Exposure (2018) Poster

(IV) (2018)

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Really problematic and barely worthwhile
kannibalcorpsegrinder19 October 2018
Trying to rebuild their marriage, a troubled couple heads out to a remote mountain cabin to help reconnect with each other only for her to slowly begin to realize something is out in the woods turning them against each other and once they realize the true intentions must get away alive.

This one was barely worthwhile genre effort. Among the many flaws here is the fact that this one just doesn't have anything interesting going on for a vast majority of the running time. The cliched setup of traveling out to the remote cabin in the woods automatically gives this a feel that's been done numerous times before and really isn't all that different from so many other projects that utilize that setup for their films which already gives it a disadvantage by being so incredibly familiar. On top of that, with so much of the running time devoted to trying to get back on each others' good side in order to reclaim the strength of their marriage, not much happens here that really falls into the genre as it tends to meander along until it's way too late in the film for anything remotely interesting horror-related to happen. Seeing them hike in the woods, paint pictures by the side of the cabin or fiddle with their photography pictures doesn't offer any kind of interesting material as the solitude of the two people for long as it does without anything creepy happening doesn't inspire the greatest pacing, and with the utterly lifeless energy that occurs throughout here with everybody seemingly standing around looking at the surrounding woods in order to eat the time up here before it gets interesting. With the few horror scenes along the way clearly signaling that something is going on at the cabin, the reason for why they're not trying to run away earlier is quite confusing as there are so many red flags about what's going on that for them to stay there as long as they do. The way in which the attack scenes are handled aren't much more enjoyable as they're ineptly handled at every turn, from the laughable ropes being pulled along the ground to simulate approaching tree vines to the confrontations with the demonic creature stalking them and finally into the rushed finale where it's at least fast-paced with a lot of confrontations but is way too little too late to save this one from the boredom that emerges beforehand. The manner in which the creature is defeated is utterly lame and ridiculous, further undermining the fun to be had with the back-and-forth confrontations in the cabin and also somewhat holds it back. As well as the lack of explanations for what happens here as for what happens to let them become possessed, these are what hold this one back overall against the positives. Alongside the fun and lively finale, the only other aspect to like here are the special effects for the possessed individual where the knobby, scarred look features a really grotesque appearance which is applied well here which is what helps the finale along as well. Still, the problems far outweigh the positives here.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Brief Nudity and a brief sex scene.
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It gets 2 stars for the so bad it's good genre.
Elewis119513 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When the monster said "I need to procreate" and a penis came out of his mouth . . . you don't see that every day.
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Are U kidding me ???
moviehawg5913 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoilers (maybe a small one here or there, tho ... not much here to spoil)* This really was a waste of time. Married couple heads into the country to try and patch up and save their marriage. Everything goes fine until the idiot "married guy" catches what kinda looks like a severed arm (while fishing). The "catch" has some kind of "appendage" that it reveals, and dumb-a** married guy decides to grab the "appendage" (which, naturally ... bites, or "sticks", or does something to his hand). This leads to guy slowly turning into a reincarnation of the "swamp-thing" ... well, sort of. Now, to the "sorta hot" married gal ... how many times does he have to hit ya, before you say "enough is enough"? She finally gets a chance to drive off and leave him, thereby saving herself, and what does she do ??? Well, you know! Then, dear ol' Mom shows up and tries to kill "married guy", then "married gal" tries to kill him over and over, and you can guess the rest. I really would not waste my time on this one (unless you like "nose-rings" that constantly look like a booger hanging down ... YUCK)!
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jsrg-1860713 October 2018
Absolutely awful movie. Horror 🤔🤔🤣🤣. Acting terrible especially from male lead. Special effects laughable.
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I can do this
lycan-523127 November 2018
I have a camera on my phone and $ 3.75. I can make a movie comparable to this.
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This Is Really Horrible
jburtonprod-802-75902917 October 2018
This is what I call 'Participation Trophy Cinema'. This is the result of people who have never done anything exceptional in their life being constantly reinforced to think their mediocrity is equal to someone else's excellence. IT IS NOT. If you don't have the budget or expertise to do a creature movie, DON"T DO ONE.

The direction in this is just horrible. They try to recreate scenes from much better movies. The results range from laughable to pathetic. The special effects are horrendous.

