoed in Robert, his favourite 'child'.

Whilst the moving dolls are as convincing as you want them to be, the various CGI blood effects work surprisingly well, with the advantage of not staining the various period uniforms. It is surprising how little the dolls are featured here. The ending, rather than providing a spectacular denouement, simply presents us with another twist in the ongoing story, making it highly likely we haven't heard the last from Blackfoot, or his children. As the end caption warns us, Robert will return - and that's fine with me.
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Pointless exposition
windyhenderson-8782117 July 2021
Sturdy plot, not sure why Hands and Skegness got choked out by their dad.
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Worst film ever - do not waste your time.
squeakycheek10 March 2019
We have watched some c*** in our time. This is by far the worst. It barely features the doll. The acting, the speaking all appears to be on 50% speed. The first half doesn't even seem to connect with the second half. All the budget seems to have gone on the cotton wool beard of the Toymaker. I can't spoil the plot as it's not really got a plot. I would suggest you miss this film as you won't get your 90 minute back. Do something constructive like watching paint dry, it will be more fun.
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The worst film you should never watch.
dafyddevansevans2 March 2022
It was a film that cought my eye due to it being a killer doll horror,one of my favourite genres. Over almost an hour through the worst acting, German accents, terrible sound quality, we finally get to the killer dolls, what a waste of time waiting. How a director can even put their name to a production this amateur is remarkable, worse than a first year film project in high school.
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The worst case of wasted money.
simonrussi-9940021 June 2021
I´m not even dissapointed from this movie. I feel personaly attacked. Story : Garbage, Characters : Garbage, Horror : Garbage, Camera : Garbage, Acting : HOLY S*** GARBAGE. It is more entertaining to not cut your toenails and watch them growing into your foot, while you getting more and more exited about the following surgery.

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