
2 Reviews
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Avoid this film as if it were your grandmother's clunge.
10 March 2000
The daytime TV of films. Seldom have I felt so little attachment to characters. Seldom have I been made to cringe by such dire dialogue. Nauseous London thirty-somethings mincing round lurid BBC sets spouting platitudinous mulch. Avoid this film as if it were your grandmother's clunge.
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Ronin (1998)
A series of car chases interspaced with witty but pointless dialog
12 December 1998
Despite a stunning cast and promising title this film fails to inspire. It's not a standard action fare but it would have done much better if it had tried to stick to that genere. The plot is weak and repetitive and despite De Nero's best efforts I didn't feel anything for any of the characters. The team could obviously put together a car chase well as that's how most of the action sequences end, but by the third most of the audience were more than bored. The script has some excellent lines in it but if more time had been spent on the overall story this film could have been a whole lot better. Go and get Chushingura, it's namesake, out on video instead.
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