
21 Reviews
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Playing To The Choir
3 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The only real issue I have with the film is that Zucker didn't go far enough with some of the humor. But other than that, it was a great film.

I'm hoping that this film will get more play and make money this weekend, only so that more conservative, pro-America entertainment will be made in Hollywood.

We all know the plot -- a Michael Moore-type director wants to abolish the 4th of July, and three spirits show him the error of his ways. But the movie has the laughs needed to sustain the less than 90 minute length.

One of the more touching moments in the film is that of the Ghost of George Washington (Jon Voight), where he brings the Moore clone (Kevin Farley) to Ground Zero after it's been bombed by the terrorists. It's enough to get anyone teary-eyed, and if you know the history behind Zucker's conversion to conservatism, you know that it took place shortly after 9/11.

Overall, a good movie, and highly recommended.
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Great story ruined by length
17 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"The Good Earth" has some great acting in it, but the biggest problem with this film is that it seems to go on forever. and should have stopped an hour earlier.

Paul Muni, the great chameleon actor of the 1930s, plays our hero Wang Lung in this film, a Chinese immigrant farmer who marries a former slave girl and would eventually have three children by her. His wife, played by Luise Rainier, gives a very touching performance as this former slave girl who learns to be a stronger person despite her beginnings and becomes a great asset for her husband.

Where this film should have stopped was after O-lan found the jewels and they went on to start a new life. That felt like a natural ending for me. Instead they go on to a story about how Wang Lung's sudden success ruins him, and he eventually goes back to his roots. This wasn't really necessary, and it makes Wang Lung seem like a bad guy after all.

Overall, the movie was just too, too, too long. Which is a shame because the performances were great.
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Porn 'n Chicken (2002 TV Movie)
Not bad for a TV movie
15 October 2002
I think the Comedy Central scissors might have played a part in why this film wasn't edgier than I would have thought, but it was pretty much a TV movie version of the teen comedy. Not that it was completely bad -- I read versions of the true story online and watching it I can see why they would have changed things around in order to make the story more interesting. When it comes out on video and DVD (which I'm sure it will eventually) I'm sure they'll play with the editing to show the version of the movie that they originally created.
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My lord....
27 May 2002
Talk about your bad, bad B-movies! My boyfriend rented this one for us to watch, and I spent most of the movie either making fun of it (When Tweed says the line "I'm not even Zoe Clairmont", I replied with, "No, you're Shannon Tweed!") or pointing out the huge plotholes. I didn't even think the sex scenes were that erotic. They were just....there. Overall, a really, REALLY bad movie.
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Silly Fun
27 January 2002
This movie takes the idea of "What's Up Tiger Lily?" and brings it farther by putting actor/writer/comedian Steve Oedekerk into the movie. It sounds like an idea that someone just thought it would be amusing among a bunch of friends, but the achievement of not knowing who in the movie is an original actor (unless you saw the original movie that they took the scenes from) and who is from that movie brings you to playing a "guessing game" until you watch the credits where they show you how they did it.

Joke-wise, it's hit and miss. But I do recommend it because there are parts that are just hysterical, and for the technological achievement of the movie.
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4 September 2001
As well made as the movie is from a filmmaking standpoint, I was just very uncomfortable watching this movie. Even though the scenes themselves weren't as explicit as most people would claim (the most explicit is the scene involving the stripper and the lollipop -- if you saw it, you'll know what I mean), just the whole movie, for me, was tough to watch. I would have walked out, except I was doing an assignment for a college class for my journal, and this was one of the movies he suggested we see for this assignment. I forgot to take a notebook with me to the movie to take notes, but I will say that I won't be sitting through this one again just for a class.
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Incredibly Funny
26 August 2001
This movie, by far, is definitely the funniest out of all of Smith's movies. I am a huge Kevin Smith fan, and despite what someone else said about this not being "intelligent", I think this movie is quite intelligent, especially with a lot of the in-jokes (how many people actually got the "Phantoms" reference to Ben Affleck as a joke related to the DVD commentary for one of the movies?), Hollywood humor and sharp dialogue related to the "real purpose" of the internet? :-)

