
9 Reviews
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memorable scenes
8 July 2000
There are great movies that leave me thinking about them for weeks or even years (Ordinary People or Saving Private Ryan for example), and there are very enjoyable films that you forget the next day (Runaway Bride or EDTV). But sometimes there are imperfect films that have a enough great scenes to keep me thinking about them.

This film is exactly that. The Soundtrack is mesmerizing and worth purchasing. The images and the rich settings were a feast for the eyes. And then there are a handful (and maybe more than that) of scenes that are startling, breathtaking, and hard to shake. The first scene when Deniro comes up out of the water, the first "kiss" scene, the first visit to the delapidated estate. My heart was pounding when Estella seduced Finn back at his house, and the end of that scene was a crusher. The return of Deniro in NY also memorable. The scene in the rain with Uncle Joe and the subsequent "dance" at the restaurant rank equally high.

These are well developed and meaningful moments that are excellent enough to lure me into watching this imperfect film again. I love that soundtrack.
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like a dream
13 June 2000
A perfect film...

Provocative, edgy, classic performances, more quotes than I could keep track of, suspense, and very funny in a scary way.

The resignation letter that Lester submitted was about as funny a thing as I have ever heard.

The film left me with a very odd feeling - a liberated feeling - I didn't find it depressing or sad at all - rather uplifting. Very odd. I enjoyed Lester's transformation and the end was better that he didn't have a chance to slip back into his previous lifestyle or get arrested or put in a mental institution. Society deems Lester's actions as irrational and he would have surely been beaten down. This ending leaves Lester in a state euphoria - or at least it left me in a state of euphoria.

This was a powerful film.

My favorite scene of all was when Lester met Rickey for the first time on the roof. That was classic. It set the movie into motion like a rocket launcher. It seemed like the movie moved at lightening pace - yet the tone seemed patient and calculating. Another interesting illusion.

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Still on my mind
27 December 1999
I watched this film in 1991 and I still think about it frequently. It has become a standard to compare other films. The violence at the beginning made me uncomfortable, and I almost turned it off. I am glad that I didn't, because I would have missed one of the best films of the decade. The movie's pace and tone are perfectly natural - not artificial in any way. I like the scene in the diner best. The two LA cops are joking with each other about the backward local sheriff (Paxton), and they didn't know he was standing there. The awkwardness of the moment encapsulated the film.

I think One False Move, Fargo, and The Sweet Herafter are a great trilogy of movie making at its best. All set in small - real towns with real people.
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all 9's for me
26 September 1999
What a total surprise! This movie was fascinating. The hypnotic pace, the great locations, kooky characters, and enough suspense to keep my stomach churning throughout the film. Fraser portrayed a tremendously likeable character. Such confidence. This character is a great role model.
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Homegrown (1998)
shockingly memorable film
26 September 1999
This movie is a far cry from a Cheech and Chong movie. As a matter of fact, the drama involved is first class. I still can't get over the scene in the field when the crew faces the masked man! Frightening. Watch the movie, just don't expect to laugh.
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very likeable character
5 September 1999
Keeping in mind the type of film that it is (teenage/prom night light hearted genre) this is a very fun movie. Zach Siler (Freddie Prinze Jr.) is one of the most likeable characters I have seen in movies in the last few years. He is confident, vulnerable, and strong at the same time. The climax (when Lanie returns home from her date early) is perfectly written and sensitively acted. A surprisingly quiet ending that avoids the "showdown" or a "rescue". Kevin Pollak is quite interesting also. This is a predictable but enjoyable movie.
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teenager out of control
11 August 1998
The video jacket claimed that this movie was in the tradition of "The Graduate" and picks up where "Sex, Lies, and Videotape " leave off, and the IMDd voters gave this movie a 7.5 rating. It sounds pretty good (tacky title aside), but the movie lacks believability and sincerity. The problems that college student home for the summer encounters are worse than any Shakesperean tragedy, and even the teenagers with the worst lives can't identify. The film does give a tremendous sense of awkwardness, which mirrors the lives of teenagers well. This movie is depressing and gives no hint at hope.
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eccentric characters
6 August 1998
This movie is filled with bizarre characters living in a surreal city. Geoffrey Lewis carries poison and horseflies, a man walks an imaginary dog, Minerva casts voodoo spells, and even the prison inmates act like dogs. Alison Eastwood is mesmerizing, and Kevin Spacey is always fascinating. This made the film entertaining, but not memorable - much like a good television show. The plot doesn't much matter, you are watching the people. The big difference is most TV shows don't last two and half hours.
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Reunions are Murder
6 August 1998
John Cusack's wry performance blows away all other hitman personas of recent years. He portrays a strong sense of professionalism and exudes sensitivity throughout the movie. The odd combination really works. While Cusack is hilarious in a self-deprecating fashion, Joan Cusack provides the extra kick as the zany secretary to the hitman. This movie is action-packed adventure, a great romance, and a top notch comedy. Minnie Driver is Divine. One of the best of the 90's.
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