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The Core (2003)
A Science Fiction Film You're Not Supposed To Take Seriously
22 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I took a chance and bought this movie on DVD and ended up watching it three times in one week. It's one of those fun Science Fiction films you're not supposed to take seriously, just sit back and enjoy. If you have a chance, take a look.


My favorite character is Conrad Zimsky, an egomaniac who thinks he knows everything about everything. He disagrees with anything anyone says or does, is prone to throwing "temper tantrums" complete with flailing arms and is speaking his every word into a small recorder for a big book deal. While helping our what's left of the crew set up the atomic bombs, he gets trapped and is jettisoned out with part of the ship into "The Core." As he awaits death, he records his last thoughts. Suddenly, he realizes no one is going to hear this recorded oration. He throws the recorder away, says, "What the *** am I doing?" and bursts into hysterical laughter. As the camera pulls back, we see the seconds click to 00 on the bomb. No character has ever died a more magnificent death.
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Get Smart (1965–1970)
Would You Believe . . . There Is None Better?
11 October 2002
I watched the debut of Get Smart on September 18, 1965. From that point on, I was hooked.

The acting is absolutely brilliant - Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, Ed Platt, Robert Karvalas, Dick Gautier, Bernie Kopell, King Moody. The actors brought their characters to life, and made them believable. After all, who in this world IS perfect?? And as for the writers and creators - Leonard Stern, Buck Henry, Mel Brooks . . . Marvelous.

Maxwell Smart not especially "smart", but he is far from dumb. He is shy, prone to drop things and have things go not exactly as they should. Week after week, Max always tried his best and keep plugging away. Max is one of the bravest spies to come along. He would jump in where angels fear to tread and come through victorious . . . even though his methods were a bit unorthodox. Helping Max was his partner, known only and forever, as Agent 99. While everyone else treated Max as though he was from another planet (or, as Carlson once asked the Chief, "Are you sure he's on our side?"), 99 saw through Max's bravado. She saw the man that wasn't always sure of himself, the man who knew he wasn't the suave, sophisticated person he pretended to be. She loved him - and she gave him the courage to go on by treating him like a normal person and applauding his achievements, even though many of them were really HERS. The Chief saw this in him too, and Max and 99 became "The best working team I?ve got." Max tried to ignore his growing feelings for 99 for a long time, knowing she could do much better. Finally, in a very moving scene, he finally admits his love for her.

Get Smart was one of those rare shows that was way ahead of it's time. Not just because of the gadgetry (of course, who can forget the Cone Of Silence? The portable Cone Of Silence? And, one of the worst inventions ever, the Closet Of Silence?). Get Smart also teaches us friendship . . . and love of country. As Harry Hoo would say, "Amazing . . ."
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11 February 2001
Nicholas was King George V's cousin and Alexandra was Queen Victoria's granddaughter, so the casting of British actors Michael Jayston and Janet Suzman was a stroke of genius (and they are hardly "unknown" actors, at least in Britain). You actually believe they ARE the couple. Michael Jayston is truly remarkable as Nicholas and even resembles him. The rest of the cast is superb, especially Tom Baker's portrayal as Rasputin . . . marvelous!

The movie sticks pretty much to the facts. Keep in mind, Nicholas was not a bad man, but he didn't want to be Czar. He would have preferred to be a potato farmer. You feel the fear growing as Nicholas and his family slowly withdraw into their own world because of Alexis' Hemophilia. Nichola's stand that "God meant for me to rule" causes him to rarely listen to the good advice of the people around him and not heed the warning that he not go to the front to "take charge." Add to this the rumor of Alexandra being a German spy, Rasputin's death by Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Dimitry, the loss of thousands of soldiers, the starving Russian people . . . and Nicholas leaves the door wide open for Lenin and his eventual return to power. After he abdicates, he and his family are shuttled around until they end up in Ekaterinburg and "The House of Special Purpose."

This is a great movie. See it if you have a long afternoon with nothing to do, you won't regret it.