The actress, Carmen Annello tries to make the most it but the production and direction are so lacking that her efforts are wasted. She's got some charm and you empathize with her. She's the only reason this movie got 1 star. If not for her it would get a zero.
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Don't expose yourself to it
chillertheater22 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A man with an unfortunate haircut and a woman with a distracting nose ring travel into the mountains to bicker incessantly. Eventually the vacation turns squishy and supernatural but not before a laughably out-of-place song interrupts the monotony like a bad 1980s music video. When things get too tedious, the filmmaker pans across the scenery to pad the running time. The last 10 minutes are fairly entertaining, I have to admit. After rewinding a few times, though, I still have no idea what the male lead character was saying. Something like "HHHRAWWWR." If you can figure it out, you're a better listener than I.
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master baiting or have i missed the point
ops-525354 October 2018
A stupid head line for a hopelessly pointless movie.where's the horror? what did come out of the water? to me it looked like the missing groin of a missing person.some kinda evil??? what bait did he use???? what are we exposed to?????!

this is not art,this is waste of time. buy a camera and a mobile phone,an axe,smokemachine. hire a cabin in any badland wood if you can find it. bring your grandparents and a few friends and make a movie.

the editing are just hopeless, and so are the score.reminds me of kids tramping on a roll-up keyboard. beware this is a bad film, i give 1 for the actress....
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irishlassy-837237 December 2018
The acting is horrendous, the special effects are laughable, the music reminds me of the 80's genre, and the plot is ridiculous. Cleaning my bathroom was more enjoyable than watching this disaster.
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Where do I begin...
mztracyr17 January 2019
Where do I begin... it's just bad. I was really hoping for a good cabin in the woods type of movie. Not happening here. Special effects are awful the acting I don't know. LOL I really tried to find something good about it, but I've got nothing. OK, the cabin is really nice. So that's a plus and that's what gave it my 1 rating.
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knechthomecenter9 February 2019
This movie was absolute garbage from start to finish. Terrible acting, terrible effects. The male lead made Hayden Christensen in Attack of the Clones look like Olivier. Had to watch Plan 9 From Outer Space after this steaming pile to cleanse my palate. Don't waste your time
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B-Movie Throwback
jeff_boyer29 November 2018
This movie will take you back thirty years ago to your basement where you watched scratchy VHS tapes of cable movies you recorded on the sly or rented from more generous video store clerks. It's got great atmospheric music and some beautiful imagery. It's got ugly cool makeup effects. It's got a story with some real stakes and a remarkable lead actress. What else do you really need?

Did think something was missing from the film when a friend pointed out it needed more shots of Ms. Anello's feet. Maybe these will be included in a later -- extended -- director's cut. Until then only 9/10 stars.
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I didn't hate it
FmakerX27 June 2019
I don't know where all this hate for the film is coming from. Okay, this is obviously not a studio level picture, but I didn't think it was all that bad. Sure there were some parts that could've been better, but for a low-budget indie film, I enjoyed it. It felt like a throw-back B-movie with all of the practical effects. I thought it was fun. I guess I kinda like these kind of movies? I thought the actress who played Myra (Carmen Anello) was solid and did a fantastic job selling her role in the film. Extra star for her. I look forward to seeing more from these filmmakers in the future.
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It could have been worse- it could have been longer
MannyInNewYork15 March 2020
An absolute waste of time. Bad concept, lousy script and horrible acting - all acceptable if you're making a porno but this is supposed to be a horror movie.

They could have improved the movie a bit by telling the female lead to remove her nose ring. They could have really improved it if the male lead had no dialog and just sat on a log for the entire movie.

Not bad enough to be fun, just bad enough to make me want to avoid everyone involved in making this garbage
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Horrible is an understatement!!!
cpboudreaux18 May 2019
The rating of 2.9 is way to high. This movie should be in the negative range.
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1 Star is mandatory...unfortunately...
adamatherd12 March 2019
Holy crap on a cracker...or unholy crap on a cracker rather! Okay, so the script is garbage a middle schooler could write in their sleep, the direction may be worse, and even worse than that the special effects... But at least the male lead's acting is as bad as it gets! Wasn't even worth taking note of anyone listed in the credits-although I may want to revisit this so I never-EVER-get stuck watching anything this bad again. Okay...it was cool to see Lynn Lowry! Also, I guess at least it didn't TOTALLY sell out into a full-on cliched hack & slash or torture porn... I sincerely started to think it was a spoof for awhile, but it doesn't even work on that level. May the "farce" be with you!
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Bad. Just bad.
zekesdad-7587728 March 2020
Some movies are enjoyably bad. This doesn't rise to that level. It was just a waste of time. The male lead has an awful boyband haircut, which helps the film in that it distracts the viewer from how bad his acting is. There were several scenes in which I'd bet the director told the him to walk slower in and out of scenes in order to make the film longer. The female lead ( there are only 4 people in the movie) did okay with what she had to work with, which wasn't much. Was it supposed to be cold in the movie or hot? The female lead goes from walking around in a blanket to flopping on a bed in sweatshirt and panties. In another scene she's again wrapped in a blanket while boybander in bare-chested. The monster effects seemed like something a high school film class came up with. This couple goes to their cabin to work through their problems. What problems? We never learn and ultimately don't care. The woman keeps getting text messages on her phone. An ex-lover? Roommate? Cellmate? We never know. Terrible. Tw stars. At least it was short.
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Why in the world did they make this movie?
ttwoes5 May 2020
Why in the world did they make this movie? In this day and age and with the ability for technical filming I can't believe this was actually a movie. First of all, the male actor's haircut drove me crazy through the whole movie. He kept pushing back getting out of his face and frankly looked silly on a man of his age. Secondly his female cast mate has piercings and tattoos that are so distracting i'm trying to figure them all out really got in the way of what she was saying. Or what it all means. Everything from the defecating sweet potato that's pulled out of the river this is the silliest movie I've ever seen. Please, please don't lose your time. I regret spending the time in front of the television watching those. Good God, what a mess!
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Just When You Thought They'd Run Out of Ideas, It Takes a Trip to Bizarro Land
papreppergal30 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, I only watched this because it was on one of the free movie channels during the Covid19 Pandemic.

