Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes (2021) Poster

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Didn't Hate It
pogirlshines2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, what was going on?

I liked the sets, the characters were interesting but the story line was all over the place at certain points making the entire movie confusing to me.

I'm a fan of giallo and this ain't it. Flash back, flash forwards, flash sideways or to an alternate universe? To something that happened in the house to other people they were reliving or were they in fact going to haunt this house?

*spoiler* Not if it's burned to the ground. *spoiler*

*spoiler* Typical for too many modern movies was the "male hate" with the movies castration of the male actor in their film (film about making a film). We get it, penis envy actually is a thing for some of you.

The movie became especially confusing after the director's brilliant idea to have all the party guests indulge in hallucinogens. There were hints at infidelity but it was hard for me to differentiate what was real or imagined. Did Eva actually catch her lover in the act with the usual suspect or was this her imagination for the film they were making? I DON'T KNOW. I'm not sure if having to read subtitles was part of the problem. I hate doing this as it does take away from enjoyment of what is actually transpiring in the movie. I wish they could release a dubbed version.

Especially in an "artsy" film you are trying to read expressions of the actors & the actions & then reading subtitles.....no. Not in something like this. It didn't work for me because I can't say how this really ended even with the distant smoke & Eva by her "two selves(?)" *spoiler* Too much guesswork. Like I had to make up what I thought was going on? That's not what I watch a film for.
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5/10. Watchable but not recommended
athanasiosze12 June 2023
There is an interesting turn here that reminded me of another (not exactly) horror movie. I won't reveal movie's title in order for keeping my review spoiler-free. When i watched this particular turn of events, i hoped this was going to be good. It's not. It's not bad either though. A horror fan might appreciate some things here, there are some creepy scenes, nice 70's aesthetic and cinematography. There are mysteries too. It's an open to interpretation movie, but you will find some hints here and there. This movie's concept/main theme is similar to DARK's, i mean the great German Tv show. At least, i think so.

Unfortunately, there are negatives too. I didn't like the acting here, it was weird. I think that this was intentionally weird, like other movie's aspects. They wanted to create a hallucination for the viewer. I get that, it was a risky move, i respect that but i didn't like it. It felt more amateurish than artistic. If you want to create a bizarre experience for the viewer, a certain amount of talent is needed. Director and writers here are not talentless but not talented enough to achieve something so difficult.
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Euro-horror of the 1960's and 1970's must be really boring
moviefansme27 February 2022
I see reviews here calling this movie multilayered and an homage to classic Euro-horror. I call it boring. It's not scary, nothing happens. It wants you to think you're watching one movie, then in the middle it shifts to something very different. Neither are very interesting. Maybe the movie is more interesting to Germans and Europeans, or maybe people enthralled with the movies this one is based on, than to this American. This seems to be horror for failed art students. Even looking at the reviews with spoilers, no one seems to explain what this movie is about or what the point is. Some of the characters are on drugs, maybe the viewer should be as well. If I understand the moral of this story, the TV show Lost (2004) did it better.
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Do they have a thousand thoughts or just one - their last?
fulciobeans15 July 2022
Whether you love the movie (like I did) or hate it (as some surely will) - one can't help but admire Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes for it's brazen attempt at narrative structure that succeeds in averting expectations again and again.

The film deals with the idea of being trapped in interesting ways.

Whereas the characters are quite literally trapped in space and time, wether in the castle as a whole, or locked into a room, the theme goes much deeper than that.

Similar to people unknowingly being stuck in a painting or in an endlessly repeating movie forced to live through their mistakes, these characters are stuck in patterns and bad relationships, hoping for their partners to change instead of taking responsibility and changing themselves by ending the relationships and thus breaking the cycle.

The director does this by exploring a relationship from different angles and realities, first offering a glimpse into the fictional creation of this relationship before diving into the meaning behind it all and how it relates to their reality. Fascinating stuff!

Casual viewers might find the story nonsensical or confusing, but those who are willing to explore it's endless puzzles will be deeply rewarded.
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Art, maybe, but not entertainment
klown0133 February 2023
If you've read the review that preceded mine you probably noticed all of the positive ones made a point of not spoiling anything or being too specific on what they like outside of the way the movie looked. It's mostly compared to 60's Euro Horror and called amazing. I mostly assume those reviews are from people involved with the film trying to steer the viewers perception in the direction they want prior to seeing the film. It is, visually, very well done. But everything else? This is an incoherent mess with no real plot, story or pacing that allow you to follow what is happening. There is a major shift about half way through that makes no sense at all and certainly does not help anything you've seen up until this point. The synopsis about time shifting around is very misleading as this is never really shown, nor is a change of setting, nor is anything else even vaguely supernatural. Unless you are looking for non-linear, no story art I would avoid this one.
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jmvscotland5 December 2022
In how many ways did I hate this movie?

It was just dreadful. A complete waste even of the short time one has to endure in watching it.