BTW, the DVD version adds deleted scenes that sew up some loose ends.
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If You Like Old Beach Movies . . .
19 January 2001
I originally went to see this movie only because I'm a huge Don Adams fan. When the movie started I thought it was just awful. Then, I suddenly realized they were making FUN of their old beach movies . . . and themselves. From then on, I couldn't stop laughing. They played it for all it's worth and it came off great. It's not the best movie ever made, but if you like the old beach movies, give this one a try. You'll find yourself laughing at all the stupid jokes and silly situations. Three cheers for the Harbor Master (Don Adams)!
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The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Governments Go Nuts . . .
2 January 2001
Plain ol' people trying to go through their normal everyday lives, while their governments go nuts and decide to play "My Bomb's Bigger Than Your Bomb", with horrifying results.

Except for one scene (which is just plain awful . . . Denise Dahlberg and her sister Jolene: arguing loudly and running around through the bedrooms of their house because . . . Jolene has stolen Denise's IUD!), most of the scenes before the bombs drop are good and you get to know and care about the characters. Especially emotional are the scenes with the young family, who just happen to have missiles in their back yard (SCARY). Jason Robard as Dr. Russell Oakes is excellent (what a great actor, he will be missed). And when everyone sees the missiles winging their way to Russia ("They take thirty minutes to reach their targets." "So do theirs . . . right?"), it is truly frightening.

The scenes when the bombs go off are made more scary because some of them are real (U.S. atomic test footage). Use the slow motion on your VCR to watch these. Especially when the people and animals are vaporized. Excellent special effects.

This movie is wonderful . . . because it shows how truly horrible it is to destroy everything simply because you get into some silly, stupid argument with your neighbor. And it makes you realize how precious life really is.
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Ends Too Soon . . .
4 December 2000
When I first heard that Kirk Cameron was going to play Buck Williams, I was skeptical, but his performance is outstanding and he makes a very convincing Buck. And although it does leave out a lot of information about Nichole Carpathia, the movie sticks very close to the first book. It ends too soon, leaving you wanting to see more . . . especially when you have read all the books in the series. See this movie for yourself and make up your own mind. You will be pleasantly surprised.
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Fantasia 2000 (1999)
Watch It! Again and Again . . .
26 November 2000
Although not as good as "Fantasia" (imagine . . . every cell in the original was meticulously hand drawn!), this movie is fantastic. "The Firebird Suite" and "Pomp and Circumstance" are wonderful, but the crowning glory of this movie is "Rhapsody In Blue." Eric Goldburg and Susan McKinsey Goldburg use the style of Al Hirschfeld (he drew all those great TV Guide caricature covers) to create a magnificent story of four people and their dreams, making this piece a joy to watch. The rest of the movie is fine and you'll find yourself watching it over and over . . .
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Testament (1983)
The Enduring Power of The Human Spirit
3 June 2000
Jane Alexander is brilliant as a mother trying desperately to cope with the horrible realization that her husband is dead and everyone . . . EVERYONE, including herself and her children, are slowing dying. Don't watch this movie hoping to be entertained, it is the most depressing movie I have ever seen . . . but it is also one of the best, because it shows power of the human spirit. Every time I hear "All My Loving" by The Beatles, I think of this movie. See it.
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The Nude Bomb (1980)
OH . . PU!!
6 May 2000
As a long-time "Get Smart" fan, I was very disappointed. Max was NOT Max. He used language and acted so completely unlike the character in the TV series, it was shocking. What were the writers thinking . . . No 99? A crime!! The reason the original series worked so well was the relationship between Max and 99 and the chemistry between Don Adams and Barbara Feldon and the rest of the cast. There are several funny scenes, but mostly the movie is pretty awful. See "Get Smart, Again" (wonderful!) or (I hate to even say it) . . . the horrible Fox series. Both are better than this.
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Good Ol' Science Fiction Fun
1 April 2000
The special effects were excellent and Gary Sinise was great (as usual).

But . . . DUH! Thank goodness we don't actually have astronauts as stupid as the first team sent to Mars . . .

"Hey, cool! What's that "big thing" coming right at us? Let's just stand here instead of RUNNING AWAY!"
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I Triple Dog Dare You To See This Movie
7 November 1999
Everyone who has ever wanted that special gift for Christmas can feel for Ralphie and what he goes through. Although, things tend to go wrong for everyone:

"You'll shoot your eye out!"