I don't know why it's rated R. It appears it was made just for boys under the age of about 14. It reminds me of R. L. Stein material or "Are You Arfaid of the Dark?" stuff.

It lacks a real plot and takes a turn for the worse when the monster begins to form.

As far as the couple's relationship, be no wonder it's a mess. For example, the woman wakes up from a bad dream, wakes the guy up in bed next to her, he asks if she's alright and if she wants to talk about her nightmare. She tells him no and goes out on the porch. He follows her to the porch where they get into an argument with her telling him he's going to be sleeping on the couch from now on. Scenarios like this play out over & over throughout the movie.

Maybe it was written for kids BY KIDS cause it really was something awful. It did have a little bit of everything in it. Ghosts, an evil spirit smoke thing, some sort of creepy gooey life form that bites the man, human turning into a monster, blood, relationship problems, the go to "abandoned cabin in the woods", yadda yadda.
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Not even MST3K worthy
Jedi_Mky21 May 2020
Holy smokes! I just saw this on Showtime because I was curious. The previous reviews were right: terrible acting, terrible effects and horrendous ending.
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Indecent Exposure
tmccull524 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Take two fairly unlikable characters who have about as much chemistry as Olive Oyl and Bluto from the classic Max Fleischer "Popeye" cartoons, and isolate them in the woods. Now, add-in a touch of "Humanoids From the Deep", and you end up with this completely and wholly unappealing movie.

James and Mira, a young couple struggling to save their relationship, head off to a cabin in the woods that once belonged to James' grandparents. James ends up telling the story of what happened to his grandparents. Get ready for the foreshadowing. James' grandfather went missing, and when he came back, he was different. He ends up killing James' grandmother, and disappears forever.

James and Mira go fishing, and James catches something that looks like a manatees bowel movement. This thing starts oozing some sort of goop, and James does what any normal person would do when they find something that they don't recognize and is oozing slime. He touches it, and the manatees bowel movement bites him.

Of course, James refuses proper medical treatment, and the wound becomes infected and starts to spread. James' behavior becomes increasingly erratic, and he disappears one day, just like his grandfather did. And just like ol' Gran'pappy did, James comes back different. He is evolving into some kind of creature... that has a penis that comes out of it's mouth. Yep. You read that right; it's the old dick-in-the-mouth ploy.

Mira somehow spiritually sees a re-enactment of how James' grandfather killed his grandmother, and sees that the grandfather had evolved into some grotesque creature, just as James seems to be doing. James goes after Mira, and licks her face with his tongue-penis. He needs to breed.

Mira manages to escape, and James goes after her. She tries to appeal to him, as his grandmother did with his grandfather, unsuccessfully. But Mira is tougher than Granny was, and she kills James. The end. This movie goes from annoying to bad, to finally, absurd. Indecent Exposure is a crime. So is the fact that this farce was ever made.
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Fresh take.
shawnkykong5 October 2018
I really enjoyed this film. Mr. Snell has a feel for cinematography and imagery. What he does with the camera and the locations (considering the budget) reminded me of Raimi's work on the first Evil Dead. The FX are fantastic. The music is a great fit for the film. And Ms. Anello makes for an enchanting, scared but strong heroine. I hope that people watch this movie and are inspired to make something new and interesting themselves.
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Peeee eeeewwww
alaskatom5 December 2018
This movie sucks goat balls!! Nuff said!!! Don't bother watching it,except for the hot chick getting naked
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carlalibney5 October 2018
A friend of mine recommended this to me, because he knows I like bizarre low budget horror. I'm glad he did. The cabin in the woods thing has been done before, but the stakes are different in this. It is just two people trying to get right by each other and everything goes bad. It seemed like a metaphor for the things you can't control when you try to improve a situation. Nature has a way of letting you know who is in charge. Good acting. The guy's performance works most of the time just because it is so odd. Sometimes it is too odd and just silly though. The actress, Carmen Anello, is good all the way through. I hope she does more movies like this. She would make an excellent Scream Queen. I hope to see more from the director, Austin Snell, also. I tried to find his other movie, Erasure, which looks cool, but I can't find it anywhere. The monster makeup is really good and scary too and the music is badass.
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notalone-885095 October 2018
Great movie! Awesome direction. Beautiful girl and wonderful actress in the lead. I am a long time fan of Lynn Lowry so I loved seeing her. Cool monster.
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