Everything about it was rubbish and I really can't understand why some reviewers rated it well. Nor can I understand how this lot of cr*p won any awards, even the down-market awards that it evidently did win.

A review must be of a certain length to be accepted by IMDb. That's a tough ask for this one. Rarely have a seen a movie which is this terrible, even in the horror genre which is littered with failures and garbage.

41 characters required it says. Now, it's only 10. Enough.
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darinmabee13 August 2022
It never ceases to amaze me how so many people are obsessed with fanboying foreign movies because it's the "in" thing to do. This movie was awful. Boring as hell. No point, totally scatterbrained plot, totally uninteresting characters, and horrible script. Stay away!
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BandSAboutMovies7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Director Kevin Kopacka and co-writer Lili Villányi worked on an episode of the TV show DYLAN a few years ago, which is based on the same character from Cemetery Man. That makes perfect sense, as this film has style to spare.

Dieter (Frederik von Lüttichau) and Margot (Luisa Taraz) have moved to a Gothic castle that would be at home in the films of Corman or Bava*. He has anger issues, she's in the throes of depression and the estate? Well, it's slowly making them prisoners. And then they find the whip in the basement, which unlocks old souls and a house that was definitely the site of some whispered illicit behavior.

A story that goes from Eurohorror to a study of relationships to even the nature of male and female inter dynamics within an occult movie that looks like it came from Italy in the 70s, this one has so much going for it. Just look at the font in the poster and at the end of the film. This is a movie that has been polished and honed and worked into the art that it is now. Don't miss it.

*The director has directly called out Bava's The Whip and the Body and Jean Rollin's The Iron Rose as influences. The poster is literally taken from the latter film. It also takes a line from Fassbinder's The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant.
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Lots of wasted potential...
paul_haakonsen5 April 2024
First of all, I had never heard about this 2021 movie titled "Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes", and when I sat down to watch it, I was a bit surprised that it was in German language. Not that I mind that at all, but I wasn't aware that it was a German movie with an English title.

Regardless, writers Kevin Kopacka and Lili Villányi put together a script and storyline that definitely was unique and interesting. I found that the movie's script was just strange and outlandish enough to be a nice surprise. It is not a traditional horror story where director Kevin Kopacka utilizes one jump scare after another. No, this is an atmospheric movie and one that is driven by the narrative.

However, about halfway through the movie, the air sort of deflated from the balloon and left the narrative somewhat flaccid and starting to grow stale and mundane.

Needless to say, that with my limited exposure to the German cinema, then I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie. Though, I will say that the acting performances were certainly good.

I have to say that the movie has a lot of great shots and locations, that really adds to the atmosphere of the movie. And then there was the surprise out-of-nowhere gore and bloodshed. Wow, that really took me by surprise.

If you enjoy a movie that deviates from the majority of mainstream movies, then give "Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes" a chance. You might find it bizarre enough to entertain you.

The movie started out nicely and had lots of potential, but then director Kevin Kopacka sort of dropped the ball midway through, and the narrative never recovered. Which ultimately dragged the movie below a mediocre viewing result for me.

My rating of "Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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A work of art for competent viewers
alitaimoor-607621 August 2022
Story-wise, it starts with a couple driving towards an old castle at night. The husband is an imposing one, the wife forbearing. The place which the wife is supposed to inherit, the richer of the two, has been left in a derelict form. It is a place, not simply housing unknown horror, but a locus to test their character i.e., habit, disposition, and morals.

The rest shall be left for the viewer to find out.

The movie has a multilayered narrative. It expects a lot of competence from the viewer's side to make sense.

The cinematography is magical. A love letter, indeed.

The sound editing is fantastic. And performance? To quote from the movie "You were born for this role".

The film students and nerds "of the higher order" will certainly be busy breaking it down piece by piece and then pulling it together again to see what becomes of it. But the average viewer with expectations of good old thrills and jump scares are not going to be able to enjoy it to the end.

It is a movie that not only pays homage to the horror cinema of the late 60s and early 70s but attempts a critique with the purpose of turning movies of the yore inside out. Does it succeed? By large, Yes.

But the more important question is this: as an average viewer do you really want to witness this success?
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Our Eternity in this Castle
danieltucher1 September 2021
This was probably my favorite film of FrightFest this year, but also the hardest to write a review about. Mainly because the plot is so delicate and multi layered that anything I write could spoil the wonderful experience.

All I can write is that "Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes" is a brilliant, atmospheric, thought provoking and beautifully shot (!!) throwback to gothic horror that is so much more than it lets on.

It's a film that I had to think about a lot after having watched it, because there is just so much happening, and every little detail has so much meaning. It's a film you want to re watch again and again.

While some might be frustrated that the film doesn't hand out everything on a silver platter, it's a much more engaging film that forces the viewers to really think about what they just witnessed and to connect the dots themselves.

So happy that FrightFest chose to show this film!
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A psychedelic gothic experience with a deeper meaning
entertainedlightweight5 September 2021
While I was expecting a somewhat decent homage to gothic horror of the 70s, Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes goes much deeper.

