Into the Jungle (2018) Poster

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Unique footage of PNG - Don't Miss!
web-736295 September 2018
This is a truly inspirational multi-faceted true story set in the magnificent Torricelli Mountains in PNG. Wonderful film making with great subjects - The people of the Torricelli Mountains and the environment itself are the stars but the heroes are Jim and Jean Thomas. Jim and Jean facilitate an insight into possibilities - and give us hope that humans can be effective, considerate and intelligent creatures that really can have an effect on the betterment of our planet.
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Inspiring story: changing the lives of people and a forest
stquoll1 September 2018
Arriving in the Torricelli Mountain Range in Papua New Guinea, Jean and Jim Thomas wanted to save a species. Instead they built relationships, helped communities, empowered the people who lived there and started their own family. In doing so they may just save the forest. Watch this story and be inspired.
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Local masterpiece with global appeal
davemel-925165 September 2018
Without a doubt director Mark Hanlin's best ever work which will be hard to eclipse, and a formidable potential contender for Best Documentary Feature at Tribeca. In some ways has a similar feel to Alex Meillier's Alias Ruby Blade (meets Gorillas in the Mist), with inspiration drawn from sheer determination and humanity rather than persecution or individuals' struggles for recognition. The standing ovation for stars Jim and Jean Thomas at the end of the world premiere in Melbourne (Aus) was well deserved.
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A hopeful conservation story the world should see.
jcrooka2 September 2018
What a story! From Australia to the wilds of PNG. This is a story that the world needs to see, the need to preserve our last wildl places and the people and animals that call them home is vital for life on Earth. A great film!
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More than a conservation film, it sums up how we could all be.
fletcherpants11 September 2018
Sincere congratulations on INTO THE JUNGLE. What a document about HOW TO DO CONSERVATION!!! A credit to the producers and of course the amazing participants - Australians and Papua New Guineans - ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I've seen it before, but I think this cut is MUCH better. I was incredibly moved. But more importantly, my 10 year old daughter was incredibly moved and laughed along as well. She loved it and was inspired. This film should be seen by EVERYONE - not just animal lovers, conservationists, people with heart - but people who love a good story!
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A must see wonderfully surprising outcomes, a must see
charlesanthony-501311 September 2018
We are all living in a world together, many blinded by our own needs or greed or even just simply trying to survive. The cost is inevitably whether recognised of not at the expense of us all.... This is a wonderful documentary that highlights out 'connectedness', when people realise that my life is not about me but more I'm about life, I am a part of something much bigger, of creation itself and everything I do (or not) impacts someone or something somewhere!
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Conservation and Empowerment in PNG
terrensg1 September 2018
What an example of how to implement species conservation and village level development in the jungle of PNG. This documentary bursts with dreams and achievement with the core theme of stopping local tribes from hunting an almost extinct species of very cute tree kangaroo and at the same time replacing protein for the villages. A key was bringing water tanks into that mountainous environment, quite gripping footage of the tribespeople manoeuvring those tanks through the jungle by man and women power alone. Humanity wins in this movie, full of emotion and humanity, what beautiful and strong people those Papuans are, we can all help each other to improve lives and threatened living species can recover.
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Inspirational story of grassroots action to conserve a species
lauraromijn8 September 2018
Very inspiring story of how this couple achieved so much through their hard work and dedication.
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A must see
lp-860832 September 2018
Not only have this amazing couple sacrificed much over the last 15 years in an effort to save the Tenkile and other species but in so doing have transformed the lives of the PNG people in this remote area. To see the changes and how they succeeded to get these people on side was truely amazing and inspirational. This is a must watch on several levels, yes initially an effort in conservation this eventually turned into an amazing story about humanity - the power of teaching and empowering people to rise to a new level.
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bobbygezler6 September 2018
This was the most inspiring film I've seen. It shows the work of Jim and Jean and that conservation efforts need to focus on a range of aspects within a community to have an effect. The story was so well told and so compassionate on many levels. Hats off to Jim and Jean, we need more of them in this world. Thank you for sharing your story.
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An inspiring documentary about saving endangered species in PNG
dkhards2 September 2018
This is an amazing story shown so brilliantly. Not a frame is wasted. PNG is unique and challenging, and this film needs worldwide exposure.
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Inspiring work for wildlife, habitat and people
margowatkins-386258 September 2018
This documentary takes you on a truly inspirational journey. The work that just two people can achieve is remarkable! You can see that the love and dedication that has gone into their work has started to pay off because you can see the respect they get from the villagers. The imagery is stunning and the passion shines through. Papua New Guinea is one of the last wild places on earth and this documentary really shows just how remote these villages are. You will smile and possibly shed a tear but will definitely come away in awe of what Jim and Jean have achieved so far.
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