Nefarious (2019) Poster

(II) (2019)

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[2.7] Not a ... nor a ...
cjonesas27 April 2023
An utterly stupid movie with nothing to offer, no elements of anything interesting, intriguing, shocking, shaking, horror for rats and an ending that defies the worst low budget productions out there.

Even as a low bloody budget production, a movie should stick to basics and basics it does stick with something called filming with the help of a camera and lots of electricity and money wasted.

Starts good, ends like a pile of... Even the instruments, visual effects and fumes were wasted.

  • Screenplay/story: 2
  • Development: 3
  • Realism: 4
  • Entertainment: 1
  • Acting: 4
  • Filming/cinematography: 5
  • VFX: 7
  • Music/score: 1
  • Depth: 1
  • Logic: 0.5
  • Flow: 2
  • Horror: 4
  • Ending: 0.5.
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p-4228415 April 2020
It is very bad story and make me sick 👎...... Zzzz
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Low budget home invasion thriller
HorrorFan579919 April 2020
This British low budget home invasion thriller is one to stick with - the setup takes some time, but the payoff is worth the wait. Actor performances are pretty good across the board - script is well written and believable, but perhaps has one too many twists towards the end. Nicely shot and edited - the earlier scenes feel like something from a British social realism entry, and these, contrasted with the theatrically staged police interview scenes and hyper-real finale, it's an interesting way of telling the story. It's not like anything I've really seen before, so difficult to compare it with anything - but it requires concentration and a level of intelligence to piece together all the parts (by the audience). Not recommended for the casual horror fan, but it's well made and intriguing enough to warrant a watch if you like independent horror made by new voices.
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Total garbage
enigma-947-33946718 March 2020
Movie staff upvoting again.

Shut it off for the bad acting, garbage script, and terrible camera work.
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Writer, Editor & Actors Deserve An Acid Drenching
zac-6827419 March 2020
Could've been a good thriller even on a low budget but the remedial writing and poor editing just eradicated this movie!
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Good independent film
tatchell-phillip19 October 2020
I really like this film it's very suspenseful film and a very good plot but maybe a bit gore for some also one of the best soundtracks I've heard definitely a film you should checkout
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I only came here for the biscuits...
tonched25 May 2020
First off, this is obviously a low-budget movie, and although that presents some flaws due to budget constraints, overall the film is quite solid. The story is intriguing enough to draw you in from the outset, add some developed characters, the use of flash forward, and an anxiety-inducing score, you get a tight, tense horror with great practical effects. And I only watched for the biscuits.
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A home invasion film that delivers thrills and gore!
kendallkeeling26 October 2019
This is a great little flick, where the dread builds with each minute. The story is told in flashbacks, as the survivors of the robbery-gone-bad are interviewed by the police. The characters are well developed and the cast does a great job of making you dislike them. There is enough blood and carnage to satisfy those of us that came for that, which is likely to be everyone. At just under 80 minutes, the length is perfect. Recommended!!
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Drama turned out to be a Horror
Movie_Freak_201929 March 2020
I had to wait until the 53rd minute to realize that it actually was a horror movie. Overall quite a good script considering it was a low budget movie and the fact that the actors were unknown to most of us.
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Superb British home invasion horror.
ianstrickland24 October 2020
A slow burning, lo-fi slice of kitchen sink British horror from the director and team behind the excellent folk horror 'Dogged'. A gang of council estate ne'er do wells from the local council estate discover a mentally challenged workmate called Clive and his wealthy brother Marcus have a winning lottery ticket in their possession./ In hock to the local drug kingpin they decide to burgle the residence, but the house holds dark and terrifying secrets... Told in a flashback structure through a police interview, we are given an account of the previous day's events leading up to and including the home invasion. The film ratchets up the tension tight, with skillful foreshadowing. We are kept guessing right up until the last twenty minutes which of our protagonists are doomed, during which we are treated to a grand guignol climax topped off by a truly demonic performance by the film's antagonist with a literally killer twist at the end. If you cross bred Ken Loach with Don't Breathe, you'd get this demented love child of a home invasion horror flick. Highly recommended for fans of home invasion and serial killer horror.
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Solid, suspenseful, and you're kept guessing throughout.
FrancescaLWhite20 March 2020
I'll start with: I am not a horror fan. I usually avoid it as I am a bit of a scaredy-cat and have had some experiences in the real world that keep me farrr away from horror films. That being said, I decided to go against my normal instincts and give 'Nefarious' a whirl at a film festival as I'd seen a promo for it and it caught my attention. I'm very glad I did: it's gritty, original, suspenseful, and full of surprises. Nadia Lamin as Lou and Toby Wynn-Davies as Marcus particularly gripping on screen, though the team of actors as a whole are solid & characters have depths; I felt so sorry for Clive, played by Gregory A. Smith. There is an especially gory scene that had a good few of us audience members turning away it was so effectively done, one shot involving a blade by an ear that really had my stomach turning! I especially liked the darkness and monochrome colour palette of the police investigation scenes, a choice clearly reflecting how they see the world and the characters they're interviewing. In summary: it's good, you're kept guessing throughout, and it's definitely worth a watch.
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Taut, exciting and twisting
neil-0801320 November 2019
Nefarious serves up enough suspense and gore to satisfy the fans of the genre without going over the top and spoiling the film for the broader audience. The film has good pace and some strong performances from the leads and supporting cast. The final twist is well hidden and yet sufficiently foreshadowed (in hindsight) that you don't feel cheated.
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Pitch Black British Comedy w/ Horror Vibes
mickthomas6428 August 2019
First of all, it's very clear that this film is low-budget, roughly $22k according the the director at a recent festival screening I attended. I only bring this up to highlight how impressive this film is for a budget of that size. The look is gritty, the lighting/color grade a bit too colorful and some of the acting is weak, but the strongpoints are so incredibly strong that this film is worth sitting through the lighting-fast runtime.

