
4 Reviews
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The definitive post-apocalyptic fantasy
3 November 1998
Excellent movie adaptation of the award-winning novella, which wound up winning the same award (the Hugo) all over again. The dog itself is wonderful, and the story unfolds with great professionalism. The picture is also more than it seems at first glance; for instance, the first half of the film takes place almost entirely in outdoor silence, and the second half indoors, with continuous noise and talking. Watch the jaws in the room drop as people slowly realize what's going to happen in the end.
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Curl up yer face and dive on in!
4 October 1998
Once in a while you've got to see a movie where one Japanese guy just kicks the hell out of everyone in sight. Look no further. Terry Tsurugi is the meanest, fightin-est, sweatiest action anti-hero of all time. You beat a man, they call you tough. You beat an army, they call you... THE STREET FIGHTER!
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Miracle Mile (1988)
Miracle movie.
12 September 1998
I can tell you nothing about Miracle Mile. Except that it is a love story set against a tragic background, and that it is a beautiful piece of filmmaking showing the best work of several involved. This movie was destroyed by its own practical nature--which renders it unpromotable--but it exists somewhere. Find it.
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Once a Thief (1991)
Classic high adventure.
11 September 1998
In the world of high-class art thievery, grace counts. And these three certainly have it down pat. Chow Yun-Fat hams it up a bit this time, playing clown to the others' more serious relationship. Overall, great fun... but what the hell's that ending about?
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