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Harrison Bergeron (1995 TV Movie)
The future of PC
17 March 2005
If you want to know what the future of political correctness will be like? You MUST see this film. The first time I saw this on Showtime I was stunned for 10 min. While this is not the greatest film of all time you should see this film. This presents the logical implications to the entire PC movement. What is desired is not equality in the original sense of "everyone being treated equally", but the current demand for "equality of outcome". IF one takes a trip to Europe you see 20 years of advancement for the notion. They do not care what the ultimate cost to society is, just that you are not better than me. While I am not as good as Lance Armstrong in bicycle racing, I must be "made" to be "equal. Harrison Bergeron demonstrates what it costs the society to agree to this myth.
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Great Movie except for the last 30 min
17 December 2003
This is a great movie, except they could have cut out the last 20 to 30 min. and had a great move. After the final battle and the destruction of the ring it is over, Someone was actually crying in the showing I was at, for the final 20 min. Get over it people.
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Great Leftist Propaganda
26 November 2002
If Michael Moore were any more to the left he would live in Havana or Communist China. He is most amusing and very entertaining. He is so biased and so off the wall that one rally needs to see his work to understand how the `far left' thinks and operates in America. Everyone will agree that Children killing children is wrong, but what Comrade Moore never asks and will not admit is that the founding fathers were concerned that a strong Federal Government should not have absolute power over its people. The second amendment is there to project the citizens from the Federal Government. Guns are not the problem, people are the problem. He shows this with his trip to Canada. They have nearly as many guns per capita as the US but they have a different mindset and therefore have virtually no killings with guns. Instead of banning guns and (His preference) ammunition he could look for ways to change the mindset of the population here in the States.
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George Lucas please let someone else write the script.
24 May 2002
George Lucas needs to get over his ego and hire someone with talent to write the next script. The special effects are breath taking and the visual presentation is truly something to behold, but George, please! please ! Let someone with talent write the dialogues. This may be the single worst major `Hollywood big time production' for dialogue ever released. (Yes I am including all Kevin Costner epic's in this evaluation) This movie demonstrates the reality that surrounding oneself with a gaggle of `yes men' allows a person to make a public spectacle. With all of the money and talent around this project the best that you can come up with is Hayden Christensen as the young Anakin Skywalker? Are you on crack? This kid is as wooden as any wooden Indian in any antique store around the world. What were you thinking? How could the scenes with Nataline Portman AKA Senator Amidala be any worse? If you were trying to make the future MST 3000 ok, but is that what you were trying to accomplish? George please sticks to the technology and hire someone with talent for the live action parts.
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A Chick Flick to the Max
22 January 2001
This is actually a rather pleasant picture. Yes it is a major `Chick Flick', but it is well worth the time. I must say that Cloris Leachman as the matriarch of the clan is outstanding. She really shines and is a joy to watch. Mercedes Ruehl as the oldest of four daughters has her best part since Aunt Bella in Lost in Yonkers. She really looks great and has made the transition into playing the older woman part. Sean Young as the next oldest daughter is also outstanding. While she has gained a few pounds since her great days of `No Way Out' or `Fatal Instinct'. Still she is stunning on the screen and the camera seems to eats her up. There is a plot twist in the final 1/4th of the film that I found to be unexpected and it actually helps to tie up all the elements of this film. This is not a great film, but I found it to be quite enjoyable for what it is. As I went to this with low expectations I surprised to find a buried treasure. It is enjoyable and I recommend it to anyone if you are looking for a film with no car chases or gunfire. Take a hint, if you are looking for a "Fight Club"or you think you need an action film do not rent or go to this. Enjoy.
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The Postman (1997)
Make it a better movie, cut out one hour maybe one and a half.
25 December 2000
After seeing this movie, I have decided to never see another one that is directed by Kevin Costner. In fact if he is a major star it is questionable in my book. What a total waste of time, all of the self-indulgent shots of Kevin and his blank expressions. Unless he has a strong director it is a waste of time. (Something that also goes for Eddy Murphy.) This could have be a decent film if it was edited down by a minimum of one hour, although one and a half would have been better. Thank goodness that this was a financial disaster and another studio is unlikely to give him carte blanche
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A waste of 90 min
14 December 2000
I was so thankful when Snails (Marlon Wayans)was finally killed off that I finally started to enjoy this waste of time. Wayans was so annoying that I thought that Stephen Fletcher? was making a comeback. What a degrading and demeaning role for Marlon. I guess that when you are the lesser Wayans you will take any movie for the money. Thora Birch (From American Beauty) was a total mistake as the "Good Empress Savina". She was difficult to watch. At best this is a cable item if you are really without anything to do, like watch the paint dry or look for fruit flies.