The dialogue is pretty amazing, Guy Ritchie levels of snappiness and snark, and I'm not just using that comparison Because of the UK connection, this truly feels like a low-rent Ritchie Film.

The plot isn't exactly fresh, but the pacing is great and the film rarely seems to meander and the twist, while also not exactly original, is fun and makes for a brutal and nihilistic final act.

The final aspect of this film that makes it worth watching is the score. There are a few original songs that may just be the best original songs ever created for a no-budget indie film. They are so good, you're going to spend hours looking for them online.

If you have the chance to see this film, I think you'll come to the same conclusion that I did, it is lacking in production value, because duh, it has a non-existent budget, but what they created with what they had, I can confidently say that this film is exceptional. If you are into true, no-budget cinema or filmmaking, this film should be on your radar and it should serve as a reminder that your ambition doesn't need to be a roadblock if you're willing to get creative.
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A perfect low budget horror movie
theqprfan28 February 2022
Recently watched this film with Amazon Prime- it was a great movie with quite a few twists and turns at the end. Also hanging up in one of the character's bedrooms is a poster for Dogged- another great film (a folk horror) made by Mr. Rowntree. I am a very big horror fan but I haven't seen anything like this before. I have to say this movie had me on the edge of my chair. I am definitely proud to say that I share the surname with the director.
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Excellent movie and acting
stasia-8722223 January 2024
This movie blew me away. The acting was exceptional. Borderline brilliant, awards should've been given. Truly amazing. I was on the edge of my seat and even really emotional at some points. The plot was very intense. I had moments of fear, refection, sadness. It was a roller coaster ride. I'm shook. The story line was compelling and it was very well written. Not your average good vs. Evil move. This was much deeper. It really spoke to me. Hope I can sleep okay tonight. This is the kind of movie that will make you really think about things. Gave me chills, honestly. Highly recommend. I don't know why this movie didn't get the recognition it deserves. Definitely watch this... but not alone.
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