As an amateur screenwriter myself, Kevin Smith is my idol. He has a way of making dialogue crackle and pop. And he didn't fail with this last installment in the series.
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Booga, Booga, Booga....
28 May 2001
For Troma, this movie is tame. There really isn't any sex in the movie, the main star doesn't have breasts the size of casaba melons (in fact, they used stunt breasts in the scene towards the end because she didn't want to advertise her "shortcomings"), and the violence is minimal at best. The title of the movie is false advertising, at worst -- the lead character isn't much of a barbarian, she isn't much of a nymphoid, and the "Dinosaurs" aren't really so much dinosaurs as much as they are warped creatures. If you have to rent this movie for a bad movie night, rent it on DVD just so you can hear the director slamming his own movie.
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Razzie Nominee, and Well Deserved
13 February 2001
I finally got a chance to rent this movie recently and actually see for myself how awful this movie was. Oh, sure, I heard the stories. But as usual I have to see for myself if the stuff is true or not.

Where should we begin? Let's start with the credits -- which show how cheap this production was. They couldn't even make cool looking credits like in "Toy Story 2". The acting was atrocious -- Barry Pepper, who was probably encouraged by an agent who was a Scientologist to do this movie, was awful, and John Travolta just plain overacted. They story is stupid, and if you knew the mere basics of Scientology would see that it is a superficial retelling of their OT III levels. The effects -- not even B-movie level effects. Cinematography -- what's with all the damn angle shots??? And that damn infernal wipe -- it was almost like Christian didn't know that other techniques existed.

There are just so many things wrong with this movie....and they plan on making a sequel. Oh, goody. </sarcasm>
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Alien Lite!
5 August 2000
If you read the description, you would see that the movie is meant to be a "comedy", not serious horror. I thought the movie was cute, and one of the few movies from Troma you could watch with the family if you were so inclined. Makes fun of a lot of monster movie cliches, including the "jumping cat" device and the "Psycho" shower scene. Overall, better quality than most Troma movies.
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One of a very few
23 July 2000
The only reason this movie was released straight to video was because the first movie didn't do well in the theaters, but did great business on video, so they decided to bypass that this time around. (I got the information from an old Fangoria article when the movie was still in production) With that in mind, I was expecting a movie that wouldn't be as good as the first movie. I was wrong, wrong, wrong.

This movie, for me, was a LOT of fun to watch. From the new Graboids to the one liners to the action, I was enjoying this movie throughout. It's still what you would consider worthy of renting on a rainy night. Overall, very funny.
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Popeye (1980)
"Car Crash Movies"
25 June 2000
This is one of those movies where you see it on TV, you just have to stop and watch it like a car wreck. One of my favorites from when I was a kid -- I still can't look at Shelly Duvall and not think of Olive Oyl when I see her in something else. Songs may not be the greatest, but they fit the tone of the movie. I recommend it. :-)
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Animal Farm (1999 TV Movie)
Excellent Adaptation
5 October 1999
I haven't read George Orwell's book, so I basically had to go online and read the Cliff Notes version before seeing the movie so that I could get all the symbolism behind the story. The move itself was extremely well made. It was hard to tell which animals were animatronics and which were the real thing with animated mouths. The things that were added were a great touch to the overall story, such as the pigs controlling the other animals with television and propaganda. It's a story that needs to be reiterated again and again to show how power can corrupt anyone. The reviewer who has his comments featured on the main page for this movie apparantly didn't get the point of the story. It's not a matter of whether pigs are smarter than any other animal. It's a story to show how absolute power corrupts absolutely. And it's one that is timeless.
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UHF (1989)
Silly Fun
26 July 1999
If you're a diehard Weird Al fan, you shouldn't take this movie seriously. So there isn't much of a plot. Who cares? It's Weird Al! What, you want "Gone With The Wind"?

First time I rented this movie, my brother and I played it over and over again. Then my brother bought it, and whenever we get the chance to put some silliness into our lives, we play this movie. One of my favorite scenes is with the blind guy trying to figure out the Rubix Cube, and the homeless guy helping him out. First time my father saw that he couldn't stop laughing!