"I can't put my arms down!" "Well . . . put your arms down when you get to school."

"The bell rang!!"

"Ohhhh. . .Fudge!"

"You used up all the glue ON PURPOSE!"

"Whoopeee!! It's a Zeppelin!"

"Fra Ra Ra Ra Ra . . . Ra Ra Ra Ra!!"

I "double dog dare you" to see this movie. Your Christmas will be merrier if you do!

ceewayne . . . I LOVE Alistair Sim's "Scrooge" too, but this movie is FUNNY!!
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An Eyeful!
12 June 1999
When I first saw this movie as a kid, it really scared me. But when I finally got it on tape and saw it uncut . . . those eyes were not nearly as scary as I remembered. Some highlights: In the beginning, on the train, watch Forrest Tucker's newspaper. The plot moves along pretty well, one of the best scenes takes place in a cabin, where an unsuspecting climber suddenly finds himself alone when his friend takes a midnight stroll. As he is talking to Forrest Tucker at the lodge he hears . . . a noise outside! Has his friend returned? Go ahead, stupid, open the door. AHHHH! What is it? The line goes dead. They find him later, but he's lost his head. When we finally we get to see these creatures, one is trying to steal a little girl's ball, along with the little girl. With everyone crowded in the halls of the observatory, our hero and his scientific side-kick decide to bomb their uninvited guests. "Bomb a cloud?" Neat bomb. It leaves the eyes dripping and in need of eye drops. It doesn't hurt the building, even though it was a direct hit on the roof. Oh, and there WAS that hole in the wall made by an eye trying to grab Janet Murno. See this movie. It's a real "eyeful."
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Titanic (1997)
Terrific "Titanic"
17 January 1999
This is one terrific movie. Corny love story, but the actors make it believable and it keeps you glued to the screen, even though you know how it's going to end. Fantastic special effects and soundtrack. See this movie for yourself and make your own decision. But . . . keep the tissues handy!
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The BEST. . .
26 November 1998
This version of "A Christmas Carol" is the BEST! Alastair Sim's performance as Scrooge is a masterpiece! The rest of the cast shines as bright as the sparkle in Scrooge's eyes on Christmas morning. The vision of Scrooge, laughing hysterically after giving Bob his raise, makes you laugh and warms your heart. To make your Christmas complete . . . SEE THIS MOVIE!!
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Get Smart, Again! (1989 TV Movie)
Max and 99, Together Again!
4 November 1998
This is by far the better of the two movies inspired by the TV series "Get Smart." Max and 99 are together again, fighting Kaos. Although this time without the help of their faithful boss and friend, the Chief (Ed Platt died in 1974 and the movie is dedicated to him). The Smarts have moved from their apartment to a home in the D.C. suburbs and the twins are in college. When Max is recalled to spy duty to stop Kaos's "weather machine", he is allowed to get his old team back together, but is not allowed to tell 99 (because married spies with dependant children cannot go on missions together). Because of his love and respect for her, Max refuses to lie to 99 and covers up. Of course, this causes him his usual problems, topped by an attempt on his life at home. He is saved, of course, by his loving and faithful 99. He then tells her everything and they are off to save the world again. Don Adams and Barbara Feldon fall back into their roles as if twenty years had never passed. Bernie Kopell and King Moody are also great as Seigfried and Starker. If you are a "Get Smart" fan, this movie is a must see.
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Get Smart (1965–1970)
The BEST Television Show . . . Ever!
13 October 1998
Get Smart is the most overlooked television shows in history. The show won seven Emmy Awards, three for Don Adams, yet was ignored at the Emmy's 50th telecast. The show is as fresh and funny as it was when it first aired in 1965. Here you have Maxwell Smart, a spy for Control and his partner (and later wife), Agent 99, fighting the evil forces of Kaos. Sent on their missions by the Chief, Max usually managed to make a mess of things, not because he was dumb, but because he was always trying too hard to do it right. 99 would feed Max ideas and make them seem like they were his (and.. .loving it. And him). The show was full of sight gags and poked fun at almost everyone, including President Johnson, who was called on a "steerhorn" phone. Terrific acting and a great chemistry between the stars made this sitcom believeable and proved it was . . . would you believe. . . the best television show ever.
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