Now, don't get me wrong - the film is a loving tribute to Euro horror of the 60s and 70s and especially fans of Bava and Rollin will be sure to have a great time - but I was particularly impressed by the shift (both narratively and in tone) the story takes around the halfway mark.

Without spoiling anything, I can say that the story evolves and morphs into something much more profound and thought provoking than it first appears - resulting in a unique cinema experience that is as visually captivating as it is clever.
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Gothic horror deconstructed
haustierrr9 November 2021
Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes tells the story of a disruptive couple in a '60s gothic setting.

Margot (Luisa Taraz) has inherited a castle, which is visited with her curmudgeonly husband Dieter (played superbly by Frederik von Lüttichau).

The first half skillfully delivers a psychogram of this toxic relationship, amid the surreal castle where space and time seem to have their own rules.

But it is in the second half that the film takes an unexpected new direction - and everything that happened before is reinterpreted once again.

Visually stunning with a great soundtrack and very clever screenplay, this is definitely a film that needs to be watched a second time to fully grasp all the different layers hidden in the story.
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"You're a flower in the bushes."
morrison-dylan-fan7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing it get mentioned on various sites,I on Thursday went to the online FrightFest site to decide what my first viewing of the event would be. Looking through all the plot details for the movies playing/streaming on Friday, this was the one that had the most enticing photos and outline, which led to me witnessing dawn break.

View on the film:

Cracking dawn open with gliding shots floating into the castle that Eva and Gregor enter ,editor/ co-writer (with Lili Villanyi) / director Kevin Kopacka & cinematographer Lukas Dolgner light the flame of an incredibly textured Gothic Horror atmosphere, via a grainy film appearance and regal red,blues and pinks lights drip across the screen deep focused shots are wonderfully used by Kopacka to frame a ghostly figure moving partly visible in the background.

Setting out the table for a slithering Gothic Horror, Kopacka takes an astonishing turn into Meta-Horror, (running on a magnetic Prog Rock score from Liquid Brain Orchestra) where the refine colours of the Gothic chills melt into ultra-stylised psychedelic.

Kopacka displays an impressive ease in the altering of genre, whilst continuing to build on the bursting primary colour palette, via a descending mood fueled by excellent tracking shots,whip-pans, and sinking push-in slo-mo shots diving deep into the unfolding nightmare within the castle walls.

Summing up the relationships of the film with Gregor holding the whip in hand to Eva, (Played with a great, enticing vibes by Jeff Wilbusch and Anna Platen) the screenplay by Kopacka and Villanyi superbly tie the Gothic and meta Horror together with a deep exploration of narcissistic abuse, with each attempt Eva makes to express her opinion, being ruthlessly whipped away by those who believe they know best,even when dawn breaks behind the eyes.
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More than meets the Eyes
Restintuition6 December 2021
While this film already perfects the art of the Euro horror homage, it transcends all that in the second half and becomes a profound and intelligent meditation on eternity, relationships, being trapped & forgiveness.

A rewatch is a must since I definitely missed a lot from my first viewing, but can't wait to watch this one again!

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Mesmerizing and dreamy
markustiercher21 March 2022
Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes is a film as mysterious and enchanting as it's title (and the gorgeous poster) suggests.

Exploring one relationship throughout parallel realities, it's definitely a film that needs multiple viewings, due to it's puzzle box nature. But it's a gorgeous and atmospheric film I can't wait to explore again and again.
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Deeper than it's surface
Rodrigoflor27 February 2023
Kevin Kopacka's film "Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes" is as shrouded in mystery and poetic as its title.

Whats starts out as a classic ghost story, devolves into something much deeper and more profound. A very personal story about the meaning of being trapped and its implications.

A film that clearly states that if you can's break free from the cycle of behavioral patterns, you will be forced to repeat them over and over again. Sometimes it's better to leave your past behind in order to move forward.

A story that has so much to say, that repeated viewings might be necessary - but even if you don't manage to engage with its ideas, you can at least be sucked up in the films breathtaking visuals and style.
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A smart and beautiful gothic delight
gruftgal9 June 2024
I was pretty blown sway with this one and will likely rewatch this many times.

Without giving too much away, nothing in "Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes " is as it seems. A reappraisal of a relationship in different levels of reality, in which the same story is told in three different ways.

Parallels emerge again and again, but they are viewed from a different angle. The characters are trapped - condemned to make the same mistakes again and again, like characters in a movie - like echoes of ghosts in a castle, like partners who forgive their lovers again and again in the hope that things will be different next time. But how do you break out of these seemingly endless repetitive cycles?

Breathtaking visuals coupled with an incredibly clever script that expects the viewer to deeply engage with it it in order to understand the story. Definitely not for everyone - especially not for people who like to switch off their brain while watching. But for all those who (like me) love sophisticated, atmospheric horror that makes you think - this is an absolute recommendation!
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