Take my advice -- if you want to have some fun, rent this movie. You won't regret it.
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Cute Movie....
2 April 1999
....but definitely belongs on Comedy Central's "Mastercheese Theater", which is where I always seem to catch this movie every time it's on. :-)

I think the movie is cute, although I don't know if it deserves the star rating it had when I looked up this movie. Bob is funny, I will give him credit for. I think Cory Parker was trying a little too hard to be Woody Allen with a lot of his lines in this film. It could have been better, but it is a good time killer.
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Better Than a Slasher Movie Should Be
1 April 1999
People said it wasn't believable....well, maybe not, but it had a great Agatha Christie feel to it, sort of like the film "Ten Little Indians". The movie centers on a group of college kids who go to visit an island that their friend Muffy owns. Unfortunately, the tricks start to take on a more frightening tone, and only the hostess knows what's going on....or does she?

This movie will have you guessing from beginning to end, and is not like other horror movies that were around during this time like "Friday the 13th" and "Nightmare On Elm Street". I highly recommend it.
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Carrie (1976)
Classic Horror Movie
8 March 1999
I've read a lot of comments on here from people saying that the movie is "overrated". I've seen "Carrie" quite a few times, and I don't find it overrated. Dated, yes, but not overrated. I saw this again recently on Monstervision, and it caught me how good this movie really was for its time. Believe it or not, Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie were nominated for Oscars for their roles as Carrie and Margaret White, and the rest of the cast went on to successful careers afterwards. I agree the book and the movie are different in certain aspects (like the scene where Sue asks Tommy to take Carrie to the prom, for example). But overall it's a really great film.
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Oh No...What did they do to the Muppets???
17 January 1999
There is something about Peter Jackson's movie "Meet The Feebles" that disturbs me...maybe it was because it was the first time I ever saw a movie that was originally classified as X in this country (what would be an NC-17 rating today) when it was released, now on video with no rating attached whatsoever. Whatever the reason, I have only one thing to say about it: Sick, sick, sick! Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate this movie, although I'm not sure I liked this movie, either. A rabbit with VD? An elephant in a paternity suit with a chicken? A walrus having sex with a siamese cat who deals drugs on the side? A Vietnam Vet frog with a heroin problem? Who in the world thinks up this stuff? Oh, now I remember -- Peter Jackson! All I can say about it is, it's different. I had mixed reactions to watching it, and I like Peter Jackson movies. At times I was just thoroughly disgusted, and others I was laughing my butt off (especially after seeing the half chicken-half elephant creature). But I think you have to be in a bizarre enough mood to see this movie.
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Bride of Chucky Surprisingly Cool
29 October 1998
I went into the movie expecting camp. And what I got was camp, but also a movie that had a lot of funny performances in it, too. Jennifer Tilly is probably the only person that could do the role of Tiffany justice, and you can tell she was having a ball doing this movie. Making self-references to other Child's Play movies as well as other horror movies in general (after John Ritter gets it in the face with a booby-trap of nails making him look like Pinhead, Chucky stands over him and says, "Now why does that look so familiar?")

If you go into the movie expecting a serious horror movie, forget it -- you'll be disappointed. If you go in looking for something that resembles a horror/comedy that is also pure camp, then you'll love this newest installment of the Child's Play series.
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Popeye (1980)
One of the most underrated movies today
29 October 1998
People talk about how this movie was a total mess....well, I disagree with that because every time this movie is on TV I just have to sit down and watch it. It's one of my favorite movies from when I was a kid, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Sure, the songs are not exactly noteworthy, the singing isn't the greatest (It's Sweet Haven, I'm not exactly expecting Phantom of the Opera), and a couple of performances were a little off (I can never think of Shelly Duval as anything else but Olive Oyl now). But it's Popeye! Are you expecting high drama?

I still love this movie, even today. I recommend it.
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Jack Frost (1997 Video)
I Have A Hard Time Believing This Movie Was Meant To Be Taken Seriously
24 October 1998
This is one of those movies that I watch where, despite what other people will say about it, I actually grew to like because of the fact that it was SOOOOOOOO bad.....I mean, come on. I'm watching the movie and laughing because of some of the lines that prove that the director, the cast, and everyone else involved with this picture didn't take it seriously. How seriously can you take a movie where the killer is a snowman?!? If you like B movies, rent this and have a good laugh.
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