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Now I know why Paul Crouch and TBN is so annoying
18 October 1999
This movie demonstrates to anyone who has an interest in Bible that Paul Crouch (Who produced and financed this opus.) is now and always will be a total nitwit. This film is evangelistic in presentation and obviously designed to spread the theology of the Trinity Broadcasting Network. The movie wants to take the viewer through the `Tribulation' of the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel. If you can stand the trite television programs that TBN broadcasts you know the script of this movie. We are to believe that the Bible is really and encryption code and a 3D hologram to boot. Well which text is the code in? We do not have the original and there is a fair amount of difference between the official `Massoretic text dating from the 10 Century C.E. (the Common Era) and the either the Qumran texts (the Dead Sea Text) or the Samaritan Pentateuch for example. Who decided which text to follow for the encryption work?

What really was annoying though is the movie conclusion, where all has been programmed by the code, and must be fulfilled with no exceptions, but one person making a decision to believe then negates all that the Bible has predicted for 1900 years. Casper Van Dien by his discision to kill Michel York (who has already been resurrected from the dead) somehow stops the Second Coming of Christ by his act of belief in God. If God went to all the trouble of encrypting the Bible, you would think He might have know about this little fact and changed the code. Overall the acting is wooden and Katherine Oxenburg (last know from Dynasty in the 80's) is as wooden as a puppet. Wait for the movie in a Church near you and save the price of admission.
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Superstar (1999)
It is from Loren Michaels of SNL, do you really expect a Good Movie?!!!!
10 October 1999
With the exception of Wayne' World there has never been a good SNL skit turned into a movie worth wasting 90 min in the dark with, so what else would you expect from this. It is better than "It's Par" or "Stuart saves his Family", but what does that say. Some day Loren Michaels will realize that he is a very old old man who's day has come and gone(apparently he has not realized this for a minimum of 10 years)and he needs to retire and let someone with talent run the show. SNL seems to think that we can hardly wait for some 5 min skit for TV to be made into a waste of 100 minutes. If there is nothing going on in the afternoon this would be worth the half price or wait until it is at the $1. theater near you. It is not worth a full ticket. Better yet, wait until it is on cable.
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Do not believe the hype, this of one disgusting film
28 September 1999
I do know what all the critic have seen. It obviously was not the movie that I saw. At the screening I was at, a minimum of 20 people walked out within the first hour and a half. I am not interested in seeing a 40+ pervert fixated upon his daughter's best friend. I have no use for children porn and this is truly a disturbing film. The only remotely normal people are the Homosexuals who live next door. The three main family groups are all living on another planet. The acting is good but the story is a monument to the total meltdown of our culture.
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Simon Sez (1999)
Avoid this movie at all Cost!!!!!!!!
28 September 1999
Not only is this an awful movie, it ranks on my bottom 10 of all time. I had very low expectations when I went in to this movie. (I had nothing else to see at the time I was there)This movie is so much worst than I thought possible. I would rather go and watch paint dry than see this again. The sidekick (Nick played by Dane Cook) is so bad that I think that Rob Schneider's part in "Knock Off" was an Oscar performance by comparison. There is not one person in this waste of 90 min of film that can act. Yet it is not bad in the spirit of Airplane. It is just BAD BAD BAD. There is no plot, story or acting. Enough said. You have been warned. Stay away at all costs.
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a pleasant surprise.
6 April 1999
I actually went to this movie with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. There is nothing in this movie that is believable, (The school, the groups within the school and the two sisters) but it still was enjoyable to watch. I did not think that the "good sister" Bianca - Larisa Oleynik was that cute and rather annoying and the "bad sister' Kat -Julia Stiles was way too cute to be a wall flower as it was portrayed. Still it was a fun movie to watch.
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